Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 260 The death of reality and the retrospect of the flowing moon

Is there a shadow of the sacred tree in reality?

Luo Xi was a little confused by Jiujian's words.

Isn’t the sacred tree a ‘specialty’ of the dream world?

Then he received a photo of a night view.

The photo is a night view taken from the sky by a drone. There is an inverted bowl-shaped translucent gray-black thin screen between the long mountains. You can see the shadow of a huge tree inside.

Although it was not very clear, Luo Xi immediately judged that the tree shadow was probably something similar even if it was not a sacred tree.

But why does it appear in reality?

[Note: This world has begun to be gradually penetrated by her. Traveler, do you still want to run away now? ~]

Her penetration?

Luo Xi thought of the strange sea in the dream world.

Will reality gradually follow the footsteps of the dream world?

This world does not have the blessing of the eternal divine tree. If those weird things really appear...

The human consequences can be imagined.

Luo Xi didn't think that real thermal weapons could fight against those things, and it was impossible for Mugudan to clean the ground.

Taking a step back, even if the mushroom eggs are useful, do humans still want to survive?

Luo Xi looked at the time on her phone, which now showed 00:03.

Why did the other party choose the zero hour?

It perfectly blocked the possibility of him replying. No wonder Gou Wenwen said he couldn't save him and left.

Was Liuyue's ability to recall new events discovered?

In fact, Luo Xiting wanted to know that Liuyue's recollection caused the timelines of reality and the dream world to go back together, but the dog text was obviously not affected, so would the thing that intended to erode the dream world and reality notice it? Countercurrent timeline?

[Note: Although it cannot be affected, after the two worlds merge, it is a black box to a certain extent. She will not be aware of the internal situation for the time being, unless her will comes in person]

Luo Xi's heart sank.

Wouldn't beings like gods lose their memory due to flashbacks?

This is bad news.

But it was within expectation.

Forget it, there is always a solution. The dog text shouldn't let him use the current equipment to face the unknown god, right?

Luo Xi turned back to Ai Xue and said, Ai Xue, please help take care of Aina. I'll go out for a while.

Ai Xue was startled: Let me take care of this child?

She glanced at the two sharp canine teeth of the wolf-eared loli.

You'll get bitten!

Aina asked worriedly: Brother Luo Xi, where are you going?

She was afraid that her brother in this world would also be in a situation where he would never come back.

Don't worry, I'll be back soon.

Luo Xi touched Aina's wolf ears twice, scratched her tail a few times, and after adding some happiness points, she jumped directly from the balcony of the villa with satisfaction.

After Luo Xi left, only the two little lolita, Ai Xue and Aina, were left looking at each other.

Although the time they got together was short, their relationship was not going well. Luo Xi was the mediator between the two. Now that he has left, the atmosphere between the two suddenly became heavy.

Ai Xue took out her phone and looked at it.

Unfortunately, with her authority, she could not see the important information obtained immediately, and the international hunter section was actually locked.

It seems that the problem this time is very serious.

Ai Xue's brows were covered with worry.

The senior's current strength is indeed very powerful, but manpower is always limited, and reality is not like the dream world that can be resurrected. If something happens to the senior...

No, she wants to help!

Ai Xue jumped up from the bed.

However, her waist was suddenly hugged by Aina beside her, and her center of gravity was unstable. The two of them rolled to the floor together with a snap.

what you do?

What do you want to do?

The two questioned each other.

Ai Xue wanted to push Aina's hand away, but remembering that she was so powerful now, in order to prevent hurting the wolf girl, she could only let her hold her.

Brother asked you to look at Aina, where do you want to go!

I'm going to help senior!

No! The last time Aina came over, didn't you tell Aina not to go when she was in danger?!

The little wolf girl's tea-gold eyes stared at Ai Xue and said: You said we would cause trouble to my brother in the past, why do you want to run away alone this time? Aina will not let you go and cause trouble to your brother. !”

Ai Xue: ...

It seemed like she did say something like this last time.

But you, this wolf-eared loli, is heartbroken!

Now she is stronger than before and will not cause trouble to the seniors!

However, under Aina's interruption, she finally realized that she didn't even know where she was going, so what was the use of being so anxious?

I understand, please let me go.



After Aina let go of her hand, Ai Xue stood up and sat down on the bed with a look of dejection on her face.

Aina got up from the floor and sat next to Ai Xue.

She was also worried about brother Luo Xi.

But ever since she saw the terrifying power of the dragon-horned girl, she already knew that sometimes not having enough strength would really only cause trouble for others.

She just needs to wait at home for brother Luo Xi to come back.

When that time comes, she will give her tail and let her brother hold her to sleep, hehehe~

Ai Xue suddenly said: Didn't your sister tell you about our agreement?


Aina raised her eyebrows and asked, What agreement?

As expected, I didn't say anything.

Ai Xue sighed softly and said: I really don't know what you two sisters like about your senior. We have only known each other for a short time, but if I were the senior, I would probably be about the same. Sisterhood plus the attributes of animal-eared lolita. , normal men simply can’t stand it.”

Aina: ?

Is this woman envious of her and her sister?

is it necessary?

Obviously you and brother Luo Xi are in the same world and can meet each other anytime. Most of the time, what they see are empty shells controlled by remote control.

Ai Xue told Aina about the agreement between her and Weier.

After hearing this, Aina shook her head and said: Even without any agreement, Aina will take good care of brother Luo Xi, but the brothers in that world are often just wooden shells, but here you can be with Luo Xi every day. Brother Xi, it’s so unfair that you treat me like you!”


Ai Xue snorted and said: I think it's unfair. Why have I been chasing the senior for several years and nothing happened, but you two sisters, who have known the senior for such a short time, can be so obsessed with him? .”

Aina said without thinking: Because Aina and my sister both have tails and ears!

Ai Xue: ...

She did lose on this point.

She glanced behind herself.

I don’t know if there is any way to put a tail on it.

There are a lot of beast girl tails with pendants on the Internet, but they are all too fake.

Should she also find a way to be infected with the alienation factor?

But in that city, not to mention the source beast's alienation factor, there wasn't even a single living person...


Luo Xi got into the back seat of an off-road vehicle outside the villa gate.

Next to him was Jiujian, the driver was a middle-aged man in white, and the co-pilot was Feng Xingming, the researcher he had met last time at the back mountain of the park.

Feng Xingming took the initiative to give Luo Xi a kind smile.

I am Jiao Gan, the director of the Dreamland Travel Bureau here in Haicheng.

The middle-aged man started the engine, turned around and smiled at Luo Xi: You didn't come to the reception banquet I organized for you. I'm very busy with work every day during this period, so I can't receive you in person. I'm sorry.

Speaking of which, Consultant Luo, you are really young and promising. If you didn't have your heart set on something, I would have introduced Jiujian's granddaughter to you.

Jiujian almost pulled out his beard when he heard this.

God introduced my granddaughter. I already told her that she was a little chubby.

Luo Xi shook his head and said, It's okay. I'm just a homebody. You have a lot of things to do, so there's no need to come to see me. What's going on this time?

You guys sit tight first.

Jiao Gan stepped on the accelerator, his tone changed after the car started, and he said in a deep voice: I have told you about the Nine Swords in general. There are more than two thousand new players in the second park, and Xia Xupeng manages it there. But after that thing that looked like a sacred tree appeared, Xia Xupeng and everyone in the park lost contact.

We suspect they are likely to have... all died.

Luo Xi's eyes changed slightly.

More than two thousand people.

With so many players gathered together, were they made a dumpling by the other party?

That unknown god is really vicious.

Feng Xingming said seriously: And judging from the information coming from all over the world, those strange 'sacred trees' that appear are all in places where Dream Travelers gather intensively. I suggest that the Traveler Park in Xia Kingdom be temporarily disbanded and let Everyone went home.

Even if there is a risk of being hunted by player hunters after disbanding, it is very likely to happen again! Once it happens, the whole army will be annihilated, and the consequences will be disastrous!

What you said has been taken into consideration.

Jiao Gan said in a helpless tone: Starting from tomorrow, all people in the Traveler Park will be sent home individually, and we will arrange patrols and rescue functions to respond to the appearance of player hunters as soon as possible.

Feng Xingming said: Our Source Resonance Diffusion Instrument has been seizing the time to downsize and mass-produce it. We have also found a way to replace the Source Marrow purification. After they are deployed in various parts of the Xia Kingdom, ordinary people can use special firearms to attack three It has a strong killing effect on players below level 1.

Well, it's up to you.

“That’s all we researchers can do.”

Soon, the carriage fell into silence.

No one spoke, and the atmosphere was a bit depressing.

Luo Xi suddenly raised his head.

When the car drove out of the mountainous area, although it was not very obvious in the night, the shape of the gray-black thin curtain could still be seen in a distant place.

It's so conspicuous.

So, in addition to players, will ordinary people also be able to see it?

Jiao Gan sighed and said, Now it seems that I can no longer hide it.

About ten minutes later, the off-road vehicle that was racing all the way arrived near the second park.

As soon as Luo Xi got out of the car, he felt an extremely cold temperature tearing at his body.

More than a dozen members of the tourism bureau were stationed here. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net came over to say hello to Jiao Gan.

Luo Xi saw a layer of gray-black light shrouding the valley in front of him. Judging from the shadow, the sacred tree inside was at least three hundred meters high, which was shorter than the winter sacred tree. If the power provided was also at the same level. , which means that at least a fifth-level transcendent can confront the controller within it.

Feng Xingming frowned and said, This thing is no longer something we can handle.

I'll go in and take a look first, you guys wait here.

Jiao Gan threw his coat on the car and said: If I don't come back, you will leave immediately and organize the people to evacuate. This thing must be cleaned up. If it doesn't work, the superiors may allow us to use clearing ammunition.

Luo Xi rubbed his face.

His eye boy turned into a red gold vertical boy.

As a result, gray-black light penetrated through his eyes, and he saw the true appearance of the sacred tree inside.

The branches of the sacred tree are straight tentacles, the trunk is a sticky unknown object, and there is a terrifying human face.

Luo Xi has seen this face before.

He was the guy who came last time to exchange for the gun trophy with them.

The human face seemed to notice something, looked towards Luo Xi, opened its mouth, and made an inaudible sound.

【Ding! You were hit by the fifth-level spell: [Death Lament]]

In an instant, the cold breath of death enveloped Luo Xi's body.

【Ding! You are dead]

[Whether to use talent: Flowing Moon·Zero Point]




I also wrote a 4,000-word chapter tonight.

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