Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 259: The Feeding of Two Lolita, the Tree of Truth and Darkness

Eleven fifty in the morning.

The Second Traveler Park in Haicheng is about 18 kilometers away from the main Haicheng Traveler Park.

After the version of Dawn was updated a few days ago, Xia Kingdom gained about 180,000 new players at once. Some of them have already joined Xia Kingdom's files. Among them, those with good potential and relatively close distance came to Haicheng City. Get protection here.

Dreamland Travel Bureau has set up hundreds of park bases of various sizes across the country in advance, just to meet the massive increase in the number of players after this open beta.

Even though it was already very late, there were still about two thousand people gathered inside the brightly lit Second Park, all sitting on the grassland of the park watching the big screen together, giving it a feeling of military training for college students.

What is playing on the screen is an information video related to the player hunter.

Some people shuddered when they saw it, and some were so frightened that they closed their eyes and sucked in the air conditioning, screaming.

What is recorded in the information are all the bad things done by those hunter groups. They used the abilities and talents they obtained from Dawn to cause many bloody and horrific incidents.

There are many warm families here in Xia Kingdom who have been destroyed because of them.

The Travel Bureau is here to warn these new players that they must be careful, and also to increase their self-awareness.

Although this group has not been as rampant as before recently, there are still players and ordinary people dying because of them. They are desperadoes, so they have no scruples when doing this kind of thing, and they usually do it as soon as they take action. Cause a lot of damage.

In the international market, due to the increase in second-test players, the price of talent crystals has dropped a lot, but demand still exceeds supply.

Therefore, so many new players in Xia Kingdom have naturally become their targets.

There are also some people who want to take advantage of the recent chaos and focus on something that Xia Guo is researching.

For example, the previous attack on the main campus research institute.

If it weren't for Luo Xi, and with the inside and outside cooperation of the inner ghost, they would have succeeded, or the best result would be to die together, all the data and equipment would be destroyed, and the hard work of the past few months would be completely in vain.

After the material was played, someone asked uneasily: Will we be safe here?

Safety? There is no absolutely safe place in this world in front of unknown supernatural beings.

A blond man under the screen held a microphone and said in a deep voice to everyone: Even our main campus base in Haicheng suffered an external attack not long ago and almost fell.

What we can provide you is a relatively safe place and inform you of the knowledge related to Dawn so that you can gain the power to protect yourself as quickly as possible.

The people below immediately started a noisy discussion after hearing this.

Can't guarantee safety?

So what are we here for?

Are you keeping us awake so late just to scare ourselves by watching videos of these murderers?

There are so many people in Xia Kingdom. As long as I can be careful and not reveal my identity as a traveler, isn't it safer than being in this place where players gather together?

Maybe there is someone here who wants to destroy them in a group. How about a talent of two thousand consecutive draws?

The blond man who spoke on stage went backstage after finishing his speech.

Xia Xupeng looked at the speech and pulled his hair out irritably.

This time, because of his dereliction of duty, the park suffered huge losses, so he was assigned here as the director of the park to manage these new players.

All kinds of problems that came up in the past two days made his hair fall out.

He didn't think he should waste time in a place like this.

Although he only spends a few hours every day dealing with affairs, what does the matter of these new players have to do with him, and who knows if there is a mole inside?

A female secretary in a white uniform handed over a document: Director Xia, this is the person we have screened out who may have problems this time.

Xia Xupeng glanced at the document and wrote casually: After the show is over, send someone to the dormitory to arrest these people alone.


The secretary nodded slightly and stepped back with the document.

Xia Xupeng picked up a bottle of mineral water, opened it and took a sip. He leaned on the railing and looked at the dense crowd of people on the other side of the pasture.

With so many players, there must be one or two talents that they cherish very much, right?

He looked at his talent column. So far, he only had six blue talents and not a single purple one.

The dream bag was also empty, with almost no good items except for a long knife rated dark blue [Rare++].

This is an item that he spent all his financial resources to exchange with others in the 'Dream Trading Platform'.

After that, he was completely bankrupt.

So Xia Xupeng was very envious of the girl who took away the [Fate-Sealing Golden Gun].

And the ‘Black Death’ Luo Xi.

Why can they get such cherished talents, weapons, and equipment so easily?

Comparing one person to another is really infuriating.

Xia Xupeng looked at the people in the pasture with faint eyes.

He suddenly understood what those player hunters were thinking.

Unfortunately, he only dared to think about it.

As the director of the park, he is subject to stricter supervision than others and cannot do things that harm citizens.

At this time, at the edge of the grassland.

An ordinary-looking young man lowered his head and held a button tightly in his hand. He stared at the people around him who were about to leave, his expression changing uncertainly.

Finally, when the first person was about to leave, he pressed the button.


The night wind continued to blow on his face.

The young man's eyes were stunned.

The venue did not turn out as he expected.

What about the explosion?

Didn’t that person tell himself that by pressing this button when the most people gathered, he would be able to get everything he wanted?

A gentle voice sounded in his mind.

You did very well.

The Lord will protect your soul until this world becomes the Lord's back garden. She will give you a new life in the garden and become her messenger.

The young man knelt on the ground and said enthusiastically: I will definitely wait for that day to come!

What are you doing?!

There's a situation!

A group of patrolling soldiers noticed something was wrong with the young man and came over to ask, only to find that his body was constantly disintegrating.

The young man turned his head and showed a strange smile to these soldiers.

“Are you also going to run into the arms of the Lord?”

boom! —

In an instant, the young man's body was completely shattered into points of light.

At the same time, some indescribable force gathered at the place where the young man disappeared, and a dark human shape with red eyes slowly climbed up from the ground.

Around the grassland, a pitch-black barrier that looked like a divine tree suddenly appeared, framing everyone within it.

When the black sky rose, Xia Xupeng realized something was wrong immediately.

He immediately wanted to call for reinforcements.

However, when he took out his mobile phone, he found that there was no signal at all.

Also, three strange text boxes appeared on the screen.

【Do you want to truly live? 】

【Do you want to pursue the great truth? 】

【Do you want to be your true self? 】

The three questions are arranged one by one.

who is it?!

Xia Xupeng looked around nervously.

Someone must have tampered with his phone.

Is it the secretary or another subordinate?

These people are too rampant!

Suddenly, he felt like someone was staring at him.

Xia Xupeng looked up, and he saw a dark-skinned human figure with blood-red eyes standing not far away looking at him, and then another text appeared on the text on his phone.

[Have you not thought about killing all these people and turning everything they have into your power? Now, I give you this opportunity]

After Xia Xupeng saw this text, a lot of sweat suddenly broke out from his back, and his mind went completely blank for a moment.

What kind of monster is this?

Why do you know his thoughts?

Obviously he never behaves externally.

He was very panicked, but his hand was under the three questions on the screen and he clicked uncontrollably.

【yes! 】

【yes! 】

【yes! 】

After the selection was completed, the dark human figure disappeared, and Xia Xupeng's eyes were stained with a trace of blood red.

He suddenly felt that he had thought it through very clearly.

Why is he confused?

Who doesn't want to truly live?

Why should I care about them?

All I have to do is live for myself.

On this road, family affection, love, friendship, and even everything can become things that are abandoned.

All he wants to pursue is the truth!

【You have understood the mystery of truth】

An extremely powerful force came from the void and poured into Xia Xupeng's body.

Countless cracks appeared in his body, and gradually grew taller and sprouted a large number of branches. Like a sacred tree, it took root and grew on the ground, ten meters, twenty meters, and then the roots absorbed the terrified newcomers nearby. Players, finally up to hundreds of meters!

Xia Xupeng's face appeared on the torso of the 'Sacred Tree'!

At the same time, similar things happened in several places around the world where a large number of players gathered. That night, nearly a hundred black sacred trees of various sizes appeared around the world.

Overseas, a secret altar.

Ender, who was wearing a monocle in his left eye, opened his eyes. He said respectfully to the statue in the center of the altar: Lord, you have finally succeeded in penetrating our world, so can we give Dawn to What about in our hands? As long as we decide the player qualifications, won’t we be able to prevent humans from going to the dream world?”

[This is a thing created by the unknown existence and the will of the dream world, I have no control over it]

Ender asked again: But didn't you say before that your power couldn't come, but didn't you succeed this time?

[The power this time is not mine, but the soul of the dead tree in the dream world combined with the human nature of this world. I gave it to you to create painful disasters]

Ender mused.

Does the Lord want to weaken the players' growth speed in this way?

It seems that the Lord is also a little afraid of the players?


He immediately put the disrespectful thought aside.

There is no way that the Lord would be afraid of such lowly beings as humans!

The Lord is the supreme being. Even the great will of the dream world can only be gradually eroded by her. How can she be afraid of players like them?

This time, those players were easily treated as nutrients.

Ender asked respectfully: Do those trees have names?

【Truth - Tree of Void Darkness】



Aina, ah!


Is it tasty?

Hmm, the white part at the top is delicious, but is the one at the bottom really edible?

Of course.

Wow, I feel a strange smell.

It's okay. Take your time. Many people are not used to eating it for the first time.

Oh, Aina will work hard, although it is the first time for Aina to eat this...

boom! —

The door was pushed open hard.

She shrunk her body to the smallest position and just came out of the bathroom in her room. Ai Xue (〃>瀜), with a red face, pointed at the two people on the bed and said frantically: Senior, you can't do this to Aina! Senior! If you really can’t bear it, you can just come to me!”

Huh? What kind of thing?

Luo Xi was sitting on the bed, holding a piece of durian fruit cake in her hand. She was feeding Aina who was kneeling on the bed. She looked at Ai Xue who had knocked a crack in the door with a confused look on her face.

All I can say is that Ai Xue is worthy of being late at night, and her strength is really ridiculous.

There was still white cream on the corners of Aina's mouth, and her dark brown eyes were filled with confusion and anger.

Did this woman come here to cause trouble on purpose?

Ai Xue suddenly fell into a sluggish state.

She smelled the strong smell of durian in the room.

This should have been given to her while she was taking a shower in her room.

So she got it wrong?


Ai Xue smiled awkwardly and said, Senior, I want to eat your cake too!


Luo Xi glanced at the door that was knocked open.

Eat your cake and eat it too, why are you so violent?

Then come over and have a bite?

Luo Xi picked up a piece of durian cake, and Ai Xue immediately ran over, jumped on Luo Xi's bed, squeezed next to Aina, and opened her mouth expectantly.

Aina squeezed her dissatisfiedly, but found that Ai Xue's body was now as solid as a rock.

It's almost 12 o'clock now.

Ai Xue is slightly smaller than Aina at the moment, so it looks like they are just two little lolita waiting for Luo Xi to feed.

[Note: Traveler, you are committing a crime! Take away! 】

What crime have I committed? Crime of feeding?

Luo Xi fed both of them a piece of cake as if nothing had happened, and then stuffed a piece for herself.

This durian cake contains a lot of durian and tastes very good. Even a person who doesn’t eat durian often can enjoy it.

Ai Xue wiped her cream-stained lips and said, Senior, do you want to sleep with her later?

Aina glared at Ai Xue fiercely: Aina wants to be with my brother! We were together last time too!


Ai Xue asked expectantly: Can you add me this time?

Aina: ?

Luo Xi shook his head dumbfounded, UU reading www.uukanshu.net He wanted to say, how about you two share a bed?

There are so many rooms in the villa, and it’s not necessary to sleep together.

You two can stay together later. I'm not feeling well today...

As Luo Xi spoke, he felt a moist feeling as soon as he pinched a piece of cake with his two fingers. When he saw it, it was Aina who grabbed his fingers and swallowed the cake, and licked it with her pink little tongue. few times.


At this time, Aina really looked a bit like a dog for no reason.

Luo Xi frowned.

Dog text what are you talking about?

Suddenly, a cold wind blew in through the open window in the room.

Luo Xi suddenly shivered.

He stood up, walked to the window, and looked outside.

In the distance are dense mountain forests.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.


The cell phone rings.

When I looked at the note, I saw it belonged to Master Nine Swords.

He pressed the button to answer, and then said: Master Jiujian, please stop trying to persuade me. I really don't like to show up in public. It's the same thing if you choose someone to promote that kind of thing. It doesn't have to be me, right?

Jiujian shouted eagerly: That's not the case. There is a problem in the second park. The entire park is shrouded in a black and gray barrier. In the photo, you can see the shadow of the sacred tree outside!

If you have time, go over there and take a look together. We are downstairs getting ready to go!

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