Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 258: Mother Long is very protective of her cubs!

Luo Xi pinched the plush hair in her hand and dug her fingers deeply into the soft fine fur inside the tail.

He has played with Aina's tail countless times, but he still can't get tired of it. He just wants to say that this tail has the same effect as catnip on cats, it is addictive.

【Ding! Your happiness value +44]

Is there anything more joyful than waking up to a cute wolf-eared girl personally delivering the tail to you?

If there is, it can only be a cat and a wolf together...

[Note: You just woke up and you want the sisters to fly together, right? Traveler, you are really punished! 】

I'm just talking about rua's tail! Don't get it wrong!

Luo Xi touched it for a while and then stopped.

There wasn't much flesh on Aina's thighs, so he moved the back of his head to a more comfortable position.

Seeing that Luo Xi had come to his senses, Jiujian asked, Luo Xi, how are you doing now? Do you need help? You can access everything in the park warehouse at any time. Your authority now only lies with Director Jiao Qian. Got off.

Luo Xi shook his head slightly and said, No, let me read the text first.

He is still a little confused now.

Aina is here, so it seems that the problem with the elves has been solved.

So, what is his situation now in the dream world?

As Luo Xi thought, a line of white text appeared in front of his eyes.

[Traveler, due to absorbing too many high-level similar sources in a short period of time, you have fallen into a deep sleep and cannot actively wake up for the time being]

【You are undergoing further transformation...】

[Estimated sleep time: 28 hours and 33 minutes]

28 hours?

This sleep lasts a long time.

It is estimated that his overall strength will be improved to a certain extent after waking up.

It can only be said that the magma of Red Dragon Girl is indeed the essence concentrated over thousands of years. The effect is really good and the power is really strong.

And Luo Xi drank only a small part.

As for the security issues there, he shouldn't have to worry.

The red dragon lady with overflowing maternal instinct will definitely protect him well.

[Note: Traveler, you don’t even want to call her mom in your heart, but you still paid her by mistake! 】

Luo Xi: ......

Before, there was nothing I could do, so I just yelled, but it wasn't like I really thought so just because I yelled.

After all, he only has one mother.

Even though that mother was not good to him, and he hadn't called her once in several years since he went to college, she was still his mother in the sense of blood.

It always feels awkward to call someone mom.

Moreover, the source beast's method of spreading alienation factors to produce heirs, in Luo Xi's view, is not so much about creating heirs as it is about creating subordinates. It is somewhat like the way vampires create blood descendants in real-life vampire novels and movies. practice.

Most of the alienation patients in the dream world are infected with the factors of the third-order disaster-level source beasts. There are also those at the lord level, but those above are very rare. The king-level source beast factors are too powerful for ordinary humans. Once infected, they will basically degenerate into monsters and die in despair.

If you want to obtain powerful power without the matching 'measurement', then it will be nothing but a mirror.

This is also the reason why it is difficult for the Black Abyss Flame Dragon to have an 'heir'.

But judging from the words and deeds of the Red Dragon Lady, she actually wanted to find someone to rely on instead of having a child.

Does this being have to be a child?

Can't they be just friends?

Luo Xi didn't know the relationship between dragons, but he also knew that if a person was alone all the time, he would definitely get depressed.

Just thinking about the long years of eight thousand years made him, who was only in his twenties, feel terrified and uneasy.

No wonder Floresia wanted to call her 'mom' so much.

But after all, Luo Xi still felt that calling the dragon-horned girl 'mom' was too strange.

It's not that he's being pretentious. Maybe he will finally lose the alienated dragon bloodline in his body one day. Then at that time, will Floresia's attitude towards him immediately change 180 degrees?

I guess it will be, right?

Luo Xi didn't want to see the scene at that time.

Whether it's antagonism or disappointment.

[Note: The red dragon mother is so gentle, how could you think of abandoning her, Traveler? This kind of thing will be despised! 】

Why is this called abandonment?

Luo Xi knew it very well.

The relationship between the two parties is only based on the so-called alienation/blood factor.

Once this thing disappears, Luo Xi will be nothing more than an inferior human being to her.

Floresia herself said that her life level is beyond that of ordinary people and she can live for thousands of years.

If he hadn't been infected by the factor due to his alien talent, he would never have been able to get involved with the Black Abyss Flame Dragon.

[Note: Is it possible that this is a kind of fate? 】


Luo Xi wanted to laugh.

Dog text, wasn’t this arranged by you?

[Note: No~ (seriously!)]

Who believes it!

Luo Xi suddenly wanted to know. If the purple 'alien' talent can produce alienation factors of the level of 'Black Abyss Flame Dragon', what will happen to the golden 'alien' talent?

Purple corresponds to the King level.

Then the gold color probably corresponds to the sixth level abyss.

Is he at the level of Black Dragon Bahamut?

If the talent upgrade opportunity last time was used for exotic talents...

[Note: Then Traveler, you will probably die suddenly? 】

Luo Xi: ......

He pulled the dog Wenwen aside.

At this time, he found that the little wolf girl's tea-gold eyes were still looking at him tenderly.

【Ding! Aina’s favorability towards you +5】

【Ding! Aina’s guilt value for you +10】

Aina saw Luo Xi's eyes focused on you, so she whispered: Brother Luo Xi, I'm sorry, Aina can only watch you being taken away by that person, Aina can't do anything.

Luo Xi was also surprised where Aina's guilt came from.

So that's it.

He wanted to raise his head and say it was okay, but Aina pushed his head down again, and then she brought the tail up and covered Luo Xi's face.

Warm, fragrant, plush.

Luo Xi: !

【Ding! Your happiness value +66】

Aina said softly: Brother Luo Xi said that he liked Aina's tail very much and wanted to bury his head in it. Now that Sister Wei'er is not here, brother Luo Xi can do whatever he wants.

[Note: While my sister was away, Traveler Ding actually did this to my sister! *》】


Jiujian subconsciously tugged at his beard and glanced at Ai Xue, who was gritting his teeth at the side.

The relationship between this wolf-eared lolita and Luo Xi is so good that it can be seen at a glance, and they feel much closer than this little girl Ai Xue.

He suddenly doubted whether his previous view of Luo Xi was correct.

Is this young man really looking for animal-eared lolita to fill his harem in that world?

Well...probably not.

Jiujian is more willing to believe that Luo Xi's appearance and the real him are completely different people.

After about half a minute, Luo Xi removed the big tail covering his face. This time he decisively turned over, then picked up Aina with his backhand, held her in his arms, and sat on the sofa.

The Master of Nine Swords is still waiting here.

He wasn't in a hurry to play with his tail or anything like that.

Seeing that Luo Xi finally got up, Ai Xue sat down next to him angrily. Aina also turned her head, her wolf ears stood up, and she looked at Ai Xue proudly with her tea-gold eyes.

Aina knows all the preferences of brother Luo Xi!

You sneaky cat doesn't have that kind of condition!

This time Aina won!

Ai Xue's pretty face froze, she moved closer to Luo Xi, and suddenly hugged Aina's tail.

The first impression is that this tail is so soft and fluffy.

Aina: !

How dare this woman!

Before Aina was about to attack, Ai Xue lowered her voice and whispered in Aina's ear: Senior hates girls who care about everything the most. He also doesn't like girls who are stingy and selfish. You don't want to be hated by your senior or your brother either. Bar?

Aina: ...

The smell of Ai Xue's body is not completely false.

Explain that part of what she said is what she believes to be true.

Aina pursed her lips, and there was a different feeling from her tail that was different from when Luo Xi was stroking it. It was Ai Xue who put her little hand into the down.

Luo Xi looked down and saw that Ai Xue was quite happy touching her, so she simply put Aina aside who looked resentful.

It was rare that Aina came here this time and saw that he and Ai Xue lived together without being too sickly.

It would be best if they get to know each other better and the relationship can become more harmonious.

Ai Xue and Maomao can get along so well, and he believes that Aina and Ai Xue can do the same.

[Note: Traveler, you are really a scumbag! This is to let different types of fish run into each other. It’s best to eat them all in one go, right? 】

I don't think so!

Of course Luo Xi did not admit Gou Wenwen’s slander.

He did not look at Ai Xue and Aina, who were secretly pinching each other. He smiled at the Nine Swords Master in front of him and said, Master Nine Swords, what are you doing here today?

Jiujian put down the tea cup in his hand and sighed softly: Compared with your things, it doesn't matter that I don't do that. Can you tell us what exactly you encountered? You are now the leader of the players in Xia Kingdom. , if something happens to you, the consequences will be disastrous.

Luo Xi: ???

What the hell?

When did I become the leader of Xia Kingdom players?

After hearing Jiujian's words, Ai Xue and Aina also stopped their secret wrestling with each other and looked at Luo Xi together.

Luo Xi lowered his head.

He didn't know whether he should tell the story about the Red Dragon Girl.

When you are forced to call someone mom, forget it if you know it. It feels so shameful to say it.

Seeing Luo Xi's hesitation, Aina thought something was wrong.

Didn't my brother really do everything after being captured by that powerful dragon-horned girl?

Will that girl imprison her brother in some basement...

Aina pulled her tail out of Ai Xue's hand, then threw herself into Luo Xi's arms, crying: No matter what, Aina will not dislike brother Luo Xi! When Aina becomes powerful, I will definitely get my brother over there back!

Brother, you must hold on. Even if you have children in the future, it will be fine. Aina can be the child's stepmother!

Luo Xi: ......

This wolf-eared loli's thinking is really divergent. What you just mentioned can be used to write a new novel.

He shook his head and said: It's not what you think. Anyway, it's a long story...

Luo Xi spent about ten minutes telling a few people about the source of the alienation factor in his body, the king-level Black Abyss Flame Dragon, who took him away and wanted to forcefully become his mother.

Aina was confused when she heard this.

So the Ryukaku girl kidnapped her brother not to find a husband, but to find a child?

[Note: It’s a child now, but if you raise it later, it can be a husband! 】

Luo Xi: ?

Who are you talking to in dog text?

Jiujian asked with a smile on his face: So you have been recognized by a king-level source beast?

Luo Xi nodded: Probably so.

Not bad.

Jiujian smiled from ear to ear.

This is a great thing!

Now, the dream travelers here in Xia Kingdom are pretty good at the extraordinary paths they can step on. A few of them have had the opportunity to reach the second and third levels, but basically no one can compete with those high-ranking experts in the dream world. Make a connection.

It may be easier to improve your strength, but it is very difficult to cultivate interpersonal relationships. The player who has been playing Dawn for the longest time now has only played Dawn for about seven months. What kind of interpersonal relationships can be cultivated in this little time?

Maybe some players are lucky enough to become the apprentices of those powerful people, but after all, they are in the minority.

Therefore, Luo Xi received the blessing of the fifth-level source beast, and it can be said that he reached the sky in one step.

In the future, the dream world is so big, where can’t I go?

Luo Xi didn't bother to explain that the red dragon couldn't leave the guarded place at will.

If I told you that I also have a fourth-level mother-in-law, would you immediately hold a celebration banquet?

Ai Xue whispered: Can a king-level source beast turn into a human?


What's her shape and shape like?


Luo Xi wanted to say: Junior sister, why are you asking these questions?

Aina interjected: Aina saw that the height of that girl was about the same height as Sister Wei'er, but she might be even bigger there than you were during the day.

Ai Xue: !

I already have a D level during the day.

Red-haired little loli with dragon horns!

Still a giant ru type!

You know, lolita are common, but giant lolita are not common.

Senior, he won't be taken down directly, right? !

Although the senior may not like the big one, when the two are combined, she feels that most men cannot bear the temptation.

It's a pity that when I get smaller at night, it shrinks along with it. If it doesn't shrink, I can test my senior's preferences...

Senior, are you sure that Black Abyss Flame Dragon captured you because he wanted to take you as your future husband?

Ai Xuedi muttered: Why do I feel like she wants to play and grow up?

[Note: Yes, it’s exactly what we thought! 】

Thinking too much.

Luo Xi said helplessly: She really wanted to raise me as her child. I was forced to call her mother so many times.

He coughed and changed the subject: Let's not talk about this anymore. I have nothing to do over there anyway. Master Nine Swords, what do you want to do with me today?

Jiujian said: It's already very late now, why don't you eat first?

Luo Xi glanced at the sky outside the villa window.

It's completely dark now, it's been so long.

Not in a hurry.

Anyway, from now on, he will be banned for 28 hours, which will give him plenty of time to deal with matters in reality.

After eating, after listening to what Jiujian said, Luo Xi said with a bit of pain: So you want me to become a 'big star' in the future? The kind that is a household name and everyone knows about it?


Jiujian nodded.

At the moment, Luo Xi is the only one who has such conditions. After all, his record and strength are obvious to all, so his reputation is a little worse, but reputation doesn't matter, it can be turned around anyway.

Luo Xi complained: No, I don't want to be pointed at when I go out and say you are the perverted lolita control Luo Xi, right?!

[Note: Traveler, you are still very self-aware! 】

Dog text, don’t talk!

Jiujian said helplessly: You don't have to worry about these.

I think it's better to forget it.

Luo Xi said in a deep voice: Who knows what this game will look like in a few months? Whenever it is updated, there may be players who are better than me.

Let's leave this kind of limelight to others.



Chiyan Mountain Volcano Group.

A red dragon more than ten meters long lies on the edge of the crater.

Suddenly, the red dragon opened his eyes and looked towards the direction of the Emerald Tree.

There are several powerful life entities flying towards this side quickly, probably the elves.

The lifespan of those elves is also quite long, but the strength and foundation of the elves also rely on the power of the sacred tree. After breaking away from the sacred tree, their high-end combat power is not much different from that of humans.

The blood factor released by Floresia had also successfully infected elves before, but it failed in the end.

It is a miracle that Luo Xi can successfully and perfectly integrate factors.

What are they here for?

Floresia pushed Luo Xi in her arms a little further, and her body gradually grew bigger, returning to the huge shape of more than a hundred meters long. A pair of red-gold vertical boys seemed to be immortal in the night. Like lights.

The breaths of those flying in the distance were stagnant. They probably saw these eyes and knew that they had been discovered.

Your Excellency Black Abyss Flame Dragon.

A thick voice came from far away.

Have you left the Chiyan Mountains today? And appeared around Yuye City, seriously injuring the city lord of Yuye City?

Floresia suddenly understood.

Are you here to ask questions?

But how dare you?

This is not a city with seven or eight hundred meters of sacred trees.

You only sent a fifth-level person, plus a few dispensable fourth-level ones, and you want to accuse her?

He underestimated her too much.

We need at least five times more people, right?

She growled low into the deep, dark forest.

As a result, the mountains were shaken, and countless source beasts lying dormant day and night knelt down tremblingly and restlessly. Several nearby lord-level source beasts immediately lay motionless in their lairs and pretended to be dead.

Your Excellency Black Abyss Flame Dragon, you may have misunderstood. We are not here to question you.

The thick voice continued: We want to resolve the misunderstanding. I don't know where Lai Rui has offended you. You have been stationed in the Chiyan Mountains all year round. We all see your achievements. If he has offended you, We will punish him on your behalf.

Floresia yelled again impatiently.

A dull sound, completely different from the gentle and crisp feeling Luo Xi heard before, and a violent voice sounded in the ears of those people at the same time.

He dared to do something to my child. I didn't kill him directly. I have already given you elves face. If I know that any of you do something to my child again, I will not spare any hands!

Now all of you get out of here!

In the mountain forest, a male elf with thin translucent green wings flapping behind his back was extremely horrified when he heard the words from the red dragon, and he scolded the mother of the guy from Lai Rui a hundred and eight times.

Damn it, didn't you say that a king-level dragon seed beast went crazy and beat you up, and you still acted innocent? Isn't this pure deception?

As the inspector of the Emerald City, he heard about Lai Rui when he arrived in Yuye City today. After making some inferences, he determined that the target was in the Chiyan Mountains, 900 kilometers away from Yuye City.

There is a famous fifth-level king's dragon there.

Black Abyss Flame Dragon.

Its history can be traced back to more than 8,000 years ago. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net At that time, the pan-continental calendar was not used, and Yanlong was only a lord-level source beast that had just entered the fourth level. According to records, it did not exist until more than 3,000 years ago. He was promoted to the fifth level of the Red Dragon King just a few years ago.

Do you dare to touch the King's Dragon's child?


No, where did these origin beasts come from?

Are they the offspring infected with their alienation factors?

But do they really care about that kind of thing?

The male elf suppressed the doubt in his heart, and then left quickly with his subordinates.

We can't annoy the dragon in the distance anymore.

Otherwise, it would not be enough for them to stuff the teeth of that red dragon. That is a true high-level monarch who can single-handedly confront the controller of a seven- to eight-hundred-meter-level city while controlling the sacred tree. exist.

After all the elves left, Floresia waited for a long time before her figure slowly shrank back. This time she turned into a human, but she still didn't wear any clothes, just lying on Luo Xi's body who fell asleep. Next to his body, he looked up at the cloudy sky.

Suddenly, Floresia seemed to remember something.

In the past, she seemed to have had the experience of accompanying someone, lying under the night sky and watching the scenery together, right?

I can’t remember clearly.

Compared with the time as a dragon, the time spent as a human is so short that it can be said to be nothing worth mentioning.

But it's okay.

Floresia turned to look at the young man beside her.

From now on, her children will be with her.

Child, my child, hey hey hey...

If Luo Xi suddenly came over now, he would see that the Dragon Lady was smiling like a human being.

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