Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 257 Red Dragon: Mommy likes it, Aina’s little routine

Luo Xi looked at the girl with dragon horns nervously.

This cheap dragon mother doesn’t really want to perform a ‘minor surgery’ on him, does she?

[Note: Great! 】

not good at all! Dog text you crawl!

Floresia looked at Luo Xi's body.

Although gender is a completely discardable concept for her, she would let Luo Xi call him 'mom' instead of 'dad', which also shows that she still thinks of herself as a female.

After all, she was once a human woman.

So from a human perspective, as a mother, is it too much to have such close contact with her children?

Well, why do he care so much?

Floresia put aside such low-level thoughts in an instant.

Now that she has long since escaped the realm of human beings, isn't it just asking for trouble for herself if she considers this kind of thing?

So, Floresia took two steps toward Luo Xi, squatted down slowly, and stepped on the soil with her white feet. The white snow set off by the black dress was clearly visible to Luo Xi, which made him feel uneasy. At the same time, the happiness value has increased a lot.

The Longjiao girl stretched out her hand towards Luo Xi's head, touched it gently, and said softly: It's okay, whether it's a boy or a girl, mommy likes it very much.

Luo Xi breathed a sigh of relief.

[Note: Bad! 】

Bad hammer!

You...Mother Floresia.

Just as Luo Xi was about to address him as 'you', he was forced to hold back his words by the sharp eyes of the girl with dragon horns. Then he lowered his head and said: I have received some improvement in strength. Now you can let me go back. ......Eh......

As Luo Xi spoke, he found that his consciousness was gradually getting lost, and his body was becoming less and less able to exert strength.

The intense sleepiness kept rising.

His body fell forward.

So, once again, I was buried in the softness.

But this time, before he could feel anything, his eyes were completely plunged into darkness.

[Note: Mom’s education was too tiring, and the traveler died today~]

After a while, Floresia put Luo Xi on the ground. She thought about it for a while. The black dress on her body disappeared, and her body slowly turned transparent. Then a larger outline emerged and quickly solidified. , transformed from a human appearance into a red dragon more than ten meters in size.

As a king-level Red Dragon King, she can already switch between the dormant state and the normal state at will. On the contrary, she is not used to maintaining the human form at all times.

The earth platform under her feet and the sea of ​​magma below turned into countless fiery red lights and were absorbed into her body.

Volcanic communities reappeared in the surrounding area.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and there were no stars in the gloomy sky. A pair of red-gold dragon eyes lit up in the darkness. The red dragon lay in the crater of the volcano, and then protected Luo Xi on the ground in his arms.

Thank you for your hard work, she said.

It turns out she can do it too.

From strangers to acquaintances is so simple, all it takes is a blood connection.

This is for her.

Over the long years, she has been searching for beings with whom she can communicate. Other dragons and high-level source beasts finally found out that the other party was either harboring evil intentions or trembling when they saw her.

She didn't need either now.

She is also a dragon with children!



Ai Xue, whose face was full of black lines, put on her new set of clothes for the wolf-eared loli who had just hatched from the egg.

This wolf-eared girl just asked her where the clothes her brother bought for her last time went? Did you steal it?

Those clothes you had last time were burned by your brother. Some of them are good to wear now. Besides, why should I steal your clothes?

The senior doesn't like to play The Temptation of XX.

Otherwise, I would have already achieved enlightenment with my senior, and now you are both juniors!

She still prefers the cat girl to the messy wolf girl, at least they still have a common language.

Mainly because it feels too difficult to deal with.

Strange, why does she find it difficult to deal with such a young child?

I heard from Wei'er that her sister is three years younger than her. In reality, this child is only in junior high school, and the senior has never expressed his love for Miss Cat Lady several times. Instead, he treats the wolf every day. Er Niang said that she would get married in the future.

Does the senior prefer the illegal to the legal?


She must find a way to correct her senior's wrong thinking!

It doesn't matter if she likes loli-type girls. She and Cat Lady are both very willing, but seniors can't go further and become real perverts!

Aina pulled the white stockings on her calves, raised her head, and her dark brown twins looked at Ai Xue, who seemed to be struggling with herself.


She suddenly came over and touched Ai Xue's chest with her nose.

Ai Xue was immediately startled, and took a step back while protecting her chest.

What is this wolf-eared girl doing?


Aina nodded with satisfaction.

Not much of the smell of my brother.

The two of them probably haven't had any in-depth communication.

Otherwise, this woman should have a lot of smell left on her body.

Ai Xue looked at the wolf-eared girl in confusion, completely confused as to what she was thinking.

No wonder Weier said she was difficult to deal with.

It wasn't until she jumped out of bed and ran straight downstairs that Ai Xue realized what she was doing. She immediately changed herself into a set of small night pajamas and ran downstairs.

Luo Xi is still sleeping downstairs.

Now that Aina is here, she must know some important information, so she must ask!

In the living room, Jiujian was looking up from time to time. The situation on Luo Xi's side was an important matter. Now the Xia Kingdom's Dream Travel Bureau wanted to build Luo Xi into a golden brand, so nothing could happen to him.

Luo Xi's current strength is already at the top level globally. If they lose such a rare talent, the loss will be unacceptable to them.

Bang bang bang! —

A petite girl with wolf ears ran quickly down the corner of the stairs in two white silk stockings without shoes, and then threw herself on Luo Xi on the sofa with Jiujian's surprised eyes.

Jiujian originally wanted to pull the girl away, but he remembered that this girl had appeared some time ago, so he stopped.

She looked exactly the same as the girl in the video sent from Hishima last time.

From this point of view, Luo Xi must have items or abilities that can bring people from the Dream World over.

I don’t know if this ability is universal?

Brother Luo Xi, wake up quickly!

Aina patted Luo Xi's face on the sofa.

But Luo Xi still slept soundly.

Jiujian said helplessly: Little sister, there's no need to call him that. Do you know what happened to him?

Ai Xue also came down from upstairs at this time and asked: Aina, you, your sister and him should be together over there, right? Why is he still over there after you come over?

Brother Luo Xi is not awake here?

Aina suddenly panicked and said, It's impossible. Brother Luo Xi, didn't he say that even if he died over there, everything would be fine here?

The little wolf girl lowered her head and stared closely at Luo Xi's face, feeling increasingly panicked.

Could it be that something really happened to my brother?

If something happens to her brother, what should Aina do? How can I go back and tell my sister?

Ai Xue frowned and asked, What happened to you?

Aina bit her thin lips and said softly: Today, I went to the Emerald Forest with my sister and brother Luo Xi. A lot of things happened there. In the end, my brother was killed by a very powerful girl with dragon horns. He was captured and has not returned to the town until now.

Ai Xue: ???

Nine Swords: ???

Both of them had question marks on their faces.

Why does this development always sound so outrageous?

What does it mean to be captured?

Ai Xue asked with some pain in her head: Who is that dragon-horned girl?

Didn't the senior find a cute loli girl with animal ears again in a short period of time?

This is very senior.

It's nothing, it's just a very powerful one.

Aina said in a low voice: Aina is so strong that after seeing it, Aina has no idea of ​​fighting with her. If she really wants to monopolize brother Luo Xi, Aina has no way to get him back. She can only ask her You can give some to Aina.

Ai Xue: ...

What a messy description.

Didn't Wei'er say that her younger sister was very possessive of her senior?

Jiujian said in a deep voice: So you don't know where Luo Xi has gone now?

Aina shook her head.

She came here this time to ask her brother here about his situation.

Who knew that brother Luo Xi also had a problem here.

Aina sat next to Luo Xi's head. She imitated what she had seen before, raised Luo Xi's head and placed it on her lap.

Ai Xue raised an eyebrow.

Learned and decent.

Jiujian thought for a while and said with a smile: Then it is probably like I said, he is trapped in a special space now. If he wants to come back, he can just commit suicide.

Ai Xue said seriously: But is it possible that the senior has been restricted in his suicide methods? Will the girl who took him away imprison him forever?

Nine Swords: ...

It seems really possible. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

No, what on earth is Luo Xi, a young man with great potential, doing there?

Aren’t you exploring the industry?

Why do you have strange relationships with so many girls?

When several people were feeling a little panicked about Luo Xi's situation, a dull cough sounded.

Brother Luo Xi!


The two girls shouted in surprise.

very good.

Jiujian also felt a stone fall in his heart.

Luo Xi reluctantly opened her eyes and saw Aina's familiar tea-gold eyes.

He felt that drastic changes were taking place in his body at the same time, which was the simultaneous reflection of the dream world and reality.

Just as Luo Xi was about to get up, Aina's hand pressed her forehead and forced her back.

The little wolf girl's floral scent lifted his sluggish spirit.

Aina said seriously: Brother Luo Xi looks very tired. Let's take a good rest on Aina's lap first. Just talk slowly. Also, this is Aina's tail. Brother can touch it if he wants. Touch it.”

A big soft and fluffy tail was placed on Luo Xi's hand.

Ai Xue: ...

That's too much!

Do you understand what first come, first served means?

This position should have been mine!

It’s just that you have a knee pillow, but you also use your tail as a toy for the seniors to play with. Is having a tail a big deal?

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