Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 242: It smells like a woman! Aina's kitchen knife


Luo Xi turned around, put her hand on Kailuo's shoulder, and said with a smile: What do you mean by a young wife? Don't say such words that will cause misunderstanding!


Kailo also wanted to say, didn’t that wolf-eared girl just say that she was your wife? Then he suddenly felt a chill coming from the soles of his feet, causing him to lower his head and shudder.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the source-changing app used by chasing bugs, huanyuanapp.]


Kailo touched his thick cotton coat in confusion.

Why is there a sudden chill?

When he looked up again, Luo Xi and the girl with fox ears had disappeared.

The original Andulu Manor.

In the lord's study, when Luo Xi led Feiya out of a golden circle, Feiya's expression became deeply confused.

Contrary to what she thought, the moving power of the sacred tree seemed to be controlled by this young man.

So, he is indeed the controller of the sacred tree in this town?

But how is this possible?

All sacred trees with the existence of the canon, even the smallest 30-meter-level ones, exist on the root system of the Eternal World Tree, and to some extent are part of the Eternal World Tree.

It is not possible to obtain the position of controller of the sacred tree by killing the lord of a village. Even if the true scripture is destroyed, it is impossible for the alien to become the controller.

That is a power that can only be obtained after obtaining the approval of the Eternal World Tree, and it is passed down through the closeness of blood.

There has never been any precedent for the possibility of alienation patients being recognized by the Eternal World Tree.

But what does she see now?

Feiya felt that her common sense was broken.

Luo Xi sat on the stool in the study. He pointed to the stool opposite and chuckled: Miss Feiya, please sit down.

Fiya bit her thin lips, held Gray Bird in her arms, and sat down uneasily. Her emerald eyes stared at Luo Xi and said, What do you want to do to me?

[Note: The first step of abduction has been completed. The next step is to let Traveler Kangkang know how your development is~(*′﹃`)]

Luo Xi directly pulled Gou Wenwen aside.

He said gently: I just want to ask you a few questions, Miss Feiya, such as where are you from?

I'm just a wanderer in the Emerald Forest.

Feiya lowered her eyes and said slowly: Even if you catch me, it will be of no use, and if you want to do something to me, it may lead to a serious disaster. This is not a lie on my part. Since you You are the controller of the sacred tree in this town, so there must be no shortage of women around you. My barren body is not interesting to people like you. Can you let me go? After I go back, I promise not to do it again. I won’t take half a step into that hollow flower, and I won’t reveal any information here.”

[Note: Stupid little fox, if you were not a lolita, do you think Traveler Ding would talk to you so kindly? It has long been taken to the construction site to collect dust! 】

Shut up! This has nothing to do with your body shape!

Luo Xi was actually a little confused.

Why does this fox-eared girl keep thinking that he wants to do something to her.

Can't both parties have a good and normal communication?

Luo Xi said: Don't worry, I'm not interested in you.

[Note: This is a lie! This is a fox-eared lolita with a tail bigger than that of a little wolf girl! 】

Luo Xi gently snapped his fingers.

Countless golden streams of light gathered on the table in front of Feiya, and finally, a piece of yellow kraft paper was produced.

Luo Xi said: This is the contract I made to you. As long as you can answer my questions, then I will guarantee your safety here in the name of the lord.

Feiya picked up the paper on the table.


[I, Luo Xi, as the lord of Berggry Town, in the name of the lord, promise to Miss Feiya that as long as Miss Feiya tells me the information that can be disclosed, I will protect her safety here. If she violates it, I will He will be killed on the spot (crossed out) [I will never be a cute little lolita with animal ears anymore φ(≧w≦*)?]】

[Signed by: Luo Xi]

[To be signed:]

Feiya: ???

She looked at the young man sitting opposite with a blank expression.

Is there something wrong with her, or is there something wrong with the person opposite?

In fact, she felt that there was no need for the other party to engage in any of these things with her.

Judging from the size of the sacred tree in this town, it should be able to provide the controller with about level 4 abilities. It is very easy to force her to submit, but why is this guy acting so strangely.

Feiya picked up the pen on the table.

She guessed that this contract might contain some kind of trap.

But when her brush strokes fell on the vellum, there seemed to be some kind of will telling her that the contract was true.

Can be signed.

So she signed her name on the brown paper.

But originally I wanted to just write the word Feiya, but when the strokes came down, it naturally became,

—[To be signed: Yin Lisafia Snowvini Cui]

She actually wrote out her real name!

Feiya panicked and wanted to cross out the name, but found that she could not erase it.

She immediately realized that this contract was a manifestation of the power of the sacred tree.

Even the controller of the sacred tree cannot break the contract.

Has it been signed?

Luo Xi fished it out casually and took the contract into his hand.

He briefly glanced at the girl's name.

Is it Yin Lisafiya?

It sounds pretty good.


Luo Xi rubbed his eyes and looked at the words on the contract in confusion.

Am I dazzled by my special meow?

Did I add this sentence [I will never control the cute little loli with animal ears]?

[Note: Traveler, your memory is really getting worse~φ(≧w≦*)?]

Fuck you dog texts! Did you secretly change it? ( # `Д′)?!

Gou Wenwen was able to forcefully change the content of the contract signed by the Berger Sacred Tree and him, causing it to spread virally. Now that the Berger Tree is on their side, it would be too much for Gouwen to change the text content. Simple.

Feiya was a little puzzled when she saw the black line on Luo Xi's forehead. Didn't you write the strange content of this contract yourself? Why are you so dissatisfied?


Luo Xi sighed lightly.

He accepted the contract.

The punishment for breach of contract actually didn't matter, and he didn't plan to do anything to this fox-eared lady.

After all, there is a little wolf girl at home who has a tendency to be yandere. She just plays with cats and cats in normal times. After all, as a lovely younger sister, Aina is very tolerant.

But through the past few experiences, if Aina saw that she was entangled with other girls, Luo Xi was sure that she would be at risk of being hacked at any time.

Luo Xi said: The contract has been signed. You should be able to feel that what I said is not a lie. I just want to know the information about Kong Hua.

In fact, if the dog text had not aroused his interest at the beginning, he would not be so eager to get information from this fox-eared girl.


A race different from humans.

Feiya's appearance actually fits his idea of ​​an elf. She has long flowing golden hair, emerald-like eyes, and a faintly noble temperament. Without those fox ears and tail, no matter who sees her, , will immediately realize that her identity must be extraordinary, like a princess.


Feiya nodded slightly: Before I answer your question, I want to ask you a question first. Are you really the controller of the sacred tree in this town?

That's right. Luo Xi said.

As a patient with alienation syndrome, how did you become the controller of the sacred tree?

It's just a coincidence.

Feiya: ...

She wanted to say that if just by chance, a mutant could become the controller of the sacred tree, then there would not be so many mutants in the world who would not be able to enter the big city in their lifetime.

Then it's my turn to ask you.

Luo Xi picked up the tea, took a sip, and asked, Where are you from?

I have already said it. Feiya said softly: He is just a wandering citizen of the Emerald Forest.

Emerald Forest?

Also called the Emerald Forest, it is an area covered by the emerald roots of the Eternal God Tree.

It really has come such a long way.

Luo Xi couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

The town of Bergere is almost two thousand kilometers away from the edge of the Lost Mountains. This shows that the Hollow Flower has a distance of at least two thousand to three thousand kilometers, which is already faster than any means of transportation.

Feiya asked in a low voice: Where is this place?

Luo Xi said: This is the east side of the Lost Mountains, the territory of the Kingdom of Light.

The Kingdom of Shining Light?

Feiya's beautiful emerald green eyes blinked in shock.

So, is she already far away from the Emerald Forest?

Since the Pangea Calendar came into use, no one can cross the Lost Mountains to the other side of the mountains. The oceans have been eroded by ominous things, and the Emerald Forest has almost completely lost contact with the four countries to the east of Pangea.

Even a king-level expert would find it difficult to climb over the Lost Mountains. After all, the highest height of the Lost Mountains exceeds 10,000 meters.

After reaching 10,000 meters, if you are not careful, a king-level expert may be imprisoned there forever.

Miss Feiya, are you from the elf clan? Luo Xi asked again.

Feiya's expression froze slightly.

She didn't really want to admit her true identity.

But the other party may have already seen it.


Feiya nodded and pushed her long golden hair aside, revealing her long pointed ears.

Although Luo Xi was a little curious about the feel of these elf ears, he didn't even touch the fluffy fox ears and tail, let alone this.

How did you discover the Hollow Flower?

My friend Hui Hui discovered it.

Feiya held up the little gray bird.

The bird lay motionless in the palm of her hand with its eyes closed.

Since entering the lord's study, the little bird has pretended to be dead in Feiya's arms.

Did anyone else notice?

Probably not yet.

Are there many elves in the Emerald Kingdom? Well...are there humans there?

Feiya thought for a while, shook her head and said: Except for the Emerald City, there are actually not many elves outside. The total number... I don't know if there are 5 million. In terms of humans, the entire Emerald Forest has close to 100 million taels. Millions of human beings.”

A population of over 100 million.

That’s twice as much as the 60 million people in the Kingdom of Shining Light.

What's so special about the elves compared to humans?

Lifespan, and affinity to the source element.

Feiya shook her head and said: But I am no longer a member of the elves.

Because of......

Luo Xi looked at the fox ears on Feiya's head.

That's right, the alienation factor eroded my bloodline.

Feiya raised her head and said calmly: The Emerald City's attitude towards alienated elves is to kill them on sight, because they believe that elves contaminated by the source beast's factors are not worthy of being called elves, so I have been doing this since I left home. Wandering outside.

The two of them asked and answered questions like this.

Luo Xi was also very satisfied that he had asked all the questions he wanted to ask.

Although Feiya didn't tell him many important things, she at least told him that the opposite side of the Hollow Flower was temporarily safe, and pointed out the approximate location on the map.


Luo Xi asked curiously: Can I ask Miss Feiya how old you are now?

【Ding! Feiya’s favorability towards you -1]


[Note: This is a lie! 】


In the manor garden.

Aina and Weier are planting flowers and plants that can be planted in winter in the flower garden.

The two of them were really bored in the bedroom, so they ran out and wandered around the manor. This was Luo Xi's territory anyway, so it was okay to walk around as they pleased.

Aina planted a flower, filled in the soil, and asked softly: Sister Wei'er, when will brother continue walking?

who knows.

Wei'er squatted on the ground, with the cat's tail behind her extending in front of her. She carelessly touched her tail and said, The decision is in that guy's hands. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

Aina frowned her beautiful slender eyebrows and said with a smile: Sister Wei'er, you don't want to live here with your brother and never leave, do you?

Maomao's face suddenly turned slightly red.

How can it be!

Aina saw with her own eyes that in that dream, my sister said she wanted to talk to her brother...


Weier held her ears and made a loud sound.

She didn't want to admit such a thing!

Although I had already done that with that pervert in that world over there... but it was just a couple of kisses!

Hey, hehe~ Sister, you are really not frank~

Aina touched her sister's head.

My sister is still the same as before.

But it’s okay. If my sister can’t do it, let Aina do it...


Aina suddenly frowned.

She looked somewhere in the manor.

There seemed to be a smell in the manor that I had never smelled before.

The smell is great.

Is it a girl?

Aina knew that Luo Xi's current ability could easily sneak people into the manor.

But isn't it enough to have Aina and her sister?

Aina's face darkened.

She took out a bright kitchen knife from her skirt. When she twisted her hand, the knife made a crisp buzzing sound.

When Weier looked up and saw her sister's expression, her body trembled unconsciously.

Why does she think Aina is so scary (o﹏o)...

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