Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 241 Isn’t it enough to have two lovely little wives?

【Shock! The current strongest dream traveler in our country is actually such a moral role model! 】

[Black Death—Luo Xi’s life experience, counting the 108 good things he did, large and small]

[New travelers, please don’t believe the lies from outside. Mr. Luo Xi is a person with very upright views and will never do any illegal and dirty things! What he likes is just petite and cute adult girls]

What a mess is this!

Luo Xi slammed the phone on the bed.

Today, almost all player forums in Xia Kingdom are spreading news about him.

Of course, they no longer slandered him as a pervert who resorted to unscrupulous means and coerced little girls into doing unspeakable things as before, but instead boasted about his noble stature in various ways.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the source-changing app used by chasing bugs, huanyuanapp.]

It’s okay to brag, it’s just that it’s embarrassing to watch!

Where did the public relations come from? It’s not professional at all!

Senior, calm down.

Ai Xue patted Luo Xi on the back, covered her mouth to hold back the desire to laugh, and said, At least your strange title has been corrected.

Luo Xi: ...

That was just a correction on Xia Guo's side.

After the number of players in Dawn increases, no matter how you try to guide public opinion, it will be useless, because the total number of foreign players must be far greater than that of Xia Kingdom.

Isn’t this self-deception?

[Note: Traveler, it’s okay. If it’s a big deal, just admit it publicly. Anyway, as a strong man, isn’t it normal to have a whole harem of cute girls? 】

Dog text, your idea is very good, don’t do it again next time.

Luo Xi put aside questions about his reputation.

Now this situation is probably caused by the tourism bureau. Since they want to establish themselves as a moral benchmark among Xia players, let them do it.

Anyway, no matter how bad it is, it won't be as bad as it is now.

Luo Xi looked at Ai Xue and asked, Ai Xue, how is the situation over there?

My side...

Ai Xue's expression stiffened slightly, then she shook her head and said: The progress of leaving the city is temporarily stuck, but don't worry, senior, it won't be long before I can come out of the City of Silence and join you.

What happened to Ai Xue?

But Luo Xi didn't pay much attention.

After all, it was Ai Xue's initial novice village. If she intervened to solve the problem, Ai Xue would lose an opportunity to practice.

Senior, what about you?

Ai Xue asked: I heard from Wei'er that you have acquired a town, senior, so are you going to other places next?

Yeah. Luo Xi nodded.

Although I got a small town, I still have to go to other places.

【Ding! Traveler, the Belgry Sacred Tree detected that an unmarked person entered the Blessed Area]

【Do you want to go check it out? 】



Feiya felt like she fell into a lightless tunnel filled with viscous liquid.

She walked quickly through the corridor. Although she could not see anything in front of her, she could feel herself moving at an unimaginable speed.

After an unknown amount of time, Feiya suddenly felt her eyes light up, her whole body rose into the air, and then she hit a row of tough objects heavily.

Bang-bang! —

Then, she was bounced to the ground and rolled several times before stopping in the moist soil.


Feiya spit out the grass with a muddy smell, and then rubbed her head in pain.

It hurts so much.

The hood with fox ears on her head was pulled down by her, the gray used to hide her eyes faded away, revealing their true color, and a pair of emerald green eyes looked at this place.

Here is a space enclosed by a wooden fence, with the top covered by green leaves.

Similar to the hollow flower she entered before, there is an identical hollow flower in the center of this space.

Is this a trap?

What about Hui Hui?


The gray bird landed on Feiya's shoulder and flapped its wings.

Seeing that Gray Bird was okay, Feiya breathed a sigh of relief. She said softly: The hollow flower that had withered before the use of the Pangea Calendar unexpectedly revived. After passing through it, she was guided to such a place, Hui Hui, Is this what you want to tell me?


Huihui pecked the fox-eared girl's face to express his confirmation.

Feiya raised her finger, flicked the bird's head, and scolded: You dare to enter rashly without knowing the situation here. What if this is a trap? Just because you came back last time, it doesn't mean that you are like this We can't come back this time, but if anyone stays here, we will be finished.


The gray bird suddenly shrieked, and its feathers spread forward.

Feiya's expression was also condensed, the fox ears on her head stood up quietly, her long golden hair was fluttering in the wind, and her emerald green eyes stared at the wooden fence in front of her.

A figure appeared outside.

And it appeared suddenly without any warning.

She slowly retreated towards the hollow flower.

Since you can come here, it means you can go back.

Suddenly, the wooden fences on all sides began to sink and slowly disintegrated into pieces.

Feiya saw a young man outside the wooden gate with his hands in his pockets, looking at her curiously.

Is it human?


It's not just humans.

The pair of black and red dragon horns on the young man's head are particularly obvious, indicating that he is a patient with alienation disorder.

And where is this place?

Feiya had already seen the golden light in the sky.

The blessing radiance of the sacred tree.

Is this the interior of a town?


The young man waved to her and showed a gentle smile. He pointed at the Hollow Flower and said, Did you come from the opposite side of the Hollow Flower?

Feiya's heart moved.

Was he responsible for the resurgence of this hollow flower?

For a moment, many thoughts came to her mind, but in response to Luo Xi's question, Feiya just shook her head.

The experience of wandering outside for many years has made her habitually wary in front of strangers. In the past, many people approached her because they were attracted by her appearance and wanted to abduct her and sell her.

After all, even if she puts aside the identity of the hidden elf, even if she deliberately looks carefree, it is difficult to conceal her original temperament.

That is an elf, an elf full of vitality.

But even in the most dangerous moments, she was able to escape in the end for various reasons.

For some reason, she did feel that mysterious thing called 'luck' in her own body.

Luo Xi looked at the girl in front of him curiously.

About the same height as Weier, maybe a little shorter.

The girl's body is wrapped in a gray hood, and she has animal ears similar to Aina's wolf ears, except that her hair and ears are both pale gold, and a tail hanging down from the back of the worn gray hood is bigger than Aina's. Na's tail was even bigger, and its tail hair was also a dull golden color, and the end gradually turned into a light white.

Those eyes are as beautiful as emeralds, the brows have soft lines, and the delicate white face, although a little sickly pale, adds to the girl's sense of fragility. Just by looking at it, you can tell that it must be a good touch.

However, the girl was looking at him with very vigilant eyes at this moment, as if he was some unforgivable evil person.

Why doesn't she speak?

Is it because of fear?

[Note: This is just the little lolita’s performance when facing a strange worm~]

Who is the weirdo?

Luo Xi saw the fox-eared girl approaching the Hollow Flower and realized that she probably wanted to leave.

The girl suddenly slammed into the hollow.

Wait! That thing has cooling...

Before Luo Xi's voice could finish, he only heard a dull crashing sound and a muffled groan.

The fox-eared girl held her head and squatted outside the hollow flower, whining with tears in her eyes. The gray bird on her shoulder spread its wings and demonstrated towards him.

The original retractable saw teeth of the Hollow Flower are still fully closed as people approach, seamlessly.

Luo Xi: ...

Didn't she notice that the hollow flower didn't open?

Luo Xi stepped down, came to the side of the Hollow Flower, and said softly: This thing has a cooling time. After each use, it must be at least six hours before it can be used again.

【Ding! The closeness of small animals has been triggered: xx’s favorability towards you +50]

【Ding! Title: The Beast Ear Loli Strategy Master has been triggered, xx’s favorability towards you +20]

[Note: Traveler, the new beast-eared girl has appeared, how can we stop moving forward! Use your sweet words to abduct this little fox-eared lolita (x) or the fox-eared elf old woman (√) and turn her into a member of your animal-eared lolita harem! 】

Fox-eared elf old woman?

What the hell.

You, what did you do to me?!

A crisp voice came out from the red lips of the fox-eared girl.

Feiya stood up and stepped back continuously. Seeing Luo Xi nervous as if he had seen a goldfish, she asked a question.

For some reason, she suddenly felt that the young man in front of her looked a little more pleasing to the eye.

But she should have only been vigilant.

The only answer is that this person is affecting her mind!

What does he want to do to himself?

Luo Xi was slightly stunned: What did you do?

Do you still want to quibble?

The fox-eared girl stared at Luo Xi angrily. She took off the gray bird from her shoulders and held it in her arms, then suddenly threw the long gray hood that was originally wrapped around her body into the sky.

As Luo Xi subconsciously looked up to the sky, the fox-eared girl took a puff of smoke and disappeared into the alley of a nearby residential area.

Luo Xi: ...

I really just want to ask about the situation on the other side of Hua!

When the fox-eared lady saw me, it was like seeing a ghost. Am I that scary?

[Note: If you run slowly, you will get pregnant. Unfortunately, if you enter the den of thieves of the Traveler, then this is already a certainty~]

God is too slow to get pregnant, and I don’t have the ‘Pregnancy Gaze’ skill!

Feiya carefully explored this unknown town.

It can be seen from various appearances that this town seemed to have experienced a big riot not long ago.

So many places are still being rebuilt.

Surprisingly, the number of alien species here is no less than that of ordinary humans, almost at a one-to-one ratio.

In fact, the quantity is not a problem, but it is outrageous that alien species and ordinary humans can get along well together.

Feiya saw several alien species building houses together with ordinary humans. Both parties were talking and laughing. The humans did not have a condescending attitude.

How can this be?

Feiya wondered if she was asleep and hadn't woken up yet.

So, she found a passerby and asked: Why do aliens get along so well with ordinary pure-blood humans? And why is everything under construction here?

Are you just here?

The horse-eared young man passing by scratched the back of his head and said with a naive smile: Actually, I don't know for sure. It's probably because the original lord was so bad that he treated the aliens and ordinary people as slaves, which made everyone share the same hatred. .”

The old lord went crazy and turned into a monster the day before yesterday, and then he disappeared for some reason. In the past two days, there has been a series of policies that I can't understand, and this is what happened here. I heard Ulysses The gentleman said that the new lord wants to create a new Bergere town where everyone is equal, which is very exciting to hear.

Feiya: ???

She was confused.

There was always a feeling that this guy was entertaining her.

Little sister, you came at a good time.

The Malian young man sighed again: Some time ago, I met a very close brother. He was traveling with his two young wives. It was I who persuaded him to stay in this city. What happened the day before yesterday After that, I never found him again, maybe he was dead, and I shouldn’t have advised him to stay.”

Feiya nodded and said softly: My condolences.

My condolences? Whose condolences should I express my condolences to?

A voice suddenly sounded beside the two of them.

Luo Xi came out and looked at Kailuo with a strange expression.

This guy is really cursing him to death. UU read www.uukanshu. net

Mr. Luo Xi, you are not dead!

Kailuo immediately became happy and came up to give Luo Xi a hug.

Luo Xi slapped her face and pushed this guy away.

I haven't taken a shower in a few days, and it smells bad.

Feiya stared at Luo Xi closely.

She didn't run again.

Because she knew that she could no longer leave.

Feiya clearly saw that this young man emerged from a golden circle, and this circle represented the moving power of the sacred tree.

A skill that only those who control the sacred tree have.

Is this young man the controller of the sacred tree?


It is absolutely impossible for a patient with alienation syndrome to become the controller of the sacred tree!

But even if he is not, there must be someone who controls the sacred tree behind him.

Luo Xi looked at the fox-eared girl and said gently: My name is Luo Xi. Welcome to Bergere Town. Can you chat with me for a while?

Feiya was silent for a while and nodded, like a little loli being bullied by a strange worm.

Then let's go.

Luo Xi walked forward.

Feiya followed stiffly.

The ash on the shoulder pecked her face, its little eyes looked very guilty. It also realized that its behavior had brought great danger to its owner.

At this time, Kailuo followed up and asked doubtfully: Mr. Luo Xi, do you know this little girl? And don't you already have two young wives? Isn't that enough?

Luo Xi: ... -

Feiya: ?

【Ding! Feiya’s shock value towards you is +88]

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