Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 243: Three animal-eared lolita in the same room, great!

Luo Xi thought it was normal for Fiya to want to hide her age.

No woman, except for young girls who happen to be in the best years of their lives, is willing to tell each other their true age.

Not to mention immortal species like elves.

Fia said the oldest elf she knew lived to be more than 3,000 years old.

When I think about the possibility that there might be a kind of super old woman in this world who is actually over 3,000 years old and looks like an 18-year-old beautiful girl...


So scary.

Luo Xi already knew that the lifespan of an extraordinary human being would not exceed a thousand years, even if he had the strength of a fifth-level ascendant.

After all, the original maximum life span of human beings is around 100 years old. Under the framework of the 'human race', no matter how the essence of life is sublimated, 10 times is already the limit.

Luo Xi took a closer look at the young and beautiful face of the fox-eared girl.

Underneath her childish face, Feiya had a subtle temperament that neither Weier nor Aina had.

The feeling of exhaustion and fatigue is like that of a traveler who has experienced many things, traveled to many places, and seen life in vain.

Feiya saw Luo Xi staring at her, so she raised her eyes and asked, Have you finished asking?

That's almost it, he said.

This fox-eared girl should have retained a lot of things.

However, Luo Xi had no intention of asking the question.

Some things must be related to the other party's privacy, there is no need to ask, and after all, you have to go there yourself.

Then you can let me go back...

That flower won't be activated for another five hours.


Feiya held the gray bird in her arms and shrank back towards the stool.

It will take so long.

Luo Xi asked tentatively: Don't you want to stay here? On your side, if you are discovered as a strange elf, it will definitely be very dangerous, right?

[Note: Traveler, you should say: Miss Elf, you don’t want others to discover that you are a different species, right? 】

Xiaozhi text you shut up.

Let me stay here?

Feiya hugged the bird tightly in her arms. Her original tiredness and indifference to life were gone. She said nervously: Do you still want to do something to me? You are not really that kind of person. A villain that young girls are interested in, right?”

Luo Xi: ...

Damn it, why does this fox-eared lady still think he has evil intentions?

Don't leave it alone.

The two of them were not familiar with each other anyway, so after the fox-eared lady returned, they might never see each other again.

Luo Xi asked: It's still early, do you want to go shopping on the street?

Need not.

Feiya shook her head and refused, staring at Luo Xi with her green eyes: I just hope you can keep your promise.


Luo Xi stood up and said: Then you can stay in the study for a while, I have to go see the two at home...

Halfway through the words, Luo Xi's face suddenly became stiff.

I saw Weier holding Aina, and the two of them walked directly through the wall next to the door without knocking.

[Note: Three animal-eared lolita are in the same room, great! 】

Luo Xi: o((⊙﹏⊙))o!


The Belgry Sacred Tree has been monitoring possible external enemies, such as Feiya who suddenly appeared in the domain. Luo Xi discovered it immediately, but Wei'er and Aina were both on the white list set by Luo Xi. No matter where they go, there will be no reaction or reminder from the sacred tree.

Luo Xi thought that just closing the door would be enough.

He had forgotten that cats had this elusive ability.

If I had known earlier, I should have sealed off the entire study...

Aina glanced at Feiya who was sitting on the stool, her eyes passing over her pair of fox ears and the fluffy fox tail behind her.


It was obvious not long ago that my brother couldn't survive without Aina's tail.

So soon my brother found another girl with such a big tail.

Wei'er's face also darkened.

It really hit the mark for Aina.

Luo Xi felt a little trembling in her heart when she saw your calm eyes, little wolf girl.

what to do?

Waiting online, urgent -

Wait, why am I so panicked? I didn't do anything!

For some reason, this wolf-eared loli put more pressure on him than Ai Xue and Maomao combined.

Aina took Weier's hand and said with a smile: Sister Weier, Aina said there are sneaky cats. No, there are sneaky foxes. You still don't believe it. Isn't this true?

Luo Xi raised his hand and shouted: Listen to my explanation!

[Note: You listen to my explanation (x) and you listen to my quibbles (√)~]

Luo Xi, you...

Wei'er looked at Luo Xi with some disappointment.

This guy obviously did something like that with her yesterday, but did he find another girl today?

Ai Xue was indeed right.

If you let this guy run around in their world and don't keep a close eye on him, he might start a harem group in a year.

As soon as Aina's right hand was exposed, the sharp kitchen knife shining with silver light turned in the direction of the little wolf girl's hand, and she walked towards Luo Xi.

Luo Xi: (((;;)))!

[Note: The Traveler is about to be knifed! Great! 】

Aina slowly tilted her head and said with dull eyes: Brother Luo Xi, can you tell me about this smelly fox?

Feiya was confused when she heard this: Smell? Are you talking about me? Who are you?

What is this rude girl talking about?

Wait, what is the relationship between these two girls and the controller of the sacred tree?

Feiya thought of what the person said before.

【Ding! Feiya’s shock value towards you is +66]

Feiya looked at Luo Xi in shock and said, Are these your two young wives?

Feiya thought that the 'young wife' was just a joke made by the alienated young man born under the horse genus.

But I didn't expect that of the two heterogeneous girls, the white-haired one was only a little older than her, while the other black-haired one was smaller.

In this way, the controller of the alien sacred tree really took a fancy to his barren body...

Feiya pointed at Luo Xi and shouted: Shameless! Liar! Villain who plays with young girls!

Luo Xi: ...

Wei'er looked at Feiya: What did Luo Xi lie to you?

What did you lie to me...

Feiya was startled.

From the moment the two met, Luo Xi seemed to have really not lied to her.

Luo Xiqing coughed: Listen to me, it's actually like this.

Weier frowned and said, I haven't let you speak yet.

She had an agreement with Ai Xue that she couldn't let this guy kidnap a girl back within two days.

Luo Xi: ...

No more, he wants to go offline and escape.

How should I put it? If you want to say cheating, you can't even talk about cheating now.

Feiya thought for a moment and said, It's just that he brought me back by force.


Wei'er and Aina looked at Luo Xi coldly.

Luo Xi immediately said: I just asked a few questions!

The two sisters looked at Feiya again.

Feiya nodded: So far, he has really just asked me some questions.

Really just asking a question?

Wei'er looked suspicious and said: This pervert didn't touch you, touch your tail and ears, bury your head in and smell it, or touch there with his dirty hands...

Maomao glanced at the fox-eared girl's chest on the stool.

Well, it looks similar to me, probably a little bigger at most.

Compared with the state of women in that world during the day, there is no value for this pervert to touch it, but the big tail behind it... has such a fluffy feeling that if you bury your head in it, it may be used as a pillow to sleep on.

Wei'er lightly slapped herself on the face.

When did my thoughts move closer to Luo Xi?

Feiya's emerald green eyes widened and she asked in shock: Are you usually treated like this by him?

This sounds so...


Why does this lord want to touch his tail and ears?

And what is the operation of burying it and smelling it?

Feiya was confused for a moment.

Do the people here in the Kingdom of Light no longer mind the alienation characteristics at all?

Aina remained silent, her small nose moved slightly, and her tea-gold eyes gradually regained their luster.

This fox doesn’t seem to be lying~


Aina raised her wolf ears slightly, turned her head and asked, Brother Luo Xi, do you have any thoughts about her?

Luo Xi said seriously: It doesn't exist.

Brother, you lied!

Aina puffed up her face and said, If you lie again, brother Luo Xi will never touch Aina again! Not even the head or the tail!

Luo Xi: ...

So he hates this kind of mind-reading ability.

Luo Xi was silent for a moment and said weakly: Although, I do want to rub her tail and ears, but this is human nature!

[Note: Traveler, let me tell you that you have thoughts about this fox-eared girl! 】

nonsense! Who would not want to rua after seeing such a big and fluffy fox tail? (〃> dishes<)!

It doesn’t exist at all!

Aina put her hands on the table, jumped onto the table, and then jumped into Luo Xi's arms.

The petite and warm body of the wolf-eared loli was in her arms, and Luo Xi's mind suddenly felt a little blank.

Didn't Aina want to kill him?

Is this killing someone with a sister in their arms?

When he, Luo Xi, saw the shock on Feiya's face and the expression on Wei'er's slightly pouted mouth, Luo Xi immediately realized that this was the wolf-eared girl using this method to show her affection to Feiya and even to Feiya. Cats declare their sovereignty.

Aina's shrewdness...

Aina asked: Brother Luo Xi already has Aina and sister. Isn't it enough?

Luo Xi touched Aina's head and said, Actually, brother just thought about it for a moment.

Aina nodded and said: What my brother said is true, but if you want to, why don't you come to Aina?

Luo Xi: ...

Damn mind-reading ability!

Luo Xi said with difficulty: Okay.

[Note: Punishment! —I originally liked this wolf-eared lolita who is sinister, yandere, cute, and adorable...I like it even more now! 】

Aina smiled cutely: Yeah, brother is so good, there will be a reward.

A soft, fluffy object was stuffed into Luo Xi's hand.

【Ding! Your happiness value +20]


Luo Xi felt that she had been completely controlled by this little wolf girl.

【Ding! Feiya’s shock value towards you is +55]

You two!

Weier scolded lightly.

Seeing that her sister and Luo Xi were so close to each other in front of outsiders, she couldn't hold back anymore.

Maomao also jumped directly from the table and chair, landed lightly on the ground, and then stood next to Luo Xi, looking at Feiya who was sitting in front of him.

Wei'er asked in a calm tone: So who are you?

Feiya: ...

Why did he go from being so angry at the beginning to now being put on trial with her?

What is the relationship between these people?

The two girls didn't look like they were forced by this lord.

Especially this black-haired girl with wolf ears.

Even though she had never known her before, Feiya could still feel the strong possessiveness.

Who is forcing whom?

If I really had something to say with this lord...

Feiya glanced at the sharp kitchen knife on the table.

I guess the kitchen knife fell on her head, right?

When everything was over and Feiya was sent to Hollow Flower by Luo Xi, she was still a little dizzy.

Today's experience was so magical.

First, she found a usable Hollow Flower, which allowed her to directly cross the Lost Mountains, spanning a distance of several thousand kilometers.

Then he met the alien human being who became the controller of the sacred tree.

Then she was stared at all afternoon by two girls who were about the same age as her.

I was afraid that she would steal the flowers at home.

No matter what happened, it was quite magical in the years after she came out of the Emerald City.

So much so that she suspected that she was still dreaming.


Huihui called twice softly in her arms.

After leaving the study, it finally stopped pretending to be dead.

Huihui you... don't be so rash next time.

Feiya put the bird on her shoulder and read a book www.uukanshu. net turned around and looked around this strange town.

From now on, she may never come again.

Then, the fox-eared girl no longer hesitated and plunged into the hollow flower with jagged teeth.

The figures of Luo Xi, Weier and Aina appeared not far away.

Luo Xi said with a heartbroken look: Look, she is gone. Why do you all think I will hide her? Am I that kind of person?!

[Note: Traveler, if the little wolf girl hadn’t put the knife on your neck, I don’t believe you would have let this fox-eared girl go~]

Dog text, don’t make random assumptions about others!


Weier just snorted twice.

But she felt a sense of joy in her heart.

As expected, I was right last time.

If you don't follow this guy's footsteps, you will definitely be completely different when you see him again a year later.

The person standing next to him at that time could never be him.

It's now about three o'clock in the afternoon.

When Feiya came out of the Hollow Flower, she suddenly realized that she could no longer return to the small village.

Feiya was not very afraid of spending the night in the wilderness.

But before leaving, let’s take another look at Xiaolin.

She left in a hurry this morning, so she had to leave something for the child. Even if there were many people who didn't treat her well, there were still people who deserved to be cherished.

However, when Feiya returned to the vicinity of the village, she smelled a strong smell of blood.

Looking at the center of the village from afar, two corpses were hanging on the highest branches of the false sacred tree, swaying wildly with the wind...

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