Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 240 Shibu, it’s so hentai! How can such a thing be done?

Wei'er stared at the time countdown displayed in front of her.

The time here is past twelve o'clock at night.

There were only 20 minutes left before she could recover her body from returning home.

Some of them don’t really want to go back.

Cats are inherently curious animals.

So does she.

No matter what is in this world, it has a strong new meaning for Weier, and Aina is the string that urges her to go back.

I don’t want to give it up to Aina the next time I come here~

Would Aina be angry in that case?

Wei'er suddenly remembered the scary look Aina sometimes showed because of Luo Xi.

Maomao shivered suddenly.


If you do that, you might get stabbed...and Aina might hate you!

Senior, Weier, the crayfish is here!

Ai Xue came in from the door and brought a large basin of crayfish.

Since yesterday's attack, Luo Xi's various service levels have been raised to the highest level. As long as the requirements are not excessive, they will be completed as quickly as possible.

What is a crayfish? It looks so strange... No, why are you getting smaller and smaller!

Weier was shocked when she saw Ai Xue's appearance. If the previous Ai Xue was similar to her when she became smaller, the current Ai Xue is even smaller than Aina.

Luo Xi said from the side: It's twelve o'clock now. I'll be back in a while.

Pervert, don't talk!

Wei'er looked blankly at Ai Xue and the flat part, and asked in confusion: Why did it become like this? How good is your original figure?

Ai Xue put the lobster on the table, took out a few pairs of disposable tachyons and gloves, and said with a smile: It should be uncomfortable, but it's fine if the senior likes it.

Luo Xi whispered: I didn't say I liked it either!

Ai Xue muttered: Tough talk.

He had obviously already said that to her.

Weier looked over with suspicion.

Her intuition told her that something might have happened between the two of them without her knowing.

Ai Xue didn't tell her anything. After all, although they said they were cooperating with each other, they were actually competitors.

Wei'er stared at Ai Xue's small and exquisite appearance, and suddenly thought that this kind of physique that could change back and forth, wouldn't it be perfect for a pervert like Luo Xi?

He can rub it as he pleases during the day, and at night he can vent his indescribable desires on this body...

【Ding! Wei'er's anger towards you is +40]

Wei'er pointed at Luo Xi's face and said (〃>霜): Too...so perverted! Perverted! So stupid! Can you do it to her at such a young age now?

Luo Xi: ???

Meow meow meow?

What happened to me?

Ai Xue chuckled.

What is this little kitten worried about?

If the senior wanted to do something to her, he would have done it long ago, there was no need to wait until this time.

Stop talking and eat lobster.

Luo Xi peeled off a lobster at will and forced it into the girl's lips.

Spicy crayfish, we don't have much time. Eat as much as you can.

Ugh, take it out—am I going to bite you?

Wei'er's little mouth was suddenly stuffed with Luo Xi's fingers. She wanted to struggle or even take a bite, but the spicy and fragrant taste immediately cheered her up.

Another delicacy that I have never tasted before!

After eating the lobster that Luo Xi gave her, she peeled and ate it according to Luo Xi's peeling method. In less than twenty minutes, Maomao almost finished showing off a whole basin of crayfish by herself.

Luo Xi and Ai Xue ate a few, and then looked at her. Until the end, Wei'er felt a little embarrassed.

As the time approached, Weier's body gradually became transparent.

Just like Aina at the amusement park last time.

Luo Xi said softly: See you there.


Wei'er replied and smiled at Ai Xue: Next time it will be my sister who comes. You both couldn't understand each other's languages ​​before, so there may have been some misunderstandings. I hope you can get along well with her next time.

When the words fell, Weier completely disappeared on the sofa, and all the short-sleeved shirts, casual pants, white socks, underwear, etc. fell off.

[Note: Maomao has exploded equipment! Traveler, hurry up and grab them all! 】

Is this still worth grabbing?

Luo Xi picked up the clothes that still had Weier's body temperature. Not only did the clothes have a strong smell of barbecue, but there was also a sweet floral scent that lingered.

Ai Xue blinked and reminded: Senior, you can't do weird things with these clothes.

Who will do it?


In the cradle, Weier slowly opened her eyes, and a familiar smell was next to her, that was Aina's smell.

Sister is back?

came back.

Weier got up from the cradle, stretched, jumped out lightly and jumped onto the bed, then threw herself down at Aina who was reading a book, and said with a smile:

Aina, do you miss your sister?

Aina hugged Weier's slender waist with her backhand and said with a smile: I have some thoughts.

Wei'er joked: Just that little bit? Don't believe it, Luo Xi and I have been here for ten hours. Aina, didn't you cry?

Aina is no longer a child who cries because of such things!

The little wolf girl rubbed her sister's chin with her forehead in dissatisfaction, and then remembered what happened before, a 'winning' smile appeared on her cute little face.

Sister Wei'er, you are actually at a loss for not being here this time. When brother Luo Xi came here just now, he took Aina to see very interesting things.

Weier: ?

What interesting stuff.

Aina, we agreed not to talk about it!

Luo Xi's panicked voice sounded.

Wei'er turned to look at Luo Xi, who was panicking.

What interesting things did this guy see with Aina?

【Ding! Wei'er's doubts about you are +88]

Well... Anyway, I just took her to a place that only us travelers from other worlds can go.

Luo Xi pretended to be calm and explained: If you want to go, I can take you there, but wait until daytime, it's already very late now.


Wei'er looked at her sister who was smiling slightly.

There was also Luo Xi, who looked obviously wrong.

These two people also have problems!

Wow, why do Luo Xi and his sister have secrets?

Wei'er suddenly felt as if she was isolated.

You guys should rest.

Seeing that Aina didn't express her thoughts about the matter, Luo Xi felt relieved a little. He snapped his fingers and moved out of the bedroom.

In Ulysses' study, the lights are still on.

Lord Lord.

Seeing Luo Xi come in, he immediately wanted to stand up and salute.

Luo Xi raised her hand to tell him not to get up, and then asked: How is the situation in the town? Have those snow bugs been taken care of?

All the larvae of the snow worms you gave me have been recovered and destroyed. Now only the one you gave me to raise is left.

Ulysses lifted a basket from under the table, and in it lay a big, fat, white worm.

【Snowworm Delkos】

[Description: Hungry, want to eat blood with special energy...]

[Note: Maybe Traveler, you can try feeding it with your blood? 】

With my blood?

Luo Xi thought of those snow bugs from before. After swallowing his blood, they could grow scale-like things on their bodies, and their cute appearance would become ferocious.

Will feeding blood to this insect with the memory of the necromancer produce any other changes?

If it were someone else's suggestion, Luo Xi might still worry that it was a trap, but Gou Wenwen's suggestion could be a try.

He cut his fingers and dripped some blood onto the snow insect's body.

However, there was no immediate change.

Just wait.

Luo Xi looked at Ulysses and continued to ask: What else?

Ulysses took out a notebook and said: According to your instructions, I have organized a group of people with management capabilities to plan the future of the town. First of all, after the time currency system was completely abolished, many people directly There is no money left, and the town’s economy has completely collapsed, so I don’t think we can directly recover all the time coins, but we need to buy them back proportionally...

Luo Xi listened to Ulysses' words in confusion for a long time.

Finally, Luo Xi patted him on the shoulder and said solemnly: Just go ahead and do it, I believe in you.

Yes, Lord Lord!

【Ding! Ulysses’ respect for you is +50]

Luo Xi left the study.

There are specialties in the art industry, so this kind of thing should be left to professionals.

If that doesn't work, as a lord, Luo Xi can force the town to become what he wants.

But that would be too much trouble.

Luo Xi will not be able to stay in this town forever.

The Great Yan Empire, which is as warm as spring all year round, has not yet been seen.

[Pangaea calendar year 3970, December 10th, snow]

[I went there today, but I didn’t expect that I really turned into a cat. It took me a long time to find that guy. That pervert actually raised a cute girl. Not only was she very big, but her body could even grow bigger or smaller. In their words, she was a 'Keyu Koro'? Luo Xi must have lived with her for this reason! But I also made an agreement with her that I have to keep a close eye on Luo Xi from now on... Aina seems to have some tacit secret with Luo Xi. I really want to know! It seems that he said he wanted to see the bed...forget it, just give him the bed, after all, he has been kissed... (crossed out)]



early morning.

Feiya stood up from the shabby bed quilt, let her hair out of the hood, and opened and closed her lips silently.

The green glimmer of light flashed across the long golden hair, and the greasy hair that had not been cleaned for several days was cleared away.

Of course, elven spells can only clean up grease.

Things like dust still need to be washed with water.

However, during her ten years of wandering, she had long been accustomed to cleaning herself up every week or so, which seemed completely unbelievable in the eyes of those noble elves.

The long life has made the pampered elf accustomed to enjoyment. If he doesn't take a bath once a day, his body will react.

Feiya hid her ears under her hair. After getting dressed, her emerald eyes turned gray.

However, when she came out of the thatched hut, she found that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the village.

The way some villagers looked at her was a bit abnormal.

It was the feeling of seeing a treasure.

She had seen this before.

Was it exposed?


Feiya recalled the actions of the past few days and quickly came up with the answer.

Was it that time when I accompanied them on a hunting trip and had to rescue someone in a critical moment, but was it exposed when the hood fell off?

Unexpectedly, this time it was only three months before I had to leave.

Originally, patients with alienation syndrome were not worth mentioning at all. However, patients with alienation syndrome among the elves are very rare.

After ordinary humans are infected by alienation factors, unless they can sublimate immediately, the probability of becoming a mutant is almost 100%.

After an elf is infected, even if he does not become an extraordinary elf, the probability of becoming a mutant is only 1%.

This is the difference in the nature of life between races.

Therefore, the elves regard the presence of alien species in their clan as a shame.

The elves who have become aliens, to some extent, have a lower status than alien humans.


The gray bird landed on the girl's head and called twice.


Feiya held the bird in her hands and said softly: I'm going to leave here today, and I'll go with you to see what the strange thing you mentioned is.


Fiya, come to the fields after breakfast! Someone called her outside.


Feiya responded.

She returned to the thatched cottage as if nothing had happened and picked up her few luggage.

When she came out of the thatched house again, a young girl with a pair of small antlers looked at her with big watery eyes, handed her a piece of steamed sweet potato, and said in a sweet voice: Fiya Sister, this is what dad gave you.

Feiya took the sweet potato and ruffled the girl's hair.

thank you.

Sister Feiya.

The girl with antlers suddenly whispered: You should leave the village quickly. When Xiaolin went to the convenience store last night, she heard Ji Xiu and Mr. Huyint talking about things that were not good for you.

Feiya said softly: No, Mr. Jixiu and the others are all very good.

No, it's not.

Xiaolin said anxiously: They said they would hand you over to Yuye City, sister—!

One hand gently covered the girl's mouth.

thank you.

Even this world is extremely cold to people like her.

But there are still people who can still make her feel the presence of warmth.


Oops! Fiya disappeared!


In the small square in the village, UU reads a book www. uukanshu. net After the summons was sounded, people quickly gathered.

Bearded and the village chief glared at the two people tied to the tree.

Ji Xiu, Xiu Yin Te, what on earth did you do?!

The two of them were too timid to speak.

And where are Os and Bass?

After repeated questioning, the two men expressed their thoughts.

The village chief's expression changed drastically.

Oh no, Feiya has already left. If they still call people from Yuye City but can't find the person they want, it will be a disaster for our village!

How long have they been gone!

Leaving at first light! They've been setting out for two and a half hours!

Damn it, go and chase it back!


Feiya followed Hui Hui in the dense forest for a long time.

what is that?

It was a brown flower-shaped thing growing at the bottom of the cliff. It had a large mouth with closed serrations. When you walked over, the serrations would shrink toward both sides, revealing the deep darkness in the middle.

Hollow flower?

But haven’t all the hollow flowers we’ve seen in the past turned into fossils?

Why is there a hollow flower that seems to be alive?

Hui Hui couldn't wait to rush in.

Fiya couldn't stop her even if she wanted to.


Seeing this, she had no choice but to follow in. When she took a step forward, the deep darkness in the flower swallowed her up in an instant.

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