Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 237 I was the one who came first? I love them all!

【Ding! You have obtained the title: Handsome Scumbag - This is a title that can be obtained by travelers who steal the first kiss of two or more girls in one day. After equipping it, your temperament will be +1, but the chance of a girl slapping you will be greatly increased]

[Note: Slap and scumbag are also a perfect match~]

It’s such a strange title again, you can almost get it from Dog Text!

Luo Xi didn't know why he kissed her by accident.

Maybe the cat in the lost lake state is just too tempting?

[Note: Traveler, no need to explain! You are a big hentai who takes away a girl’s first kiss by force! 】

It's obviously my first kiss... huh? Doesn't it seem true?

Ai Xue pulled Maomao aside and after some questioning, she learned what Luo Xi had done from Weier, who was hesitating and her face was as red as a cooked crab. Lan

The senior actually did that kind of despicable... enviable thing!

Damn it, why isn’t it me?

After what happened last night, Ai Xue originally thought that she had succeeded somewhat, but she didn't expect to be ruthlessly beaten by this cat-eared girl from the dream world.

Ai Xue walked towards Luo Xi.

Because it was already past ten o'clock in the evening, due to the influence of talent, Ai Xue was shorter than Weier now. She raised her head and put her hands on her hips, glaring at Luo Xi and said:

Senior, won't you apologize to Weier?

Luo Xi: ... Lan

So why did the relationship between you two suddenly become better?

He came to Weier's side, stretched out his hand, gently stroked the messy snow-colored hair on her cheek, and said with a look of shame:

I'm sorry, I will never do such a thing again...


After hearing what Luo Xi wanted to express, Wei'er was even more anxious than Luo Xi. She raised her hand and directly covered Luo Xi's mouth.

Huh? Luo Xi blinked in confusion.

That... Lan

Maomao's face was so red that she wanted to bleed. Her lips were slightly opened and closed, and she wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say.

It is really difficult for an arrogant girl to express her feelings positively.

Seeing this, Luo Xi opened Wei'er's little hand covering his mouth, and continued to say: I'm sorry, I will never...

Wei'er gritted her teeth.

Did this guy really not see it?

Or do we have to let her say it?

Weier looked at Ai Xue over there with some dissatisfaction. Lan

I didn't say I wasn't willing, so why are you so anxious to ask this guy to apologize to me?

Are you jealous?

Or are you thinking about something?

Wei'er suddenly thought that even though she had reached a so-called 'agreement' with Ai Xue, it was just a verbal agreement without any regulations.

If I were to retreat like this right here.

Will the other party feel that she has no sense of threat?

Will he completely eat up this guy Luo Xi without restraint? Lan

Of course, if Aina comes over, she should still be able to complete these well on her behalf.

Wei'er was even confident that Ai Xue could not be Aina's opponent, but she didn't want to be compared to her sister in this regard!

At the last moment when Luo Xi finished speaking.

Wei'er suddenly stood up on her tiptoes and kissed her like a dragonfly touching water.

Then, Wei'er ran behind Ai Xue, and Luo Xi saw from the girl's swaying hair that her ears were turning red.

【Ding! Wei'er's shyness towards you is +66]

Why are you younger than me now! Lan

After Wei'er discovered that Ai Xue was now even smaller than her, she became numb and could only run downstairs from the balcony.

Now she doesn't want to stay in front of Luo Xi and Ai Xue.

What a shame!

Maomao regretted so much why she slapped that pervert just now.

Can't you just pretend you don't know?

Moreover, I shouldn't have been unhappy at that time, right?

Deng Deng Deng - Lan

Listening to the footsteps of Weier running down, Luo Xi touched his lips in surprise.

Different from the dream that only left beautiful ideals, cats in reality actually took the initiative?

[Note: You have to be a newborn to be a traveler. Don’t you feel ashamed to do such a thing by taking advantage of someone’s good impression of you? 】

Tsk, isn't this feeling of shame all consumed by you with the dog text? What wonderful things have you done?


Ai Xue's gentle voice sounded.

Luo Xi looked at the girl standing a few meters away, staring straight at him. Lan

There was a trace of loneliness hidden in Ai Xue's eyes.

Is there anything more uncomfortable than seeing someone you like kissing someone else?

It was obviously me who came first!

Senior, are you happy? she asked.

Luo Xi was silent for a while and said softly: Yes.

Playing with cats is one of the great pleasures in the world, isn't it?

She is still such a cute and arrogant cat-eared girl. It is also a beautiful thing for her to change from being arrogant to being arrogant but not arrogant. Lan

Ai Xue nodded slightly.

However, her nose suddenly became sore and she wanted to cry directly.

Senior, I'm going to see her.

Ai Xue turned around and wanted to go downstairs.

Luo Xi looked at her back. Due to her smaller size, the clothes she had not changed out of in time were too big, so they fell off, revealing her fair shoulders. The casual pants were too long, making it difficult to walk.

He recalled some things that happened in the past few years in college.

Although he didn't get to know her very well, Ai Xue could actually be regarded as one of his few female friends, and she had clearly felt her affection for him during this period. Lan

In the past, I felt that I was a poor person and had no idea about a girlfriend. Now that I have money, I want more.

Are you a little greedy?

He has obviously made such a scumbag statement as 'I want them all'.

Why am I still so hesitant?

[Note: Traveler Shi, you are already going to be a scumbag, why don’t you hurry up? There's only one girl like Koyoko. If you take her out during the day, you can hide your XP, and you can do some newborn things at night, perfect! 】


Ai Xue pursed her lips and held up her pants that were about to fall off. The moment she was about to enter the stairwell, a pair of hands suddenly stretched out from behind and hugged her slender waist. Lan

The girl's body froze immediately. Even with the bonus of her talent, her strength at the moment was much stronger than Luo Xi's after being weakened by 80%, but she still felt that she had no use for her strength at all.

Study...senior...what are you doing... she asked.

Luo Xi hugged Ai Xue's petite body tightly, leaned down, and whispered in her ear:

Thank you very much for always loving me.

Ai Xue suddenly became a little panicked.

She doesn't want to be grateful for this kind of thing!

Is this kind of thing useful? Lan

After this, according to the traditional language and art of Xia Kingdom, will the senior say ‘but’?

Senior, please stop talking!

Ai Xue wanted to struggle away, but then she felt her elbow hit something, and then heard a painful groan from the person behind her.


She panicked and wanted to see what was going on, but the hand holding her tightened.

I am actually a very greedy person.

Ai Xue's body trembled. Lan

Luo Xi's voice continued to sound, seemingly unaffected by the elbow strike just now.

The beautiful girl likes me. Even if I never agree, I will occasionally think in my heart, look, I am also popular. This kind of thought will occasionally become the food for a moment of joy.

Ai Xue murmured: But senior, don't you dislike me?

Who said that?

Luo Xi said seriously: Men who don't like beautiful girls like you are probably gay, right? If you want to hear me say 'like' to you, then I can tell you now, I like you .”

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the source-changing app used by chasing bugs, huanyuanapp.]

[Note: There may be loli control! Traveler, don't take it out! 】

climb! Lan

I like it so cheaply.

Ai Xue grabbed Luo Xi's arm, lowered her head and whispered, Senior is really greedy.


Luo Xi smiled proudly and said: That's right. People are saying that I am the strongest dream traveler candidate in reality. If I am a little greedy, it won't be a big problem, right?

[Note: Being divided into five equal parts is not a big problem~]

Whether the problem is big or not is not my decision.

Ai Xue pushed Luo Xi's hand away, turned around, and said with a smile full of energy: Senior, you are such a playboy! Sister Wei'er and I will keep an eye on senior, so be careful in the future! Lan

After saying that, the girl ran quickly downstairs, but the loneliness in her back was swept away, leaving only the vitality of the rising sun.

Then he stepped on his pants because they were too long, and he slipped and fell halfway downstairs, causing a dent in the floor of the second floor.

Senior, I'm fine, don't worry!

Then Ai Xue rubbed her head in embarrassment and ran towards her room as if nothing had happened.

Luo Xi: ...

This villa will probably be demolished and rebuilt soon.

He sighed softly, lay back on the straw mat, clasped his hands behind his head, and looked up at the night sky. Lan

On the left and right sides, there were still the body heat of the two girls and the lingering fragrance, making him feel as if he was still immersed in a dream.

[Note: Traveler, you have successfully won over two pure and kind-hearted girls with your sweet talk. Aren’t you very proud? 】

proud? No.

On the contrary, I felt a little sad.

Luo Xi opened the text with a perspective.

In short, let's go to the Dream World to check on Aina's situation, and then test the new functional modules after the Dawn update.

[Using the authority of the controller of the sacred tree to enter synchronization...]

[Traveler, welcome to the journey of dreams~]


The young man on the high chair opened his eyes slightly.

There was no one on the big bed in front.

The one sleeping in the cradle is Weier's true body.

What about the Aina people?

Brother Luo Xi, are you finally back? Lan

From behind, the faint voice of the little wolf girl came.

The divine tree's perception was synchronized, and Aina stood behind him, holding the sharpened kitchen knife in her hand, and the sharp cold light flashed away.

Luo Xi: (((;;)))!

hiss! —

Did Aina know what he did in reality?

Wei'er and Ai Xue are both quite soft-tempered, and their tolerance for him can be said to be very high, but if this wolf-eared Loli, who only has yandere tendencies, sees it, her yandere value will definitely fall into place. It will increase dramatically!

Is the dog text another good thing you did? Lan

[Note: Don’t slander us! If we get angry, the consequences will be serious! (〃> dishes<)! real! 】

However, the next moment, the crisp sound of a kitchen knife falling to the ground came from behind. Aina ran forward, buried her head in Luo Xi's arms, and did not lift it up for a long time.

Luo Xi suddenly realized, touched Aina's hair distressedly, and said, Sorry, I'm late.

Weier and herself were enjoying themselves in another world, leaving Aina alone here, which was really unreasonable.

If the game is not updated, Luo Xi can still be a master of time management.

But no.

It's not too late. This is the agreed time. Lan

Aina slowly raised her head, her cute little face showing an E-smile: Brother Luo Xi, how are you doing with your sister?

Well, your sister ate a lot.

Luo Xi also smiled and said: My belly is as round as you did last time.

Aina just said that the food at my brother's place is delicious~

The little wolf girl jumped out of Luo Xi's arms, looked at Weier in the cradle, raised her tail and smiled: No matter what, Aina is one step faster than my sister!

Luo Xi couldn't help laughing.

He planned to stay with Aina here first. Lan

In reality, Ai Xue and Weier are having a good time anyway, but if he gets involved, there will be problems.

Luo Xi opened the [Dream Trading Platform].

【Turn it on? 】

Can you bring someone with you who has a qualitative change in your favorability?

Aina, come here.

The little wolf girl asked in confusion: What's wrong?

Aina knows, brother hasn't touched Aina's tail for a long time, so he wants to touch it again, right? Lan

Aina turned around, put her tail up, and said happily: Touch it, touch it~ Brother Luo Xi is really awesome.

Luo Xi: ...

In Aina's heart, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net What has become of herself?

And how much do you like him?

[Aina’s current favorability towards you is: 370 (love feelings)]

[Description: From that moment on, my love has been constant, and marriage is inevitable. Except for Sister Wei'er, whoever comes close to my brother in the future will be bitten hard. she! (Actually, I also want to bite my sister so that I can monopolize my brother~)]

Luo Xi was numb. Lan

How did the favorability score get so high?

There is no end to belonging to yes.

Forget it, let’s start.

It’s impossible to go back anyway.

Luo Xi hugged Aina directly, then snapped her fingers, and in the shuttle of golden light circles, the two of them came to the soft bed together.

After getting used to the power of the sacred tree, I really don't want to take a step away.

Aina was confused for a while before she realized she was on the bed. Lan

Could it be that Brother Luo Xi wants to treat her...

The little wolf girl's moist tea-gold eyes were filled with panic and confusion due to the unexpected situation. She blushed and said: Brother...does this...do you have enough time? Sister Wei'er doesn't Will you come back suddenly?

Luo Xi: Huh?

[Do you want to bring the individual [Aina] with you? 】


【Matching other travelers...】

[Successful matching, entering the dream trading platform... Please wait]

Immediately, Luo Xi's consciousness entered darkness again, heading from the dream world to a deeper dream.

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