Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 238: Red Dragon Little Loli Dresses Up~

[Welcome to the Dreamland Trading Platform (This platform is provided by the Eternal World Tree - Gray Dream. The current small square can accommodate up to 10 people, 8\\/10)]

[Your dream platform trading level is: LV1]

[LV1 permissions: The maximum number of items that can be taken out of the dream bag per day is -3. All travelers in the square are absolutely immune to injury. All source-related abilities will be sealed. Under normal attire, the physical fitness is adjusted to the average human Level, you can stay up to 1 hour per day, and travelers can exit the platform at any time (you cannot re-enter on the same day)]

【Ding! You get the basic outfit: gray mist]

【Ding! Depending on the factor type, you get an exclusive outfit]

[The costume from Red Dragon - Black Abyss Flame Dragon is being generated]

[Black Abyss Flame Dragon (Human Form) (Rarity: Purple\\/Epic++): After wearing this costume, you can obtain an adjusted physique]

【use or not? 】鈠


Luo Xi frowned, slowly opened her eyes, and looked up at the bright sky.

This is a place covered with all kinds of green trees, as far as the eye can see. The trees make rustling sounds in the wind, as if you are in a sea of ​​trees.

Ahead is a calm lake with a wooden house in the middle of the lake. Above it is an arrow prompt and a countdown. It is now [59:10].

Are you asking him to go there?

Luo Xi looked to the right. To his right was a man covered in gray mist, but he could see his true appearance through the mist.

It was Aina who looked confused.鈠

Luo Xi wanted to walk over, but Aina took a step back and asked in surprise:

Are you brother Luo Xi?

Luo Xi: I am?...Huh?

? ? ?

Why was the voice coming out of his mouth so childish and cute?

Luo Xi turned around quickly and saw his current figure reflected in the lake water.

She is probably a red-haired girl about twelve or thirteen years old. The ends of her hair are dyed black with highlights. She has a pair of golden vertical hair that implies the majesty of a dragon. There is also a pair of cute dragon horns on her head. Her delicate and lovely face and Wei'er has a good fight, and there is a long dragon tail behind her.鈠

Luo Xi: ???

He poked at the text.

[Note: I am dressing up, why does it become like this? 】

Damn it, he could use his toes to figure out who did this little trick.

Change your look!

[The costume has been worn, the cooling time of the change is: 30 minutes]

Dog text, come out and get beaten! (*`Van′*)?!鈠

[Note: I won’t come out! Traveler, don't make us angry in the future, or we will really turn you into this! ~φ(≧w≦*)?】

Brother Luo Xi has become so cute!

After Aina confirmed that the red-haired girl with dragon horns in front of her was really Luo Xi, she immediately rushed forward and hugged Luo Xi's waist.

[Note: Now the traveler can really hang out with the little wolf girl! 】

Luo Xi had a headache and picked up Aina.

Emmm...he is not much taller than Aina now.

Luo Xi took a look at his current attributes.鈠

【Luo Xi (dressing up)】

[Level: LV1]

[Existing costumes: Gray Mist, Black Abyss Flame Dragon (exclusive)]

[Outfit: Black Abyss Flame Dragon (Human Form) (Purple\\/Epic++)]

【Power: 200】

[Physique: 200]

[Intelligence: 100]

[Agility: 100]

[Description: All alien players who come to the dream platform built by [Gray Dream] can obtain a set of exclusive costumes based on the alienation factors in their bodies]

It turns out that this exclusive costume is not just for him?

[Note: Of course, Traveler, do you think we would be so free to dress you up like a little dragon lady? 】

If you don’t have time for dog text, who else will?

Now that the matter has come to this, Luo Xi can only endure these thirty minutes.

【Ding! Traveler, you triggered a free mission: Trade】鈠

[Brief description: Complete a transaction on the Dream Platform]

[Reward: Level authority increased to LV2]

【Ding! Gray Dream gives you an encouragement! 】

The Eternal World Tree, Gray Dream, is another sacred tree that I have never heard of.

There seems to be no country in Pangea that relies on this tree.

Is it on another continent?

The previous hundreds of thousands of dream travelers were all born in the countries of Yaoguang, Dayan, and Chenxi. I don’t know if they will be placed on other continents now that the number of players has increased tenfold.鈠

Luo Xi remembered something and asked: Aina, can you see the attribute panel?

Aina also has a basic outfit, but I don’t know if she can see the attribute bar.

Aina shook her head in denial.

At the same time, her hands kept touching Luo Xi's body. The long dragon tail covered with red scales behind Luo Xi made Aina particularly interested.

She has long wanted to know why brother Luo Xi likes to touch her and her sister's tails so much.

Now her brother has a big tail of his own. Although it doesn't have soft fur, she wants to touch it too!

The little wolf girl directly hugged Luo Xi's dragon tail, hung on it, and took two bites with interest.鈠


Luo Xi could only drag Aina to walk.

[Note: Travelers, this is called - rua people who are always rua people]

Humph, just have fun now. When I blow up all your gold coins, I will turn you into this. I will severely punish you, a little bitch! (〃> dishes<)!

When Luo Xi was thinking about how to treat Gou Wenwen well in the future, a voice sounded not far from him.

Little sister! Are you pretending?

A man with a frog head ran over, his big protruding eyes kept wandering, and he looked at Luo Xi curiously.鈠

Aina behind Luo Xi was startled and shrank her head.

Luo Xi said casually: Yes.

He doesn't really want to talk to anyone right now.

After finishing speaking, Luo Xi walked towards the hut in the middle of the lake without waiting for Frog Head's reply.

Froghead scratched his smooth green scalp.

Why run so fast?

Are you frightened by my wise and mighty appearance?鈠

By the way, why are other people’s costumes so cute, while I’m just like a frog?

After Luo Xi entered the small wooden house in the middle of the lake, he found a round table with ten stools in it, and six people were already sitting on it.

Four are covered in gray fog.

The other two are a big rooster and a kobold, the rooster is standing on the table.


The big rooster suddenly rushed over and wanted to pounce on Luo Xi, but was slapped away by Luo Xi and hung on the wall for a while before coming down.

Luo Xi scratched his chin thoughtfully.鈠

Although you won't die here, the knockback and other effects are still there, but what about the control effects?

The others looked at Luo Xi in shock.

Alien players can get a set of initial exclusive costumes here. They already know it after communication, but the power of the rooster and kobold costumes here is only slightly greater than their gray mist costumes.

As for the appearance of Luo Xi's cute red dragon girl, at first glance, it's either that she looks like this in reality after taking off her costume, or it's just the effect of the costume.

It now appears to be the latter.

And the strength attribute is estimated to be very high.

The person who can get this kind of high-end costume seems to be a very powerful player.鈠

At least the level of the alienation factor is very high.

Soon, a few people knew in their minds that this was a random boss coming to the Exchange Square?

But there was still a person whose face was covered with gray fog and snorted: I just played this new module, why did I bring NPCs in?

Luo Xi knew that this person was talking about him.

He held Aina in his arms without any care, found an empty stool and sat down on it, then followed the little wolf girl's tail.


Aina moaned softly.鈠

Brother Luo Xi must want to take revenge on her!

From the perspective of others, there is a picture of a cute but cold-looking girl with a dragon horn holding a girl shrouded in gray mist.

Although there's nothing wrong with it, it just feels a little weird.

After a minute or two, the frog-head whom Luo Xi had met before trotted in. After looking around at the people in the hut, he sat down next to Luo Xi.

Little sister...


Luo Xi gave the frog a cold look.鈠

He really didn't want to let this decorated body speak for him now.

The sense of dissonance is too great.

Frog Head: ...

After almost two minutes, two people dressed in basic gray fog came in and sat on the empty seats.

Then, the door of the cabin suddenly closed, and the lights hanging in the cabin were lit.

[Trading can now begin (Eternal World Tree, Gray Dream is acting as an intermediary, there is no need to worry about robbing, stealing, etc., everyone can trade as much as you want!)]

What is going on with this Gray Dream Tree?鈠

The eternity of the Eternal World Tree in Luo Xi's impression was completely destroyed.


After someone coughed, he said: It seems that we can officially start. I read on the forum that among the several functions of this update, the most practical one is the Dreamland Trading Platform, which randomly matches a certain number of Travelers come to the dream to trade items, and the number ranges from 10 to 30 people per square, coming from various places, completely random.”

The kobold nodded and said: Yes, the land area of ​​Pangea is larger than our actual Eurasian continent. The population is too scattered. Even if a million people are scattered across the continent, we will not be able to make a difference. Originally, we It’s difficult for players to exchange items, but after this time, they can more or less rely on this platform to communicate.”

“It’s just that I can’t fix the transaction partner, and there’s no friend-adding function, so it’s very unstable,” someone said.

The kobold shook his head and said: Dawn has not had a friend function since the first small beta.

Stop talking about this, let's start trading.

The big rooster glanced at Luo Xi opposite him, raised his paw, and a shield suddenly appeared on the table.

Gray text is displayed immediately.

【Brilliant Shield】

[Quality: Green (Excellent +++)]

[Category: Shield weapons]

[Attribute: Strength +10, can withstand damage hitting the shield that does not exceed its upper limit of defense (can withstand up to a full-force attack from a fourth-level intermediate transcendent), and can be converted into part of the source element for the user to absorb]

[Additional skill: Radiant Shield]

[Shield of Radiance: (Unlocked)]

[Description: This is the last work of a skilled craftsman before his death. It is only one step away from sensing and generating mithril to create a rare-level shield]

The big rooster said: The best defensive shield can be sold for millions in reality. I don't need source marrow crystals and gold coins. I need an item called 'Earth Marrow', or other earth-type items of equal value. Make an exchange.

Luo Xi glanced at it for a moment and then lost interest.

All his abilities now focus on attack, and there is no need to turn to defense.

After a while, someone took out a piece of earth-type material, plus many other things and exchanged it with the big rooster.

It can be seen that although it did not meet expectations, the big cock was still very happy. After the exchange, he immediately said that he wanted to leave. Before leaving, he shouted to Luo Xi, Little Red Dragon sister, just give me a v, and then immediately logged off and escaped.鈠

Then, continue with this transaction.


After that, Luo Xi had nothing to look at. The others were trading with each other, and he didn't say anything about it or fight for it.

It wasn't until he turned around that he finally came to his side.

Luo Xi threw out a dead snow worm from his bag and said: This is a worm transformed by a man named Ander. I hope to get information about him, no matter what, the price is 50 kilograms of source marrow crystals. , he may have the talent or ability to transform living things.


Everyone looked at each other for a while and said they had never heard of this name.鈠

Luo Xi was not surprised.

He continued: It's okay, then I want to ask if you have any information about the alien species taking the path of sublimation?

Are alien species on the road to sublimation?

The frog head looked confused and said: Aren't these two parallel routes? Sublimation comes from the sacred tree, and alienation comes from the source beast. How can these be combined?

This should be a basic understanding in Dawn.

Although sublimation and alienation are both ways to reach the transcendent, they are basically incompatible. The rumors of alien sublimation are just legends in the dream world.



Several others also gave answers of I don't know.

They looked at the red-haired dragon-horned girl holding the Dream World Npc with great curiosity.

Who is this guy?

Although the questions asked seemed very low-level, for those who knew a little about the game, they could see that the other party really wanted to know the answers to the questions.


Luo Xi nodded. He saw that although these people were not pure novices, they were probably just ordinary players.鈠

Luo Xi added: I need a long sword with blue rarity or above. I don't know if any of you have it. I can exchange it for a large amount of source marrow crystals or this staff.

He took out the 'Dream Staff' that he had not used for a long time from his dream bag.

Half of the purified source marrow in this staff has been consumed by Luo Xi, and the power of the staff has also dropped a lot, but it has not lost its level. It should be possible to repair it with a master craftsman.



Luo Xi: ...

Forget it, he didn't expect to receive a satisfactory weapon in one go.鈠

When several people saw that the transaction had ended, they all went offline. In the end, only Luo Xi and the frog head next to him were left in the entire hut.


Luo Xi stood up and opened the door of the hut.

Outside the door is still the clear lake and endless forest.

The dream space provided by this 'Grey Dream' may have other uses besides trading, otherwise there would be no need for people to bring in other people from the dream world.

Aren't you leaving? Luo Xi glanced at the frog head behind him.

The frog head came up and approached with a smile: Little girl, how old are you?

little girl.......

Luo Xi gritted his teeth and read a book www.uukanshu. net said: Fourteen.

[Note: Are you ashamed of the traveler’s pretense? 】

It's not a good thing you did!

Froghead said: It's almost time to go to high school.

Luo Xi said impatiently: If you have anything to say, please tell me.

Don't worry...this dragon tail looks so strong...um.

Froghead wanted to reach out and touch Luo Xi's tail, but was slapped away by Aina, who had been staring.

Don't touch brother...sister's tail!

Luo Xi: ...

The frog head smiled and said: Little girl, I actually have a blue rare + sword, but you can also see that I am not a magician. If you want to change it, I want a complete set of [Zero Level] —[Level 3] The sublimation formula and emblem of any profession, preferably a magician, do you have any?

Luo Xi frowned slightly, the golden vertical boy stared at the frog's head and said, Are you sure these two are equivalent?



I didn’t have time to write the extra, so I made a costume, it’s just a skin. There will definitely be no real gender change of the protagonist in the main text.

ps. The black dragon factor appears dressed as a little lolita, what does that mean? —The protagonist has a cheap red dragon mother!

And the fox is so tired. He has to recite lessons after class at 9pm. The fox’s brain has been confused for a long time and he is dizzy from memorizing. If he asks for leave someday in the future, there is nothing he can do. He can only try his best. Update it.

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