Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 236 Fox Feiya, the traveler who stole a kiss from the cat~ (six k2 in 1)

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The warm wind blows, and the small white flowers grow all over the courtyard, exuding an alluring fragrance. It rained last night, and now the sun is rising. The bright sunshine turns into threads, falling from the gaps between the emerald trees that cover the entire sky. , dispelling all the coldness of the morning.

Under the tree in the courtyard, a petite girl with fox ears and light blond hair, wearing a gorgeous dress with light green main body and layers of pleated white lace, was sobbing in the arms of a beautiful woman.

The woman also has long flowing pale golden hair, and has an appearance similar to that of ordinary humans, but extremely delicate. A pair of pointed ears penetrates from the hair, and she has a graceful temperament. Both of them have green eyes that are like emeralds.

The fox-eared girl whimpered, Mom, can I not leave?

Mom doesn't want Shasha to leave either, but if she doesn't leave, it will be too late.

The woman gently stroked her hair, parted her hair that was wet with dew, and finally held her pale face with two hands.

When the long pale golden hair fell behind her back, the fox-eared girl's original ears were revealed. They were also pointed, but about half shorter than the woman's.

The woman said gently: Sasha, from now on, you are alone. I will teleport you to the southernmost position of the Emerald Forest. Then you keep walking south. Remember not to reveal your identity. You are far away from the Emerald Forest. The farther away the city is, the better.”

As long as your Aunt Kureia is in power, you should never come back, and you should never use your true name to others.

Anyway, the farther you can escape, the better.

You can also go to other continents. If you have a way to cross the Lost Mountains, then go to the country where the Xiyan Tree is located. The classics left by our ancestors say that the environment there is the best and the temperature is pleasant.

The sea should not be able to leave...




The woman gently stroked the fox ears on the girl's head, cleaned up the tail behind her that was also wet by the rain, and said with a smile: Let me think about it, Elisabeth, after using Sasha, you can use Fiya As a name, right?

Stop crying, smile, and believe in your luck. As long as you are alive, anything is possible. You are a lucky fox.

It doesn't matter even if you can't come back. Forget about mom and the Emerald City. Such a small courtyard cannot imprison a bird like you. One day, you will also encounter things that make you nostalgic and cherished. .”

don't want-

Just as the fox-eared girl was about to refuse again, she felt dizzy. At the end of her blurred consciousness, all she saw when she raised her head was her mother's gentle gaze.

Stay alive, she said.


In a dirty thatched house.

A girl wrapped in gray rags suddenly opened her eyes, and a pair of emerald green eyes lit up in the dark room.

I just took a nap, and I dreamed of my mother again.

How many years have passed since then?

Five years?

Or ten years?

I can’t remember the time I spent wandering outside.

She has been kept in a small yard since she was a child. For thirty years, all she has are basically the memories of her and her mother.

The memories of the past should have become less and less clear with the passage of time like dust, but she has not forgotten those things. On the contrary, the past memories have become more and more mellow wine, becoming the reason why she can still live now. Motivation to go on.

The girl got out of the rags. The pair of fox ears on her head twitched slightly, shaking off the dust. She put on the straw sandals she knitted by herself, but she only took one step. The thorns on the straw sandals made her unable to bear it. Zhu snorted lightly, so she immediately took off her clothes, picked up the scissors, and cut off the thorny part.

I have to find time to make a new pair.

The fox-eared girl took out a metal mirror and combed it

With his hair down, his emerald eyes blinked slightly and turned into light gray.


A gray bird flew into the girl's hand from the hole in the thatched cottage, and kept circling around her and calling, attracting her attention.

What happened to Huihui today?

Chi chi chi chi—

Something weird? What?

Fia, it's time to work!

Someone was shouting outside.


Feiya shouted back to the outside of the thatched house, then lifted the bird, put it on the shelf, arranged its feathers, and said with a smile: I have to sow seeds these days, I am very busy. I will accompany you to see it in two days. Look.



Villa, roof garden.

Luo Xi glanced at the table full of skewers that had been skewered but not yet grilled. A brand new barbecue grill had also been set up.

Maomao finally came here, so naturally she couldn't let her leave just like that.

Originally, I wanted to take Maomao out to play, but the Master of Nine Swords personally called and asked him to continue to sit in charge here to prevent those bastards from outside from scoring twice.

Although it is unlikely to happen again, the current research base cannot withstand another attack. Before the transfer of all research facilities is completed, someone must guard it.

Luo Xi also accepted the request, so he settled for a barbecue party upstairs.

The ingredients and grill were all delivered within twenty minutes with just one phone call.

Weier was staring at the charcoal placed in the grill and observing curiously.

She poked at the charcoal.

The fingers immediately turned black.

Don't touch the charcoal, why are you as curious as a kitten, uh...

Ai Xue got stuck mid-sentence.

This one is indeed a kitten.

She took Weier and took a bottle of mineral water to wash her hands.

Luo Xi saw that the two people left and left a place, so he took a deep breath and blew out a fiery dragon breath skill.

In an instant, the much weakened dragon's breath blew onto the charcoal with orange-red flames.

The charcoal quickly turns bright red.

Fire-type abilities are particularly useful at certain times. At least you don’t have to drill wood to make fire in the wilderness (laughs).

As Luo Xi began to put the meat skewers on the shelf, Wei'er came over after washing her hands, squatting next to the grill with bright red eyes and a face filled with anticipation.

Even though the snow-colored hair was a little curled by the baking, he didn't notice it.

Aina is right, there are really so many delicious things in this world.

Will I gain weight if I keep eating?

However, Luo Xi seemed to have said that she is just a projection of her in her own world. Similar to Luo Xi's situation in their world, no matter how she eats here, it should not affect the real her.

Then there is no need to worry.

Are you okay yet?

Luo Xi looked at Maomao helplessly: How can it be so fast? Why don't you have a drink first?


Weier took a can of iced Coke and took a sip.

This is the Coke Aina mentioned before.

The ice is sweet and sour, and there are many bubbles that explode in the mouth.

The girl who had never drank this kind of drink was instantly addicted.

As the barbecue begins to come down, with the addition of spices, the aroma of the meat skewers is so delicious that you can’t help but drool. Coupled with various iced drinks, the combination of the two brings a very comfortable experience.

Wei'er had enough feelings about Aina's comments after she came back last time.

She remembered something and asked, Luo Xi, where's your yogurt? It's the one you gave Aina to drink last morning, the white and sticky one. Aina said that one is also delicious. Is it available here?


Xi: ...

Ai Xue, who was cleaning the ingredients, turned her head in shock.

Has the senior already done something sinful to that wolf-eared loli that warrants eating peanuts?

Oh, is it yogurt? That's okay.

She still remembered the morning when she misunderstood the wolf-eared girl with yogurt on her lips.

Luo Xi's mouth twitched and her eyes scanned the pile of drinks. There was no yogurt, only kefir, but they were two different things.

[Note: Traveler, why don’t you squeeze it right on the spot? Guaranteed freshness~]

Dog text, don’t think I don’t know you are speaking in a pornographic tone!

Wei'er pouted her lips and said, Forget it if I don't have it.

This kind of feeling that her sister could enjoy but she didn't always made her feel like she was being compared.

Wait a moment, it will be delivered soon.

Luo Xi made a call to the park's logistics.

Ten minutes later, the doorbell rang downstairs.

But this time, not only employees wearing white logistics uniforms came over, but also a blond man.

The employee said respectfully: Consultant Luo Xi, this is Mr. Xia Xupeng. He is the field captain of our park and one of the three third-level extraordinary beings in the park.

Hello, Consultant Luo Xi.

Xia Xupeng smiled and stretched out his hand.

Luo Xi raised an eyebrow and held it.

Since coming here, he has stayed in the villa all day, and has basically never seen anyone else except the Master of Nine Swords, and naturally he has not seen anyone else.

What was he doing here?

Speaking of which, he didn't take action in this attack.

Xia Xupeng said with a warm expression on his face: Consultant Luo Xi handled this incident in a timely manner, which reduced the park's losses a lot.

Then, he said guiltily: I was involved in an incident in Haicheng and couldn't escape, so I asked you to face two masters alone. Please forgive me for being late. I will wait for Director Jiao Qian to arrive. Yes, I will apologize to him.

Well, that's your own business. If there are no other questions, then I'll leave first.

Luo Xi took the cup of yogurt from the logistics staff's car and turned around to leave.

Xia Xupeng's eyes changed and he shouted: Wait a minute, Consultant Luo Xi, I have a deal I want to make with you!


Luo Xi turned her head in confusion.

Xia Xupeng said: Of the people you killed, Consultant Luo Xi, [Purple Flame Camel Lion] Spasoye did not use weapons, but the president of the hunting club Sheng Mao, the weapon in his hand , seems to be a firearm from the Land of Heavenly Craftsmanship and has great research and analysis value. Could you please...

Luo Xi said casually: Oh, that one is at Ai Xue's side, you have to ask her.

Then may I...

Feel sorry.

Ai Xue's voice sounded. She came out of the villa, holding the gun in her hand, shaking her head and saying: This weapon will still be very useful to me in the future, so I can't give it to you.

That's it...

Xia Xupeng nodded slightly and said, I'm sorry, I won't disturb you anymore. Please continue to practice in the park. In the future, Haicheng Park will rely on your support, consultant.

After saying that, Xia Xupeng turned around and left without hesitation.

This one is not to be trifled with.

- Where are you Luo Xi? What are these condiments! I can't put them in!

At this time, a girl's call came from upstairs, using the language of the dream world, her voice was clear and ethereal.

Xia Xupeng turned around and looked at the villa in surprise.

Ai Xue is downstairs, so who is this girl's voice?

He remembered that internal information said that Luo Xi had the ability to bring people from the dream world over.

If this is true...

Then Luo Xi's value is greater than everyone imagined.


【The Golden Gun of Life】

[Quality: Purple (Epic-)]

[Category: firearms weapons]

[Attributes: Condensate the source element into the gun's magazine, condense it into a bullet and pull the trigger to shoot. The more condensed source element, the greater the power of the bullet, and the longer the shooting cooling time. The person who is shot, the body The flow of source elements will be stagnant for 3 minutes, and all attributes will drop by 50% within thirty minutes (the color of the bullet is initially light gold, the more condensed source elements, the darker the color)]

[Additional skills: One shot to seal life (not unlocked), Thousand Miles of Light (not unlocked)]

[Prerequisite for use: Basic strength is above 100 points, otherwise it will not be able to withstand the recoil]

[Description: This gun is an advanced imitation of [Wanli Guangming], one of the seven famous guns in the Land of Heavenly Works. It is a masterpiece spread to other countries by a certain master craftsman]

Ai Xue handed over the black gun in her arms and said softly: Senior, do you really not want this weapon?

Luo Xi looked at the gun for a moment, then shook his head and said, Didn't you say you could use it? Just keep it for now. I can just ask you for it when I need it.

The attributes of this gun are good, but it is of little use to him now. The cooldown speed of shooting is too slow.

And for many extraordinary people, firearms are far inferior to spells, abilities, or a handy cold weapon.

For example, Luo Xi now lacks a high-end sword.

Swords of green quality will melt when exposed to his high-temperature flames.

It would be great if I could get a long sword of this quality.

Or find a master craftsman to build one yourself.

It's all going to be burnt! Where are you people?

Weier's shout came from upstairs again.

I'm coming!

So, until the bright starry sky fell at night, the three of them kept eating upstairs. When they didn't have enough, they called the logistics department to deliver it. .br\u003e

Wei'er also successfully replicated Aina's operation of eating her belly until it was round and round.

After she was full, she lay on the floor covered with straw mats on the roof of the building, touched her belly, looked at the bright moonlight and starry sky, and couldn't help but sigh: It's really nice here. No wonder Aina has always missed it.

Ai Xue, who had shrunk a bit, sat aside, pulled down the shoulder strap that she had slipped down, and said with a smile:

Come again next time?

Okay...but it should be my sister who comes next time.

Your sister... I feel so difficult to deal with.

Yeah, if I weren't her sister, I would feel like my life would be in danger even when I sleep.

Is that an exaggeration?

To be honest, I don't know how that pervert managed to trick my sister into marrying him.

So the senior is a lolicon.

Yes, he is a lolicon, a pervert, a scumbag!

Luo Xi had just gone upstairs with the drink he had just arrived, and was listening to two girls complaining about him behind the door.

[Note: Traveler, everyone around you has a clear understanding of you~]

you shut up.


Luo Xi coughed twice and came out of the door, putting down the drink: Do you still want to drink?

Slow down first.

Wei'er patted her belly and sighed, It feels like I've been pregnant for several months.

Luo Xi couldn't help but complain: It sounds like you were pregnant.

Ai Xue said with a bad smile: Senior, if you take Weier like this to play on the street, you will be reported by a righteous person and arrested in minutes, right?

Who wants to go out with this pervert! Huh? Why have you become so small?

Who's to say that seniors don't like older ones?

This pervert is really hopeless!

Luo Xi couldn't stand listening anymore, so she grabbed the cat's flexible tail, then sat down on the straw mat and put it on

Weier was pulled to her side.

Huh?—What are you doing!

Wei'er was also pulled over half-pushed.

Maomao felt a little nervous.

This guy wouldn't want to do anything to her here, would he?

If there wasn't Ai Xue around, it wouldn't be impossible...

But Luo Xi just lay down quietly, grabbing the cat's tail and not moving around.

Seeing that he had no idea, Wei'er also lay down and looked up at the starry sky.

Ai Xue came up not to be outdone.

So, the two girls lay on both sides of Luo Xi, one on the left and one on the right. Different aromas filled the tip of his nose, making his already weak body want to fall asleep after using his ability.

When I feel sleepy, I have someone by my side. I haven't had this feeling for a long time.

So, he fell into a deep sleep.

When he woke up, it seemed like a long time had passed, and yet it seemed like not too long.

The starry sky is still so bright.

However, Weier seemed to be facing him sideways instead.

The warmth from the girl's breath hit his neck, making him feel a little wet.

Ai Xue even hugged him, allowing him to fully feel the girl's softness.

[Note: The traveler is having a party, why don’t you call us! 】

Come down if you can!

Luo Xi can't tell the time now, but judging from the fact that the game hasn't been updated yet, it should still be before 10 o'clock.

But the next moment the text jumped out.

【Ding! Dawn version 2.0 closed beta is now online]

[The contents of this update include [Dream Trading Platform] [Realistic Crisis Tips in Synchronous State] [Title Display Function] [World Epic Journey Achievements List]]

[The World Epic Journey Achievements List has been opened]

[Traveler, your achievement: [Above Heaven] has been recorded in the epic journey achievement list]

[Do you want to publish your name? 】

Luo Xi hesitated for a moment and chose yes.

Anyway, he is already famous enough. The more powerful he shows to the outside world, the fewer people will dare to mess with him, right?

[Please enter your words of encouragement to others]

Luo Xi thought for a while and entered - [There is a big guy in the sky, don't go up there casually]

【Input completed】

[Retrieve the only exclusive title Animal Ear Loli Strategy Master\

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