Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 233 Hatchet and scumbag are a perfect match~ (five k2 in 1)

Chapter 234 Hatchet and scumbag are a perfect match~ (5k two-in-one)

Master, you are going too fast now! It's time to slow down!

I know.

Luo Xi listened to the howling wind in his ears. Different from when he came up, the existence of gravity acceleration alone made him accelerate continuously. After using the power of flames to push, the falling speed suddenly exceeded 300 meters per second. Close to the speed of sound.

The howling wind scraped against Starfire's armor like a knife, having no effect on him, but the guy he was holding in his hand had completely fallen into a coma.

Under the triple blow of hypoxia, low temperature, and strong wind, even a third-level magician could not withstand it.

Luo Xi slowly turned his head and feet, and bright red flames burst out from under his feet, turning into reverse thrust beneath the sparks, causing Luo Xi, who was falling faster and faster, to reach about a kilometer closer to the surface. time slowly slowed down.

With almost three minutes left in the dragon transformation time, Luo Xi finally landed on the ground.

The spark and dragon transformation states are released at the same time.

First, the muscles on his back squirmed, and the dark wings turned into illusory light and shadow. Then, the long dragon tail shattered from the tail upward. Finally, all the scales on the body peeled off, revealing the smooth muscle curves.


Luo Xi frowned and let the sparks that had gathered back cover part of his body. After all, he was wearing nothing now. If he just walked out like this, it would be equivalent to running naked.

This will affect the little remaining image of yourself.

He didn't want to add exhibitionist to the title.

Not long after Luo Xi landed, a group of soldiers came over carefully with guns. When they saw that the person standing was Luo Xi, their expressions softened.

It's Mr. Consultant. There's no need for you to come over.

The captain said something to his companions behind him, then put away his gun, saluted Luo Xi, and then looked at the man Luo Xi had thrown aside, almost frozen into a lump of ice.

Magic Master Zhan Rui? Why is this happening?

The captain squatted down to check and confirmed that this guy was the enemy who invaded the base before.

As expected of the [Black Death], I don’t know how fierce the battle in the sky was, but it’s a pity that I couldn’t film it.

Luo Xi rubbed his eyebrows and asked, Can I leave this guy to you?

After the dragon transformation state was lifted, it brought about the negative effect of an 80% decrease in all attributes. Even though his basic attributes were already very high, the interaction of these 80% weakening made him feel a little bad.

I have to go back and take a shower and take a rest.

I don’t know what happened to the cat either.

The captain hesitated for a moment and said: The magician Zhan Rui is a third-level spiritual magician, and he is also good at weird methods like alchemy. Now you are the only one in the park who has the ability to restrain him.

I don't have any energy now.

Luo Xi frowned and asked, Haven't you already developed an instrument to limit the extraordinary? Is there anything that can be put on him to make him lose his abilities?

It seems there is no such thing. Please wait a moment.

The captain covered his ears with headphones. After a while, he smiled and said: Mr. Feng Xingming invites you to bring this Zhan Rui down. There are instruments in the research room that can restrain this extraordinary person who is no longer able to move.

One minute later.

Luo Xi jumped directly from the top of the big hole that Zhan Rui had opened before.

He threw Zhan Rui, who had recovered in his hand, to the ground.

This research base is filled with all kinds of equipment that he cannot name, but it can be seen that all the arrangements are for the large instrument about ten meters high in the center.

A middle-aged man came out from the researchers in white coats at the back, extended his hand to Luo Xi, and smiled very warmly.

Consultant Luo, welcome to your arrival. This is the Haicheng City Dream Research Base. I am the chairman researcher here, Feng Xingming.

Luo Xi shook hands with him, and then said, I brought him here, so I'll leave first.

After that, he was about to jump back up, but a strong feeling of dizziness hit him, making his vision go dark.

Luo Xi's body swayed slightly, and he felt that his consciousness could no longer hold on.

Is the negative effect of reducing all attributes by 80% so severe?

Well, Mr. Consultant, what are you doing?

Feng Xingming was just about to ask about Luo Xi's physical condition when he heard hysterical roars.

Impossible! This is impossible!

The heavy iron door opened, and Ran Wanshan staggered out of the locked room, looking at Zhan Rui who was frozen into ice with disbelief.

Why?! I've told you so many secrets, and you still fail?! Just take the data disk away with me! Are you all trash? Even the high-level transcendental ones are not here, I'll give it to you You have created twenty minutes of action time and you can’t do it? Do you still want me to send things up in person? If I can go up, do you still need me?!”

Ran Wanshan screamed in anger for a while, then looked at Feng Xingming and stumbled towards him, but was directly held down by several researchers.

He roared: Old Feng, I have my own reasons! They used drugs to control my wife very early! If I didn't do this, my wife would die!

Lao Ran

Feng Xingming looked at his long-time friend and sighed.

No matter what difficulties you have.

This is not a reason for your betrayal.

There are always some things that, for people like them, are higher than their own lives.

Even all of oneself.

Luo Xi glanced at the hysterical guy.

Is this person a mole in the research base?

But Luo Xi was not interested in finding out more.

He just wants to go back and take a rest now.

can I go now?

Hearing Luo Xi's voice, Ran Wanshan looked at Luo Xi again, his face instantly turned ferocious: It's you, right! Luo Xi? Why are you trying to hinder me?! Why?

Luo Xi ignored him and looked at Feng Xingming: Do you have any clothes? Lend me one?

Feng Xingming: The cloakroom is buried. There are only tops here, or I can take them off.

It's okay if you have a top.

Luo Xi casually put on the white coat handed over by Feng Xingming.

It's better than nothing.

You can handle the rest by yourselves. I have to leave first.

Aiming at the opening above his head, Luo Xi slowly squatted down with his legs, part of the spark flowed to his feet, and then he suddenly jumped up.

Luo Xi grabbed the edge of the hole and climbed up.

Under the awe of the soldiers, Luo Xi got into an armored vehicle and was sent back to the villa area on the other side of the park.

Forty minutes after the incident, except for Jiujian and branch chief Jiao Gan, who were still on a business trip, the only third-level transcendent left in Haicheng District arrived belatedly.

At this point, the attack on the park base ended.

The death toll is currently unknown.


In Luo Xi's room.

Wei'er and Ai Xue were both a little embarrassed about each other.

The topic got stuck after Ai Xue said that she and Luo Xi had known each other for three years.

Weier didn't know what to say.

The other party said that he had known Luo Xi for three years, which was obviously an oath to her that he came first and his sovereignty.

Ai Xue was a little afraid that Weier would continue to ask in detail.

Before coming into contact with the game Dawn, although the senior and her had some intersection, they could almost be said to be two completely parallel lines. To a certain extent, the time she spent with Luo Xi was no more than that of Wei'er. How many.

And the senior has made it clear that he likes this cat-eared girl.

However, this cat-eared girl does look a bit young. Is she 1.5 meters tall?

Ai Xue asked softly: Um, can I ask how old you are?


After Weier finished answering, she seemed to feel that stopping like this would make the atmosphere awkward, so she asked, What about you?

I'm twenty-two, but I use the time of our world to calculate it. From your side, I'm probably less than twenty, right?

Ai Xue smiled lightly, stood up and walked towards the door, saying: I'm going to get some drinks and snacks. We can chat for a while before the senior comes.

After Ai Xue went out, her body was soft against the wall, her hand gently stroking her racing heart, as if she was not nervous at the moment when she had just encountered a life-threatening situation.

What a beautiful girl. I don't know how the senior met her and managed to win her over in such a short time.

The cat-eared girl with white hair and red eyes is even legal.

The combination of various attributes and cuteness makes her look like a fantasy girl coming out of a galgame. Even a girl like her can't help but want to hold it and touch it a few times.

And judging from the performance of the wolf-eared lolita in the past, the senior even worked together with the two sisters.

Sisters take it all.

Senior is a real punishment.

Compared with Wei'er, her figure advantage is of no use to her seniors, her appearance is also no advantage, and she is several years older.

Ai Xue felt a strong sense of failure.

Three years is not as good as two weeks.

Why is she pulling like this?


Ai Xue sighed softly, returned to her room, took a small plate and packed some snacks.

After all, they are guests from another world.

No matter what, you have to entertain them well.


Wei'er's red eyes looked around with interest.

A two-meter-long double bed, exquisite decoration, snow-white walls, and quilt on the bed.

This is Luo Xi's room.

I didn't expect that I would actually be able to come to this world.


Maomao patted the chest of her skirt.

Although she felt the soft place when she touched it, and the feeling of squeezing her hand, she thought it was pretty good, but compared to that woman, she was really far behind.

If she had a proud figure like her mother, it would be possible but it would never be possible.

Wei'er hugged her calves, her lace skirt covering her secret parts. She put her delicate chin on her knees and recalled some of the previous things in a daze.

That guy obviously raised such a beautiful girl with such a good figure in this world.

Why are you still so nice to her and Aina?

The tail behind her subconsciously wrapped around her hand.

Maomao looked down.

This long cat tail is as flexible as a human hand and can make different movements according to her wishes.

The girl suddenly woke up.

By the way, alienation characteristics!

She and Aina also have their own advantages over that woman, that is, their alienation characteristics.

When Wei'er thought of this, a lot of the disappointment in her heart disappeared. Thinking back to their previous encounter, how many times did that guy secretly touch Aina and did something to her tail several times.

The tail was held by the cat in his hand and wagging happily.


She still has something to compare with~

Ai Xue pushed the door in with a snack plate and almost dropped the plate in her hand when she saw Weier playing with her tail.

Well, this cat girl is so cute!

I want to hold rua in my arms.

When Weier saw Ai Xue coming in, she also hurriedly put down her tail.

She regretted in her heart, how could she show the posture just now in front of this woman.

The other party must be laughing at her for being a little girl, right?

Ai Xue pulled the table in the room over, pushed it to the bedside, then put the snack plate on it, and said with a smile: Miss Wei'er, I don't know what you like, so I took some of everything in my room, Eat whatever you like.

Huh? Okay.

Wei'er couldn't stand Ai Xue's sudden enthusiasm.

She could clearly see that this woman had a good impression of Luo Xi, the 'senior' as she called her, so why should she look good on her?

And what she just said was her room, right?

They both live together


If they all live together and everything has been done, then why don't they sleep in the same bed? But sleep in separate rooms?

Weier noticed this very keenly.

So, doesn’t that pervert and this girl named Ai Xue have a deep relationship?

At least, not to the point of sleeping in the same bed.

Here, let's have some dessert.

Ai Xue unwrapped the plastic shell of a piece of cake and placed it on the table leaning towards Wei'er. She chuckled and said, This is the Black Forest Chocolate Cake. I bought it from the cake shop in the park yesterday. I didn't eat it. I'll give it to you. .”


Weier looked down at the black and white food with a rich aroma.

She picked up the fork, took a piece of it, and put it in her mouth.

A sweet taste that was indescribable in her vocabulary bloomed in her taste buds. Maomao's eyes lit up, and she forked another piece and continued to taste it.

The sweetness of chocolate, the smoothness of cream, and the fluffiness of cake.

Although Wei'er didn't know the ingredients of this 'cake', she knew that even in the dream world, this thing was one of the top delicacies.

Ai Xue looked at the cute cat-eared girl eating dessert, her eyes gradually softened, and there was also a hint of loss hidden in her eyes.

Such a cute girl, if she were a senior, she would choose her, right?

Eat slowly. If it's not enough, I'll buy more. There are also potato chips and Coke here.

Ai Xue also opened a can of soda and took two sips.

She turned to look out the window, feeling a little sad.

So, she was ready to ask her last question.

Ai Xue said softly: Sister Wei'er, do you like senior?


Wei'er's little hand holding the cake fork froze, and her delicate pretty face was suddenly dyed a beautiful crimson color. Her two cat ears were raised upward, revealing the light pink inner ear walls and part of the white fluff.

No, that's not the case. I don't like that pervert at all! Not at all! You are thinking too much!

Wei'er forked a large piece of cake into her mouth and swallowed it, as if the cake was Luo Xi.

However, after saying these words, Weier suddenly felt that her heart became empty.

Why do you have to cover up like this at this time?

Don't like it at all?

Ai Xue raised her head and looked at Weier in surprise.

What's going on with this cat-eared girl?

Is she a tsundere girl?

By the way, are there really tsundere little lolita with cat ears in the world?

Isn’t this something only found in anime and novels?

That guy is just a pervert. He just lied to my idiot sister.

Wei'er clenched her fists and snorted slightly, but her nose became sore.

Some want to cry.

She asked in a low voice: What about you?


Ai Xue turned her face away and smiled bitterly: Counting the time, from freshman to junior year, it's been a long time.

Wei'er was silent for a while and said softly: That's it.

In comparison, she was the one who came later.

However, I have confessed my love to my senior seven times, but he has never promised me.


Weier raised her head and looked at Ai Xue in disbelief.

Ai Xue looked at her calmly.

it is true.

Weier felt a little incredible.

Why would that guy reject such a cute girl?

Wei'er could tell that what Ai Xue said was not just to paralyze her, or to deceive her into speaking out. Just as she had guessed, the relationship between her and Luo Xi might not be that deep after all?

Ai Xue stretched out her hand and wanted to touch Weier's face. Weier was shaken in her heart and did not avoid her hand.

So, Ai Xue successfully touched it.

Maomao's smooth and delicate skin can be broken by blows, and a shy blush still lingers on it. If the girl's pretty face can grow longer, she will definitely be a first-class beauty.

Ai Xue lowered her eyes and said, Actually, I envy you. The senior hasn't told me that he likes you.

Wei'er subconsciously replied: He didn't tell me that either. Instead, he kept saying that he liked my sister and wanted to marry her in the future.



The two of them were stunned together.

Ai Xue was surprised and asked: Does the senior's behavior towards that wolf-eared little loli last time really have evil thoughts?


Wei'er complained and complained: That guy can touch Aina for a long time just by holding her tail. If I weren't around, he could bury his face in it.


The room door suddenly opened.

I'm so tired. Let's change some clothes first. Are you okay, Cat?

Luo Xi resisted the feeling of sleepiness and glanced at Maomao sitting on the bed and Ai Xue sitting opposite.

Ai Xue was holding Weier's face with her hands.

The two of them seem to get along well?

But why did the two of them look at him with such cold eyes?

Luo Xi shuddered.


This is definitely an illusion.

I guess it was because I flew too high before and was somewhat frozen.

Yes, that's it.

[Note: Traveler, don’t deceive yourself, the hatchet and the scumbag are a perfect match~]

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