Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 234: Don’t step on his face, Cat. This is a reward for him! (five k2 in 1)

I'm going to take a shower first, and you two will talk for a while.

Under the cold gazes of the two people, Luo Xi walked to the bed, opened the wardrobe, and rummaged through her clothes.

He didn't know what the two girls talked about during his absence, but Luo Xi's instinct as a man told him that he should leave this place now.

There might be a real risk of being stabbed if you stay here.

【Ding! Your factor concentration has increased by 0.2 percentage points]

[Current factor concentration: 5.21%]

The text prompt jumped a bit.

Luo Xi frowned.

The dragon transformation skill has been released, why is the level of alienation still increasing?

[Note: The acquisition of power naturally comes at a cost. After temporarily increasing the concentration of the alienation factor by 20 points, traveler, do you think you can return to the original state without any cost? 】

I see.

In other words, if he keeps using the skill [Dragon Transformation] continuously, the factor concentration will increase rapidly, right?

A factor concentration of 5% enters the second stage of alienation.

The third level is estimated to be at least 15%? Or 20%?

However, the end of alienation, like sublimation, has an upper limit. The upper limit of sublimation comes from the upper limit of the path given by the sacred tree, while the upper limit of alienation comes from the source beast.

After approaching or reaching the upper limit, what should you do if you want to go further?

Luo Xi thought of the Rat King North.

North has been planning for so long, maybe he just wants to take it a step further, right?

Can this extraordinary way of alienation ensure sanity and continuously become stronger in a human body?

Suddenly, a burning sensation from the inside seemed to burn out his lungs, causing him to cough unconsciously.

Then, a bright red flame with a temperature of up to 3000 degrees was spit out from his throat and fell into the cabinet. It burned the cabinet and the clothes inside to ashes in an instant, and the flames also spread.

Huh? What's going on!


The two girls staring at him across the bed were startled by Luo Xi's actions.

Luo Xi didn't have time to explain to Cat Ai Xue, so she picked up the fire extinguisher that had been placed by the bedside, opened it and sprayed it twice, put down the fire extinguisher and left:

Sorry, I'm going to take a shower first!

But after just two steps, the dizziness in Luo Xi's brain intensified. The side effects of being released from dragon transformation finally emerged. As the strength of his limbs was drained, his vision became darker and darker, and he looked towards He fell down uncontrollably on the bed.

To be precise, he fell onto the cat sitting on his bed.

Meow!—Pervert, what are you doing?!

Wei'er thought Luo Xi, a pervert, was up to something else, and just about to push him away, she found that Luo Xi seemed to have really fainted.

When her hand touched Luo Xi's back, she immediately retracted it as if she had touched a red-hot iron block, and her delicate fingers suddenly turned red.

So hot!

Wei'er could only move her position and let Luo Xi fall on the bed.

Ai Xue stood up in a hurry and asked: What's wrong, senior? Could it be that he was injured in the battle just now? Do you want to call a doctor...

Wei'er stared at Luo Xi's body, shook her head and said: No, this is his own problem, there is no point in calling a doctor. This situation should be a side effect of the deepening erosion of the alienation factor, or some of his own physical problems.

Luo Xi was now only wearing a white coat. The muscles on her abdomen were clearly defined, and her well-proportioned body was filled with a restless and fiery smell, which made Weier feel as if she was near a stove.


Ai Xue whined.


Weier looked at Ai Xue doubtfully.

Ai Xue covered her eyes with both hands and said in a trembling voice: Senior... Senior, he seems... seems...

Weier: ...

Why did this woman suddenly stutter?

Didn't you speak very fluently before?

Didn't you see?

Ai Xue blushed and shouted: You...senior, he's not wearing pants!

While speaking, Ai Xue secretly looked at the unconscious Luo Xi lying on the bed through the gaps between her fingers.

Hello, senior...so awesome!

She was suddenly glad that when she seduced her senior before, he didn't agree.

It’s impossible even if you think about it!

In that case, it will definitely be broken!

But this cat-eared girl doesn't feel much older than when she was the youngest at night...

Ai Xue fell into thinking.

Compared to Ai Xue's excitement, Wei'er didn't feel much at all. She had seen almost everything she could see when she was dealing with Luo Xi's first awakening of the alienation factor.

What's the big deal?

Of course, it still has to be dealt with.

Weier looked around and took out a pair of scissors from the bedside table next to her.

Ai Xue looked at it and shouted in a panic: Wait a minute, isn't this true?! Although the senior is a bit scumbag, he is still a pervert who told your sister that he likes to get married. Loli control, but he shouldn't be cut off. ...

what are you talking about?

Maomao looked at the woman in confusion.

What was cut?

Wei'er opened and closed the scissors twice, and then cut the clothes along Luo Xi's white coat.


She tore off the clothes with the cut openings.

It can be seen that some of the fibers have melted and adhered closely to Luo Xi's skin. If the time is longer, they may completely adhere to it.

Wei'er didn't dare to touch Luo Xi's hot body with her hands, so she wrapped Luo Xi's hands in a quilt to prevent them from being burned, then turned Luo Xi over and tore off the clothes on her back in the same way.

Ai Xue watched Weier's series of skillful moves, but she stood there, stupid, not knowing what to do.

Compared to this cat-eared girl, Ai Xue felt like she was a waste.

After Wei'er tore off all the sticky clothes, she looked at Ai Xue and said, His body temperature is too high. He must be cooled down. Is there cold water here? Both a towel and a washbasin are needed.

Ai Xue was stunned for a moment, then said: Bath...over there in the bathroom, can you fill the bathtub with cold water to rinse and cool down the senior?

Okay, I need to cool down first anyway.

Then I'll release the water!

Ai Xue immediately rushed into the bathroom and filled the bathtub with water.

Then she came out and worked with Wei'er to move Luo Xi out of the quilt, shaking it like he was taking out garbage, and threw Luo Xi directly from the quilt into the bathtub.

The cold water in the bathtub obviously turned white when it came into contact with Luo Xi. He didn't know how high Luo Xi's body temperature was now. The water would boil in about a minute.

The entire bathroom was filled with thick water vapor. Apart from the sound of running water, the only sound left was the soft gasping of the two girls running around.



The director of the Haicheng City Dream Tourism Bureau, Jiao Gan, looked at the report that had just been sent with a gloomy expression.

Jiujian was next to him, his expression equally ugly.

Who's behind this?

Jiao Gan shook his head: It's not clear yet. Feng Xingming said that 'Magic Master' Zhan Rui can't speak yet, and Ran Wanshan is even more crazy. I just don't know whether he is really crazy or fake, and many people in our park seem to have been bribed. Of course they may not know what they are doing.

Jiujian knocked on the table angrily and said: That bastard Xia Xupeng, who was not around at the critical moment, went to the city to have a good time and have fun? He also made the excuse that he was doing business, who would believe it? I have told him several times to keep an eye on the base. Got it!

The punishment for Xia Xupeng will be discussed later.

Jiao Gan put away his gloomy expression and said with a smile: Jiujian, you have a very good vision. If that young man is not in the park, then the best result for the research base this time is to completely self-destruct and prevent them from getting the hardware. and data.”

That's right, I've always had a good eye...hey.

Jiujian blew his beard proudly, then sighed softly and said, I just didn't expect that his hidden strength would be so strong. After the news gets out, we still don't know if he can stay with us.

As the number of people in the closed beta test of Dawn increases, the demand for high-level extraordinary people in various parts of Xia Kingdom is also increasing. Without enough strength and manpower, the local area simply cannot suppress so many players who have embarked on the road to extraordinary people. .

This is also the reason why equipment such as the ‘Yuansu Resonance Diffusion’ instrument is needed.

Those who can reach the third level now are basically the first batch of people who entered the game six months ago. The first batch of registered players in Xia Guozhong totaled more than 2,000 people. With the support of Xia Guozhong, they successfully reached the third level. There are only more than a hundred, and there are only a few in each province.

The strength and record that Luo Xi showed this time not only increased the overall strength of Xia Kingdom's players, but also increased his voice in the newly established council, and also amplified his own value a lot.

Well, he is a rare talent.

Jiao Gan said in a deep voice: But judging from the psychological model we created, Luo Xi is not a person with too many desires. Even if other places offer him better conditions, he may not agree, and it is not Are you still here? He won't leave until you teach him all the sword skills, right?

Jiujian smiled bitterly and said: My swordsmanship? I suspect that he will finish learning my swordsmanship in two months.

Jiao Gan raised his eyebrows, looked at Jiujian and said, Jiujian, I remember that you have a granddaughter who has just entered junior high school?

Jiujian said suspiciously: There is one, what do you want to do?

Jiao Gan asked: Do you look beautiful?

Jiujian said: It's very ugly and cute, and it eats like a piglet.

Jiao Gan waved his hands in disgust: That's okay, he probably doesn't like it.

Jiujian laughed and scolded: What do you dislike?! Why don't you send your daughter over!

The two stared at each other, then laughed together.

Jiao Gan said with a smile: We have to correct his name. That weird title is somewhat outrageous. We can't influence foreign countries, but we can still do it well at home. The one million players this time, if we count it based on the number of people, According to the allocation, we will probably be able to allocate close to 200,000. When we find someone, we will promote to them our Xia Kingdom’s current strongest dream traveler, [Black Death]-Luo Xi.”


Luo Xi had another dream.

In the giant volcano crater spewing lava, there was a ferocious dragon lying there. All the scales on its body were red, and the crimson flames were burning on its body.

It was biting a dead black dragon. The black dragon looked a bit like a bat.

Roar! —

As the blazing wind spread together with the dark fog, the red dragon fell into a deep sleep. After an unknown period of time, its form had changed a lot and it suddenly opened its dragon eyes. The golden vertical boy stared at the sky and lowered his head. Roar.

Then, his head slowly lowered and he groaned softly.

Like a mountain range, the black giant with no visible body covered the sky and the sun, fanning up more than ten levels of strong winds passing high in the sky. Under the flapping of its wings, a high-pitched echo like steel friction burst out, and the wind it released The pressure made countless origin beasts on the ground lower their heads in submission.

That is, Bahamut, the Black Dragon!

After the black dragon left, a jet-black light headed toward the underground dragon and entered its body.

As a result, the dragon's form completely changed.

The crimson dragon scales were stained with a large area of ​​black, and the flames burning on its body also took on a dark color. It continued to stretch its body.

The hundred-meter-long dragon roared happily toward the sky, spitting out black and red flames that soared into the sky, shaking the surrounding earth and mountains.


Luo Xi opened her eyes sleepily.

The images in the dream were still reflected clearly in his mind.

Is this strange dream coming from the Source Beast, the source of the alienation factors in his body?

The Black Abyss Flame Dragon is a fifth-level king-level dragon that was promoted after the Abyss Flame Dragon swallowed the Dark Bat Dragon. The black dragon Bahamut seems to have helped it advance once.

Luo Xi may know why he was able to meet the black dragon high in the sky that time. Not only did he not die, he even got its broken scales.

Is Bahamut curious about the alienation factor in his body?

[Note: Traveler, instead of thinking about this kind of thing, why not take a closer look at the beautiful scenery? You are in good health~]


When Luo Xi came back to her senses, she realized that she was lying in the bathtub in the bathroom, naked from head to toe.

Hazy water vapor drifts around the bathroom, creating an effect like a dry ice carbon dioxide stage.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the source-changing app used by chasing bugs, huanyuanapp.]

In the water vapor ahead, there was a conversation between two girls, using the language of the dream world.

Do you want to continue watering him?

The temperature has dropped. It's almost no longer needed. Let's lift him out of the water.

Then I'll go check on the senior.

A soaked girl walked over from the mist in front. Her wet hair stuck tightly to the top that had become translucent due to being stained with water. The beautiful red color revealed the girl's fair skin, which was charming and charming. moving.


Ai Xue blinked.

In the bathtub, Luo Xi's head position was a little different than before.

Is it an illusion?

Wei'er said from behind: Put out the water in the tank, wipe him down first, and send him back to bed. It's not good for him to soak in the water for too long.

Ai Xue nodded: Well, then you do it or do I come... to wipe him?

Wei'er's expression froze.

Although she wanted to say that it doesn't matter if you just wipe her body, but if she said that at this time, she would always feel a little uncomfortable.

It was already very uncomfortable before.

She didn't know why she always said something different from what she thought.

Seeing Weier's silence, Ai Xue asked tentatively: How about... together?

Weier nodded slightly and said, Okay.

Then she added: It will wipe faster this way.

I'll get the towel.

Ai Xue turned back and walked towards the bathroom door.

Weier took two more steps.

Maomao looked at Luo Xi with his eyes closed in the bathtub, leaned down, touched his face, and whispered:

Pervert, aren't you awake yet?

no response.


Wei'er lowered her eyes and said, I thought this world that Aina mentioned was such a beautiful place. It turns out that you are also working so hard in this world.

She told me that if you 'travelers from another world' die here, you are really dead.

Then why are you still fighting so hard? Can't you protect yourself?

After the alienation factor first awakened, it took such a short time to enter the second level of alienation. Do you want to degenerate into an irrational monster in two months?

The bath towels are here.

Ai Xue came back with a bath towel and saw Weier talking to the bathtub, so she asked, Senior, is he awake?

Weier said calmly: Not yet, I'm calling him a fool.

Senior is indeed silly sometimes.

Ai Xue smiled, handed Weier a bath towel, and said, However, this is the kind of senior I like. If he wasn't such a person, then I wouldn't be here now.

Weier nodded in agreement.


If Luo Xi was not such a person, then she would have died in Winter City, or she and her sister would definitely have left with their mother.

Ai Xue looked at the young man's body in the bathtub, her pretty face flushed slightly and said: Then... let's start? You in front and me behind? Or...

Anything is fine. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

The two girls each took a bath towel and wiped Luo Xi with every detail, from the back to the neck, from the neck to the abdomen.

Finally, Luo Xi felt a small hand holding a bath towel reaching towards her.

An uncontrollable surge of blood surged up...

No, something is going to go wrong!

He finally shouted: Wait! I can... um...

When Luo Xi opened his eyes, he saw two girls with different expressions. They stood together in front of the bathtub and looked at him as if they were scum.

Maomao also stared at him fiercely.

She used one hand to protect her chest, and the long cat tail was wrapped around her waist, and finally tied into a small knot.

Like Ai Xue, her skirt was soaked due to the water vapor in the bathroom. The white skirt she chose for her last time fit her body tightly, but compared to Ai Xue next to her. Snow, a lot less ups and downs.

Ai Xue covered her lips and smiled jokingly: Senior, is it bad to pretend to be faint? When did you wake up? Are you satisfied with our service?

Luo Xi swallowed and said, Well, I don't know if you believe it or not, but I just woke up...

Wei'er (〃>﹏<〃) raised her calf and kicked Luo Xi hard in the face. The slippers she was wearing flew out, and crystal water drops continued to drip down along the curve of her white feet.

Pervert! Stop explaining! You'd better die!

【Ding! Your happiness value +30]

[Note: Put down the cat quickly! You are rewarding travelers! 】

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