Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 232: The cat-eared and red-eyed loli finally appears, thousands of meters above reality!

Ai Xue exclaimed.

Senior, what's going on?

The pair of jet-black dragon wings were about three meters wide on each side. The slender dragon tail was slightly raised upwards, with blazing black-red fireworks burning on them. The high temperature ruthlessly distorted the surrounding air.

Part of the young man's exposed skin was covered with pure black scales, and there were also flames wrapped around it, covering important parts.

The red and black dragon horns, which were originally only a few centimeters, have grown to about ten centimeters. There are some bulges and bifurcations on the surface, and the shape looks very graceful.

Wei'er also meowed in Ai Xue's arms.

Why has this guy's alienation level increased again?

From the looks of it, does this mean we have entered the second level of alienation?

It is impossible for ordinary alien species to undergo such drastic changes when they step into the second level.

A trace of sadness flashed in Maomao's eyes.

If this continues, Luo Xi will one day turn into a dragon origin beast, right?

Although the path of alienation comes to the end, if the body and spirit do not collapse and successfully reach the peak of the Origin Beast, one can still think rationally.

But that wouldn't be the same anymore.

Once the nature of human beings changes, can we still be called human beings?

Our understanding of the world may be changed.

Some people watching not far away also opened their eyes in disbelief.

What changes happened to the black god of death?


Luo Xi turned back and smiled at Ai Xue and Maomao. A pair of red-gold vertical boys returned to their original appearance. He chuckled and said, You guys go home first, I'll be back later.

The next moment, the dark wings suddenly fluttered.

Luo Xi left the ground in an instant, and the flames on his body turned into bright red and were released from under his feet, like a rocket spitting fuel, pushing him towards the place where the black smoke was coming out.

[Note: Traveler, don’t you feel very good at this moment? 】


Luo Xi agreed with a 'hmm' sound.

Wei'er has said before that whether it is alienation or sublimation, it is actually a way of utilizing the source element, and they are both extraordinary paths.

It's just that the path of alienation will not be considered by the high-ranking people in the dream world at all.

Even if it reaches the end, it will only become a source beast.

Who would want to become a source beast?

But Luo Xi was not so afraid now.

This guy Gou Wenwen is the existence behind him, so he won't watch him turn into a dragon, right?

[Note: Hehe~ We don’t care whether you are a human or a dragon. As long as the pure and unchanging soul is still there, no matter what the body becomes, we will always be with you until the end of everything~ And Even if the nature of a human being changes, the appearance can still be changed back to a human form. Maybe it can be more convenient to turn into a little dragon girl loli~φ(≧w≦*)?]

You crawl!

Luo Xi's mouth twitched.

Just looking at the front part is quite touching.

Later, Gou Wenwen’s true colors were revealed.

He looked at his current attributes.

Although Dawn is still being updated and he cannot use his dream bag, he can still see his attributes and the like.

【Luo Xi】

[Race: Human (in the process of becoming a half-dragon)]

[Existing position: Divine Tree Controller (Belgri)]

[Talents: Small town question maker, sixth sense, same-sex repulsion, closeness to small animals, alien species, sword heart, immersive, Liuyue·Zero Point]

[Title: Alien Traveler, Unlucky Guy, Stowaway, Beast-Eared Lolita Strategy Master, Lucky Pervert, Ten-Handed Blood Slaughter, Traveler Reaper, Black Lolita Death God, Flying Master, Bio-Alchemy Apprentice]

[Stage: Second level]

[Path of sublimation: Dragon species alienation (red dragon genus - fire flame (black dragon genus - dark bite))]

[Factor concentration: 25.01% (original 5.01%, during dragon transformation, factor concentration is temporarily increased...)]

[Spell resistance +50% (increasing, originally 10%)]

[Fire power +100% (increasing, originally 10%)]

[Skills possessed: Knowing Punch LV2, Rejuvenation LV1, Yuan Yan LV2, Dragon Transformation LV1, Dragon Breath LV2]

[Strength: (180) 86 (+100 during increase)]

[Physique: (185) 85 (+100 during increase)]

[Intelligence: (109) 29 (+80 during increase)]

[Agility: (110) 30 (+80 during increase)]

Dragonization brings a huge bonus of 360 points to all basic attributes.

If coupled with the immersive experience, there are also multiplicative bonuses brought by skills.

Just a single attribute point can reach extremely terrifying values.

It seems that compared to humans, the power of source beasts is indeed much higher. Luo Xi remembers that the butler Ulysses of the Dream World, as a third-level intermediate knight professional sublimator, only has 136 points of power.

A few seconds later, Luo Xi successfully climbed over the mountain where the Traveler Park is located and arrived at the back of the mountain.

The place where an entrance could originally be seen turned into a large sunken hole, with several thick black smoke rising upwards. There were also some people holding weapons and shooting continuously, aiming at the humanoid objects that were entangled in them. To repel.

Luo Xi put away the flames on his body and directly controlled the dragon wings to fall downwards.

This feeling of manipulating limbs that he didn't have before was really strange, without any awkwardness at all, as if knowledge was transferred directly into his mind.

That is the instinct that comes from the body after transforming into a dragon.

He suddenly felt that maybe it would be nice to stop being a human being?

[Note: There are limits to being a human being! So stop being a human being, be a traveler, and become a lovely little dragon lady! 】

Climb again!

A few seconds later, Luo Xi successfully landed, raising a lot of dust.

Luo Xi's sudden arrival frightened a group of soldiers who were already tense. Someone raised his gun and shot directly at him.

There are still enemies!

Requesting reinforcements!

The bullets from the rifle were fired at Luo Xi's body, but Luo Xi did not dodge. He closed his dark wings, and the bullets struck the dragon's wings, causing sparks to appear.

The captain in camouflage uniform saw something and immediately shouted: Wait a minute, this is our special adviser, Mr. Luo Xi! He is here to help us, please don't shoot at Mr. Advisor!

Special advisor?

Is it that [little black lolita]?

Isn't it [Death Lolicon]?

Luo Xi's brows jumped wildly upon hearing this.

This title is becoming more and more outrageous as it spreads.

Not as good as the guy who gave him an upgrade gift package just now.

At least he called himself [Black Death].

For this reason, Luo Xi gave him a happy surprise.

The captain pulled the trigger, shot a puppet that was attacking him, forced it back and said quickly: Mr. Luo Xi, an intruder has invaded the underground research base. It has been ten minutes now. The destructive defense measures may not be able to hold up anymore, so I ask you to go there. Now you are the only master of level 3 or above in the park, so please take action!

I know.

There is no need for this person to say more.

Luo Xi came here just to solve the problem here.

Although Master Nine Swords once said that he could accept the task voluntarily or not, Luo Xi could not just watch at this critical moment.

After that, what face would he have to stay here?

Moreover, Luo Xi was tired of the feeling of being treated like a soft persimmon.

If he kills a few more masters like Spasoyer, there won't be cats and dogs targeting him, right?

Be careful, Mr. Advisor!

A puppet came behind Luo Xi and tried to sneak attack him.

However, when the high temperature rolled up, Luo Xi's figure suddenly disappeared.

The bright red light turned into light and shadow in front of everyone.

Bang bang bang bang bang! —

In the air, a series of explosive figures sounded.

When no one could see the figure clearly, the dozens of puppets on the ground that disrupted the soldiers' actions were smashed into pieces one by one. Ten seconds later, the figure rushed into the entrance of the pit, leaving only one The ground was still reeking of steamy remains.

The captain stared blankly at Luo Xi's leaving figure.

Even without relying on that piece of equipment, does this person still have such strength?

A soldier asked in a low voice: Captain, the way this consultant looks like this, does it mean that the alienation factor in his body is about to get out of control?


The captain shook his head and said: It is impossible for a person like him to lose control easily, and his eyes are very calm, which shows that everything is under his control.

After this time, probably no one will dare to slander him again.

Another ten seconds later.

The soldiers saw a figure rising into the sky with black and red flames, holding a struggling human body in its hand.

Feng Xingming listened to the getting closer and closer crackling sounds coming from the floor, and knew that this was the intruder getting closer and closer to here.

As soon as the accident happened, he activated his authority, blew up all the elevators in the base and the floors above, and blocked the elevator shaft and the floors above with countless boulders.

This somewhat slows down the invasion speed of some enemies.

Feng Xingming glanced at the room where Ran Wanshan hid.

Does that guy want to wait for the intruder upstairs to come here and take away his things, and then take him away with him?


Thinking too much.

As the chief researcher of the research base, compared to his deputy Ran Wanshan, he holds the bargaining chip that can lead to the death of both of them in the end.

At the bottom of the base, there is a 300-ton tNt-equivalent bomb buried. It is not comparable to the time-defending means upstairs. Once detonated, it will be enough to destroy everything in this research base.

Only he knows this secret.

As long as he is alive, no one can take away the things here.

A trace of determination flashed in Feng Xingming's eyes.

Twenty-eight fellows in total.

Everyone stood ready and looked up seriously.

Half a minute later.

boom! —A circular hole appeared on the ten-meter-high roof, and a large amount of stones and dust fell in.

A pale, female-like face poked into the hole, and a faint golden light shone on her hand, wiping the edge of the hole.

He sighed: You actually blew up the upper floor yourself. This place is buried so deep. It really makes me dig for a while. You have wasted so much of my time. Have you thought about how you will die later?

Still here?

Feng Xingming showed a wry smile.

In fact, he still felt a little hopeful. Although several people in charge of the park were absent, wasn't there a new consultant there?

After all, who would want to die if he could live?

Jiujian told him that although that person has a loose temper, if he really encounters a problem, he will definitely take action.

It's just that he hasn't come yet, is he being held back?

He touched the detonation switch in his arms. When the switch was pressed, the bomb would detonate immediately.

Then, Feng Xingming resolutely prepared to smash it down.

At this moment, a horrified sound came from the man's mouth. He grabbed the edge of the hole, but his body was pulled upwards.

Who are you? Aren't all the masters here here? Wait! Are you the black god of death Luo Xi? Didn't Spasoyer stop you? Where are the others?

There are so many questions, elbow, come up with me first!

let me go!

In the futile resistance, the person who originally lowered his head like a ghost was caught like a chicken.

The researchers below looked in confusion as only a hollow roof was left, and many stones continued to fall in from the edges and hit the floor below.

Behind Feng Xingming, someone swallowed his saliva and said: I know the intruder. He is the [Magic Demon Master] ranked sixth on the black danger level list on the International Hunter Forum. He is a spiritual magician. , it is said that he has mysterious and unpredictable abilities. With a few spells, he can make those close to him crazy, and at the same time, he can also control many alchemical creations.

Who took him away?

It seems like the consultant who just came to the park last week?

Isn't he an embroidered pillow lolicon?

I already said it was slander!

Feng Xingming breathed a sigh of relief.

He touched the button in his arms.

It's good to be alive.


Luo Xi grabbed the person in his hand and kept flying upward.

Under the dark wings, the bright red flame became the thrust for his flight. The wings and tail were just limbs to maintain balance.

During this period, he felt several unspeakable things being penetrated into his body.

【Ding! Third-level magic: Mind control is working on you]

[Your intelligence is 109 and is being judged...the spell failed]

【Ding! Level 3 spell: Spiritual Explosion is working on you】

[Spell failed]

Jhanri Chowdhury felt in horror the strength of the man holding him.

He's going numb.

What kind of monster is this guy?

Why didn't he have any reaction after being subjected to so many of his spells?

How much intelligence does he have?

Or is the resistance to mental spells unimaginably high?

No wonder Spasoyer was captured by this black god of death in a short period of time.

This kind of strength far exceeds those of them. In the dream world, unless a lord-level existence takes action against him, he can run rampant.

Let me go! Corruption Liquid!

Luo Xi felt a pain coming from his body.

He lowered his eyes and found that the man in his hand had poured an unknown liquid on him, and there was a squeaking sound on the scales on his waist.

Zhan Rui's face was deformed by the wind, and he said with a painful and heavy expression: This is a rare ++ level alchemical liquid, which can corrode even third-level sublimates. Let me down, and I will give you the antidote!


Luo Xi replied nonchalantly.

Part of the bright red flames on his body turned into jet black, engulfing the liquid directly. After a moment, Luo Xi's waist returned to its smooth appearance.

【Ding! Zhan Rui’s fear of you +100]

Is this an alienated transcendent?

He glanced at Luo Xi's alienated features.

Is this person a fucking Origin Beast?

And it is also the most powerful source beast such as dragon.

Zhan Rui shouted in panic: What on earth do you want to do?

Luo Xi looked at the bright sky and said with a smile: Finally I have the ability to fly by myself. I want to see how high I can fly?

What the hell are you taking me for?!

You talk too much, shut up.

Luo Xi's scaly hands directly grabbed Zhan Rui's neck, flapped his wings, and then sped up a few minutes, continuing to go upwards at a speed of 100 meters per second.

As the altitude continued to increase, the temperature at high altitude quickly dropped, and Zhan Rui's body in his hand continued to freeze, and his eyebrows were soon covered with frost.

Thousands of meters.

Twenty thousand meters.

Until the back, there was almost no air.

Luo Xi also gradually felt powerless.

He whispered in his mind.


Yes! Starfire is here! The master's current power is so hot! It's rich and delicious! Huh? Is this the high altitude of the master's world?

Starfire solidified, lying on the hat, curiously looking at the world below.

Amidst the sweeping black and red flames, the dark armor phantom was once again clothed on Luo Xilong's transformed body. Although the main part of the spark was still underneath, the heart of the furnace, as the core part of the rune armor, could still provide some defense. and the role of energy.

Thirty thousand meters.

Forty thousand meters.


Zhan Rui, who was frozen into a dog in his hand, was pleading with him.

If he hadn't been a third-level transcendent, he would have died long ago.

Luo Xi stopped here.

Of course, not for the enemy in hand.

That's enough here.

The 15 minutes of dragon transformation time is about to end.

At an altitude of 40,000 meters, he looked at the dazzling sun that could not be seen directly, releasing fiery light in the distant universe.

At an altitude of 10,000 meters in this world, there are no rules that imprison people like the dream world 'above the sky', and there are no terrifying black dragons.

It's such an ordinary world.

so good.

Luo Xi closed her eyes.

Then, fell.



Ai Xue entered Luo Xi's room uneasily while holding the white cat in her arms.

She said to Maomao: I don't know what to do, you can do it yourself.


Maomao meowed. When she saw the egg, she knew what she should do.

She rammed straight into the egg.

When the two combine with each other, a bright white light blooms, and the eggshell begins to crack, and finally breaks with a bang.

In the nest covered with a layer of soft leaves, a naked girl with cat ears appeared, with a vaguely delicate and beautiful face, and a long cat tail, growing a little above the girl's buttocks. , wrapped around the girl's hand.

Ai Xue looked a little distracted.

so cute.

No wonder the senior fell in love with this girl.

If it were her, it would probably be the same.


Weier yawned sleepily.

She rose from her nest.

Then, Weier saw Ai Xue squatting aside.

The two looked at each other.

Ai Xue was silent for a while and said: There are clothes on the bed. The senior has prepared them for you. Do you want to wear them?


Wei'er frowned and looked down.

Then she realized she was wearing nothing.


Maomao covered his chest.

That pervert won't see it... huh? Hasn't he come back yet?

Ai Xue smiled and said, Senior hasn't come back yet, so hurry up and put it on.


Weier glanced at the clothes on the bed.

A white skirt with exquisite lace pleats, complicated and gorgeous ribbons, pink and white underwear, beautiful little shoes, and snow-white socks.

Is this what Luo Xi prepared for her?

Wei'er felt a little moved.

That guy still hasn't forgotten himself.


Wei'er suddenly thought of a question.

Does this mean that UU Reading www.uukanshu.net The last time Aina came, she had already been seen by that pervert? !

She jumped out of the nest lightly, came to the bed, and quickly put on various clothes.

Underwear, skirts, socks...

When putting on the socks, Wei'er strangely picked up the very elastic long nylon socks and said to herself:

Why are these socks so thin?

The Kingdom of Yaoguang is always cold, and the socks are mostly made of cotton, but they are not so thin.

Ai Xue smiled and said: These are stockings. It's okay if you don't wear them now.


Weier looked at Ai Xue.

Her eyes flickered from Ai Xue's white snow where the ravine could be seen.

Damn it...there's no way this can compare!

Weier pretended to be calm and asked: Who are you?

Ai Xue stretched out her hand and smiled: Let me meet you, I am Ai Xue. The last time I saw your sister, her name was Aina, right?

Well, Aina is my sister, and my name is Wei'er.

The two girls reached communication for the first time.

However, there was a special hostility hidden between the two people's eyes.

Weier pretended to be casual and asked, Can I ask, what is your relationship with that pervert...and Luo Xi?

Ai Xue pinched her chin with her fingers, thought for a while, and said:

I am the senior's junior schoolmate, and I have known her for three years.

Three years...

For a moment, Maomao's thoughts became turbulent.

In three years, two children can be born, right?

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