Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 231 Alienation level 2, dragon transformation state! (Six k2 in 1)

Being ruthlessly used as a hoe to plow the fields made Spasoyer furious.

He is a third-level alienation-type transcendent.

The attribute points of a single round of strength, when the factor characteristics are successfully used, have reached as many as 230 points. How could this guy who was only at the first level of alienation dare to catch him like this? !

Stop! Let me go!

Spasoyer roared angrily, using his two bristled arms to force open the black steel hand stuck around his neck.

However, he found that he couldn't break up this guy!

How much increase did this strange black armor give this person?

Is this kind of plug-in level equipment really something that should appear in the current version of Dawn?

Is the official Gm of the game here? !

There's a cheater here, why don't you come and check and have his account blocked?

Of course, Spasoyer knew that the people behind the game Dawn could not be interested in watching their side.

He just wanted to express his dissatisfaction.

As for the flame confrontation between the two sides, he was not at a disadvantage. The black-red flames spreading on the black armor were entangled with his purple flames, but this also made him extremely shocked.

Unlike equipment, how could the flames of a third-level transcendent be so inseparable from the flames of a first-level being?

Could it be that his fire has also been amplified?

But logically speaking, even a five-fold increase wouldn't be able to reach this level, right?

You must know that no matter whether the extraordinary person takes the extraordinary path of sublimation or alienation, the third level is the level where the essence of life changes. After entering the third level of alienation, his flames are strengthened at least five times.

Does this mean that if this person's physical strength is also at the third level, he can crush him at will on his most proud side?

How on earth did this guy do it?

【Ding! Spasoyer's fear of you +100]

Afraid? It's too late.

Luo Xi relied on Xinghuo's strong push to directly bring this person several hundred meters to an open grassland in the park.

He grabbed Spasoye and jumped dozens of meters high. The metal on his right arm instantly grew many scales, and he threw the man to the ground with a slamming posture.

boom! —

As the grass cracked and dust flew, just like when this person came, a deeper hole was made in the grass below.

There's a fight over there!

There were also players here who had no time to escape because they were relaxing outside, so they found a place to lie down. When they saw this scene, a few people who were not afraid of death immediately approached and took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Black armor? Is that the black Death? Who is that person he is fighting?

I don't know. Could it be that someone scolded him just now and made him angry? I heard that the rotten ghost Wang Zhen was beaten away by him.

Bullshit, that guy is clearly an intruder!


On the other side, Luo Xi controlled Spark to fall in front of the pit, looking down at Spasoyer in the pit.

The waist and abdomen of his armor softened, and a long black sword was drawn out by Luo Xi, pointing directly at the enemy who was climbing up below.

Black-red flames rolled around the long sword, gradually melting the green-quality long sword due to the high heat of the flames, and at the same time giving it more power.


Spasoye jumped out of the hole, his leg muscles nearly bursting out of his trouser legs shaking constantly, and his pair of lion-like brown-gold eyes glared angrily at Luo Xi.

You are humiliating me!

Humiliation? Just take it as such.

Luo Xi said casually: Everyone treats me like a soft persimmon. Do you really think I'm easy to mess with? I've just been practicing swordsmanship for a while recently, so you'll be the first to sharpen it.

Am I afraid of you?

Spasoyer's face was distorted, showing two states of a moose and a lion. He roared: Although your power is greater than mine now, you can't last long in this state, right? After you end this state, , I will definitely tear you into pieces!

As he spoke, Spasoyer gradually moved back.

Although he sounded loud, Spasoyer actually had the idea of ​​​​opening up.

This black god of death is indeed worthy of his name.

He suspected that only the top three monsters might be the opponents of this guy in black armor.

Purely in terms of strength, it has exceeded the third level.

Without skills and relying solely on equipment strength, they can crush civilian players like them who have worked hard to improve, and even choose to constantly alienate and overdraw their lives for the sake of strength.

This made Spasoyer's inner anger even more fierce.

Why is this? !

Luo Xi saw his fear and sneered: Want to run away? Where was the momentum just now?

Who wants to run away!

Spasoyer laughed angrily. Under the opponent's ridicule, his mind became hot. He didn't care whether he could beat him or not. With a arrogant and overbearing momentum, his fist suddenly struck Luo with a violent force. Hee!

Heaven and Earth Bahuang Fist!

Luo Xi was stunned for a moment.

This name is quite domineering. Is it the name of a character's skill in some game?

He directly faced him with his sword.

In Xinghuo's jet-black steel hand, part of the black 'liquid' flowed onto the blade, wrapping the sword body that could no longer withstand the high temperature.

Yunliu sword! Yunqie!

The shadow of the sword is elegant!

The moment the black long sword touched Spasoyer's fist, there was a violent shock, the ground shook violently, and then the sound of cloth being roughly torn came through the air.

Then, turbulent air waves suddenly spurted out, and dozens of black-red sword lights burst out, leaving deep marks on the ground. This was the result of a large amount of source elements being converted into sword energy.

Spasoye groaned in pain, the purple fire on his body was suppressed by the sword energy, and he stepped back.

Luo Xi continued to follow, slicing Spasoye's body with his long sword while sighing in his heart.

The swordsmanship I just learned is still not very good.

The quality of the sword is not good either. The flame after the amplification of the Spark can directly burn the sword. Perhaps only rare-level weapons can be used with the Spark.

And even if with the blessing of Starfire, he can crush the enemy with a sword, it does not mean that he is very strong in swordsmanship.

After all, if he puts down his sword and simply uses his fists to fight the enemy, and then uses skills such as scale armor covering and knowing blows, the damage will be much higher.

Forget it, that's it.

When Spasoye heard Luo Xi sigh, his suppressed anger became even more uncontrollable.

You are just a wall player, how dare you mock me like this?

He knew it was time for him to run.

But he couldn't run away at all.

How can he run when all the enemy's panels are above him?

Then, give it a try!

People tend to lose their minds when they are angry, especially those with alienation disorder.

The dozens of kilograms of source marrow crystals that were originally placed on his body for spare use were absorbed by him at once and transformed into huge source elements in his body. The purple flames on his body turned into deep purple at this moment, and his body also It swelled up and seemed to really turn into a lion.

Then, Spasoye pounced on Luo Xi like a ferocious beast, eager to tear him into pieces.

Countless cracks opened along the path where the lion stepped, and the scorching fire spread and rolled up the devouring purple fire snake!

Luo Xi finally felt the pressure.

The other party is wasting his life.

But that's all.

Starfire, don't hold back.

Yes! Furnace heart, load starts!

In an instant, the output power of Xinghuo's furnace heart increased several times. After the increase of Xinghuo's 'Abyss Flame', the color became darker and it blew towards the enemy, making Spasoye feel the pain on his body that he had not seen for a long time. The pain of being burned.

His rushing steps suddenly slowed down.

The madness disappeared from Spasoyer's eyes, leaving only confusion.

It turns out that this person is above him in all abilities.

Immediately afterwards, the black sword shadow, along with the black-red flames and the dark steel figure, passed over Spasoyer's body, and a jet-black sword light cut him in half without mercy.

After cutting off Spasoye, the pitch-black sword light continued to rush into the sky, chopping up the clouds a thousand meters above the ground and exploding into countless clouds.

【Ding! You have understood on your own: the three styles of Yunliu Hanamaki Sword Technique [Wanhua Yunqi]]

[Your Yunliu Hanamaki swordsmanship has been promoted to the proficiency level]

Some players around and in the park looked up at the sky almost dully. The originally calm blue sky and the thick and peaceful white clouds had disappeared, leaving only a sea of ​​petal-like clouds exploded by black sword light in the entire sky.

Spasoyer's body, which had lost his lower body, shriveled up quickly.

Why...why you-

There are so many reasons why.

Luo Xi swung his sword again and cut off his head, letting it roll on the ground several times.

With deep incomprehension, Spasoyer breathed his last in silence.

After complete death, Spasoyer's originally dry body suddenly swelled up again, and purple flames continued to emerge from his body.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Luo Xi immediately stepped forward and kicked the body into the sky.

boom! —

After a deafening explosion, shock waves visible to the naked eye spread in all directions at an altitude of 100 meters. Spasoyer's body completely disappeared in the sea of ​​purple fire. A group of deep purple flames actively moved towards Luo below. Come and come.

Luo Xi wanted to raise his hand to block it, but missed.

The purple flames and his own black and red flames instantly mixed together, unable to distinguish each other. The scorching circle formed by the flames surrounded him and the sparks.

In the distance, someone asked tremblingly: Did you take pictures of everything?

The girl next to her nodded and said, Yes, I took pictures of everything.

The man was very excited and said: I will be the number one fan of [Black Death] from now on. If anyone calls him a 'lolicon', I will fight with him!

The girl wondered: But what if he is really a lolicon?

That's not OK!

The man held the girl's shoulders and said seriously: Do you want us to be laughed at? The top players in the country and the top-ranked Dream Traveler in the world have such a strange title? How can we hold our heads up? ?”

The girl was thoughtful.


When there are more dream travelers in the future, if someone asks them who the black lolita control death god in your country is, I will feel ashamed just thinking about it.

Luo Xi looked at the prompt that popped up in the text in astonishment.

【Ding! You killed the body of a third-level alienation supernatural being of the fire attribute]

[You can extract a talent from him and crystallize it, and get some of the items in his bag]

[The hidden characteristic of the Black Abyss Flame Dragon Factor - 'Dark Devour' is activated for the first time and is devouring the opponent's fire source... the devouring transformation was successful! 】

【Ding! Traveler, your alienation factor concentration has increased! 】

【Ding! Traveler, you have entered the second level of alienation]

[Factor concentration: 2.00%→5.01%]

【Ding! Your strength +30, constitution +30, spirit +10, intelligence +10, and the power of your fire skills +10%]

【Ding! All your normal skill levels have been upgraded]

[Skill: Abyssal Flame has been upgraded to LV2 and can be transformed into red flame and black flame]

[Skill: Area scale armor coverage has been upgraded, you have obtained the skill: Dragon Transformation LV1]

【Dragon Transformation LV1】

[Description: After use, you can deepen the degree of alienation in a short period of time, perform incomplete dragon transformation, greatly increase your own strength and defense, gain advanced regeneration capabilities, and gain high resistance to spells and physical attacks. The skill lasts up to 15 minutes. After the end, the body will be weakened by 80% of all attributes, which lasts for 12 hours. The skill cooling time is 24 hours (there are limits to being a human! So stop being a human!)]

[You have obtained the skill: Dragon Breath LV2]

[Description: Can spit flames with temperatures up to 3000 degrees (barbecue is delicious, but be careful to burn yourself~)]

Luo Xi: ...

The majestic power in the body became even larger after being amplified by the sparks. The black-red flames almost became pure black, and then the color of the flames directly reversed to red-red in the next second.

The sudden increase in power within his body made him somewhat unable to control it.

What the hell is this hidden factor characteristic ‘Dark Bite’?

Dog text out!

[Note: Although high-level origin beasts cannot reproduce naturally, origin beasts with similar characteristics can devour each other's origins to grow and advance. Dragon-type origin beasts are at the top of the food chain, swallowing everything.

'Dark Devour', comes from the factor characteristics of the Black Dragon - Level 4 - Shadow Bat Dragon. According to the test, Shadow Bat Dragon is one of the materials devoured by 'Abyss Flame Dragon' when it is promoted to Level 5 'Black Abyss Flame Dragon'. Or, you have perfectly inherited this characteristic, so in fact, you can not only become a red dragon lolita, but also a black dragon lolita! 】

Luo Xi: ???


Ai Xue held the white cat in her arms, entered the supermarket's warehouse, and then slipped out from the warehouse's exit.

The senior said that the shooter was targeting her.

The girl didn't know how worthy she was to be targeted by that guy.

Wait a minute, this [Real Child] talent was obtained last time when I was with my senior and that wolf-eared lolita.

Is it possible that the other party already knows that she has a golden talent?

Ai Xue suddenly felt her scalp numb.

She knew the value of golden gifts.

Are you being targeted?


boom! —

The moment the cat meowed, Ai Xue suddenly felt a chill on her back.

Without her having to open the scroll, a scroll in her arms automatically unfolded.

Instantly, warm light enveloped her.

rub! —

The golden bullet tore apart a layer of light barrier, and then stopped in the barrier generated by the scroll repeated four times.


Ai Xue looked at the bullet that stopped in front of her and took a nervous breath. She looked towards the location where the bullet came from, but there was no trace of the other party.

Maomao glanced at the scrolls in Ai Xue's arms.

That guy really regards the things his mother gave him as his own. He just uses them for himself and gives them to the girls in this world!

I really want to bite him! (〃> dishes<)!

However, is this guy always so kind to the people around him?

Maomao's light red eyes lowered slightly.

She suddenly bit a scroll Ai Xue held in her arms.

Before the girl could react, Maomao jumped out of her arms and quickly disappeared from Ai Xue's eyes.

Sheng Mao was wearing a cloak and huddled behind a corner, completely invisible.

This is the concealment cloak that he acquired at a great cost, allowing him to avoid various monitoring facilities on the road and enter the park. Although it is only a blue [rare-] special prop, it still cost him a lot of money. All the savings accumulated after the hunting meeting, as well as a large number of treasured items from the dream world.

He couldn't defeat the Black Death, but he wanted to try the golden talent in that girl.

If you win the bet, you will reach the sky in one step!

It's just that these guys are really rich.

The fourth-level spell scrolls cost nothing.

Where did you get the channels in the dream world?

There are things that even money can't buy. A fourth-level magician is your father?

Damn it, I don’t believe you can keep using high-level scrolls!

Time may not be enough.

If he waited until that guy finished the fight and came this way, he would have no chance.


After seeing the effect of the defense scroll beside the girl disappear, Sheng Mao sneaked over, took out a dagger and stabbed the girl's body.

However, another barrier of light blocked his attack.


That's almost it. Why are there so many spell scrolls? It's endless, isn't it?

At this moment, Sheng Mao heard a cat meow.


There was a snow-white cat behind him, holding something in its mouth, and then threw the thing out.

Sheng Mao looked over blankly.

Is this...a scroll?

Violent energy fluctuated, and amid the shrill roar of the wind, countless blue wind blades appeared on the scroll, sucking Sheng Mao into it like a tornado.


Sheng Mao was controlled by the wind blade group and screamed in pain.

Ai Xue was also startled, but she immediately reacted, left the light barrier and rushed forward, holding the white cat that was almost caught in the wind blades in her arms, and rolled to the side .

Ai Xue stared at the people within the effective range of the spell until his voice became weaker and weaker. After the wind blade disappeared completely, a miserable corpse was left behind.

Only then did the girl realize that her back was covered in cold sweat, and all her clothes were soaked with sweat.


The cat gave out a forced cry, her eyelids drooped, and her two paws pushed against the softness that held her.

She was getting sleepy now.

If I still can't meet that guy, maybe I will be like my mother and not be able to truly come to this world, right?

Ai Xue looked down at the cat in her arms and whispered in the language of the dream world:

Kitten, are you the person Luo Xi said?

Maomao was shocked.

Why was she speaking to her in the language of her world?

Did she recognize me?

Did that pervert tell her about me?

Wei'er's heart was in turmoil.

At this time, Luo Xi's voice came: Ai Xue, are you okay over there?

When Luo Xi came over, he immediately saw a broken body lying in front of Ai Xue who was kneeling on the ground.


It was normal. He stuffed Ai Xue with several defensive scrolls, as well as the attack scrolls that Liya had given half of the fourth-level spells, totaling ten.

I'm fine, senior.


A cat meow made Luo Xi's brows jump.

He looked at Ai Xue and the white cat in her arms with confusion.

The cat was also looking at him with its beautiful light red eyes.

Luo Xi shuddered subconsciously.

This familiar look...

Is this cat Weier?

You two...Mao Mao?

The white cat's fur suddenly sprouted all over its body, and the tiredness in its eyes turned into anger. She jumped from Ai Xue's arms to Luo Xi's face, and scratched Luo Xi's face several times with her sharp cat claws.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the source-changing app used by chasing bugs, huanyuanapp.]

Meow! Meow meow meow meow! - (Where are you bastard!)

Luo Xi caught the white cat, one of them stared at the cat with big eyes.

Confirmed, this cat is Weier.

But why did the cat really become a cat?

Emmmm...there doesn't seem to be anything wrong.

Ai Xue shouted softly from the side: Senior, over there!

Luo Xi looked back.

Black smoke rose from the mountain behind the park, which meant that damage was being done there.

In the previous phone call, it was also said that someone was eyeing a certain instrument that had just been developed here.

Luo Xi put the cat back into the arms of Ai Xue, who was kneeling on the ground, and said, Ai Xue, help me send her back to my room. I'll be back later.

Ai Xue suddenly panicked: Senior, can I do it?

Why not? Luo Xi asked doubtfully.

Ai Xue glanced weakly at the cat in her arms.

She was about to meet her love rival head-on!

The senior didn't even care. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

It felt like several fish that Neptune had raised separately suddenly met in a fish tank, but Neptune himself didn't care at all and just wanted to watch from the side.

[Note: Why don't you two discuss how to use the traveler's hatchet~]

Luo Xi raised his eyebrows.

Dog text, what are you crazy about?

I'll go over there and come back after finishing the matter there.

Luo Xi narrowed his eyes and looked towards the back mountain.

Skill [Dragon Transformation LV1].

I have a new skill, why don’t I use it?

【Ding! You are using the skill: Dragon Transformation]

In an instant, high-heat flames emerged from Luo Xi's body, burning all his clothes clean and covering him.

He felt like he was falling into a trance.

The original body seemed to be dissolving, and then quickly began to reconstruct, from the internal organs to the blood, and then to the bones. As the body's perception disappeared, new power emerged in the body.


A rush of warm wind blew.

Ai Xue raised her hand to block her eyes.

The black and red flames that enveloped Luo Xi's body slowly dissipated, revealing a perfect body covered in scales.

At the same time, a pair of dark dragon wings and a long dragon tail suddenly stretched out behind the young man!


Next month's update, depending on the situation, may be combined into one chapter or two chapters will be published directly together. The number of words can only be guaranteed to be above 4,000, and it cannot be six to seven thousand per day.

It’s not that Fox doesn’t want to read more, it’s just that he really doesn’t have time, so I would like to ask my book friends to forgive me.

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