Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 188: Eat soft food, hug thighs, torture them away, step on sewing machines

Among the sparks, Luo Xi slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

【Ding! Your title: [Butcher] is promoted to [Ten-Handed Blood Slaughter]]

[Ten-Handed Blood Slaughter: This is a title that can only be obtained when killing more than ten enemies in a short period of time. After equipping this title, you can control murderous intent within a certain range. All ranks or wills are not higher than yours. Everyone will be frightened by your murderous intent]

【Ding! You have earned the title: Traveler Reaper]

[Traveler Reaper: This is a title that can only be obtained by travelers who have killed more than ten players. After equipping this title, other travelers from other worlds will instinctively be afraid of you when they approach you]


Both titles are pretty good.

If you can rely on your momentum to make people retreat, then maybe you can save a lot of unnecessary things.

Luo Xi said softly: Xinghuo, it's almost ready.


Xinghuo hugged Luo Xi's forehead and kissed her: Master, good night. Xinghuo is really looking forward to Master's next hot entrance~

Luo Xi: ...

Anyone who just listens to Xinghuo's words will probably think of something astringent.

As the metal surrounding his body softened, Luo Xi's body slowly lowered to the ground. The black liquid quickly gathered and turned into a metal sphere again.

He glanced at the pile of charred and hammered corpses lying on the ground.

Luo Xi suddenly discovered that these player hunters were really poor, and they were the real poor people.

He estimated that except for the leader, this group of people would not be able to obtain a single blue rare equipment.

[Note: Traveler, you are hanging on the wall! With my mother-in-law's white and tender thighs hugging me, don't you look down on ordinary travelers? 】

This is naked slander!

I, Luo Xi, am today's strength only because of my perseverance and perseverance...

[Note: There are also two little lolita with animal ears! 】

Dog text crawl for me!

Of course, the text against dogs is the text against dogs, and Luo Xi still knows his situation.

Most of the high-end equipment on him came from Liya, including the fourth-level rune scroll and even the current Spark. It can be said that Liya gave it to him.

After the incident in Winter City ended, for him, it could indeed be said that he had hugged Liya's lap.

[Note: Traveler, you still admit it, because you tried to abduct two little lolita with animal ears and hugged your mother-in-law’s lap~]

That's not called abduction, it's called traveling!

Luo Xi looked back.

On Aina's side, the fourth-level spells brought by the scrolls and the wall of glory have become dim.

This type of scrolls should be fourth-level spells that have been greatly weakened, and are incomparable to real fourth-level spells.

But if there are too many of them, they can kill people.

Luo Xi secretly made a decision in her heart.

When he parted with Liya later, he had to ask Maomao to ask Liya for a hundred and eighty fourth-level spell scrolls.

[Note: Traveler! Eat soft rice! Hug your thighs! 】

If you stop pretending, he will eat it!

Anyway, it was Liya who caught him back after he finally made up his mind. What's wrong with eating soft rice? (Confidently)

After Luo Xi walked over, a cute creature pounced on him as he expected.

Brother Luo Xi!

Aina threw herself into Luo Xi's arms, rubbed her little face against his chest, and greedily smelled his scent.

Compared to Ai Xue, she was actually not very panicked.

Anyway, my brother will definitely win.

Luo Xi also licked the little wolf girl happily.

After the fight, I laid my hands on the beast-eared girl and immediately felt that the haze in my heart had disappeared a lot.

【Ding! Your happiness value +40】

Ai Xue walked towards Luo Xi.

She lowered her head slightly, not daring to look at the many corpses in front of her, and said with red eyes:

Senior, are you okay?

Well, it's okay, just a bunch of rotten fish and shrimps.

Luo Xi also touched Ai Xue's hair. Thinking of Ai Xue's confession before, she joked: Your senior, I am a murderer. Do you still want me to be your boyfriend?


Ai Xue raised her head, with a trace of determination in her eyes: Senior, if you agree, we can go to that five-star hotel to get a presidential suite today. It's still only one or two o'clock in the evening, and there should be more time before I change back. Three or four hours...

[In view of the general environment, this site may be closed at any time. Please move to the permanently operating source-changing App, huanyuanapp. 】

Luo Xi: ...

Did Ai Xue really think of him as a perverted lolita?

[Note: Isn’t it? 】

of course not!

And why does this school girl like him so much?

Luo Xi still can't figure it out.

Obviously we only met because of a volunteer activity, but in the next two years, he always kept a distance from Ai Xue. He even blocked Ai Xue for three months this semester.

Aina listened to the conversation between the two in a daze, and stared at Luo Xi's hand touching Ai Xue's head.

Although she didn't know what she was talking about specifically, she always felt that if she achieved her goal for this girl, her and Sister Wei'er's status would be in danger.

Aina (〃>﹏<〃) shouted: Brother Luo Xi, can't Aina and sister satisfy you? Anyway, sister Wei'er and mother are not here now, so brother can get closer to Aina!

[Note: Two ladies are fighting for a husband~ Traveler, the door of Orange is opening to you~ Ten years of long-term meal tickets are given away]

Luo Xi: ?

He doesn’t want to step on the sewing machine with Wu Zhan!

The four people from the travel bureau who were walking behind were also stunned on the spot after hearing what Ai Xue and Aina said.

Whether it was Ai Xue or Aina, their childish appearance and the words they spoke made them feel that the young man was a newbie. If it were normal times, they might have cuffed him.

Within the scope of their responsibilities, members of the Tourism Bureau may occasionally work part-time as people's police officers.

But...it's fucking impossible to beat this!

Even if everyone from the Haicheng Tourism Bureau is called over, they still can’t defeat him!

Mu Yao thought of the little girls' clothes he had seen in the closet at Luo Xi's house.

This extremely hidden super boss is indeed a senior lolita control!

The woman said: Um...can you please wait until the scene is settled...Mr. Luo Xi, you killed those vicious player hunters all by yourself. Extraction of talent crystals and luggage All the supplies inside should be yours.

You go and extract the talent crystals first. After that, I will ask someone to clean up the scene. We also hope that you will come to our Haicheng Tourism Bureau later as a reward.

Luo Xi's eyes twitched.


What Ai Xue and Aina said were heard by these people.

I feel like I'm going to die socially.

[Note: Society is going to die anyway, why not just do it directly? 】

Be who you are!

Luo Xi calmly pulled the two lolita to his side and said in a calm tone:

What if I don't go?

Tonight's situation, if the people from the Dreamland Travel Bureau had reminded him earlier and not used him as fishing bait, it would not have been so troublesome.

He also doesn't have to be forced to activate the Spark in reality.

So he doesn't really want to look good on these people.

Although he could go back to the game and die once, it was of little significance. He also realized that sooner or later he would use Yuan Su in this world.


Master Nine Swords covered his abdomen, walked slowly over, and said with a pale face: Whether you go or not, little friend, we are very grateful for your help. We will give you some important information related to the dream world as a reward. There is also the thing of talent crystals. There are too many low-level ones and it is useless. I suggest that you can sell us the ones you don’t need. The price is absolutely fair.

Luo Xi hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, Okay.

Also, we invite you, little friend, to join our Haicheng Tourism Bureau. We can give you the highest level...

Luo Xi shook his head: Forget it.

Old Man Jiujian was silent for a moment, and then said: Then can we invite you, little friend, to be a nominal special adviser? Little friend, don't refuse in a hurry. This position does not require you to bear the daily responsibilities and obligations of ordinary travel bureau members. , you don’t have to go to work, even if it is a task we assign you, little friend, you can choose whether to do it or not, no one can force you, of course, the treatment is still the best.

Luo Xi was stunned.

Are the conditions so relaxed?

Isn't there any hidden trap?

Mu Yao, Brother Zhang and the woman were also a little confused after hearing this.

Where did the tourism bureau get the nominal special adviser position?

They also want such good treatment and conditions!

No other requirements? Luo Xi asked.

No. The old man shook his head.

Luo Xi thought for a moment.

Then...that's okay.

He has completely exposed himself this time. Since the tourism bureau has given such favorable conditions, it is not unacceptable.

The four of them were very quiet and did not ask Luo Xi anything related, but just accompanied him to clean up the corpses everywhere.

Ten minutes later, Luo Xi left the street with the two girls.

He left behind seven green talent crystals and five white talent crystals, and took away the rest of the better ones himself. To some surprise, he pulled out a purple talent crystal, which made several people laugh. I was amazed for a while.

At the scene, people from the tourism bureau and the police were already arriving one after another.

The woman asked softly next to Jiujian: Master Jiujian, why did you make up such an outrageous position? There is no way the superiors could arrange it for him! If he knew that you were lying to him... ...

Who said I was lying to him?

The Master of Nine Swords glanced at the woman and said: You don't have enough authority, so naturally you don't know. A young man as talented and powerful as him cannot be suppressed, let alone in name, even if he is involved. Move on, and after this time, it is estimated that his danger level will be rated among the top ten on those hunter forums. If we put the name of our Haicheng City Tourism Bureau in front of his name, we will be in the limelight. ah.


Luo Xi took Ai Xue and Aina on the bridge along the river.

The night view of Haicheng City at one or two o'clock is still very colorful, which attracts Aina to look around curiously, her brown-gold eyes reflecting the colorful city lights.

Ai Xue asked softly: Senior, where are we going?

I am not sure as well......

Luo Xi suddenly felt a little confused.

The hands are also shaking a little.

He killed more than a dozen real-life people in a row. He didn't feel anything at all before. Now, does he feel a little indifferent?

Speaking of which, why did he come out with two lolita?

What was his purpose in the first place?

[Note: Picking up two lolita~eating~buying clothes (crossed out)~getting a room~]

Cross out the room opening too!

Luo Xi said softly: Ai Xue, UU reading www.uuknshu.netx, you should go home first.


Ai Xue looked down at Luo Xi's face and said, Senior, can you lower your head? I have something to tell you.

What's up?

Luo Xi lowered his head slightly.

As a result, he felt his face being pecked by two wet objects like a dragonfly touching water. When he suddenly raised his head again, Ai Xue had already ran out more than ten meters away.

A girl's voice floated in the night wind: Senior, what I said is valid forever. You can promise me at any time~ By the way, an upright senior will not take action against that little wolf-eared lolita, right?

she left?

Aina turned around, keenly noticing some changes on Luo Xi's face, and asked doubtfully: Brother Luo Xi, why is your face a little wet? Wait, this is... hateful! Aina is just I know she’s not well-meaning! (〃>_<〃)”

Brother Luo Xi, hurry up, lower your head, Aina has something to tell you.

Luo Xi: ......

[Note: Traveler, do you feel better? 】





(The fox found that it is really difficult for the protagonist not to have entanglements with the real government. Since he does not want to join, then let the protagonist become a nominal person, free from official restrictions, and come to the rescue at critical times to pretend x , so everyone should be able to accept it ~ In addition, this paragraph does not count money)

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