Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 187: This is the victory of the lolita control traveler, and the warrior of justice is defea

Mu Yao and Brother Zhang helped Master Nine Swords up.

Master of Nine Swords, are you okay?

The Master of Nine Swords stared at the person in front of him who was wrapped in the black creeping liquid. He took out a jar of red potion from his bag and drank it. Then he covered his abdomen and coughed up a mouthful of dark black blood.

Can't die.

The white barrier of light that protected them around them was a very high-level spell. It came from the spell scroll in the young man's hand. It easily blocked the big fireball that hit them and other overt and covert attacks. .

According to the knowledge of Master Nine Swords, a magic scroll of this level is worth twenty kilograms of source marrow crystals in the dream world, and its actual value is more than 200 gold coins. Although converted, it is worth millions in reality. Something is equivalent to a zero-level sublimation path and material.

However, money cannot circulate between the dream world and reality, and twenty kilograms of source marrow crystals are simply beyond the reach of many players.

Of course, the most important thing is the channel.

For example, even if he is quite wealthy and wants to buy such a scroll, he doesn't know where to buy it.

There was also the unknown black object wrapped around the young man.

The Master of Nine Swords could sense the power of that object better than the three people around him.

Far exceeding the power limit of a third-level transcendent.

Looks a bit like power armor?

Impossible, power armor can't be that advanced.

Is it some kind of strange high-level equipment?

Where does this ‘new player’ come from?


Ai Xue took two steps forward, with some tears in her eyes.

She felt that she should help her senior.

But what can she do for her seniors now?

As a girl who had never experienced such a beating and killing incident, it was good enough that she was not frightened and fainted. Ai Xue's heart was completely confused.

The woman quickly pulled Ai Xue back: Kid, don't go there, it's very dangerous.

Ai Xue was stunned.

Who is the kid!

She said: I am an adult! Twenty-two years old!


Only then did she realize that this was Luo Xi's school girl in the information, Ai Xue.

Although she looks about the same age as her daughter who just entered junior high school, she is actually twenty-two years old and a junior in college.

and this......

The woman looked at the other young girl.

At this time, Aina slightly curled her long eyelashes and slowly opened her eyes.

She glanced around in confusion.

The little wolf girl didn't expect that she took a nap because she was too full, and when she woke up, the world seemed to have changed again.

Brother Luo Xi!

After seeing Luo Xi, who was at the front of the white radiant barrier and wrapped in black liquid, Aina immediately ran forward, but was pulled back by the woman's tail.


Aina didn't even think about it, (╬◣д◢) turned around and bit the woman's hand.

Bad woman! Let go of Aina's tail!


The pain is not that painful.

But isn’t this the language of the dream world?

In addition, the fluffy big tail behind this girl is particularly conspicuous.

Is this child really a little alien kid abducted from the dream world by Luo Xi?

Let’s not talk about whether it is illegal to abduct a little animal-eared loli from the dream world in reality...

How did he do that?

Isn’t it impossible for a life in the dream world to come to this world?

A small hand gently placed on Aina's shoulder.

Aina, we used to cause trouble for the seniors. Ai Xue said softly.

Regardless of whether Aina understood it or not, in a short period of time, Ai Xue had already figured out that there was nothing she could do now.

She didn't even have the courage to go up and fight.

So the only option is to be an atmosphere group.

The little wolf girl sniffed the half-familiar scent next to her, relaxed her mouth, then picked up her big tail, glared at the woman, and then turned to look that way.

The little wolf girl raised her little fist and said, Brother Luo Xi, come on!

Ai Xue paused and then shouted:

Come on, senior!


[Note: Traveler, your two little lolita are cheering for you~]

You heard me, shut up.

Luo Xi was also a little anxious.

so slow.

Perhaps it was the first time it was used in reality, and the restart of Starfire became a bit slow. It was not like in the dream world, where covering and dressing could be completed in a few seconds.

As the hat that simulated the heart of the furnace changed back to its original rune sequence, countless rune sequences began to operate in the black iron ball containing the Spark's body, causing the iron ball to melt into liquid. After smelling the familiar master's breath, Finally, without Luo Xi asking, it wrapped Luo Xi's body naturally.

[In view of the general environment, this site may be closed at any time, please move to the permanently operating source app as soon as possible, huanyuanapp]

Probably about twenty seconds later.

When Luo Xi's vision was completely shrouded in darkness, a light lit up before his eyes again.

【Ding! The Origin Element Furnace Heart has been loaded (the source element in the surrounding environment is detected to be replenished, and the current source element reserve can be used continuously in normal combat status: 10 minutes)]

[The rune and mithril mechanism is operating normally]

[Rune·Vision\\/Perception\\Body\\/Spiritual Synchronization Module has been activated]

[Rune Powered Armor·Starfire, restart completed]

Golden light spots gathered on Luo Xi's shoulders, and the cute elf appeared, swinging a pair of white silk calves leisurely, and then kissed Luo Xi's face.

Master, we meet again! Is this going to fight again? Then Master! Inject your scorching power into Starfire!

Listening to Xinghuo's childish voice with a hint of AI, the corner of Luo Xi's mouth twitched.

This elf still said some very strange things as always.

The source element stored in the heart of the furnace entered his body, activated the alienation characteristics in his body, and then entered the spark. As a result, the black-red blazing flames rose up on the black armored body.

Luo Xi moved his arm, and the rune sequence immediately changed on the armor's body and hands, and patches of red and black metal scales appeared.

This is the manifestation of the alienation characteristics [Abyssal Flame] and [Regional Scale Armor Coverage] being amplified by Spark.

To a certain extent, Spark is a weapon tailor-made for Luo Xi. It has the effect of strengthening Luo Xi's alienated characteristics and abilities. This allows him to rely on the bonus of Spark to defeat Luo Xi at the first level. Beat up a bunch of poor players.

The sharp metal scale stomach and the red eyes on the head glanced coldly at the people outside the white light, and then looked back at Aina and Ai Xue who had woken up, and took a step out. .

From this, the spark that started a prairie fire appeared in reality for the first time.

The moment Xinghuo escaped from the protection of the scroll spell, two figures hidden in the darkness sneaked towards Luo Xi, piercing his waist from left to right.

Ding! —

There was an extremely crisp sound as the sword collided with the metal.

Luo Xi lowered his head, glanced sideways, and swung his fists left and right.

Suddenly, the two novice hunters who were still surprised that they could not break through the defense of this thing flew backwards towards the houses on both sides in an instant. After smashing through the doors of a club and a hotel lobby, and embedding themselves in the wall, It caused many people inside to exclaim.

However, more people heard the noise and saw the scene on the street that was like a special photo drama, and they all rushed here to watch the excitement.

Are they making a movie?

Why do I think it's true...

What is that black thing? Armored Warrior? Kamen Rider? So handsome!


A gunshot rang out across the night sky.

Brother Zhang shouted hoarsely: All people, evacuate! There are dangerous elements here!

What is the man in the white light shouting?

Let us withdraw?

Are you still acting?

Brother Zhang gritted his teeth, turned around and said: Xiao Mu, you continue to stay here and protect your own safety. I will evacuate the people...

The Master of Nine Swords held his shoulder: How many people can you evacuate by yourself? I still need three minutes to regain my ability to move. As long as he delays for three minutes, I can use my Nine Swords to evacuate these bastards... ....”




There were chaotic shouts.

Luo Xi smashed a person's head with one punch and threw the person directly in front of the crowd watching the show.

In an instant, the gathered crowd fled like hozens, without any need to be reminded.

Mu Yao couldn't help but pick up his cell phone to take pictures and murmured:

This is the real super boss! Does controlling lolita add to your strength? How about I go find some animal-eared lolita in the game...

Luo Xi had already taken the initiative to bump into the group of player hunters.

He didn't know why these people wanted his life so much.

How can I attract so many evil people?

Luo Xi thought, he didn't reveal the precious things he had, right?

There are so many players, why are you targeting me?

[Note: Traveler, we guess, they are here to steal your lolita! - Traveler, you have to say: Whoever steals my lolita will die! 】

Fuck you dog texts!

While the people from the hunting club and the hired forum hunters pushed forward, the gloomy man pulled the young man with gold-rimmed glasses beside him and kept retreating.

The gloomy man ordered to the person next to him: Glasses! Show me his attributes and equipment, as well as his title. Tell me all the information that can be seen with the Real Child! I want to know his weaknesses. !”

The young man with gold-rimmed glasses covered his eyes and said, But my eyes hurt... If I continue to look at them, I will go blind!

screw you!

The gloomy man shouted: Quick, show me! Show me everything! Otherwise we will all die! I need to know his weak points and hit him with my gun!

This pitch-black armor has exceeded the limit that they can resist. It feels like it has surpassed the third-level disaster level and has entered the realm of the fourth-level lord.

But this is basically impossible to appear in reality at this stage.

For dream travelers in the dream world, it is relatively easy to access the three basic levels of sublimation: zero, one, and two. However, the sublimation paths above level three can be said to be completely controlled by those major cities. inside.

Don't talk about level four.

Transcendents of the alienation system may have the potential to enter the fourth level on their own.

But there wasn't enough time.

It is completely impossible to go from the zero level of alienation to the fourth level of alienation in six months. Even if it succeeds, I am afraid that it will have degenerated into a source beast that has lost its soul.

The young man with gold-rimmed glasses opened his bloodshot eyes.

[Do you want to use talent: Child of Truth? 】


[Please select the information you want to view (extraordinary level\\/talent\\/title\\/...)]


[It is detected that this individual is currently equipped with only one item, as follows:]

[Rune Powered Armor·Starfire]

[Quality: Purple (Epic+)]

[Type: rune creation]

【Attributes:? ? ? 】

【describe:? ? ? 】

? ? ?


Epic+ powered armor?

The young man with gold-rimmed glasses is going crazy.

That is an epic level equipment weapon!

Equipment is more precious than talent. The blue rare level is very rare. Not to mention epic, even the president's [Life-Sealing Golden Gun] only has an epic - rating.

And it's powered armor! It can be called the most precious equipment. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net How can an ordinary traveler get hold of that thing?

Could it be that this guy fell in love with the biological daughter of a certain city lord in the dream world?


The young man actually couldn't figure out how this guy used equipment of this level?

He is just a first-level alienation-type transcendent!

The gloomy man asked hurriedly: What did you see?

Epic+ powered armor...

As soon as the gold-rimmed young man finished speaking, vigorous black and red flames erupted from the armored body, igniting everyone who came close. The rising and scorching flames also involved him.

Ahhhhh! President, please save me!

The young man looked at the people on the side.

But the president has disappeared.


President, don't give up on me!

At this time, a black figure appeared in front of him rolling on the ground.

No! Don't kill me!

What responded to him was a black iron fist and the sound of a brain shattering.

At the same time, many of the hired forum hunters looked at the thing that looked like a god of death and had already begun to think about quitting.

This is not an opponent worth tens of millions worth of their lives to kill.

Mad, that bastard who placed the bounty, how dare you say that this is an ordinary first batch of closed beta players?

Luo Xi looked at the escaped player hunters and did not pursue them. He had already killed at least a dozen or twenty of them.

Aina and Ai Xue are still here.

[Note: This is the victory of the lolita control traveler, and the warrior of justice is defeated here! (sad)】

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