Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 189: The reputation of lolicon spreads far and wide~ Don’t do this kind of thing!

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【Ding! Your happiness value +66】

【Ding! Your happiness value +15]

Luo Xi rubbed the little wolf girl's head and chuckled:

Aina, let's go home too.

With the continuous healing from Ai Xue and Aina, he feels much better now.

[Note: Being accompanied by a cute little loli is really healing for the body and mind, right? You like little lolita travelers? 】


Brother Luo Xi.

Seeing Luo Xi change the subject, Aina pursed her lips dissatisfiedly: That girl can kiss you, why not Aina? Is it because my brother doesn't like Aina? Are you going to abandon Aina and your sister again?

As she spoke, the little wolf girl's clear tea-gold eyes gradually lost their luster.

【Ding! Aina’s yandere value towards you is +5]

Luo Xi: ...

This disagreement makes Aina go further and further down the road of yandere, which is really annoying.

It's not impossible...

Anyway, it’s just a kiss on the face.

Luo Xi lowered his head slightly.


On the left side of his face, Luo Xi also felt the moist gentleness flash away. When he raised his head, Aina's face was already red, and she turned her head to pretend to look at the scenery, not daring to look at him.

【Ding! Aina’s favorability towards you +10]

【Ding! Your happiness value +99]

[Note: Traveler, how come you are so easy to be happy? If we do something more astringent with this little wolf, wouldn't it be so joyful? 】

I already said that I don’t want to get into trouble and use the sewing machine with Wu Zhuan!

But...if you just hold it to sleep at night, it shouldn't be a problem, right?

Maomao was too strict with him. In the dream world, it was not easy to rub Aina's tail.


Aina's big tail is fluffy and soft, and I want to hold it in my arms as a pillow~(*′﹃ ).

[Note: Traveler, you have finally revealed your true colors, hentai! 】


Before going home and going to bed, you have to take a shower~


In the suburbs of Haicheng City, in a private rental house with no one around.

Click! —

The gloomy man kicked the long table in front of him and broke it. His forehead was covered with veins and he roared almost madly:

Damn it! How could a brat like him get so many precious things in the dream world! How could he be so powerful! Golden talents, power armor with epic ratings, all the benefits are given to him, right? Is he the game's biological son?

He also said that he was a player who participated in the first closed beta test some time ago. Only a ghost can believe it! What bastard gave this information?

The gloomy man vented in the house for a long time before gradually calming down.

This time, the hunting club founded by him was completely destroyed. The core members were all killed by Luo Xi like he was killing chickens and dogs. Moreover, because he called many hired hunters, Xia Guo was hidden in the dark. The hunter group will probably never see him again.

The gloomy man picked up his phone and glanced at a red dot with +99 on it, and his heart sank.

He clicked on it and found that many people were hating him on the hunter forum, saying that he had falsely reported enemy information and had ulterior motives.

The entire forum is all about their hunting operation tonight. Even the complete video of the battle on the street has been posted and posted at the top of the forum. The discussion has exploded, and even the international section has climbed to the top. First.


The gloomy man clicked on the first discussion thread in the international section with trembling hands.

[King Xiong: Is this a new master from Xia Kingdom? ]

[Argo: 666! This big guy in there can pick off dozens of them at once, so powerful! Punch a child, @golden gun. Let you a group of low-level travelers live every day

Thinking of killing people and getting gold coins, this time I overestimated my ability and went hunting for the boss. Did I hit a brick wall? Hahaha? ]

[Bear King: He is indeed strong. The other dream travelers are not on the same level as him. I heard that this hunting target was organized by a president of the hunting club in Xia Kingdom. I feel that the president of the hunting club is called the Golden Gun. It’s a bit of a scam, it’s not the official Xia Kingdom fishing, right? ]

[Hurricane: I also think it’s Xia Guo’s officials who are fishing, but I looked at his information and found that they are all yellow cards. If these official people can get a level 10 yellow card in the forum, everyone here is responsible. ]

[The card number is No. 1: Leaving aside that unlucky thing, what do you think of this person’s strength? ]

[Bear King: Judging from his performance, judging by the standards of the dream world, without the suppression of the sacred tree, he is already slightly stronger than the third-order peak transcendent. However, his own strength may be very weak, but The power armor-like equipment was a huge bonus to him. ]

[Sakura in Hometown: Oh, the Xia people who only rely on heretics are still vulnerable losers after all! Wait until we find someone to steal this equipment and then destroy him! ]

[Argo: Is the traveler upstairs from the Japanese island country or from the big cold country next door? Dare you reveal your identity? ]

...(The above is the translation provided by the forum)

Snapped! —

The man threw the phone to the ground in great anger.

He was actually considered to be from Xia Kingdom's Dream Travel Bureau?


How can it be!

Everyone's eyes were focused on Luo Xi, and they only insulted and cursed him. Didn't you see that bastard pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger?

The gloomy man had a crazy look in his eyes. He picked up his phone and privately chatted with the moderator of the international section of the forum.

That person must pay the price!

As long as the golden talent and equipment rating are informed, no matter how strong that guy is, he will not be able to remain unharmed in the face of so many coveted eyes.

As for the other owner of the golden talent that the glasses were talking about at the time...

That girl is still very weak, and he still has a chance!

So, three hours later, a new character was updated on the hunting danger level list of the International Hunter Forum.

[Luo Xi: Xia Guoren\\/24 years old\\/male]

[Known information 1: First-order alienation-type extraordinary person (? Doubtful)\\/Has a pair of parents who have been divorced for a long time, and have not been in contact for many years. They are the first batch of players in the internal beta test on September 23 (? Strongly doubtful).

When I was hunted last night, I was accompanied by a cute loli school girl (? Doubtful, the current known information shows that she is very big), and a little girl with alienated characteristics of a wolf (dog) (unknown origin), the two The girls are all around thirteen or fourteen years old.

From this, it is inferred that this person is a lolicon? (perhaps)】

[Known information 2: Suspected to have the ability to predict danger and avoid it in advance\\/Has a golden legendary level talent\\/Powered armor with an epic + rating, easy to carry, and can be deployed and fully clothed in about twenty seconds\\ / He is an extraordinary person of the red dragon attribute alienation system, with a very powerful alienation ability of the fire attribute]


[Danger level: Black 18 (extremely dangerous, it is not recommended for hunters below the master level to hunt alone. Hunters should be prepared to be counter-hunted, and you can try to kill him before he uses that armored equipment)]

Unbeknownst to Luo Xi, his popularity soared overnight, and his name spread on some websites related to Dawn in the Hunter International Forum.

The black danger level symbolizes the highest level, ranking 18, which means that among the dream travelers now exposed, Luo Xi's strength rating can already be ranked very high.

Even the reason why he is ranked 18th now is because his record was only last night, and his strength level cannot be determined specifically. But from the inside, that relaxed and carefree appearance has reached at least the third level.

Someone gave Luo Xi such a title.

—[Black Death]

It's a title that's not easy to mess with at first glance.

Until a new post popped up.

Poster: Let me play No. 1 on the card - [The title is arbitrary, I just want to know, is this new boss-level dream traveler really a lolita control? ]

[Argo: Reject childish aesthetics, starting from you and him! ]

[Bermula: It must be a blind guess, otherwise who would take two lolita to play outside in the middle of the night? And the beast-eared girls with alienated characteristics are indeed very cute. If it weren’t for the fact that they couldn’t be brought back to reality, I would have wanted to raise two of them in reality.]

[Sakura in my hometown: Agree +1]

[Hurricane: [eilprotted] Bermuda, this is simple. After the first batch of large-scale internal testing recently, some people are already doing this industry. After the real travelers become aliens, they can be sold on the black market according to different factors. At a different sky-high price, a well-trained cat-eared girl is now worth at least 100 million]

[Bermula:? ? ? Are there any purchasing channels? ]

[King Bear: ...Why don't you stop? Why not go to the Dream World to dig some minerals and wake up? ]

[Heart of the Deep Sea: +3 beast-eared little loli is so good! ]


This post caused a new wave of discussion.

So, after a night of discussion among a group of travelers from all over the world, a new title for Luo Xi was decided.

—[Black Lolita Control Death]


Seven o'clock in the morning.

The cool breeze from the air conditioner on the first floor was blowing.

Luo Xi smelled the familiar fragrance of flowers and sweet smell, and opened her eyelids slightly.

The old building is actually very cool. The landlord said that even in the hottest times, there is little need for air conditioning. In fact, this is indeed the case, and he has never used it.

However, even though the air conditioner was turned on today, Luo Xi still felt a little hot. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net


There seemed to be something soft in his arms, and the warmth was released by it.

Luo Xi squeezed it subconsciously.

Suddenly, a tired and lovely voice came out from the quilt.

Brother Luo Xi... I'm sleepy, don't touch me... if you touch me any more... the hair on your tail will fall off...

Luo Xi frowned and pulled back the quilt.

The little wolf girl's big tail was being held in his arms, and the fur on it was messy, as if it had been humped by a pig and turned into a chicken nest.

Luo Xi: !

what happened?

After coming back last night, Luo Xi felt very sleepy, so he and Aina took a shower respectively, then lay on the bed and fell asleep one after another, without even having a few naps.

He probably didn't do anything...

[Note: Didn’t do much? ! You almost made someone's tail bald! 】

Yep, it’s just Rua’s tail. It’s not a big problem. Cats probably won’t care too much if they see it.

Suddenly, a normal text popped up in front of Luo Xi's eyes.

【Ding! Traveler, you have earned the title: Black Lolita Control Death]

[Description: This is a title recognized by more than two thousand travelers from other worlds. Please keep up your efforts. Currently, this title has no special effects. When more travelers recognize this title, the title will be strengthened to a certain extent~ (Next time required number of people:)]

What the hell is this?

[Note: Celebrate! Starting today, the Lolicon name of Traveler will spread far and wide overseas, and everyone will be trembled by it! 】

Luo Xi: ???

Don’t do this kind of thing!

fox in cupboard

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