Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 186: The traveler who abducted a little Loli was punished by justice by a group of warriors

Ai Xue couldn't help but feel a little disgusted when she saw Luo Xi being so close to the unidentified girl.

They have known each other for almost two years since they were freshmen, but the senior has never hugged her like this, and now she is so close to another girl.

She also really wants to hang out with her senior! (〃>_<〃)!

Ai Xue asked in a low voice: Senior, who is she?

Luo Xi endured the pain in her chest and rubbed Aina's smooth little face.

Then he raised his head and smiled: Her name is Aina. What is her identity? Although you may not believe it, she is from the Dream World.

Ai Xue: !

Dream world!

Isn't that what the word game Dawn calls that world?


Hey, hey, hey! —

The senior actually abducted a cute little loli with animal ears from the game? !

Ai Xue thought of what her best friend Chen Mumu had always said to her these past few days.

- That senior of yours is very strange. A rich and beautiful girl like you refuses to pay you back for several years in a row. I think he might be a gay man or a lolita control.

Is the senior really a bad lolicon? !

Ai Xue carefully looked at the girl held in Luo Xi's arms.

Although she was wearing a hat, compared with the height of the seniors, it was obvious that she was only about 1.45 meters tall at most. The big soft tail on her back stretched out from under the skirt and hung down under her body, swaying. It makes this girl even more cute.

Ai Xue suddenly understood why the senior was always absent-minded when going to work.

It turns out that the senior is also a master of time management!

While working in a cat cafe, he kidnapped a little loli in Dawn, and finally brought her to reality. Now he may have done something indescribable.

Ai Xue felt a little dizzy. With trembling hands, she took out her mobile phone from her pocket.

We cannot let the seniors continue to go astray...

This road continues, but there is an abyss of no return!

She wants to report... call the police... wait!

Ai Xue suddenly remembered her own situation.

She looked down at her body that had shrunk severely due to that golden power talent.

If the senior is really a lolicon, will it be easier for the senior to fall in love with her now that she is like this?

To a certain extent, the current me may have just hit the senior's xp?

It feels... pretty good?

Luo Xi looked at Ai Xue who was holding the phone in confusion and seemed to be in a tangled state.

What is this school girl thinking in her head?

Could it be that after becoming childish in appearance, his mental age has also become younger?

Aina raised her head in Luo Xi's arms and said, Brother Luo Xi, this person knocked you away when he came up. Is that the end of it? Do you want Aina to bite her?

Luo Xi: ......

[Note: Aina, your good brother would rather you bite him~]

Dog text shut up!

Nothing happened anyway.

Luo Xi shook his head and smiled: Let me introduce Aina to you. Her name is Ai Xue, and she is a junior girl from my university.

Aina tilted her head and said, What is university?

“It’s a place to learn.”


Aina looked back at Ai Xue, and then said doubtfully: But why does Brother Luo Xi want to study with a girl who is younger than Aina?

Um... Luo Xi thought for a moment and said, She hasn't always been like this. She just changed today.

Aina's face was full of questions.

Ai Xue also said in confusion: Senior, what is she talking about?


Luo Xi clapped her hands and said to Ai Xue: You two happen to need to buy clothes. As a man, I don't know much about women's clothing, and I can't go to places like underwear stores, otherwise I will be regarded as a pervert. , just let Ai Xue go shopping with Aina to buy some. By the way, Aina, remember to pick a set for your sister too. The size is half a size larger than yours, so it should be about the same.

[Note: Traveler, Tuqiongdiao, see you there. Sister Cute Wolf hasn’t left yet, but you are already lusting after Sister Cat’s body~]

[The problem of slow update of new chapters has finally been solved with an app that can change the source. Download the huanyuanapp source-changing app here and view the latest chapters of this book on multiple sites at the same time. 】

Isn’t this called planning for a rainy day? Besides, who covets the body of a cat! Pay attention to the wording in dog texts. What I’m craving are cat ears and cat tails! (With a clear conscience!)

Luo Xi really wanted to meet that arrogant cat-eared girl in reality.

Compared to the submissive Aina, the cat Rua is more interactive. When the cat is angry with Rua, it will hit people with its small fists. The way it looks red with shame is also very interesting.

Aina puffed up her face slightly.

She could tell at a glance that her brother was thinking about her sister.

This time it is you who came to this world, not Sister Wei'er. Isn't it a pity for Brother Luo Xi?

Ai Xue held her stomach and said, Then can we go? Senior, why don't we go have a midnight snack first? I feel very hungry.


Luo Xi nodded.

Ah, wait a minute, senior.

Ai Xue came closer to Luo Xi, brushed her hair, and said with a blushing face:

Senior, what do you think of my current appearance?

Luo Xi was stunned.

How about it?

One word, punishment.

Although Vientiane City has been closed and the light here is not very bright, with his excellent night vision ability, he can still see Ai Xue's delicate and lovely face, a pair of deep eyes flickering, and a few strands of soft hair hanging down. To the ears, the whole figure looks like a limited-edition cute doll in the window.

Ai Xue, a junior, should be considered a semi-imperial junior high school girl with natural attributes and an excellent figure.

Now that she has become smaller, her youthful and mature temperament are mixed together, and she actually exudes an aura that is as mysterious as the deep night, but also contains a little temptation.

This is probably the effect of that golden talent.

Luo Xi subconsciously stretched out her hand to rub her head.

Waist-length hair feels very smooth.

【Ding! Your happiness value +5]

Although there are no animal ears, rua can still increase the happiness value, but the increase is smaller.

[Note: Is it possible that the increase in happiness is not just a problem with the animal ears, but also a problem with Loli? 】


Absolutely impossible!

Ai Xue also froze in place.

【Ding! Ai Xue’s shyness towards you is +50]

Feeling the generous hand on her head stroking her head, Ai Xue's heart beat loudly, and her ears became hot in an instant.

You know, the senior has never been so close to her before!

So I became like this because I chose the [Messenger of the Night] talent. Did I make the right choice by mistake? Successfully got the key to the senior guide?

No wonder her senior always rejected her confessions before, and usually ignored her. In the end, she even blocked her for three months because of some damn game.

However, if the senior's xp is not corrected, then sooner or later the senior will be thrown into oranges by others...


Ai Xue's heart moved.

Anyway, no matter how my appearance changes, I am actually twenty-two years old, so even if my senior is a lolita, that's fine, as long as his target is me, right?

I just don’t know if I can do those things with my seniors in this state...

Ai Xue's face turned red again.

【Ding! Ai Xue’s favorability towards you +20】

Luo Xi: ?

Why did my favorability level skyrocket again?

He tried to check Ai Xue's overall favorability towards him, but he couldn't find the character panel.

Is it because of privacy restrictions between players?

Forget it, let's go first.

Luo Xi took Aina's little hand and walked towards the nearby night market. It was different from Vientiane City. There were few customers during the day. At night, various bars and dance clubs were open.

At night here, everything feels so bright.

Aina looked at the streets full of people, feeling a little scared. If Luo Xi wasn't there, she might have wanted to find a place to hide.

Senior... Ai Xue shouted softly.

What's the matter? Luo Xi turned around.


Ai Xue felt a little envious as she looked at the hands held by Luo Xi and the girl.

But when she thought about the fact that she was not a real little girl and her relationship with her senior had not yet been confirmed, she could not say that she wanted to hold hands with her senior.

Aina was keenly aware of something, and her tea-gold eyes looked over, looking at Ai Xue, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

Brother Luo Xi, indeed he still likes Aina the most~

From now on, my brother’s two hands will be one each for Sister Weier and Aina, and it’s better not to think about the others.

Ai Xue: ...

The thoughts that had been silent were rekindled by this unknown Loli. She rushed forward and grabbed Luo Xi's other hand in his confused eyes.

Luo Xi felt the bones in his hand that were almost broken.

Ai Xue still couldn't control her strength.

He immediately wanted to pull his hand back.

However, when Luo Xi saw Ai Xue's little face with her head lowered due to shyness and her ears turned red, she stopped talking.

Hey... forget it.

[Note: Traveler has a really high tolerance for cute little lolita~]

That’s not why I didn’t withdraw my hand!


After Luo Xi entered the night market and the three of them entered a barbecue restaurant, a motorcycle stopped on the road two hundred meters away.

The man got off the motorcycle, lit a cigarette, and looked at the barbecue restaurant.

At this time, a four-seater van came from behind and stopped beside him.

Everyone is here?

The man opened the van door.

He took a look.

Snapped! —

Then open again.

Damn it! How come there are more than a dozen people crammed into a small van? !

The president is too stingy. As the president of the hunting club, why does he drive a van when he is so rich?

No wonder the car tires were flattened like this.

Are you sure you won't be arrested by the patrolling traffic police on the way here?

There was a man in white with gold-rimmed glasses. He gracefully squeezed out of the crowd, stepped out of the van, pushed up his glasses, and said coldly:

Where is the target?

The man pointed to the barbecue restaurant over there.

They all went in there, probably to have a barbecue. I've been watching him all day, and I only ate a few steamed buns from beginning to end. I'm quite hungry now. How about we go have a meal first? How about taking a look at the situation?

The driver got out of the car. He was a man with a gloomy face. He said: Yes, the intelligence said that he can kill a player with just one blow, which means that he must have picked up some kind of rare combat talent. We can also do it. We discuss countermeasures while eating late night snacks, sneak attack on them when they relax their vigilance, and try not to cause any casualties to our personnel. Now our brothers are caught and killed by the people from the tourism bureau, and fewer and fewer of them die.

The president is right!


So, nine people got out of the van one after another, including ten drivers, and entered the barbecue restaurant together.

Then, after these people entered the barbecue restaurant, four more people wearing short-sleeved shirts and slippers, who looked like ordinary citizens at first glance, entered the barbecue restaurant.

The owner of the barbecue restaurant is very happy today.

I received several big orders in a row.

There was something strange about those three guests.

A man and two young girls, one of whom was a cosplayer, opened a private room and ordered barbecue for a dozen people.

So much barbecue for who to eat?

Forget it, as long as you make money, why do you think so much?


In private room 505.

Ai Xue held her chin and stared at the very well-behaved Aina who had been sticking to Luo Xi's side.

This child must have been thoroughly coaxed by his senior.

I don’t know if the senior did those unspeakable things to her.

Although just thinking about it makes me feel nauseous...

Ai Xue asked softly: Senior, can you let me see the pair of ears on her head?

Luo Xi glanced at the door of the private room.

The barbecue order was placed not long ago, and it will probably take at least twenty minutes for the items to be grilled one after another.

So he took off the hat on Aina's head, revealing the pair of wolf ears.

Since it is only October, the temperature outside is very high, and the hat is not very breathable, so there is already a lot of sweat on Aina's head, and the fluff in the wolf's ears is a little wet, sticking together to expose the flesh-colored ears. wall.

Ai Xue felt that her girlish heart was cute in an instant.

Kawa Yin!

Want rua!

She may have understood why the senior wanted to kidnap this little animal-eared loli back.

If it were her, she would also want to kidnap him back!

Are these dog ears? Ai Xue asked.

It's a wolf.

Ai Xue wondered: Don't dogs and wolves belong to the same family? There is not even reproductive isolation between them.

Luo Xi: ...there is still some difference, right?

Aina pulled Luo Xi's hand and asked doubtfully: What is this child talking about?


Luo Xi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: I told you that you are cute. Aina, you are sweating a lot. Let me wipe it for you.


Luo Xi took out a piece of paper towel, balled it up, and stuffed it into the little wolf girl's wolf ears. She gently touched the wolf ears and the inner fluff to wipe away the sweat that had seeped out.

Finally, I ruaed twice.

【Ding! Your happiness value +30]

[Note: Traveler, why are you so skilled~]

Ai Xue: .

The senior's skillful technique shows that he has experienced hundreds of battles.

It’s confirmed, the senior must have become a hopeless lolicon.

She sighed softly, opened the ice Coke on the table, and poured Cokes for herself and the two of them.

Luo Xi picked up the cup and drank it in one gulp.

Aina looked at the brown-black bubbling liquid and was a little afraid to speak: Brother Luo Xi, what is this?

Coke is a kind of drink. Luo Xi said, It tastes good. Take a sip.

After Aina took a small sip, she was immediately attracted by the sweet and bubbly taste.

The little wolf girl (???) said: It tastes delicious. Can Aina take it back to sister Wei'er and mother?

Luo Xi: ...

He shook his head and said: No, things from our world cannot be brought to your side yet.

If possible, Luo Xi would have stuffed the food and stuff in already.

That's it...

Aina lowered her head, but quickly raised it and said with a smile: Then next time Sister Wei'er comes, Brother Luo Xi, you must take her to drink this drink!

Well, there will be.

Things like Coke can be bought casually.

But for cats... would you like some catnip?

[Note: Do you want your cat to go crazy because of catnip, and then be pushed down by you unable to resist? Traveler, you are really~ That little arrogant cat, if you are tougher, maybe you will only be a bitch~ Drugging is not the best idea~]

slander! Who the hell wants to drug him!


Private room 606 next door.

After the gloomy-looking man ordered the meal, he handed it over to the BBQ apprentice who was shaking with fear.

Barbecue Apprentice feels like these people are the kind of desperados they are.

But he didn't dare to talk nonsense, let alone take the initiative to report it.

After the apprentice left, the man on the motorcycle raised his eyebrows and said, What should we do now? Just wait for the food to come? Why don't you first see how much he cherishes his talent?

Simple. The young man with gold-rimmed glasses pushed up his glasses and said proudly: I can use my epic talent, 'Child of Reality', to take a look. This distance is enough. I can see their talent even through the wall. s color.

The motorcycle man curled his lips.

Epic talent is amazing, right?

If we weren't all our own people here, and if you didn't have the talent to fight, you wouldn't have known when you would have died.

Then let's read it quickly. The gloomy man looked at the young man with gold-rimmed glasses: After reading it, we can discuss future plans based on how much they value their talents.


The young man with gold-rimmed glasses turned back. He had already asked the boss which box those people were in. This box was also specially chosen to be next to them.

[Do you want to use talent: Child of Truth? 】


[Please select the information you want to view (extraordinary level\\/talent\\/title\\/...)]


In an instant, a bunch of messy colors appeared in front of the young man's eyes, which stunned him.

What the hell?

On the opposite side of the wall, there are two different individuals, whose talent induction was detected by the real child.

One of them was okay, it was blue.

another one......

White, green, two blues, two purples! What's going on with that guy? Why does he have so many talents?!

It has been more than a week since the first batch of closed beta tests. The average player still only has two talents at the beginning. Those who can get three or four talents from tasks alone are super bosses, let alone six, and there are There are two purple talents.

You can imagine how precious epic-level talents are. According to the data from these internal tests, travelers who draw talents for the first time are lucky to have one purple epic talent in a thousand. As long as it has a positive effect, It can be sold for at least several hundred million dollars.

What did you see? the gloomy man asked.

There are two purple epics...

Suddenly, in front of the young man with gold-rimmed glasses, all the colors on the two different individuals sank away, and then two extremely bright golden suns appeared.

He felt like his eyes were going to be blinded.


The young man let out a cry of surprise. He covered his eyes, and two lines of blood and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes. He roared in pain:

Gold... golden legend! Two! Two!

The gloomy man's eyes narrowed suddenly.

Everyone in the entire private room stood up.

I heard that the crystallization of the legendary talent of the icosahedron appeared on a black market abroad a few days ago, and was sold for a sky-high price of three trillion U.S. dollars. People who couldn't afford the money just robbed it, and no one knew whose it ended up. in hand.

Of course, if he can get it, he will definitely use it for himself, no matter how expensive it is, he will not sell it.

This is the cornerstone on the road to becoming strong.

As one of the first batch of closed beta players in the true sense, no one understands the preciousness of high-level talents better than him. The talents he used to sell in the past were all sold after he was sure they were of no use to him.

The gloomy man's eyes showed a little bit of madness, and he said: Call all the hunting brothers in Haicheng City and all the player hunters who are hired on the hunter forum! Each person is guaranteed a minimum employment fee of 10 million! Forty minutes After that, I want to start hunting immediately!


Room 707.

There were four people drinking non-alcoholic drinks and eating snacks like peanuts.

If Luo Xi comes here, he will find that there are two people here that he has seen before. They are the two people from the tourism bureau who sent him into the orange when he collapsed outside a few days ago.

A young man named Mu Yao.

The other was a middle-aged man whom Mu Yao called Brother Zhang.

There is also an old man in white and a woman.

Mu Yao faced Coke with the old man in white next to him with admiration on his face: Master Nine Swords, I didn't expect you to come here this time, so none of the gangsters next door will definitely be able to escape. When are you going to take action?

Not urgent.

The old man in white looked at the neighbor with a kind look on his face: Have you ever heard that if the enemy doesn't move, why don't I? I also know that I, the person you are paying attention to these days, but where did those two little girls come from?

The only woman among the four said: One of them, according to the judgment of the tourism bureau's data analysis department, is 99% likely to be Luo Xi's school girl, Ai Xue, who probably just became a Dream Traveler because of yesterday's small-scale test. The person who picked up some talent related to body shrinkage, another little lolita with a wolf tail... I don’t know, there is no information, it’s like he brought it out of the dream world.”

Mu Yao was stunned on the spot: So Luo Xi's school girl is a legal lolita? Even if he does something serious, he will not be arrested by the police?

The woman was speechless on the spot: That's not the point, okay!


Twenty minutes later.

Ahha, the barbecue is here! Everyone has been waiting for a long time!

A barbecue apprentice came in carrying a large pot of barbecue.

Aina (???) looked at the various fragrant barbecue skewers sprinkled with cumin and five-spice powder placed on the basin, and the corners of her mouth could not help but water.

Ai Xue covered her little mouth and smiled: This child is really as cute as a puppy. Senior, how did you deceive her? You couldn't just use delicious food to deceive her, right?

Luo Xi: ...

I am an aspiring young man of the new era, kidnapping a lolita... I am just traveling with two girls with animal ears, so what is the use of cheating?

Ai Xue picked up a mutton skewer, handed it to the corner of Aina's mouth, and said with a smile: Eat it, eat it. If it's not enough, let's order more.

Aina glanced at Ai Xue, opened her mouth, and bit into a small piece of mutton skewer.


A novel taste that she had never experienced before exploded in the taste buds of Wolf Ear Loli.


Aina couldn't stop eating the kebabs.

Although the food cooked by my sister and mother is delicious, sometimes, barbecue is something that makes people crave for it.


Forty minutes later.

Luo Xi looked at Ai Xue, who had become a little bigger than before, and Aina, who was lying on the chair with her belly becoming rounder.

[Note: Traveler, this is a good thing you did, right? She actually made Aina pregnant! 】

Dog text shut up!

That's it, Ai Xue. After all, due to the influence of her talent, Aina didn't actually eat much. She just stuffed a bunch of barbecue into her stomach and drank a lot of cola. Now this wolf-eared lolita was a little delirious after eating. It's clear, I'm afraid I won't be able to walk.

Do you still want to go to the night market to buy clothes?

Ai Xue quietly touched Aina's tail behind her and turned around and said, Senior, why don't you go shopping tonight? Can you do it tomorrow?

Tomorrow...I'm afraid it won't work.

Then we'll make an appointment next time?

Next time... I might have to find someone else.

Ai Xue: ???

Did the senior kidnapped other girls? !

Ai Xue felt a little aggrieved.

Obviously I am the first.

If you want to abduct me, you have to abduct me first, right?

Luo Xi patted Aina's belly and said helplessly: Forget about clothes and stuff, I'll just buy a few sets online for backup. It's getting late now, let's go back first. I'll tell you what's going on with you, Ai Xue. I have already explained to you that the problem is not big, the negative effects of talent are definitely not as big as your gains. As for the matter of the Silent City, I'm sorry, I may not be able to help you for the time being.

Anyway, death in the dream world is not really death.

It doesn't hurt to let Ai Xue play a little more by herself.

He can go to the Great Yan Empire first, and when Ai Xue comes out from there, the two of them can meet up.

Ai Xue nodded heavily: Well, senior, I will work hard!

Luo Xi picked up Aina, who seemed to have fallen asleep.

Ai Xue hesitated for a moment and said, Senior, do you want to take her home?


Senior, you can't do things you shouldn't do to her.

Ai Xue mustered up her courage, blushed and whispered: If senior likes loli-type girls, I can actually do it now. Does senior want to be my boyfriend? I heard that there is a restaurant nearby that has very good reviews. The hotel…”

The seventh sudden confession.

Luo Xi: ...

Damn it, does this school girl think he is such a vulgar person?

If you really do that, the hotel owner will definitely call the police and send you to Orange!

And Luo Xi didn't reject her just because she wasn't a loli type girl.

Maybe it was because he had some PTSD from his parents in reality. Luo Xi didn't really believe in the love in reality. Coupled with factors such as being poor, this was the real reason why he rejected Ai Xue.

[Note: Traveler, stop pretending~ You don’t want to refuse this time, this is a free loli rich woman! 】

Shut up!

Luo Xi took a deep breath.


The door is opened.

—“The barbecue is coming!”

Luo Xi frowned as his words got stuck.

Why is it barbecue again?

Haven't they already finished everything they ordered?

Ai Xue alone showed off more than half of it.

【Ding! Talent: The sixth sense has been triggered]

A picture suddenly came into Luo Xi's mind. He was hit by a man with a black steel gun and a golden bullet. He flew to the wall behind him instantly, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.


Could it be that group of lingering player hunters again?

Can the guys at Dreamland Travel Bureau help?

[Note: This is the resolute feat performed by a passing warrior (Misty) after he saw Traveler Ding abducting two little lolita~]

Dog text, you are still teasing me at this time, where are you from?

Luo Xi did not look back, but directly picked up Ai Xue beside her, hugged Aina, and jumped back, directly smashing the glass window on the second floor, and jumped downstairs with the two lolita.

A group of people came in the door.

The gloomy man shook the black steel spear in his hand, a little confused:

How did he notice it?

Did you run away?

Don't worry, we are surrounded by our people, he can't escape!

Luo Xi ran wildly on the street into the distance.

Ai Xue, who was being carried by him, still couldn't figure out the situation.

She couldn't understand at all why just having a meal would lead to such an incident of being hunted down.

Isn't this a plot that only exists in novels?

Room 707.

Mu Yao looked respectfully at the old man in front of the window and said, Master Nine Swords, those bastards have shown up, it's your turn to take action.

Well, I'll be right back when I go.

The Master of Nine Swords jumped lightly onto the window railing, and then jumped into the distance, each step stepping lightly on the top of the tree.

The remaining three people also jumped downstairs and chased in that direction.

Luo Xi suddenly stopped, narrowed his eyes, and looked at the group of people surrounding the street.

This time, these people really spent a lot of money.

Am I that attractive?

Don't panic, little friend.

A powerful old voice sounded.

Beside Luo Xi, an old man in white floated down and looked at him kindly.

Little friend, it's thanks to you that I was able to lure out these insects...

boom! —

The old man stiffened.

He looked at his belly in disbelief.

The bleeding doesn't stop...

A bullet made of unknown materials penetrated his abdomen at a speed that he could not react at all, and the power contained in it silenced the source of energy flowing in his body and prevented it from functioning.

Is this a firearm above the epic level?


Will this level of weaponry be available for this infamous hunt?

The old man never expected that someone could hurt or even kill him during the hunt.

He was one of the first real dream travelers six months ago. With the help of the Tourism Bureau, he is now a third-level transcendent. Of course, the weapons he uses are nine different swords. Only then will he be called the Master of Nine Swords.

This is why Mu Yao is so confident in him.

Unexpectedly, before the sword was even taken out, the old man in white fell down heavily and lay in a pool of blood.

The three people from the tourism bureau who came over were stunned when they saw this scene.

How could the Master of Nine Swords...

However, Mu Yao reacted quickly and shouted at the top of his lungs to Luo Xi: I'll help you stop them, you go!


The gloomy man jumped down from the roof and said with a ferocious smile: Leave? Where did you go? Your travel bureau has arrested so many of our brothers. It's time to pay the price. This old guy is a third-level ascender, right? It’s not a loss if I use a golden gun bullet, I wonder what good talents I can find later.”

Mu Yao and the others had already walked to Luo Xi's side. He looked at Luo Xi who was silent and said with a wry smile: I'm sorry. In the past few days, we found that you seemed to be being targeted, but we didn't tell you to let you. Instead of transferring them, I took advantage of you.”

Well... please help me keep an eye on these two children.

Luo Xi looked calm and handed Ai Xue in his hands and Aina in his arms to the woman among the three.

Help me take care of them.

The woman took over Ai Xue and Aina with a confused look on her face.

The Master of Nine Swords is still lying there not knowing whether he will live or die. There are so many people on the other side, and we don’t have much fighting power. We can only fight two of them with equal strength. Do you want to fight such a group of people by yourself?

Ai Xue struggled and said: Senior, I am not a child!

It is.

Luo Xi took off the hat on his head, took out another black and white hat from his bag, and put it on his head casually.

boom! —

Before Luo Xi could do anything, an extremely huge fireball fell from the sky, covering them all. The air wave generated by the explosion blew up the surrounding buildings, and many guests who were still in the club were scared to death.

Hahaha! That's it?

The gloomy man wanted to laugh. Sure enough, the owner of the golden talent also needs time to develop, otherwise he would still be a novice.

Then, UU reading www.uukanshu.net his eyes froze.

Someone walked out of the blazing flames, bathed in white rune light. He held a scroll in his hand, and the light came from his scroll.

【Ding! xx’s shock value to you is +100]


The gloomy man's face darkened.

The data shows that this guy is just the first batch of players in the internal beta. Even if he successfully embarks on the path of extraordinary, he will never have time to develop to this level!

By the way, that's a scroll, just a disposable item!

Luo Xi picked up the black and white hat on his head and glanced sideways at everyone opposite him.

The black and red dragon horns, which were originally just shadows, have completely solidified under the influence of Lu Xin Yuan Su, making them particularly dazzling in the eyes of the rest of the people.

Alienation type extraordinary person...but what level is it?

Haha! The young man with gold-rimmed glasses covered one eye and laughed, He is a first-level transcendent. Don't be afraid...

As a black iron ball landed, something that frightened everyone happened again. Under the protection of the brilliance, the black iron ball actually wrapped the young man's body, and a trembling breath came from it. Release it.

The Master of Nine Swords reluctantly climbed up from the pool of blood. Looking at this scene, he held down Mu Yao beside him: You're telling me this is a new player? He needs our protection?! Who the hell is protecting him? who?

Mu Yao: ...



I can’t write anymore and my head hurts. It’s probably the sixth day of the week.

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