Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 155 Aina wants to stay with her brother~ (holding a hatchet)

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Luo Xi's hand that was rubbing the little rabbit's plush ears suddenly froze.

He looked back awkwardly.

Aina was lying at the door, staring at him with her head tilted, her body motionless.

Although Luo Xi's vision was not very clear now, he could still feel that Aina's beautiful tea-gold eyes seemed to have lost their highlight.

Luo Xi felt a little panicked for no reason.

[Note: Aina’s yandere value to you is +1000! 】

What the hell? 1000 yandere value?

Then Luo Xi discovered that this was a【Note】


Dog text, don’t pretend to be a normal text to scare me!

Luo Xi put down her hand, pretending to be calm and asked: Aina, where is your sister? Have you all recovered?

Sister Wei'er went to the toilet, and Aina wanted to come over and see what her brother was doing.

Aina said quietly, closed the door, walked in and sat next to Luo Xi, and glanced at Winnie, the little rabbit who was much younger than herself.

The little wolf girl lowered her head and said with some sadness: Brother Luo Xi, does this child's alienated features feel comfortable to touch? Is it more comfortable than Aina's?

Luo Xi said without thinking, Then Aina's tail must be more comfortable.

[Note: Traveler, you are so good at pleasing innocent girls! Take away! 】

No road race! I just told the truth, is there anything wrong?

Aina whispered aggrievedly: Then why, brother Luo Xi, did you come over and touch other people's alienated features? Is it because Aina is not enough for you and you touched it? Then why did Aina tie up Sister Wei'er and let you touch it as you please? Sample?

Luo Xi: ...

If Cat knew what you said, he would be so angry that he would explode.

Luo Xi sighed softly.

He put his hand on Aina's head and rubbed it twice.

The little wolf girl turned her head angrily, refusing to give Luo Xi a hand.

Luo Xi was a little helpless.

It seems that I have indeed gone too far in recent days.

But what can be done?

Originally, he was planning to let himself go and go back in time.

However, due to a strange combination of circumstances, time cannot be turned back, and Aina's extremely high favorability after the qualitative change cannot be reversed.

Luo Xi smiled softly and said, Aina, do you want to take a closer look at the situation here?

After hearing this, Aina took a careful look at the two people who were still sleeping on the bed. Their bodies were also soaked with sweat, and the little rabbit sister also had some wet marks on her body.

The little wolf girl suddenly realized something.

The others were frozen by something just like her and her sister.

It turns out that Brother Luo Xi is here to save people.

In this way, brother Luo Xi rescued her and sister Wei'er first!

Well, Aina knows!

Aina nodded heavily.

【Ding! Aina’s favorability towards you +15]

Luo Xi: ...

Can you please stop adding it? This favorability level is getting more and more scary!

Winnie listened blankly.

At a young age, she didn't understand so many things, and she didn't know what this young lady was thinking.

Shopkeeper Reina was also a little confused.

As an adult, she could naturally tell what Aina was thinking, and it was just that she was a little disgusted by Luo Xi's behavior of touching Winnie's head. ….

But she felt it was outrageous.

Why does Teacher Liya’s youngest daughter have such a high impression of this young man?

You know, I still have some relationship with Teacher Liya. Ever since Kaina came here, she has been aloof from her most of the time.

What about this Luo Xi?

I heard from Wei'er that they have only known each other for about a week now.


Lena really couldn't understand it.

However, since the projections left by Teacher Liya recognized him, he must have many extraordinary qualities.

This is the reason why she is discussing with Luo Xi now.

Haha—I'll show up again!

Suddenly, Chu Tian jumped out of the quilt next to him. Under the confused gazes of several people in the room, his legs went weak and he couldn't stand firm. He fell directly off the bed. He didn't know where he hit but didn't move. .

Luo Xi: ...

He looked at his remaining synchronization time.

[2 minutes and 20 seconds].

This synchronization is almost over.

Shopkeeper Lena, let's go next door to discuss it with Weier.

Luo Xi put little Winnie back under the quilt and asked her to take care of her mother who had not yet woken up. Then she picked up Aina beside her. The little wolf girl was still walking a little unsteadily.

Although he was not planning to leave the city this time, time was still very tight and he had to do enough things within a limited time.

That way, if he still needs to backtrack, he can go back with a lot of known information.

Aina was in Luo Xi's arms, rubbing her little face against Luo Xi's chest, and the wolf tail hanging underneath her body swayed happily.


【Ding! Aina’s favorability towards you +5】

Luo Xi: ...

The favorability increased again.

By the way, how did I capture this wolf-eared lolita?

Luo Xi can't remember clearly.


Reina nodded and followed Luo Xi out of the door.

At this time, Chutian's voice sounded, and he climbed up holding on to the bed board.

Wait a minute! Brother Luo, what's going on now? This frozen state has blocked my account for two days. I won't lose the version, right?

Luo Xi stopped and turned around and said, The situation is not good. How about you go get a loan from Reina's shop owner and try to become a transcendent person and become an ascendant?

Chu Tian: ...

Zero-level sublimation materials require hundreds of gold coins. How can he have so much money unless he goes to the gambling house and plays a few stud games to win them all.

Reina shook her head and said: It's not that I don't want to lend him money, but any path to sublimation has a degree of matching with the individual. Different people take the same path, and their strength may be very different, and whether they can follow up Obtaining the formula and emblem of that path is also a very important consideration. If you sublimate at will, you may stay at a low level forever.

The most important thing is that now, a zero-level sublimator can't change anything.

Chu Tian smiled nonchalantly and said: Then I won't sublime. I'm not in a hurry anyway. Remember to call me if you have any plans. I've almost recovered now, and I'm not afraid of dying once or twice. .”

After saying that, Chu Tian lowered his head and looked at the little rabbit holding his mother on the bed. He smiled and said, Little sister Winnie, is your mother awake?...

The rabbit-eared little loli hugged her mother and shrank a little deeper into the quilt.

Wow, this uncle is so weird.

He had been trying to please her mother for the past few days.

Doesn't he want to be his father?

Although this uncle is quite nice, she prefers the older brother.

Winnie glanced in Luo Xi's direction.

It would be great if that big brother could be her father...

At this time, Aina looked over with a smile. The little wolf girl's expression was very kind.

Winnie: (﹏?)!

There is a feeling of being killed!

The rabbit-eared loli buried her head in the quilt silently.

I dare not look at it.

Luo Xi turned back and took a deep look at Chu Tian.

This Cao thief, if given a chance, could actually be a

Be a friend.

Aina turned her head back and whispered: Brother, you will be with Aina from now on. Don't forget what brother and Aina said.

Luo Xi: ...

There's something wrong with this wolf-eared lolita!

Something is very wrong!

He felt as if he was really getting closer to the path of the hatchet.

[Note: Traveler, why don't you just stop doing it and become a real strategy master, and take down this wolf-eared lolita! 】

Then he will be captured by the Hehe Crab Divine Beast first!

【Ding! This synchronization ends here]

[Traveler, welcome to come again next time~]

After being prompted by the text, Luo Xi's consciousness returned from the dream world to reality.

The text is still rendering.

[Traveler, you carried Aina and returned to Weier's room. Lena's shopkeeper also followed, leaving Chutian alone to take care of the rabbit ears mother and daughter. Although he is a thief, you have nothing to do with him. His character is quite trustworthy]

[Weier was coming out of the toilet. After seeing you holding her sister, her little fists clenched suddenly]

[Traveler, you can’t help but chuckle in your heart]

[Stupid cat, your sister is ready to tie you up and give you to me, rua, the love between sisters is so deep~]

[Note: Traveler, you are very proud, but before doing this, be careful of the big cat, your mother-in-law is watching you~]

Luo Xi: ...

[Traveler, you put Aina back on the bed, and then sat down casually, without deliberately trying to tease Aina to provoke Maomao]

【Now, UU Reading www.uukankshu.net is the time to formally discuss how to proceed】

[Traveler, you expressed your intention to find that little city lord]

[Weier agreed, then shook her head and said: Sister Reina, let's go to the City Lord's Mansion together. Luo Xi and I have already been there once before. This time the speed should be faster. That child Hill should be standing On our side, if it really doesn't work, the workshop left by my mother might be able to block it for a while, and then we can all go in first.\

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