Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 156: The cat-eared girl’s tail is either white or white—Lu Xun

[Weier glanced at you and pursed her lips slightly]

[Maomao’s meaning is very obvious, that is, to tell you not to talk casually. Her tail can give you rua for a while, which is used as hush money]

[Damn it, are you such a person? 】

[It’s just a tail, I just want to prevent you from speaking and seal your mouth. This is impossible, unless...]

[Note: Unless this is the tail of a cat-eared lolita~]

[Traveller, you calmly took the cat's tail in your hand and squeezed it gently. It still feels familiar and soft to the touch]

[Mr. Lu Xun once said - the tail that comes to your door is not in vain if it is not rua]

【Ding! Your happiness value +20]

[Note: Traveler, this tail smells so good! You are such an honest gentleman~ But when did Mr. Lu Xun say such a thing? Don't give Mr. Lu Xun all the gossip about cars and wheels! 】

Luo Xi: ...

It feels a bit outrageous.

The cat would actually take the initiative to put its tail over for him to play with?

Although Rua has been there before, he usually touches it secretly, or as a way of compensation when Maomao feels a little guilty towards him, such as after he died and was resurrected.

After all, how could the arrogant cat-eared girl let others touch her tail casually?

[Traveller, you grabbed your tail and stroked it gently]

[Since you, the traveler, are sitting on the bed with your left hand behind your back, the shopkeeper Lena is standing in front of you. She can't see the little movements behind you. You see Maomao's pretty face blushing a little.]

【Ding! Your happiness value +10]

[Note: Traveler, now you can stage a plot of teasing cats in front of acquaintances, but don’t forget that behind you, there is a cute wolf~]

What a tease, Dog Text, why don't you give me a high-definition version for temporary synchronization so I can go in and experience it for myself?

Gou Wenwen did not respond to Luo Xi’s request this time.

Luo Xi didn't want to waste his immersive talent casually.

That thing only has ten minutes, so it shouldn't be used here.

The text continues to be presented.

[Weier said: If Sister Reina agrees, we can start taking action immediately. Luo Xi and I will go find Xiao Hill. Hill seems to have the ability to teleport at will in the inner city. I want to ask him then. Send us directly to my mother’s original workshop. My mother said that that workshop can protect against fourth-level extraordinary beings.”]

[In view of the general environment, this site may be closed at any time. Please move to the permanently operating source-changing App, huanyuanapp. 】

[The shopkeeper Lena remained silent]

[She glanced at you, the traveler, as if asking for your opinion]

[Traveller, you stroked the cat's tail in your hand, thought for a while, and nodded gently]

[This time is probably not your last review. What you know now is only some things about the Rat King, and you know very little about the City Lord’s Mansion. So whatever Wei’er wants to do, let her do it. , you will stay with this stupid cat anyway, right? 】

[Note: Traveler, you are still very spirited now~]

Luo Xi smiled slightly.

I didn’t expect that dog text would also praise people.

But this was what he was thinking.

No matter what Wei'er wanted to do, he had to follow her to witness with his own eyes what was about to happen in this winter city.

Of course, we still have to avoid the rat king North, who doesn’t know when he will come to catch the cats.

That guy seemed to have a conflict with him and wanted to kill him as soon as they met. This was still a bit difficult to deal with.

It would be great if that child Hill could escape control and become a fighting force on their side. Maybe he could suppress that smelly rat.

When Luo Xi thought of this, his heart moved.

Speaking of which, how many forces are involved in the Sacred Tree Festival in Winter City now?

The first party is the Snake and Rat Society, headed by Rat King North. However, it seems that the members of the Snake and Rat Society have also been thrown into the alien gathering place. After the snow disaster came, he didn't know what happened to the alien gathering place.

Luo Xi still remembers that he once triggered a stage mission called redemption.

But it was so difficult for him to even save two animal-eared lolita, let alone save more people.

The second party, the force of the city lord's foster father who controlled Hill through some means, is most likely the Church of Truth, who took away Weier in a historical event recalled by him.

The third party, their group of people trying to struggle.

Are there only three parties?

Not only that, Justice Delkos, for example, may also be involved, but he may be joining one of the parties.

There is also the Winter Legion who doesn’t know what they are doing.

The opponents all have old coins that have been hidden for who knows how many years.

The most powerful one on their side is Rena, a second-level magician who specializes in producing second-level scrolls and is not good at fighting.

Damn, can you give him one or two powerful helpers?

[Note: Traveler, if you are really desperate, you can shout loudly, mother-in-law, please save me! 】

That only works if my mother-in-law is here!

But the rune projection in the hat is still muted.

Luo Xi rubbed her temples.

It’s better not to think about it so much now and just take it one step at a time. Anyway, SL Dafa is his greatest confidence.

[Leina thought for a while and said: Then do as you say, but you must pay attention to your own safety.\

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