Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 154: The Hatchet Wolf-Eared Lady ~ She is light and soft and can easily be knocked down!

Chapter 155: The Hatchet Wolf-Eared Lady ~ She is light and soft and can easily be knocked down!

Luo Xi rubbed Aina's hair and said with a smile: No, where does the smell come from?

It would be better to say that it smells even better.

This time he did not deny Gou Wenwen’s statement.

Rua plush is always very happy.

Especially with a big tail like Aina's, it feels really good to pull it on, and it's a bit more comfortable than Maomao's long cat tail.

[Note: Poor Maomao, in the heart of the traveler, you have been compared with the young cute wolf sister. Are you still suffering from the disadvantage of being too old? ~]

Luo Xi: ?

What does this have to do with age? !

Moreover, in reality, Maomao's age is at most a high school graduate. It wouldn't be inappropriate to go to junior high school based only on her appearance. She is a young girl in her prime, so she is too old to talk about it.

[Note: Traveler, you have misunderstood. What I mean is that you only like illegal animal-eared lolita, not the legal ones~]

Luo Xi: (╬ ̄ Pan ̄).

My special purpose is to express my true feelings about the tails of the two beast-eared girls that I have used!

Don't make it sound like I'm just a pervert who likes young girls!


After hearing Luo Xi's words, Aina's little face turned red and drooped, and she reached out and grabbed her own tail.

When she was in the toilet, she touched it herself and smelled it a little, but there was no smell.

Otherwise she might have to go into the bathroom and take a shower before coming out.

After all, brother Luo Xi might touch her tail at any time~

【Ding! Aina’s favorability towards you +5]

Luo Xi: .


This time there is no personal mission like last time, so why has the favorability of this wolf-eared loli increased?

[Note: The yandere hatchet and wolf-eared lolita are waiting for you ahead. Traveler, your way back is to be attacked by hatchets~]

I don’t want sickly, wolf-eared girls or anything like that!

Wei'er stared at Luo Xi closely.

This pervert really touches Aina whenever he has free time.

After Luo Xi put the two sisters back under the quilt, he said, Maomao, take care of Aina. I'm going to go next door to see how the others are doing.


Wei'er responded stupidly, and then realized that she didn't need to listen to Luo Xi's words at all.

How could she not take good care of Aina?

Aina is my sister, not your perverted sister!

Under Maomao's faint gaze, Luo Xi opened the door and returned to the next room.

Shopkeeper Leina and Chu Tian were still in a negative state of being frozen.

According to Luo Xi's observation, after the impact of the snowstorm subsided, due to the characteristics of the alienation factor, it only took a few dozen seconds for him to thaw. For extraordinary beings like Lena and Luvia, it took nearly half an hour, and for the others, it took longer.

By the way, there is also this information shop owner named Luvia. After taking her out of the city last time, she unexpectedly ran away without saying a word.

You have to give me some 'travel fare', right?

Luo Xi skillfully put the hat on her head.

Of course, this time he didn't do anything fancy to warm everyone's feet. He lined up a few people on the bed, covered them with quilts, and then lay down in the middle of the quilts.

When the Yuansu furnace core is running, it will increase the temperature of his body surface. At the same time, this increased temperature seems to be somewhat different from the normal heating. It is the effect of the interaction with the alienation factor, which will directly affect the human body. deep inside the body.

For example, now, Luo Xi can easily produce black and red flames on his body if he wants to.

That is the alienation ability and alienation characteristics brought about by the alienation factor.

To explain it in the language of this world, it seems to be called the specialization of 'source element'. After the flawless source element enters the human body, it will become the special source element of that extraordinary person.

In reality, he cannot do this, because there is no so-called flawless source in reality.

As the temperature rose, something like a sauna appeared in the quilt. Four or five minutes later, several people inside quickly started to make some noise.

There are still about seven minutes left in Luo Xi's synchronization time.

The first person to crawl out from the quilt was the gray-haired Luvia. Her pair of dark eyes first scanned the surrounding area vigilantly. She was stunned for a moment when she saw Luo Xi. Then she remembered something and said in shock: The snow disaster has disappeared. ?”

Luo Xi shook his head and said, It probably hasn't disappeared yet, but the snowstorm probably won't come again today.

He said it hasn't disappeared yet because his legendary mission of the snow disaster has not yet been settled.

There won't be another day because he has already been through it.

how do you know

Before Luvia finished asking, Reina also woke up. After she climbed out of the quilt, her beautiful golden hair was covered with sweat, and her clothes were also wet. They clung to her body and outlined her graceful figure. body shape.

Reina and Luvia looked at each other.

Then, the two of them looked at themselves, and then at Luo Xi, who looked innocent.

【Ding! Lena’s anger towards you is +30]

【Ding! Luvia’s anger towards you is +29]

Luo Xi blinked.

He couldn't see any specific details about the two women.

Is there anything good about it?

Let me be healthy

However, after the two people's anger levels appeared, Luo Xi didn't dare to look around.

He said he couldn't see the details, but would anyone else believe him? Maybe a big dick will come over.

Not everyone is as obedient and cute as Aina, or as arrogant but good-tempered as Weier.

[Note: So is this the reason why you only tease the animal-eared lolita? Is it because animal-eared lolita are light and easy to push down and easy to deceive? Aren't you just a perverted and suspicious person? 】

Luo Xi: .

For some reason, Luo Xi was unable to refute the dog text this time.

If Aina and Wei'er were replaced by the two royal sisters in front of him, even if they also had tails and ears, Luo Xi's courage would be increased tenfold, and he probably wouldn't dare to go up there.

The shop owner Reina got out of bed, casually took a blanket from the cabinet, wrapped it around herself, and threw another blanket to Luvia.

Let's make do with it for now.

After Reina got up, she didn't ask Luo Xi. She went directly to the window and opened part of the window.

Then, in the gray-black night sky, the appearance of the winter sacred tree with its snow-white vest and falling snow flakes suddenly appeared in front of her, and outside the silver radiant barrier, the golden outer barrier disappeared. Got it!

good chance!

These three words suddenly appeared in Reina's mind. She turned around and said immediately: Luo Xi, take Wei'er and Aina with you and leave as soon as possible.

Luo Xi shook his head, raised his hand to interrupt Lena's shopkeeper, and said: It's useless. Rat King Noss has the staff used by Weier's mother. Even if we leave Winter City, he can easily Find us and take Weier back. Unless I give up Weier and only take Aina with me, none of us can leave.

Reina's voice paused and she asked strangely: How did you know?

Luo Xi: Weier's mother said it.

Yeah, I understand.

Reina didn't have too many doubts. After all, the hat with the teacher's projection was on Luo Xi's head.

She held her chin and muttered to herself: Then the method of sending you away from Winter City will not work. Then we can only find a way to defeat the Rat King or bring back Teacher Liya. Now you can still bring Li Teacher Ya, will you call me out?

Reina looked at the hat on Luo Xi's head hopefully.

Luo Xi sighed softly in his heart.

Lena’s shop owner is indeed a bit miserable.

Even though it was just Liya's phantom, she didn't say a few words.

Luo Xi said: The snowstorm seems to have had a certain impact on Ms. Liya. She is temporarily unable to appear.

Rena's shopkeeper nodded in disappointment.

Luvia put the blanket around her body, took out a small clock from her pocket and took a look at it. She was immediately shocked and said: More than a day has passed? I thought it was just the cold until night.


Shopkeeper Rena also had a look of astonishment on her face.

Luvia said solemnly: If it has been more than a day, then tomorrow is the festival day. In the past, the sacred tree festival was held once every three years at one or two o'clock in the morning. We don't have much time anymore! What are those people doing? I don’t know what I want to do yet, I can’t stay here anymore.”

Luo Xi seemed to understand why the owner of Reina's shop was so anxious to let them leave last time.

Well, I'll leave first. See you all in the future.

Luvia waved to Luo Xi and Reina, jumped out of the window, and disappeared into the night.

Luo Xi: .

Lena: .

The other party wanted to run away, but Luo Xi was helpless.

Now that there is no golden light covering the city wall, if you just want to get out, even if you don't rely on Weier's ability, this kind of person must have his own method.


Under the quilt, a few coughs suddenly sounded.

Luo Xi pulled up the quilt.

Mother and daughter Tu Er and Chu Tian both showed signs of waking up.

However, these people should not be impatient. Although Chu Tian is a player and can be resurrected, he is now an ordinary person with some talent, and the role he can play is really limited.

emmmmm, maybe you can use it as cannon fodder to attract the enemy's attention?

Reina asked softly: What are you going to do next? Do you need my help?

Luo Xi was stunned.

Is Lena's shop owner negotiating with him?

Luo Xi thought for a while and said, I want to find that little city lord again.

Lena said thoughtfully: Is it that Hill Shersfield?


Luo Xi nodded and asked: Shop owner, do you know any stories about Hill? As long as it's related to him, anything is fine.

Reina frowned and said, I'm not sure either. That person took office only after the old city lord disappeared three years ago. There are very few stories about him in the public domain, and it's not him who has managed the city lord's mansion in these years.

Is it that Mazar?

Yes, he is the current First Consul. I know he is a person with pretty good abilities.

Luo Xi narrowed her eyes.

That guy is so well hidden.

Liya also said before that he might be from the Church of Truth.


Suddenly, little Winnie rubbed her eyelids and sat up.

When she saw her mother still fainting beside her, she immediately crawled over and shook her mother, calling out worriedly: Mom!

Luo Xi comforted her: It's okay, Winnie, your mother will wake up soon.

Winnie turned her head and looked at Luo Xi.

elder brother.

Immediately afterwards, the rabbit-eared loli threw herself into Luo Xi's arms. UU reading www.uukanshu. net

She prefers this brother to the strange uncle next to her mother who is always trying to please her these days.

Luo Xi took off his hat and touched Winnie's hair.

He couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

It is too difficult for children in this world to have a normal childhood. In reality, girls of this age must still be the treasures of their parents. Even if they go out, they will not be allowed to leave a hundred meters away. .


At this time, the door was opened from the outside.

Aina tiptoed her head in and said softly: Brother Luo Xi, Aina can walk now, what are you doing?

When she saw the two people on the bed, the light in the little wolf girl's eyes disappeared and the golden highlight was lost.


Luo Xi: .

For some reason, he felt like he saw a wolf-eared loli carrying a hatchet standing beside his bed at night, watching him sleep.

[Accommodation: So, the road of hatchet is your destination~]

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