Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 153 Aina’s tail still smells good despite being sweaty (*′﹃`*)

The sudden force of the hat caught Luo Xi off guard, and the back of his head hit the soft belly of the cat behind him.

At the same time, Wei'er was knocked awake directly.

Luo Xi wanted to get up immediately, but after he moved a little, he suddenly didn't want to get up.

Wei'er's body looks very petite, but her lower abdomen is still soft and very elastic, and after close contact, a stronger, sun-dried floral scent enters. in his nasal cavity.

【Ding! Your happiness value +50】

【Ding! Your happiness value +20]

[Note: Old perverted traveler, did you plan this all? He is indeed a lucky pervert! 】

Who the hell is the lucky pervert! I don’t have the equipment for that Muggle title! And don’t call me an old pervert!


The cat’s belly is indeed fragrant and soft~0Дq.

It is much more comfortable than ordinary household pillows.

I heard that girls with Loli body types are like this. After all, they need enough body space to place internal organs and organs. No matter how petite the body is, the belly will not be too flat.

[Note: Traveler, how do you know this? Could it be that you have studied it a long time ago? You hentai! 】

No road race!

The modern Internet is so developed. Isn't it normal for him to occasionally see some strange knowledge?

—About the increase in strange knowledge (jpg.)

Wei'er looked at the young man on her body, confused, not knowing what was happening.

Why was he in bed as soon as he opened his eyes?

Wasn't she on that side of the corridor before?

Why is Luo Xi lying on her body now?



Weier felt her physical condition.

There's a chill inside the body, but it's also warm.

Cold comes from within, warmth comes from outside.

After the two offset each other, her entire body became wet, as if soaked in water.

Also, why does it seem like some of her clothes have been taken off and Luo Xi is now lying on her belly?

? ? ?

Her clothes were taken off?

Thinking of this, Maomao's long cat tail sticking out of the quilt froze, and her beautiful light red eyes became panicked.

The temperature of the girl's pretty face, ears, and entire body began to rise sharply in an instant, and her milky white silk skin quickly turned crimson.

So much so that Luo Xi could feel the temperature of the cat's abdominal skin rising behind her head.


Wei'er pursed her lips.

This pervert...this perverted lolicon! When she fainted, she actually took off part of her clothes!

She wouldn't have been given to this guy...

By the way, where is Aina?

Wei'er turned her neck stiffly and looked at Aina lying next to her.

Two of Aina's buttons were also undone!

Fortunately, my sister's clothes still look neat. Maybe this pervert hasn't had time to take action yet?

【Ding! Wei'er's anger towards you is +80]

Luo Xi was already up at this time.

After all, you can't lie like this forever. Accidents are accidents. If you continue to wipe the pussy, doesn't that mean he is a pervert?

Luo Xi rubbed his head and looked at the cat-eared girl behind him with some confusion, who seemed to be in a downtime state.


Last time, after Wei'er woke up, she punched him directly. This time it was even worse than last time. Why didn't Maomao hit him?

Weier was silent for a long time.

Hit him?

is that useful?

Now that this is the case, and she actually doesn't hate this guy, then...

For some reason, Maomao's originally high IQ dropped rapidly at this moment.

Wei'er looked aggrieved and whispered: Pervert... you should, should be responsible, right?

Luo Xi: ???

What the hell?

Is this cat broken?

Luo Xi couldn't laugh or cry and said, I didn't do anything, okay?

Wei'er was startled.

She looked at her bare belly, buttoned up the button with two fingers, and asked, Then why did you give me my clothes...

Luo Xi pointed to the hat on her head and explained: It's just a small experiment. I want to test my mother-in-law... how is your mother doing now? She hasn't moved since we woke up.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp]


【Ding! Wei'er's anger towards you is +20]

Weier nodded.

Then, Maomao punched Luo Xi in the stomach and said (〃>_<〃):

What a test! Forget about my clothes, then why did you take off Aina's clothes too! You pervert! A suspicious person! A lolicon!

[Note: Traveler, you might as well say that you have done everything. Maomao seems to want to give it away for nothing. Originally, you could have been a big baby, but now you are not as good as a baby~]

Luo Xi: ...

Dog text I can fuck you.

Luo Xi didn't do anything else after that.

Soon, Weier calmed down.

Just like last time, she recalled everything that happened in the corridor.

Maomao's eyes softened again.

This guy is not beyond hope.


At this time, Aina also woke up.

The little wolf girl looked at her sister and Luo Xi in confusion.

Brother Luo Xi, sister Wei'er, what are you...ah, why is there so much water on Aina's body...

Aina pulled down her clothes in confusion.

Two of her buttons were undone.

When did it fall?

Suddenly, Aina covered her belly and said with a flushed face: Well, brother Luo Xi, can you take Aina to...

You want to go to the toilet, right? Luo Xi asked.

Aina paused, then nodded obediently and said, Well, I'm sorry to bother you, brother.

Luo Xi picked up the little wolf girl and took her to the toilet.

Weier: ...

She sat on the bed and looked at this scene, feeling a little weird in her heart.

Why does she feel like this guy knows what Aina will say?

Is it her imagination?

After Luo Xi came out of the toilet, she flicked the hat on her head.

Ms. Liya, you may not be able to respond to me yet, but the touch you gave me just now shows that you still have a certain sense of the outside world.

Luo Xi came to the spark on the ground and said softly: This power armor of mine, the elf inside seems quite interesting. You can help me take a look. Maybe the six scrolls you gave me at that time can be used. superior?

After that, Luo Xi opened the Xinghuo's cockpit and entered it.

The hatch is closed.

[Power core has been loaded]

[The Mithril mechanism is operating normally]

In the dark cockpit, golden light spots gathered everywhere, and then, a little blonde girl wearing white stockings landed on Luo Xi's shoulders, shaking her legs easily and freely.

Xinghuo (≧?≦)? said happily: Master, is there any use for Xinghuo? Xinghuo is ready! Master, just inject the scorching power into it! Xinghuo can bear it!

Luo Xi: ...

No matter how many times he heard this armored elf speak, he still felt it was outrageous.

No one should have taught her these words, right?

Why can Xinghuo say these words that are easy for people to think so naturally?

Luo Xi glanced at Xinghuo's long white silk stockings.


He remembers that it wasn't stockings last time, right?

When did you change it?

[Note: Traveler, think about what you were thinking about when your two sisters were touching your feet just now. You want white stockings, right~]


No! He didn't think so.

Luo Xi felt guilty and looked away from Xinghuo's white silk stockings.

He recalled the image of the little guy kissing him in the brilliant firelight of the snowy forest where the power armor exploded before he returned home.

Thinking of those words of farewell.

It's a little uncomfortable.

If possible, he didn't want this little guy to just disappear.

Luo Xi took out the six scrolls that Liya had given him from his luggage.

[Unknown special rune scroll x6 (unfinished)]

Luo Xi asked: Xinghuo, can you use these scrolls?

Xinghuo flew down and took a look, shook his head and said: No, Master, the current power source is actually very low in match with Xinghuo. Although these scrolls contain powerful power, they are not actually compatible with Xinghuo. And they don’t seem to be finished either.”

That's it.

Luo Xi sighed.

Did he think too much?

He shouted softly: Ms. Liya?

Still no sound.

From this point of view, Liya's rune projection should have been in some kind of recovery state in the past few hours. Although she was unable to respond, her sense of the outside world was still there.

What to do now?

Luo Xi thought for a while.

It was better to come out first. When Liya didn't respond, he continued to stay in the armor, just wasting synchronization time.

Luo Xi comforted Xinghuo and told her that she would be allowed to play next time, then took the furnace heart back and came out of the cockpit.

Wei'er sat beside the bed, her body buried in the quilt. When she saw Luo Xi coming out, she asked doubtfully:

Pervert, what are you doing?

I want to see if it's possible to get a magical costume...

Luo Xi's face twitched and she said speechlessly: Maomao, can you please stop calling me a pervert?

I am one of the five best college students in the new era, don’t I want to lose face?

[Note: New era college students? (Crossed out) Traveler, you are a new born! 】

Dog Wen Xinai!

Weier turned her head away.

Who knows what this pervert did when she and Aina fainted.

Coupled with the previous experiences of being bullied by Luo Xi, and the fact that Luo Xi deceived Aina many times.

Anyway, Luo Xi's reputation as a 'pervert' has been firmly established in Wei'er's mind.

The strange thing was that she couldn't bear the unpleasant feeling.

Moreover, she seemed to feel a little sad when she saw this guy.


Is it because he has already died once before her eyes?

Brother Luo Xi, Aina is ready. Can you come over and take Aina with you again?

The little wolf girl on the other side of the toilet called Luo Xi softly. UU reading www. uukanshu.net

Aina, wait a moment, sister is here.

Wei'er heard her sister's call and tried to stand up, but her legs went weak as soon as she stood up. Since she woke up earlier, it could be said that she was woken up by Luo Xi, so her strength was almost not restored at all.

Maomao said helplessly: Luo Xi, go and see Aina.

Luo Xi was slightly startled.

The development this time seems to be somewhat different from the last time.

It was Weier who brought Aina out last time.


Luo Xi entered the toilet and took out the little wolf girl who had already put on her pants for the princess.

Aina's weight, in his current opinion, was as light as a feather.

He also rubbed Aina's big tail out of habit.

The wet wolf tail~(*′﹃`*) is so healing, as if all the fatigue on the body is about to dissipate.

【Ding! Your happiness value +20]

【Ding! Wei'er's anger towards you is +10]

Luo Xi ignored Maomao's murderous eyes and put Aina back on the bed as if nothing had happened.

[The remaining synchronization time this time: 15 minutes and 48 seconds]

This time, because he moved faster, it only took so long after waking up Weier and Aina.

He also wanted to wake up the people next door.

At this time, Aina pulled Luo Xi's sleeve.

Aina blushed, leaned close to Luo Xi's ear, and asked softly: Brother Luo Xi, Aina's tail seems to be covered in sweat now. It shouldn't stink, right?

[Note: Of course it still smells good, Traveler is very happy now~]

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