“What’s the matter with Yasen?”

Gurney, who was listening to the conversation on the deck, opened his eyes slightly, within both eyes shining sharply.

“I’m just a first officer…Our captain is Jack Sparrow.”

Yason Howell spoke softly.

“Jack Sparrow?”

The blue short-haired youth seemed to have heard of the name, and he kept recalling the fragmented information fragments of the name in his mind.

After a while, the blue short-haired young man almost stood up and his heart was shaken.

“Jack Sparrow? Is that the super mage who killed Feathered Serpent Edward and easily killed hundreds of Yaksha murlocs in the Nether Shadow Island?”

Think about it for a moment before the blue short-haired youth asked cautiously.

“Is the super mage rumored to the outside world, Captain Jack?”

“Although I don’t know how the outside world is rumored, but what you said is true, I I have seen with my own eyes, Captain Jack is indeed a powerful super mage.”

“This time, we are in the mist…”

Just as Yasen Howell It’s time to tell.

An inexplicable force fiercely pulled Yasen Howell to fly back.

With a dull sound of “peng!”, Yasen Howell hit the wooden wall.

Followed by a “bang!”

The wooden door of this ship room was stomped open by Gurney.

Gurney looked towards the short-haired youth first.

I saw this young man with short hair had already got up, looking at himself warily.

Then Gurney’s eyes were on Yassen Howell.

“Captain! I seem to…” Yasen, who knew a little bit that he had been recruited, stood up and his face was a little green.

“I see, it’s not your reason, go out!” Gurney waved his hand gently

“Yes!” Yasen nodded quickly left.

As he walked out of the room, Yasen glanced at the short-haired young man.

“If it weren’t for the captain to come…I’m afraid!”

After realizing, he felt a chill in his back.

Blue’s short hair and handsome face always carry a little amiable smile, a certain ability that can be believed and unconsciously tell the truth.

This face and its ability eventually converged in Gurney’s mind into a very famous figure in the ocean.

“Kasper Sea Dragon?” Gurney looked towards the blue-haired young man, and asked softly.

Casper Sea Dragon, this is a legendary guy in the ocean.

He is currently one of the little pirate kings on the ocean.

Although it has only a fourth-order position, its own strength is very powerful.

However, if this is the case, this “Kasper Sea Dragon” might still be called with a legendary color.

The greatest achievement of this Casper Sea Dragon is.

This guy deceived a very powerful “Devil Lord” and got a very powerful treasure from the opponent.

The powerful Demon Lord now seems to be looking for him on the ocean.

It has always been a powerful creature like the devil to deceive others.

And this Casper Sea Dragon was able to deceive the Demon Lord in turn, and it succeeded. These methods are really unheard-of, unprecedented.

The name of Kasper Seadragon’s “fraudster” began to spread over the ocean from this time.

When people noticed this Kasper Sea Dragon.

Only discovered how powerful this guy called Casper Sea Dragon is.

This guy has not only deceived the devil.

In a certain medium-sized seaport, all the information in the bank was extracted from the mouth of the president of a certain bank. Completed the bank robbery quietly.

Even the little pirate king daughter of the old Edward was put to sleep by this guy named Casper Sea Dragon.

This incident made Feathered Edward particularly angry.

Quicked Serpent Edward even said harshly, must kill this shameless “fraudster”.

The Ed Hua Family is blessed by the giant beast of the deep sea, and in order to maintain the purity of the family’s bloodline, the little trouble in their family is well known in the sea.

In short, with people’s in-depth understanding of Casper Sea Dragon.

You will find that this guy has done too many things with just one mouth.

It is said that it is “open mouth, the content depends on editing.” It is true.

When Gurney said the name Casper Sea Dragon.

The short-haired young man was startled and immediately laughed.

“You are Captain Jack! Your name is recently, it’s very hot in the ocean.”

“But I think you should admit the wrong person.”


“Although I have the ability to tell the truth of the other party, but it is limited to this. Compared with the “fraudster”, it is still far behind.”

When speaking, The blue short-haired youth has a trace of shame on his face.

“I’m sorry I used my ability to attract your subordinates to tell the truth, but I really don’t have any malice, I just want to get some information.”

“I am also afraid that your sea monster ship sailing on the sea of ​​mist is a pirate ship.”

“You also know that many of the merchant ships are half pirate ships.”

“I’m just a maritime merchant with an extraordinary career. What I said just now is true. I suffered a blow from the devil. I escaped by chance and drifted on the ocean. This time your sea monster ship can I’m very grateful for letting me land.”

“Otherwise, I will drift on the ocean for a long, long time.”

“If you can take me to Longshouda Haigang, I will be extremely grateful, and even gave a part of my reserve to you.”

The blue short-haired youth said it very sincerely.

When the other party explains the content.

A slight faintly discernable idea began to penetrate into Gurney’s in the depth of one’s soul.

“What he…says…seems to be true!”

“I should believe him!”

Gurney was quietly immersed in this In the mysterious feeling, it is like the kind of misty state between half asleep and half awake.

“I… sorry for my reckless behavior just now.”

Gurney spoke slowly, a little apologetic on his face.

“I think…I did recognize the wrong person.”

“Our sea monster ship is not a pirate ship, and our next stop is the Longshou Grand Harbour “

“Your Excellency can follow us to the destination.”

“Really? Poseidon is on the top, this is really good.” The blue short-haired youth smiled. Exclaimed.

“I think we can sit and chat together?” The blue-haired youth invited.

“I’m very interested in you, who is said to be the first super mage born in Transcendent World in the Transcendent World of Aurasia for decades.”

“Very happy.” Gurney gently nodded while sitting aside.

“You suddenly emerged in the ocean during this period, and you have never heard of your name before, and as far as I know, many Transcenders with powerful methods have come to the ocean during this time. Above, the storm seems to be brewing.”

“A super mage like you would never have been an unknown person before.”

“I guess , Jack Sparrow should not be your real name.”


Gurney nodded.

“Jack Sparrow is obviously my name in disguise.”

“My real name is-Monkey·D·Luffy, a man who aspires to become One Piece .”


The expression of blue-haired youth moves slightly.

“What a strange name. There has never been such a name with alphabetical syllables on the Oya continent and the vast ocean.”

“is it possible that…”

The blue-haired youth slightly narrows the eyes.

“Then…your true origin?”

“I am from the void.” Gurney elaborated gently.

“From the void?”

The blue-haired youth is frowned and feels that things are not simple.

“Yes.” Gurney nodded and said.

“The M78 Nebula is my hometown.”

“The Seraphim is in the M77 Nebula, just next door to our hometown.”

Blue hair The youth’s brows became more solemn.

“Sure enough, this guy is not ours, a foreign visitor from the M78 Nebula.”

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