Looking at the blue-haired young man “Kasper Sea Dragon” who was bluffed by himself.

Gurney’s complexion, as always, was immersed in the state of completely trusting each other.

Before, Gurney only roughly inferred that the opponent might be Kasper Sea Dragon, but there is no conclusive evidence.

However, when the other party is talking to myself,

a wonderful idea quietly enters my mind, when I want to change my cognition.

Gurney roughly concluded that this guy is most likely the “Casper Sea Dragon”.

Fortunately, Gurney has a special soul.

Gurney’s soul, but through the absorption and fusion of the “black crystals” of the same level of “indescribable flesh and blood”, then reincarnates and strengthens the surviving soul.

When peculiar ideas appeared in Gurney’s mind.

But Gurney has clearly discovered the other party.

Gurney immersed himself in this “strong belief in the other’s thoughts” that was not his own, but did not absorb or believe it.

In this way, Gurney will appear to be perfectly in a state of being cheated by the other party, but in a completely awake state.

“The super mage from the M78 Nebula.”

“There is also an angel from the M77 Nebula.”

These messages let Casper Hailong’s mind was particularly shaken.

After he stabilized his mind, Casper Sealong asked again.

“What is the purpose of you and the angel in our Transcendent World?”

“I also want to know the purpose of the angel in our entire world.” Gurney thought Secretly thought.

“I came to in this world to find the transfiguration device. After finding the transfiguration device, I can become a giant of light.”

Gurney continues to believe He was talking nonsense, and at the same time he was casting magic spells in secret.

This Casper Sea Dragon has a very powerful deception ability.

But his soul and perception ability are not as powerful as all Gurney imagined.

Or Gurney is now very powerful.

At this time, this Tier 4 Casper Sea Dragon was completely unaware of Gurney’s spell.

Gurney is going to take a good look at what this Casper Sea Dragon is going to do today.

Gurney wouldn’t make him feel good about the fact that the other party dared to use Innate Ability secretly to get his own truth.

“Giant of Light? What is this?” Kasper Hailong asked.

“Believe in the great and righteous existence of light, with a huge body and infinite power, and also possess the Innate Divine Ability of some kind of energy ray.”

“Belief is bright!” card Sibo Hailong murmured a few words softly. .

“Where is that angel?”

“As for that angel, I don’t know her purpose.” Gurney replied softly.

After thinking about it, Kasper Hailong seems to have discovered some problems.

“Didn’t you say that you want to become the One Piece? Why do you want to find a transforming device and become a giant of light?”

“Are these two goals contradictory?” Gurney asked rhetorically .

“Oh! That’s true.”

Then Casper Hailong bowed his head and pondered, as if he was digesting these “shocking” news.

“Sure enough… we have too many secrets in this World.” Kasper Hailong whispered to himself.

After a moment of indulgence, Kasper Sea Dragon looked towards Gurney, the kind smile still blooming on his face.

“I heard that Your Excellency Captain Jack shot and killed Feathered Serpent Edward in Harutf Harbour, and also killed a large number of Yaksha murlocs in the Nether Shadow Islands.”

“You must have a million-dollar net worth!”


The words of Casper Sealong made Gurney feel slightly Shocked.

“I am an extraordinary mage thing, and being known is that’s all.”

“The assassination of Feather Serpent Edward, is also known? It shouldn’t be! “

“Or the ancient mountain found a clue, and then decisively put the blame on me?”

“I knew this guy should have been shot.” Gurney secretly In the heart has several points of chagrin.

“Yes.” Gurney nodded.

“Very good!” Kasper Hailong laughed.

Then Casper Sea Dragon took out a fist sized obsidian fine statue.

The sculpture is a scene of a mermaid swimming in the sea.

This thing, at the coastline small wholesale market, a gold pound can wholesale a whole box.

“This is a treasure, Supreme’s treasure, worth three-four hundred million gold pounds.” Kasper Hailong elaborated gently.

When he said so, Gurney’s unnatural breathing became fuller.

Even the expressions all looked towards the obsidian statue became greedy.

“This treasure is two or three times richer than all your net worth.”

“You are willing to exchange all your net worth for this Supreme treasure, right? “


Gurney was gently nodded after a little struggle and hesitation.

Without manipulating himself too much, Gurney found that he was following the other side’s will.

Now, Gurney somehow understands how those people and that powerful devil were fooled.

This guy’s special deception ability comes from in the depth of one’s soul, you can’t guard against it.

“Okay, this treasure is for you.”

“And you, you need to give me all your wealth.”

Cass Bo Hailong said temptingly.

“This greedy guy, that’s all of the information from my mouth, actually wants to encroach on my wealth.”

“This is all you asked for. “

“Okay, I will give you the treasure.”

Gurney took the mermaid statue in his hand and took out something with his backhand.

next moment.

“Bang! Bang!” Eyeballs burst.

At the same time.


The sound of mournful scream sounded from Casper Sea Dragon’s throat.

The dragon body of Kasper Sea, who fell on the ground and clutched his eyes, was a little convulsed.

“This is my most precious treasure. It is a terrifying sealed object, capable of violently hurting people around, just like you are now.” Gurney said softly.

“Now, it’s yours.”

“Damn bastard, such a terrifying seal, why didn’t you say it earlier.” Kasper’s eyes hurt. Hailong cursed in his heart.

But he didn’t dare to swear, because once disturbing the other party’s emotions and causing violent fluctuations and disgust, his Innate Ability would be broken.

The opponent is still a foreign visitor from the M78 Nebula, super mage, once the ability is broken. He is basically bound to die.

“I have another treasure, called a’puppet doll’. After taking it out, he will randomly control a person around him and make his body completely mechanically unable to move.”

“No…I don’t want it!”

The shocked Casper Sea Dragon roared quickly.

“No…you have to.”

Anyway, the other party couldn’t see, so Gurney tapped his finger gently.

The densely packed secret thread of the puppet that had been entangled on the opponent’s body quickly collapsed and straightened, controlling Casper Seadragon as if it were a puppet.

“Broken!” Feeling that he was impossible to move even a little bit, Casper Hailong, who regretted his heart, almost cried at this time.

“I still have another sealed item. After taking it out, it can damage people’s hearing. Now it is yours.”

“I…I don’t want to trade, I’ll give you the treasure, I don’t need anything.” Kasper Hailong heard that there was a sealed artifact that could damage hearing and immediately complexion greatly changed and roared loudly.

Gurney is unheard of.

Pull the puppet’s secret thread again, directly piercing the eardrum of Kasper Sealong.


Kasper Hailong, who obviously felt that he couldn’t hear the sound, finally realized that something was obviously wrong. This foreign visitor method is really weird. It’s strange.

It is struggling to escape.

But the control of that “puppet” is too terrifying.

His fleshly body strength, source force and even divine force are all imprisoned.

Then he felt something lying on his body, as if pumping his blood crazily like a pump. At the same time, the horrible restraining force of suppressing the seal diffused from that thing. , To suppress it to death.

Just before being suppressed and sleeping, Casper Hailong finally realized something.

“This guy was deliberate, he was not infiltrated by my’mantra’ at all.”

“And I will be suppressed under his hands…”

An inexplicable panic bloomed in my heart, and in the deep despair, Kasper Hailong entered a deep sleep of deep soul suppression.

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