Navigating on the ocean, especially in the deep sea.

You never know how long the bad weather will last.

Gurney and the others are leaving on the 2nd day of the Nether Shadow Island.

The Devil Whale seems to have entered the area of ​​continuous violent storm weather.

Under the horn of the hurricane, the thirty-forty meters are surging. Some tall waves can even reach a height of sixty to seventy meters.

In this weather, the aircraft carrier will be overturned.

Fortunately, the Devil Whale can dive.

However, the speed of submerging is naturally incomparable with the speed of sailing on the surface.

This also took more than ten consecutive days, and the Devil Whale has only gone one third.

This day.

The strong wind and roaring weather for more than ten consecutive days finally cleared up.

After clearing, the fog of this Sea Territory has disappeared.

Gurney is also rare to see the clear weather on the sea of ​​mist.

In the afternoon, the sea was sparkling, and under the gentle breeze, the Devil Whale sailed quietly.

On the deck, Gurney was very comfortable lying on her wooden chair, enjoying the afternoon sun.

After more than ten days of deep sea immersion, Gurney felt that his body was moldy.

The warm sun is shining on the body, and by the way, I drink another cup of hot coffee.


Gurney couldn’t help but sigh.

Feel the warm sunshine in the afternoon.

Gurney closed his eyes and rested while feeling his own realm.

Now, Gurney has reached the third-stage late Peak level.

More importantly, Gurney felt that his “Blood Curse Master Extraordinary Profession” was about to awaken for the second time.

The first time I awakened, it was naturally the time to open up the blood pool.

And this second awakening, it also means that Gurney’s blood curse master’s extraordinary profession is beginning to show off gradually.

“When awakening for the second time, it is best to awaken a special blood origin, which is the ability of “blood origin”, so that the secretive and dark side of the blood curse master will be revealed.”

“The curse with blood, dreams, souls, weird and unpredictable.”

“Well…”Blood Curse Master” is in the extraordinary profession, in the extraordinary master’Gewu ‘In the hand, it was quite sinister and vicious.”

“Various blood sacrifice curses, blood gu breeding, blood real names, void extradition, blood curse and other strange methods are emerging in endlessly.”


“There are even reverse blood culture methods. You can cultivate a large bottle of enemy blood by getting a drop of enemy blood. You can play with the enemy as you want.”

” His fate was in that era, but he was so powerful. Although he suffered a fiasco in the end and was then pitted by a magical item like Destiny Gold Coin, which might be a destructive item, it was a strong existence in that era after all.”

“In my hands, um… the strangeness of the blood curse master does not seem to be very much.”

“It is the only few of the blood curse masters Means.”

“This is also something that can’t be helped. After all, this blood curse master seems to have been cut off since Gewu’s lineage.”

“Those peculiar means, also It has disappeared in the dust of history. I can’t find it if I want to find it now.”

“Although I don’t have those weird abilities, my attainments in the pool of blood are unique.”


“Now my blood has begun to lean towards dark golden.”

“I’m afraid it won’t be long before my fleshy body can transform into a powerful existence at the lord level.”


“Know that the blood cursed master Gewu has not fully obtained the powerful fleshy body of the lord level.”

“Moreover, the blood cursed master’s fleshy body is not too well-known for defense. The defense is not too powerful.”

“And I am different. My fleshy body can first absorb the creeping flesh and blood that is affected by the indescribable flesh and blood, and then it perfectly absorbs the blood and flesh of Death God beasts. , And even started to promote and grow.”

“Now I have condensed the Fleshy body rune’Holy Shadow rune’, which makes my Fleshy body almost reach the level of the magic bronze armor.”


“Although I have lost my strangeness, I have gained terrifying survivability.”

“At the same time, the abilities of the blood curse masters I awakened are relatively weak at present, but they have the potential for promotion. Super strong.”

“After I awakened from the third or fourth stage. These abilities will become high-level magic spells, and even secret pattern-level magic spells. “

“At that time, the powerful characteristics of these abilities will be reflected one after another. “

“Besides, having really awakened the supernatural abilities such as “Blood Source”, I can still possess the weirdness of a blood curse master. “

The reason why the blood curse master can get rid of the blood curse can be rated as a six-star extraordinary job.

It is because he can use the power of deep digging of blood to awaken layer by layer. .

After at least three stages of awakening, when all awakened abilities become high-level spells.

At that time, the powerful aspects of blood cursors will gradually Show it out.

“Speaking of spell skills, my current skills are basically almost complete at Fifth Level. “

“Some spells should also be given to them at level six or even level seven. “

“In this way, the effect will be stronger. “Gurney thought secretly.

Just as Gurney was deciding which spells to advance to the sixth and seventh levels.

“Captain…someone came over. “

Martel rushed over and said quickly.


Gurney startled.

” Someone here? pirate? “Gurney asked.

“No, it’s just a human being, drifting on the sea on the planks of the sea monster ship, approaching us, it seems to be a survivor who died at sea. “

“That means that guy may be a pirate. “Gurney responded like this.

“But the guy looks more decent in his outfit, he doesn’t look like a pirate who is sleeping and sleeping. “

“Then it might be a pirate leader. “

Martel is a bit speechless.

“So you want the other party to be a pirate? “

Gurney patted Martel’s shoulders smiled and said: “Everything must be prepared for the worst. For example, this guy may be a peculiar powerhouse with extraordinary means. He comes closer, maybe We must use some means to control all our crew members, and then control this sea monster ship. “

“He even robbed us of all our wealth, then killed us and threw us into the sea to feed the sharks. “

Matel’s mouth grew wide, and he looked unbelievably towards Gurney.

“Captain… you think people are too bad, isn’t this too ridiculous! That guy should be just a victim. “

Gurney smiled and patted Martel on the shoulder.

“Young man, this is how this Transcendent World really opens. “

“You go and let the first officer contact this guy. “

“en! Tell Yason Howell that he is now the captain and he will understand what it means. “

“Okay. “Martel is nodded.

In a place where Martel can’t see, a puppet’s secret thread has quietly entangled him.

“A person floating alone On the sea, and still in the Sea Territory after the big waves. “

“If it’s in the shallow Sea Territory, that’s all, but here is the misty Sea Territory and it’s the deeper Sea Territory. “

“The guy who has the guts to approach a large sea monster ship alone, without any means, that is impossible. “

“The only problem is to see if this guy has any problems. “Gurney thought secretly.

The Demon Whale is not too big.

At the bow position, Gurney can feel many things in the stern by borrowing the puppet secret line.

When I felt that Mattel was in contact with Yasen.

Gurney manipulated the puppet’s secret thread and entangled Yasen Howell’s body directly.

Even borrowing world Profound Truth, Gurney can clearly hear Yasen’s conversation with others.

While enjoying the sun, Gurney listens to what happened on Yasen’s side.



After ten minutes.

In a ship room.

A short blue hair, a handsome face, a great face The young man on Shang’s always smiling warmly, while eating the food on the plate in front of him, talked about it.

“I am the captain of a merchant ship, but on the way we encountered a group of marine undead Attack. Poseidon, you can’t imagine the cruelty of those sea undead, they will devour the flesh and soul of human beings to nourish their broken bodies. “

“Fortunately, my sailors were good enough, and eventually drove away the undead. “

“But unfortunately, we encountered a very powerful devil later. “

“The horror scene with strong Dark Aura is still unforgettable for me. “

“In the end, we didn’t defeat the devil, and my merchant ship was broken up. “

“I jumped into the deep sea, and the big waves hit, and I was lucky enough to escape. “

“Fortunately, I met you today. “

“I think this is really Poseidon’s shelter for me. “

“Please let me thank Poseidon again! “

The next thing seems to be the young man’s chanting to us of the sea god.

“Okay, Captain Yasen, these are my experiences these days, so next… Can you tell us the story and experience of you and your adventure team? “

After groaning for a while, Gurney heard a word that made himself stunned.

“I…not…the captain! “Yasen slowly elaborated.

Yasen’s words have never been rigid, and there has never been a dull feeling of being controlled. Gurney’s puppet secret line is within the body of Yasen, and I have not felt it. What’s wrong with Yasen.

This sentence is a sentence from the bottom of my heart.

The more so, the more weird and weird Gurney feels.

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