Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 834: Nobody on the helicopter

No wonder Valenrio is so.

You must know that not long after Typhoon No. 11, the weather along the coast of eastern Zhejiang is still unstable, not to mention thick clouds, and accompanied by strong convective weather such as thunderstorms.

If it’s a fixed-wing aircraft, that’s all, it’s a big deal to rise to an altitude of more than 10,000 meters, avoid the thick rain layer, and fly safely for a while.

But the rotorcraft does not have this capability, because the maximum flying altitude of this type of aircraft is about 6000 meters, and the usual mission altitude is below 1000 meters. At this altitude, the weather is extremely affected, and it is basically windy. It can catch up with the rain.

It is also because of this that the rotorcraft has particularly high requirements for weather conditions, especially in the case of unstable wind, because the variable wind direction can easily cause the aerodynamic stability of the rotorcraft, and if it is not stable, it will be forced to return. Almost there was a stall and a crash landing, and even the sudden change in wind speed caused a disintegration in the air.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, helicopters and other rotorcraft must be fully weather-prepared to perform their flight missions. Just like the HH-65 helicopter on the Rush, the reason why they dare to perform the mission of rescuing their citizens is not Lenrio is crazy, not even the Yellen head iron, but based on the Rush shipborne weather radar, the weather detector on the HU-25 command and patrol aircraft at the front station, the real-time weather data from three geostationary orbiting weather satellites over the Asia-Pacific region, and Since World War II, a large foreign country has accumulated decades of meteorological historical data in East Asia.

It is these things that are invisible outside the helicopter platform that find a chance in the complicated weather that gives the HH-65 helicopter a window to perform tasks.

But this is the case. The HH-65 helicopter only dared to travel bare-handed and did not dare to carry any extras for fear of accidents.

But the helicopters of a big country in the East don't seem to care at all.

It is important to know that the weather conditions of the ocean near Rush, which is two hundred nautical miles away from the Yangtze River Delta, are far better than inland areas. After all, Typhoon No. 11 has just landed and the weather conditions are very chaotic, and it is simply incomparable to the ocean that is far away from the typhoon.

That's all. Is the key to the comprehensive and three-dimensional weather monitoring method of a large country in the East? Even if there are, ordinary helicopters dare to hoist under such weather conditions?

It is important to know that the risk of disorder will blow the lifting objects under the helicopter, which can easily cause the helicopter's center of gravity to be unstable, especially on the vast ocean surface, where the instantaneous wind is very strong, and if it is not well grasped, it will be the end of a plane crash.

Don't the rescue department of a big eastern country know this kind of common sense?

Valenrio certainly didn't think that the rescue department of a big eastern country would make these common sense mistakes.

This being the case, it can only explain one problem. The rescue department of a large eastern country is very confident in the performance of their helicopters and firmly believes that they can complete the task of rescue and surrounding the island.

The fact is indeed the case. As Yellen used satellite phones to pass on the situation surrounding the island gradually, Valenrio quickly got a general understanding of the helicopters dispatched by the rescue department of a major eastern country.

The fuselage is very compact, and uses an extremely rare differential rotor layout, thereby eliminating the tail propeller, making the body lighter and more stable.

Although it is just a few words, Valenrio, who has served as a carrier helicopter pilot, is still very surprised. He did not expect this helicopter to be so different and at the same time its performance will be so good.

Unlike Valenrio who can only use simple language to make up his mind, Yellen, who is around the island, is much more intuitive. He doesn't feel anything when he is far away, but the bright red painted with the five-star red flag is a bit eye-catching. That's it.

When the fleet got closer, Yellen was a bit stunned after seeing the full picture of the aircraft. It was not the aerodynamic layout of the aircraft, but the bulky and heavy materials hoisted under each aircraft. More than tons.

Five are fifteen tons of materials.

This is enough to meet most of the urgent needs for an island with less than two hundred people, but Yellen does not care about these but the super-powerful lifting ability of the alternative helicopter in the sky.

You must know that when the fleet arrived, there was a gust of wind around the island, accompanied by the slow waves, so that the hoisted cargo swayed to one side, but the helicopter still showed no signs of instability in the center of gravity. That's the heart's peace of mind, you can fly as you want to fly, hover as you want to hover, there is no abnormality at all.

Seeing this scene, the entire HH-65 helicopter including Yellen was shocked. What does this show? The stability of the helicopter sent by the rescue department of a major eastern country is surprisingly good.

Apart from other things, the HH-65 helicopter they piloted is a scum compared to it. At the very least, if the HH-65 helicopter lifts cargo, it will never fly so easily in gusts, not to mention the HH-65 helicopter. How can the small body lift 3 tons of cargo, and it will be the sky when it can lift one ton.

Because of this, Yellen felt that only the Coast Guard’s Black Hawk helicopter could match it in terms of stability.

Just as Yellen watched the flying fleet, and the whole person was constantly amazed, Christina next to him suddenly cheered and greeted the companions who were filming Yellen, packing up the shooting equipment, like throwing away garbage. Leaving Yellen and others aside, he rushed to the drying yard at the west end of the village with his equipment regardless, because the five alternative helicopters have been hovering, and one of them has been out of the crowd, ready to assist the fishermen Lower the hoisted goods.

How can Christina, who has always been concerned about the rescue of the island, miss this opportunity? Since a large country outside the region is not available, she naturally has to take pictures of those who are awesome, so the one who went there was called an urgent, and she had to get a few if she said anything. The most exciting shots come out.

Upon seeing this, Yellen was stunned for a while, feeling inexplicably disgusted and shame in his heart. It seemed that the protagonist of this rescue should be them, and the worst thing should be a male second. The result is good. Until now, he has been even a dragon. It's not that it's strange if you don't lose.

Of course, I can't pay attention to so much at this time, as long as it is stronger than this island, not to mention Valenrio's final decision was also remembered in the satellite phone at this time: "I reported to the commander at this time~www.mtlnovel .com~The commander agrees to your request, and even if necessary, the commander can communicate directly with their commander to ensure that you can safely return to the Rush."

Yellen let out a long sigh of relief, and glanced at the quiet night black man who fell to the ground and was beaten by him and the crew member. He spat severely, and then asked his companion to follow Christina. Waiting for someone's **** to chase after him.

All the way to the drying field in the west of the village, Yellen asked someone to ask the commander of the fleet without taking a breath. As a result, as soon as he asked, the filming team at Christina went into a panic. Laughing, before Yellen and the others could react, she pointed Christina to the helicopter on which the hoisted items were being dropped, and said with a smile: "You are out, the rescue department of a major eastern country is more sci-fi than you think. Many helicopters are unmanned. Where can you find their commander?"

Hearing that Yellen was so angry that he almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood, but immediately realized something, and immediately shouted, "What are you? No one on the helicopter?"

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