Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 835: Tucao Conference

Yellen couldn't believe her ears. There was no one on the helicopter that was hovering on the drying field. How did they fly?

Just when Yellen was puzzled, the eldest brother of the widow king in the village party secretary's hand suddenly sounded, and the translator who came along with Yellen quickly translated what had been vaguely heard:

"Uncle Bao'an, don't let the villagers swarm down here, otherwise I will hurt people by cutting the lifting rope."

"Little girl, didn't you say you were in Xiangzhou? How did you know that there were people around the drying yard? Did you play with Uncle Baoan again? Are you on the helicopter?" Xia Baoan shouted while holding the phone.

"There is no one in five helicopters. If you don’t believe me, take a telescope and see for yourself, don’t you have a Type 62 telescope. As for how I can see clearly, it’s a long story and I can’t explain it for a while. Just do what I said, so that the folks don't hug each other." Wu Ping on the other side of the phone can be said to be very hard-working.

Xia Baoan really took the Type 62 binoculars presented by the local garrison commander when he was the militia platoon commander. Before Wu Ping could finish speaking, the old man put the binoculars on his eyes and looked tens of meters in the sky. One by one, I didn’t see half of the ghost shadows in the cockpit. There was really no one. I immediately yelled, “I’m a good boy, there’s really no one, little girl~~ How on earth did you do it? It's not the gods and ghosts driving the sea...Hey~~Hey~~ Xiaoma...Aping...Wu Ping..."

An old party secretary who has been working on revolution for half a lifetime, seeing the weird scene in front of him, instantly shakes the materialism that he has adhered to for many years, but when he said half of it, the eldest brother in his hand suddenly lost his response, and he shouted for a long time. My mother asked, but the battery was out.

When Xia Baoan saw this, a lot of bridesmaids were newly married into the bridal chamber. They took off their pants, and looked straight at Huanglong. When the moment was approaching, they discovered that the bride's aunt actually came to visit, so don't mention the blockage in his heart.

But even so, Xia Baoan still remembers what Wu Ping explained. Whether he was manipulated by a ghost or Wu Ping said that he couldn't explain it, the safety of the fishermen is the most important thing, so Xia Baoan looked at the bricks in his hand. The eldest brother was already unable to complain about its endurance, so he concentrated his energy in his throat and shouted at the villagers who were watching the excitement around the drying yard: "Guys, the government's relief supplies are here, they will automatically unload the materials on the plane. When coming down, the big guys will stay a little farther away, lest they hurt themselves, especially the elderly, women, and children. They all retreat outside the drying yard. The others are standing by and preparing to transfer supplies."

Xia Baoan showed the momentum of leading the team, and he was still quite majestic. Coupled with the prestige that has been around the island for so many years, the fishermen surrounding the drying ground immediately dispersed like the tide.

Of course, there are also a few good things that go very slowly, and some of them have good eyesight. Seeing that there is no one in the helicopter cockpit above, they curiously asked Xia Baoan: "Uncle Baoan, there is no one on the helicopter, how are they? Flying? Is there a transparent person inside?"

"Fart transparent people, they are called ghosts. Have you ever heard of ghost ships? This is a land-based capable person who mobilizes ghosts to help deliver supplies. The old saying is called five ghosts fortune. Look at exactly five helicopters." asked Xia Baoan Before the young man spoke, he was kicked in the **** by a middle-aged man who believed in feng shui, and immediately said confidently: "Look at it, look at it, go home and take the high incense to worship."

With that said, the middle-aged man still prayed with his hands folded toward the five hovering helicopters with a pious face: "Young people are not sensible, don't blame the gods, don't blame~~"

"I said Lao Gao, don't be so wicked, this is the latest high-tech, unmanned, not a ghostly saying, the newspapers have said that the plane can be unmanned." Seeing the scene To be crooked by the old Gao who believes in feng shui, the primary school teacher on the island can't stand it anymore, and hastened to popularize science.

It’s a pity that this elementary school teacher has limited reserves and can only say that it is driverless, but how to achieve it nearby but hesitates to understand. In contrast, Lao Gao’s Feng Shui theory is more perfect, so the two of them talked and talked. After a quarrel, there was a dispute between science and feng shui surrounding the island.

Seeing the scene becoming more and more chaotic, Xia Baoan's nose is almost crooked, but let him explain that it is also a forehead, but how to say Xia Baoan is also an old river and lake who has played in Little Japan and was a militia platoon leader. After thinking about it, he yelled at Lao Gao and the elementary school teacher: "When is it all, the nonsense of TM, shut up for me, no matter whether his ND is scientific theory or feng shui metaphysics, I only know a little The planes above us are much stronger than those of a large country outside the region. They have to use people to drive over, and we fly over to transport rescue supplies by ourselves. On this basis, our helicopters are better than theirs."

Xia Baoan’s misfortune, shifting the contradictions, and unanimously playing it outside is a must-see. In the final analysis, both the scientific school and the Fengshui school are nationalists. Everyday newspapers and magazines have endlessly talked about how a big country outside the region is. Advanced, how advanced the technology is, even specious aliens are envious, saying that the only one on earth that can compete with alien civilization is a big country outside the region.

But now?

Did you let aliens come from a big country outside the territory? Help you fly the helicopter? Why use people to drive, and have the ability to get rid of people? Oh, forget, not only do their helicopters have to be piloted, they also like TN.

As a result, the fishermen who had been arguing suddenly suddenly changed their painting style and began to make ruthless complaints about a big country outside the region. The Scientology led by the village teacher believed that a big country in the east has surpassed a big country outside the region in the field of unmanned driving~www.mtlnovel. com~ National pride bursts instantly.

The Feng Shui faction headed by Lao Gao is even more high-profile claiming that the various Gods believed in by a large country outside the region are all younger brothers in the Chinese Feng Shui system. Otherwise, you can let their masters try.

Therefore, the Tao of the ancestors is the most important thing, and this Tao is rooted in the genes of the nation, so the national pride is more inflated than the science.

Yellen has been understanding the basic situation of the scene from the translation, trying to understand what is going on with the helicopter above, so as to form a complete logical chain to report to the Rush. As a result, the whole person is not good. The fishermen surrounding the island started talking about a big country outside the region.

As a result, Yellen hadn’t figured out the situation yet, but Christina over there seized the opportunity to make up for it: "Mr. Yellen, I heard that you are a devout believer, or else, you should do your work and pray. Pray, see if your God can restore your HH-65 helicopter to its original state?"

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