Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 833: Have to count on a big country in the east

The five-star is a cultural relic originating from the Han Dynasty. Xia Baoan didn’t know which newspaper or magazine he had read. He looked at the bright red flag coming across the sea from the east, which seemed very artistic. Feel it, blurt out.

After all, it’s the village party secretary on the island. What can I do if I don’t have any ink in my stomach? What's more, the big ocean horse named Krina and the new red-haired monkey both sneer at the government’s rescue. Xia Baoan, who has beaten the little devil, is angry

How? The government can't believe it, believe you foreign devils? I'm pooh~~ Lao Xia has devoted himself to revolution for half his life, and has never been a traitor.

However, Xia Baoan was not in a hurry to pervert at first, and there was no way. What he thought was one thing, whether it could be done, and how well he did it was another matter.

The Dayangma and the Red-haired Monkey are satellite phones and helicopters. Not to mention the ignorant fishermen on the island. Even the well-known Lao Xia has his eyes straight.

If the foreigner's things cannot be obtained by the government's rescue force, he yells and refutes, and when he refuses to say it, he will discredit the government.

So Lao Xia took out the guerrilla routine with the little devil back then, and when the situation is unclear, he will go ahead first, and wait until Almighty understands it and shoots according to the actual situation.

In the end, I didn't find the government's rescue force so powerful. Not only were helicopters dispatched, but one faction was...1,2,3...I rely on, five in total!

Yellen and Christina naturally did not get Xia Baoan’s super-cultural five-star to show off in the East. After all, they are foreigners, so how can they understand the profoundness of Chinese culture?

However, the five helicopters, painted with five-star red flags and written "rescue" in key parts in Chinese and English, are in a pointed geese array, watching the waves amid the roar of engines, and the formation coming slowly from the east is still Yellen and Christina were shocked.

No way, the scene in front of you is really shocking. The indomitable posture, the courage to ride the wind and the waves, and the desire for rescue constitute expectations for this unexpected helicopter fleet far beyond the ordinary sense.

Not to mention anything else, when a fleet of five-star red flags were found flying towards the island, the fishermen walked out of their homes and cheered enthusiastically in the direction of the fleet.

That heartfelt emotion was much more excited and sincere than Yellen's arrival in the HH-65 helicopter to surround the island.

"Migratory birds, migratory birds, I am Yan's Nest, what's wrong with your aircraft communication device? What's wrong?"

Just when Yellen was stunned by the sight in front of him, the emergency satellite phone that he brought with him suddenly rang. This made Yellen free from shock, quickly picked up the phone, and was immediately on board the Rush, responsible for the rescue of his country. Valenrio of Citizen Action asked a series of questions in an unusually anxious tone.

It's no wonder that Valenio will be like this. From the HH-65 to the arrival of the island, everything is fine. After all, the communication between the plane and the Rush is so good that the whole process went smoothly beyond expectations.

But just when Valenrio felt that the entire rescue operation would be completed soon, the only trouble was whether to solve it with three drives or two.

After all, the HH-65 is just a slightly improved Coast Guard version based on the French "Dolphin" helicopter.

In order to meet its own needs, a lot of additional equipment has been added, which has led to a further decline in the carrying capacity of the helicopter, which is already small in weight.

But Christina's party has as many as 9 people. One sortie is obviously not good, two sorties can only be said to be reluctant, and three sorties can be safe.

Just when Valenrio made up his mind and prepared to implement a plan for three sorties in order to demonstrate the coast guard’s efforts to its citizens at all costs, the communication system of the Rush, which was in normal contact, suddenly lost contact with the HH-65 helicopter.

These three sorties, two sorties, were all left behind by Valenrio. If something happened to the helicopter, it would not be a shameful question. He, the Lieutenant Colonel Chief of Staff, did his best.

So I tried all kinds of ways to contact, and the effort paid off. After many failures, I finally found Yellen by satellite phone. As a result, his excitement hadn't stabilized. Yellen almost let him Valenrio vomited blood directly.

"Swallow's Nest, I have to say frankly, this time we have to count on a great country in the east to save us from this blocked island!"

For other words, Valenrio can accept it, but a big country in the east has almost become a magic barrier for Lieutenant Colonel Valenrio. Although it will not be so abnormal that a big country in the east will get out of control, it will never feel comfortable. Where to go.

In the end, Yellen not only mentioned it, but also hoped that they would be rescued.

For Valenrio, this is no longer as simple as embarrassing, but being pressed on the ground with his big feet and rubbing his face.

That's all, the key is that such a bad idea came from his own people, so that the moment Valenrio almost stimulated his own potential when he heard Yellen's reply, he crawled over the radio waves and grabbed Yellen's neck. This **** who eats inside and out drowned in the toilet.

Yellen also knows that Valenrio is a little bit paranoid about certain issues. The problem is that you are paranoid when you have the ability. Who makes you low-key but actually not allowed!

But now, the cockpit of the helicopter has been smashed into pieces by the sudden madness of the quiet night black man. The 8,000-ton bulk carrier is blocked in the port, and the entire island has become as isolated as a curse.

If there are still Black Hawks on the Rush, no, even a light bird helicopter will do. At least it can take them out. The problem is that there will be no other aircraft after the HH-65 helicopter.

At this time, it is natural to be flexible. When changing, face is important in Jingui?

So Yellen, who had just arrived at the surrounding island in a helicopter and regarded himself as the savior, was arrogant after learning that the helicopter was damaged and watching the domineering helicopter fleet of a certain eastern country quickly approaching the island.

Thoughts and concepts have changed rapidly, and it is not a real war~www.ltnovel.com~ It is nothing more than a civil mission to rescue people in the disaster-stricken areas. Based on the humanitarian philosophy that rescue has no borders and love has no borders, what does it matter who is the savior? As long as the victims are good, it is better for the trapped to be saved than anything else. From this perspective, Christina's Virgin is not very annoying.

Of course, this was not enough to persuade Valenrio the paranoid, so Yellen said that Silent Night Shef damaged the helicopter and the crew members were trapped.

After listening, Valenrio calmed down. Regardless of how they couldn't leave Yellen behind, they still questioned luckily: "Are their helicopters reliable?"

"I don't know the specifics, but it is definitely better than the HH-65 helicopter, because their helicopters are not coming from bare metal, and each one has more than one ton of cargo hoisted."

Valenrio on the Rush heard Yellen’s words and almost bounced from the battle position. Under complex weather conditions, the helicopter hoisted cargo for more than 80 kilometers across the sea. When did a major eastern country have such advanced Your helicopter?

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