Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 830: I use character guarantee

Isn't the price a bit expensive?

The price of a Zenith-1 starlight navigation system, plus the supporting inertial navigation system, exceeds RMB 5 million, reaching a staggering 5.47 million, which means that TY-6 drones cost 8.86 million RMB. In the price, more than 60% of the cost comes from this set of expensive navigation system.

In this regard, Zhuang Jianye is also very helpless. Although the Zenith-1 Starlight navigation system is claimed to be domestically produced, this domestically produced navigation system is accompanied by big quotation marks, and many of its key components are imported.

For example, the laser gyroscope is imported from the Russian Optical and Mechanical Research and Design Bureau, and the CCD photosensitive component is purchased from Canon in Japan.

It's so strange that the cost is not high.

However, the cost is high. If it is compared with the accessories of Europe and the United States and other countries, it is still very cost-effective. Take the laser gyroscope as an example. The unit price of a Russian product is only 800,000 yuan, a set of Zenith-1 Starlight navigation system, plus A total of two supporting inertial navigation systems are required.

If similar products in Europe and the United States are used, the cost of two laser gyroscopes will be nearly 8 million US dollars, while the cost of only 1.6 million yuan in Russia, plus other supporting components, will not exceed 3 million yuan.

Therefore, the Zenith-1 starlight navigation system is already a bargain for relatively expensive Western products.

Of course, Zhuang Jianye naturally cannot admit that his things are expensive, and can only fool around in the direction of value for money... No, it should be called guidance. So after listening to Chen Fang’s words, Zhuang Jianye smiled and said: "Chen Force Commander, you It's not right to think this way. Ordinary people know that you get what you pay for. You spend Erguotou's money to taste the taste of Moutai. It is either fake wine or dreaming. In short, there is definitely a mess in it.

Our TY-6 UAV and Zenith-1 starlight navigation system are also the same. If you don’t believe it, you can go to China. No, it’s the whole world to ask. It can achieve a precision of 95 meters and a joint inertial navigation system can achieve 60 The navigation accuracy of meters can not be won without 9 million US dollars. "

Zhuang Jianye unknowingly raised his voice a lot, and his momentum was full of oppression, as if he really mastered the navigation technology, the whole person became extremely powerful, and even the confidence to speak became tough unconsciously: "I will not I believe that if the fully localized Zenith Star-1 Starlight Navigation System is not price-competitive with foreign products, Commander Chen, you can directly ask people to throw them into the sea and feed the sharks!"

Hard-spirited, arrogant and a little misunderstood, Zhuang Jianye at this moment is like the resurrected King of Chu, facing Wujiang's sad sigh, full of romantic heroic tragedies.

Desperately engaged in domestic substitution, knocking down the high prices of all kinds of foreign leeks, you still think it is expensive, then what else to say, think that the things are expensive, find someone else, wait for the day when the ship floats helplessly at sea, don’t Blame me for not explaining these words today.

They are not stupid. Zhuang Jianye’s implication, Chen Fang and others, can’t understand. The problem is that the funding of the marine surveillance department is limited. If the cost of the marine surveillance department is so low, then the marine surveillance will not have to do anything this year, and they will all take off. The group is working.

Because of this, even though Chen Fang and others were dumbfounded by Zhuang Jianye, they did not give in. After all, the wind is not coming from anybody's money, and one point less is naturally one point less.

So Chen Fang, the group of leaders who had come to guide the disaster relief work of the Xiangzhou factory, immediately turned into a procurement delegation, and started bargaining with Zhuang Jianye face to face with gongs and drums. The scene was so intense that the crowd of TY-6 operators in the operation room was stunned to the point that the factory The leader Wu Ping quietly ordered people to pay attention, in case the two sides didn't agree with each other to greet him, so he could go up and separate.

"Okay, okay, okay~~ Leaders, leaders..." Zhuang Jianye saw that his throat was about to smoke, and quickly stopped the momentum of the stalemate: "Let’s not be hurt by the money. Since Marine Surveillance needs TY-6 UAVs, then Ascendas Group, as a responsible large-scale enterprise, can’t stand idly by. How can we also fulfill our social responsibilities? In that case..."

Zhuang Jianye paused for a moment. His face flushed just now because of bargaining flashed a little bit of struggle, and it seemed that he had made an incredible determination: "We take a step back as the Ascendas Group, as long as the maritime surveillance department entrusts us with the future fleet navigation project. ...... Zenith-1 Starlight Navigation System is provided for marine monitors with 4.8 million per set, TY-6 drones with 6.66 million per unit...... Force Commander Chen, please stop bargaining, I have already given the cost price No, if you don’t believe me, go and inquire, a laser gyroscope is more than this price. If this is not satisfactory, then I really can’t help it.”

Chen Fang, who wanted to be bargaining, was pushed back by Zhuang Jianye before he could speak. Seeing the young man in front of him finally shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, Chen Fang's meticulous face finally revealed a little smile: "Xiao Zhuang, you said it. What are you talking about? Are we all for the modernization of our country? There is no need to be so productive.

After two fake dry laughs, Chen Fang could completely forget the embarrassment, and remarked in a serious manner: "The maritime supervision department does need to improve the hardware and equipment, and we are also actively preparing. The original plan was completed in two years, but After the round of policy adjustments, this update plan may be delayed a lot, so..."

"Thanks to you, Chief Chen, let alone three or five years, it's ten years. In 20 years, our Ascendas Group has accepted this list. I'm here for the modernization of the country. Solemnly promise that the preferential price for marine surveillance will remain unchanged for 15 years!"

As soon as he said this, even Chen Fang, who was as calm as a dog, looked at Zhuang Jianye in surprise, trying to see from his face whether the words were true or false, let alone someone else.

There is no way that Zhuang Jianye would be too shocked~www.ltnovel.com~ The preferential price will not change for 15 years. You must know that it is not a bottom-end industrial product such as a kettle or an iron stove. As time goes by, the cost of technological progress will increase. The lower the price will be.

That is the advanced navigation equipment with the starlight navigation system as the core. Similar equipment in foreign countries can be described as a donkey rolling. Generally, the price rises one day a day, not to mention the price reduction. If the lion opens its mouth and swallows it, you will be burnt.

But such a good thing Ascendas Group not only gave a preferential price, but also guaranteed that the price will remain unchanged for 15 years. Such a good thing that can only be encountered in dreams, did their maritime supervision department actually encounter it?

"Xiao Zhuang, are you sure? I'm a 50-year-old person. The cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems are not very good. If you change your mind afterwards, I might just go right there..."

Hearing that Chen Fang began to lean on the old and sell the old to be shameless, Zhuang Jianye nodded with a big smile before Chen Fang finished speaking: "Don't worry, Captain Chen, I will use my character guarantee!"

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