Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 831: 1 big pit

Compared with Zhuang Jianye's character, Chen Fang and his team believed in contracts in black and white.

But it’s not about the character of Zhuang Jianye, but the 15-year time span is really longer. Zhuang Jianye is now the leader of the Ascendas Group. After a few years of job adjustments, he will no longer be in the Ascendas Group.

Follow the tea together?

That's a disadvantage!

Chen Fang had done so much before, and an old face looked like a donkey face, crying poorly, and playing time lag. In the end, he simply didn't touch the porcelain with his old body bones.


It is not that we want to maximize the interests of maritime surveillance departments.

There is no way anyone can make the current marine surveillance too poor, and even law enforcement ships have to pick up the navy and weed out the old ships.

Under this circumstance, if you don't plan carefully, it is estimated that it will not take long for the marine monitor to drink the northwest wind.

Because of this, Chen Fang put down his arrogant and solitary personality in the navy, and became more shameless than Song Changzheng. Because of his ass, he decided his head.

Chen Fang and others are eager to sign a contract in black and white, afraid that there will be changes in the future, doesn't Zhuang Jianye want it?

In fact, Zhuang Jianye is more anxious than Chen Fang.

Chen Fang and the others were afraid that Zhuang Jianye would pat his **** and **** off in two years. Why didn't Zhuang Jianye worry that similar things would happen to Chen Fang?

After all, there are not many such high-quality fools. In case of another shrewd one, how can Zhuang Jianye open up such a large market and earn such huge excess profits?

Yes, this is more than once the order with the Marine Supervisor is finalized, the Ascendas Group immediately earns blood, and the longer the time is passed, the more the Ascendas Group earns the blood.

The reason is simple. The Navigation Technology Alliance did not stop with the completion of the Zenith-1 Starlight Navigation System, but did not regard the system as a great achievement.

After all, the laser gyroscope is from Russia, the CCD optical components are from Japan, and some processors are from Europe. All these together make Zhuang Jianye the latest domestic navigation equipment without shame.

Those embarrassed navigation technology alliance companies or scientific research institutions are completely hard to tell, because of this they are seizing the time to replace foreign products in the Zenith-1 Starlight navigation system.

Take the core laser gyroscope as an example. According to Zhuang Jianye's knowledge, a research institute headed by an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the Navigation Technology Alliance has achieved a key breakthrough.

We must know that this research institute has been studying laser gyroscopes since the end of the 1960s, but because of the backward scientific research foundation and the impact of special periods, the progress has not been very great, but it still has accumulated a lot of experience.

In the 1980s, several key technologies were continuously broken through, and then the Navigation Technology Alliance was established, and the Ascendas Group shared the navigation technology information and physical objects obtained from the Soviet Union.

The research institute quickly found the last breakthrough technology node from these materials. After more than a year of hard work, a 100% localized laser gyroscope has been successfully assembled in the research institute, and the final product has been completed. Performance evaluation test.

After all evaluations are completed, it can be put into mass production.

The initial cost is slightly more expensive, at 360,000 yuan, and after mass production, the cost is expected to fall to less than 200,000 yuan.

From millions of dollars in Europe and the United States to nearly one million yuan in Russia to less than 200,000 yuan, the profit margin can be imagined.

This is just a laser gyroscope, and the cost will be further compressed when the CCD optical components are localized.

So, does Zhuang Jianye give preferential treatment to marine surveillance? It's all about the big hole that was dug. Is it good or not? With a 15-year unit price of several million yuan, Zhuang Jianye can hardly make too much money.

It is also because of Chen Fang and others coming out of the army that they have no access to the basic technological dynamics of the navigation system, otherwise Zhuang Jianye would not be able to fool Chen Fang and the others into the pit even with a hundred mouths.

A few years later, Chen Fang, who had retired, yelled at Zhuang Jianye as Zhuang Heixin. The heart, liver, stomach, and kidneys were all blackened by the smoked bacon stove. Zhuang Jianye smiled slightly and didn't care at all.

Compared with the cute little money, what is a black snack? If Marine Supervisors can keep the preferential price unshakable for fifty years, what does it matter if Zhuang Jianye is dark from the inside out?

Of course, these are things to follow. Even if Chen Fang and others are eager to pay for the contract, they will not be able to bypass the senior management of the Maritime Supervision Bureau. They can only wait for the confirmation and authorization of the senior management of the Maritime Supervisor to sign it A formal contract.

So the conversation between the two parties later became much easier. Just when everyone was re-engaged and prepared to put the topic back on the disaster relief work, the door of the operation room was suddenly opened, and a cadre of the Xiangzhou disaster relief headquarters walked in quickly. , Saw Chen Fang and his party hurried forward and whispered a few words in Chen Fang's ear.

Chen Fang was stunned at first, and then extremely angry, but in the end he was covered by a touch of helplessness that could not be concealed!

"Since the superior has agreed, I have nothing to say. If a big country outside the region wants to pick up citizens trapped on the island, let him go!"

Hearing this statement, including Zhuang Jianye, everyone present was shocked...

At the same time, 200 nautical miles off the coast of eastern Zhejiang, the "Hamilton" class patrol ship Rush of the Coast Guard of a major power outside the region is fast sailing towards the Yangtze River Delta on a microwave-floating sea. On the helicopter deck at its rear, a helicopter The HH-65 patrol helicopter has completed the final take-off inspection.

Lieutenant Colonel Valenrio was now in the helicopter landing command cabin, looking at the scene outside through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, his face grim.

As the person in charge of the command and staff of a major power in the East, Lieutenant Colonel Valenrio directly participated in the decision-making of a series of events including Cole's release of electronic decoy signals.

It can be said that from the time when Christina used a satellite phone to call for help, the instigator of a series of moths was this Lieutenant Colonel Valenrio.

Let's say he has any purpose. To be honest, he really doesn't. It is simply to save his country's citizens and become a so-called hero.

It's a pity that Lieutenant Colonel Valenrio has a good idea~www.ltnovel.com~ But the reality is like a shy Russian aunt, slap and slap how Lieutenant Colonel Valenrio should be a man.

First, he proposed to visit ships and airplanes to assist in the disaster relief, but was declined, so he prepared to put some eye drops, but the other side not only noticed everything, but also sent a drone to accompany the patrol plane at the front station. Draw a circle on the top of the horn.

Lieutenant Colonel Valenrio didn't mention which face was ashamed at the time. The problem was that it didn't matter that he was ashamed alone, and even the entire Coast Guard was ashamed.

If you visit the Yangtze River Delta, you will not be embarrassed!

Seeing this, the commander of the visit took the initiative, using his extensive contacts and skillful political operations, and finally got a big country in the east to agree to send a helicopter to pick up its citizens trapped on the island.

Of course, the final command work was handed over to Lieutenant Colonel Valenrio, so that he could make up for it and regain his prestige!

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