Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 829: Just...the price is a bit expensive

This is only the mainline passenger aircraft market, and the demand for larger regional passenger aircraft and business aircraft is even greater.

Apart from others, the TM-9 series of small business jets developed and produced by Ascendas Group have been unable to open the international market for a long time. The main reason is that the European and American airworthiness certificates cannot be applied for.

Naturally, most of the factors that make things difficult are, but its own deficiencies are also the main reason why it cannot break the shackles. Take the navigation system as an example. Business jets pay more attention to safety and privacy than ordinary civil airliners.

However, when Ascendas Group developed TM-9, only the old-fashioned inertial navigation system with mechanical gyroscope as the core could be provided in China.

At that time, Tengfei Group had not considered importing the most advanced laser gyroscope as the core inertial navigation system at the time. The problem is that the foreign price is too expensive, and the entry-level one will cost 1.8 million US dollars.

Converting this price into RMB is enough to buy a top version of the TM-9 business jet.

If that’s all there is to it, a bit more expensive is a bit more expensive, but then the conditions of foreign businessmen will not be acceptable to Ascendas Group, that is, to enjoy the entry-level price and require Ascendas Group to purchase supporting aircraft avionics systems, otherwise it cannot be matched. Developed inertial navigation system.

If you think this condition is unacceptable, it's not impossible. Let's find out about the $3.8 million laser gyroscope. If you can spend $4.6 million, the same Boeing 737 can be taken away.

The Americans are like this, and the European side is not much better. It is completely slaughtering the Tengfei Group as a fat sheep, so that the asking price of the small laser gyroscope has caught up with the overseas sales quotation of the TM-9 business jet.

How can the Ascendas Group stand it? Originally, the advantage of TM-9 was the price-performance ratio. As a result, for a key component, the future development of the Ascendas Group was very weak.

Therefore, in the end Ascendas Group can only make difficult choices and continue to use the domestically-made mechanical gyroscope as the core inertial navigation system, and cooperate with radio navigation to form the basic framework of the TM-9 navigation system.

However, this set of navigation system was submitted to the European and American aviation authorities without accident and was beaten back, because mainstream inertial navigation systems with laser gyroscopes as the core are commonly used in mainstream business affairs in Europe and the United States. The navigation accuracy is higher and the aircraft is raised sideways. Security.

As a business jet, the TM-9 still uses the old-fashioned mechanical gyroscope as its core inertial navigation. What if it breaks down? Why do you embarrass the wealthy people who buy this kind of aircraft?

At that time, Ascendas Group could not say a word that was criticized. The fact is that you don’t have a laser gyroscope, and you are not willing to pay for it. Under the conditions commonly used in the mainstream aviation industry in Europe and America, you are useless. The aviation safety audit standard must be one per card.

This is like the National Sixth Standard for automobiles has been introduced, and some of the head rails are still engaged in National Four Standard cars. How could the vehicle management department let you go on the road?

The same goes for the aviation industry.

How about developed countries face developing countries, no matter how they change their postures, they are all playing dimensionality reduction attacks.

Sometimes there is no need to deliberately make a moth, take out a few key technologies similar to laser gyroscopes and place them wherever, so that even a slap can be counted for the whole earth to reach the pass line.

Then...then the developed countries can happily cut the leeks.

This is why Canada’s Bombardier and Embraer will transfer their well-developed regional airliner business to European Airbus and American Boeing at low prices.

It is not that these two regional airliner giants are not good enough, but that the two companies do not have the entire aviation industry chain. Many key technologies rely on imports. Even core equipment such as laser gyroscopes can only be selected from the United States and Europe.

It’s nothing more than eating the soup left behind by the giants. Seeing that the regional airliners of the two companies are getting bigger and bigger, they will soon become the mainline airliners and compete for the mainstream civil airliner market. The United States and Europe are immediately in the key technology. Stuck your neck.

There is no embargo and sanctions, that is, the skill of price is madly full, all kinds of lions open their mouths, and they will push the cost of your product to an unattainable level, and then...you can cut a wave of leeks beautifully.

Because of this, now the planet mixes aviation and aerospace into a prosperous appearance. It's not about sending airplanes to the sky and shooting satellites into space. It must be usable, easy to use, and let go when people use it. No less.

Only in this way can capital and technology be activated and a virtuous circle can be formed. If only investment is required and no return is sought, then it is a typical Soviet model and will not last forever.

Ascendas Group wants to achieve a virtuous circle in the global aviation and aerospace fields, what it has to do at this stage is one thing, that is, to make up for its shortcomings.

Navigation system, as the most important infrastructure for aviation and aerospace, is a hurdle that Ascendas Group cannot get around. You don’t have a laser gyroscope, you don’t have a starlight navigation, and you don’t have an autonomous and controllable satellite navigation. No matter how beautiful your airplane is and how good its flight performance is, there is a high probability of being blind or deaf in the sky, no one would dare to buy an airplane.

This is also the reason why Zhuang Jianye took out the Soviet navigation technology materials he obtained and tried his best to share the results. Not only could it reduce the research and development costs of Ascendas Group, after the results were achieved, Ascendas Group could also obtain technical support at very low cost to improve Own products, improve product competitiveness.

Calculating from this aspect, Ascendas Group makes more than 10 million yuan, more than hundreds of them.

The implementation also confirmed Zhuang Jianye's expectations, because soon Ascendas Group obtained the first batch of results from the Navigation Technology Alliance, which is the Zenith Star-1 Starlight Navigation System.

The system uses a set of domestically developed star sensors, which are placed on a gyro platform imported from Russia with a laser gyroscope as the core. The optical system is a two-piece Casseroline structure, and the main lens and the secondary lens are used. Beryllium is used as the material, and the surface is silver-plated ~www.ltnovel.com~without poke structure, which is directly installed in the platform hole.

The detector uses a Japanese Canon 80*80 pixel CCD photosensitive component and a matching semiconductor cooler. The aperture of the star sensor optical system is 90mm, with a mechanical shutter. It is usually hidden in the middle of the fuselage of the TY-6 UAV. The time hood adopts a spring compression method, pops up when in use, and automatically aligns with the anchored star constellation.

The star measurement accuracy of the entire system can reach up to 2.8 angles, and the single navigation accuracy can reach 95 meters. With the inertial navigation system to implement compound navigation, the accuracy can be further improved to 60 meters.

You know, the highest accuracy of the civilian low-profile version of the TY-6 UAV using GPS is only 80 meters. From this perspective, the Zenith-1 starlight navigation system can completely replace the low-profile GPS version.

After Chen Zai finished understanding the Zenith Star-1 Starlight Navigation System, although he nodded to express his approval, he still licked his teeth and said to Zhuang Jianye: "Things are good things, but...the price is a bit expensive."

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