Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 608: Space demand

The reason why the aerospace department and Ascendas Group used the retired Il-18 passenger aircraft to refit such an alternative transport aircraft was mainly due to the impetus of practical needs.

If the companies in the aerospace sector system, it is estimated that there will not be such a demand in another one or two decades, mainly because these aerospace companies had complete supporting plans when they were built, related supporting factories, assembly plants and testing There are dedicated railway lines between the field and the launch site.

After the major components of the carrier rocket leave the factory, they can be directly hoisted and reached by a special freight train point-to-point in a straight line, which is convenient, fast and efficient.

The problem is that this set can't be used in Ascendas Group.

Because the Ascendas Group grew up barbarously on its own, in order to survive in the early stage, it was impossible to consider a complete supporting plan as in the planned era. As long as it can be produced, raw materials and products can be shipped out smoothly.

What kind of special railway line, the struggling Ascendas Group really does not have the ability to develop it, and the railway department is even less likely to invest in the development of a special line because of an ordinary enterprise.

Of course, ordinary rail and road transportation of Ascendas' products at that time was enough, and there was no need to do anything special.

Not enough. Everything has changed since the production task assigned by the aerospace department four years ago, because Ascendas Group undertakes the processing and production of a certain carrier rocket secondary fuel tank and a certain type of missile primary fuel tank and part of the projectile body. task.

Originally, it was not the turn of Ascendas Group to do these things. There are many enterprises under the aerospace sector, and some of them are factories that can undertake such tasks.

However, due to the failure of one space launch mission and the failure of two missile test launches, the aerospace system found out that the processing accuracy of the supporting plant did not meet the design requirements of a certain launch vehicle and new missile.

On the one hand, it is the aging of the equipment of the supporting factory, on the other hand, it is also the design index of the two models that are too high.

It is not impossible to introduce equipment and comprehensively transform it, but it takes time. This has a huge impact on space launch and national defense security. Therefore, the head of the old headquarters who had not retired at that time accepted the appointment of the headquarters and personally made a survey in various enterprises in the aerospace sector. Let's see if we can concentrate the advantages of each factory, solve this problem, and even prepare to build a new factory at any cost.

As the existence of Ascendas Group, which spans two major businesses of aviation and aerospace, it is naturally the object of the head of the old headquarters. As a result, it does not matter. Although it is not as shocked as the first time when the Ascendas Group inspected, it still refreshed his opinion Cognition of the group.

Especially at the Ascendas Aviation Technology R&D Center in Xingzhou, the internal composite material results can almost blind people’s eyes. That’s all. The key is that the supporting production equipment and processing technology have also been implemented by Ascendas Group. What kind of factory will be built to match its own outstanding production and processing capabilities? Just produce directly on the side of Tengfei Group.

Hearing this result, Zhuang Jianye, who accompanied the head of the old headquarters during the inspection, almost did not cry.

He does so much not because he wants to do aerospace, but he is ready to take advantage of the aerospace sector to eliminate old equipment, to upgrade the industry, and to be a supplier of materials and equipment as before, making a low-key and luxurious profit.

Precisely because of this, when the head of the old headquarters came over, Zhuang Jianye would do his best to take out all the things at the bottom of the box, so that the head of the old headquarters fell into his hand.

The true man Zhuang Jianye almost didn't cry in the toilet.

Of course, no matter how you cry in the toilet, you still have to listen to the words of the head of the old headquarters. What's more, this is the will of the country and cannot be measured by money. So shortly after the head of the old headquarters left, the Ascendas Group started. Trial production of large parts for the aerospace sector at Xiping Plant.

I have to say that the head of the old headquarters still has a very strong vision. In less than half a year, the two-stage fuel tank of a certain carrier rocket and the first-stage fuel tank of a certain type of missile produced by Ascendas Group and some missile bodies have reached the design standards and passed The review by the expert group of the aerospace sector allows mass production.

Then... the problem came.

The diameter of this type of component is generally two to three meters, or even larger; the smallest length is 8 or 9 meters, of which a certain type of missile body is 3.5 meters in diameter and 17.4 meters in length due to design requirements. One piece.

Such large structural parts have exceeded the length of ordinary freight train carriages, and special carriages are required to be shipped. That's all, the key is that these big guys are all precision parts, and they are as delicate as babies. However, during transportation and transit, it can neither be knocked nor touched.

In this regard, the weakness of Ascendas Group’s imperfect early planning has been highlighted. It does not matter if there is no dedicated railway or highway line. The terrain in the southwest is still very complicated. There are so many tunnels and bends that make life suspicious. To ensure that there are no problems with large-scale precision structures, it can almost look at the world record.

How to do?

The answer given by Ascendas Group was to use aircraft for air transportation, and soon came up with a set of highly feasible solutions.

Land transportation is limited, and there is no way to transport it by ship without relying on the sea. Aviation seems to be the only option. So the aerospace department negotiated, and finally the head of the old headquarters decided to set up the project.

The Ascendas Group, which undertook the modification task, even suspended its ongoing advanced light transport project for this project, concentrated all its forces, and used the most compact technology in these years. It took nearly two years to retire the two air forces. The Il-18 modified version does not even know the real mother of the Soviet Ilyushin Design Bureau.

No way, in order to be able to install large structural parts such as projectiles, the fuselage was subversively expanded by Ascendas Group, forming a huge cargo with a length of 20.56 meters, a height of 5.9 meters, a width of 5.9 meters and a volume of 713 cubic meters. The warehouse can easily accommodate large structural parts such as launch vehicles or missile bodies produced by Ascendas Group.

As soon as the two "air special vehicles" were used, they were immediately praised by the aerospace department, and the demand increased greatly~www.ltnovel.com~ Including Ascendas own transportation of the entire helicopter to the Xiangzhou assembly plant, as well as the transportation of other precision parts For the task, the two "aircraft" were in short supply.

This time, the damaged jt9d engine of the Boeing 767 still has a chance to be transported to the aerospace department. Otherwise, it may not arrive at any time.

Of course, Zheng Yongning will not talk to Wang Huan about these things. After all, it involves aerospace manufacturing, especially the production of a new type of missile body. Not everyone can come into contact with it. Even Zheng Yongning, Zhuang Jianye, has a lot of details. It's not clear, and even outsiders can't say so in detail.

It's just that in order to facilitate the rapid transportation of various precision parts within the group, two IL-18s were specially modified with huge sums of money.

But even so, Wang Huan was still very surprised. He felt that Tengfei Group’s handwriting was not so big. He was about to ask the details of two “air car”. Hearing the roar of the engine from the sky, Wang Huan looked up subconsciously. I just glanced at the body and it was shocked. There is no way that the appearance of the airplane is too weird, and it is so strange that it cannot be described in words. I can only point to the silly airplane above and ask: "That is..."

Zheng Yongning smiled and replied: "Ah, that's our special transport plane for'Air Vehicle'."

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