Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 607: Yun XVI: "Air Car" Transport Aircraft

It's no wonder that Wang Huan would be surprised that professional aviation component transport aircraft are unpopular aircraft types in the world, and the demand is very small, and they are not even known to outsiders.

However, in the specific field of aviation aviation sky manufacturing, the value of this type of special transport aircraft is inestimable, and even plays a pivotal role in some aspects.

Because of this, the demand for this type of aircraft is essential in certain areas.

For example, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (nasa), because the launch vehicle production plant is located on the west coast and the launch site is built on the east coast, ordinary small-size parts can also be transported by land by truck or train, but large-size parts are There is no other choice but to rely on a freighter to travel south from the west coast through the Panama Canal and make a big circle to the launch site on the east coast.

It takes time and effort, not to mention, the turbulence of the waves also makes the components of the space launch vehicle extremely vulnerable to damage, which is very uneconomical.

So Nasa used the Boeing-377 aircraft to modify a "Super Guppy" special transport aircraft, which specializes in transporting large-size space rocket structural components.

Once launched, it has achieved very good results, not only shortening the rocket's development preparation cycle, but also reducing the collision damage rate of components to an extremely low level.

Boeing was the first to discover the potential of this special transport aircraft and purchased several for the production of its own Boeing series.

At the same time, Airbus has also ordered the "Super Guppy" special transport aircraft to transport large parts of Airbus aircraft within Europe, thereby optimizing the industrial chain and improving production efficiency.

Because of this, this type of professional aviation component transport aircraft is also regarded as a symbol of a certain degree of strength, because it does not have considerable production capacity, does not have strong strength, and cannot play high-end businesses such as air transportation.

Apart from anything else, the maintenance of the aircraft in one year is not a small number, and the fuel used for take-off is staggering. This is not clear to others. Wang Huan, who specializes in aircraft maintenance, knows better than anyone else.

So he was very surprised that Ascendas Group has such high-end equipment. Didn’t it mean that Ascendas Group only produces drones and small airplanes, and the business in recent years is very mixed. Hearing the family’s father said that the company named Zhuang Jianye has some achievements. Floating, I'm completely in the eyes of the money, short-sighted is terribly short-sighted, sooner or later I will be finished in such a mess.

Just such a person in charge of the company who is in the eye of the money, actually got a professional aviation component transport aircraft, so the business volume of Ascendas Group? Or do you want to earn a bit of face when you lose money and yell?

Wang Huan doesn't know that Ascendas Group has a large business volume, but from the perspective of Ascendas Group's gradual contracting and leadership trend in recent years, the aviation business should not be good, otherwise, why go for infrastructure support?

As for losing money and yelling and wanting to earn some face, it may be possible, but I have never heard of such things from public information. You must know that no matter how this type of aircraft can be a big book, you can earn some face. It's still very easy.

Qiao Shiming didn't know Wang Huan's psychological feelings, even if he knew it, he would not care about it. In his opinion, the special parts of the professional transport aircraft in the group are all trivial details. The completion of this Boeing 767 maintenance task is the focus.

After all, this is the first big order that Ascendas Aviation Maintenance Plant has received since its establishment, and it must be done well anyway, so Wang Huan’s question was simply "um~~".

Wang Huan was still waiting for the answer, but after hearing Qiao Shiming, he stretched out his hand to signal everyone to walk towards the workshop, and then...then there was no more, and he almost didn't get crazy on the spot. Is this the question? Some of the answers were too simple, but I came to inspect your company's guests, and finally became interested in your stuff. Shouldn't I just do my best and brag about it?

Why~~ After a while, it's gone?

Wang Huan was a little depressed. He asked who were the members of Ascendas Group. How could a dull gourd be the top leader of a big factory?

Although I complained in my heart, I still couldn’t hold back my curiosity about this type of aircraft. When I wondered whether I was asking, I followed him and helped them with Shanghai Airlines and a group of people to introduce the situation of the factory. Zheng Yongning suddenly turned around and said:

"The one that helped our factory transport the jt9d turbofan engine was a new model that the group completed the modification the year before..."

Zheng Yongning is the former assistant Xiaozheng of Zhuang Jianye. Three years ago, he was put on the front line for training. He served as Chief of Logistics Department of Aviation Power Company, Director of Office of Xiping Aircraft Manufacturing Company and other positions. Yongning was transferred from Tengfei Power, arranged to Tengfei Aviation Repair Factory, and was promoted to the deputy director of the factory to assist Qiao Shiming in the administrative work in the factory.

There is no way, Qiao Shiming is a good hand in technology, but general in management and operation. Although Zheng Yongning is young, he has been around Zhuang Jianye for several years. Both management and administration are very strong. The team with Qiao Shiming is complementary.

It is also with Zheng Yongning that Shanghai Airlines and his party will not feel like a pleasant person who came to investigate the situation. Otherwise, apart from silence, the rest may be embarrassing.

Of course, Wang Huan didn't know Zheng Yongning's resume. Even if he knew it, he would not be interested, because at this moment Wang Huan was completely surprised by Zheng Yongning's words.

It turns out that the most important project of Ascendas Group in recent years is not an advanced light transport aircraft, let alone a contractor, but a special transport aircraft dedicated to refitting a large-size carrier rocket component.

Military code: Yun 16.

But the aerospace sector prefers to be a "special vehicle in the sky."

The aircraft is modified based on the retired IL-18 from the Air Force~www.ltnovel.com~ through wind tunnel tests and structural calculations to make overall modifications to the fuselage, while at the same time it is replaced with a more modern avionics system.

A large number of advanced composite materials and titanium alloy structural parts are used in the fuselage structure, so as to reduce the structural weight as much as possible while ensuring the stability of the overall structure.

The power plant uses the latest wd-50b turboprop engine of Ascendas Power, with a maximum power of 3400 kilowatts and a shaft horsepower of 4622 horsepower.

With strong power, the modified "Sky Special Vehicle" has a maximum load capacity of 7.5 tons, reaching 22 tons when the take-off weight is only 1.2 tons higher than that of IL-18.

At the same time, the airtight cabin structure and the unique pressurization technology of Ascendas Group are used inside the body, and the high-efficiency output power and fuel-saving performance of the wd-50b turboprop engine make the flight altitude of the Yun 16 "air vehicle" reach 10,000 meters .

The high airflow is stable and the resistance is reduced, which is conducive to the stability of precision parts and the improvement of transportation efficiency. Coupled with the maximum range of more than 4,600 kilometers, it can cover the carrier rocket assembly plant and space launch site of the aerospace department.

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