Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 609: The low-pressure turbine blades are repaired

Not only Wang Huan, but Qi Hong and others also saw the weird plane about to land on the factory airport, and they were all shocked by its indescribable shape.

The most eye-catching is the swollen cylindrical body above the fuselage, which looks like a large airbag, starting from the cockpit windshield and extending to the vertical tail. It is huge, eye-catching and shocking.

Just like a big fat man who was freshly baked, dangling and looking cumbersome.

But to say that this aircraft is ugly, everyone really doesn't feel that way, because the huge figure is cumbersome, but the overall streamlined shape makes people look very comfortable, especially the round and upward over the nose, which looks very like The smooth curve of the dolphin's bow in "Animal World", coupled with the significantly enlarged horizontal tail, and the small vertical tails installed at both ends of the horizontal tail to enhance stability, make the entire aircraft look very naive.

But if you want to say how beautiful it is, it doesn't have to be. There is no way. It is that this aircraft has exceeded people's general knowledge of aircraft and completely subverted the elegant appearance of the aircraft.

All in all, this is an airplane that is counterintuitive. If it weren't for watching the airplane descend from the sky with their own eyes, no one would really believe that such a heavy guy could fly into the sky.

However, just as the Shanghai stock exchange airline group was stunned looking at the landing plane, Qiao Shiming, who had not spoken for a long time, frowned and looked at Zheng Yongning: "Is it the maintenance task that the group explained yesterday?"

Zheng Yongning nodded: "Yes, the person I contacted yesterday afternoon, it happened to be transported back today by the'air car'."

Qiao Shiming nodded and didn't say anything. Just about to prepare to continue walking into the workshop, he found that Wang Huan, Qi Hong and other Shanghai airlines were all standing in place, staring blankly at the special "Sky Special Car" that had landed. The conveyor is slowly taxiing to a special vehicle with lifting function.

Immediately, the special vehicle raised the upper platform, gradually higher than the windshield of the "Sky Car". At the same time, the smooth and round bulge in the front section of the "Sky Car" slowly opened up, slowly rising, slowly revealing the huge road surface. space.

At this time, the special vehicle slowly moved forward and smoothly docked with the cabin floor in the cabin. The next moment, under the command of the on-site dispatcher, another small aircraft was slowly drawn from the huge cabin of the "Air Special Vehicle".

"It's a tm-9 plane!"

The Shanghai stock exchange airline group did not know who exclaimed. Wang Huan took off his glasses and wiped it hard, then opened his eyes and looked hard. With such energy, he almost threw his eyes straight over. I understand.

As for the others, the same is true, even Qi Hong, a veteran who has been in the army for nearly two decades, is still dumbfounded.

There is no way, the scene of the plane loading the plane and the plane spitting out the plane, one of the people present is really the first time I have seen it, the kind of strange, weird, and shocking cannot be described in words.

In contrast, Qiao Shiming and Zheng Yongning have to calm down a lot. They can see similar scenes, and they have long been familiar with it. What's more, Qiao Shiming and Zheng Yongning are more or less involved in the development of the "sky car". the work.

Especially for Qiao Shiming, the overall structure, control transmission system and even the aerodynamic layout of the "air car" are all calculated and researched by him and the core team of Yizhongyun Ten. It can be said that Qiao Shiming and the others are the real ones on this model. core.

However, Qiao Shiming didn't care about it. At best, it was modified from the old model of Il-18. Most of the architecture still follows the foundation of the Soviet Union. In Qiao Shiming's eyes, it is not a creation or breakthrough. Not to mention any big planes, big passenger planes.

Therefore, Qiao Shiming can only be general to the "air car". In contrast, he cares more about the maintenance of the Boeing 767, because it involves the performance and profit of the repair shop, so he has a dull expression on Wang Huan and others. I didn't understand it when I watched the "air car" spit out the plane.

Xin said, "What's so good about this thing? There's something that's improper to eat, or something that's improperly spent on money. If you have this time, you can explain the general framework of jt9d maintenance.

Wang Huan, Qi Hong and others did not have the calm and calm mentality of Qiao Shiming. They were fascinated for a long time. Some even regretted not bringing the camera over, otherwise they would take a few photos and take them back, enough for a year.

Some people think about gossip, and of course some people think about professionalism, and this is the case with Wang Huan.

The use of the old model Il-18 can be used to transport small aircraft with a length close to 15 meters, such as the tm-9 aircraft, which proves that Ascendas Group has a solid foundation in key aviation basic fields, otherwise it will be modified. His "air car" is like a fat man who is crazy to gain weight. Not to mention flying, it is a problem whether it can move on the ground.

You must know that this is not as simple as installing a pod on the IL-18 and plugging in an antenna, but a completely reinvented change from the inside out. The structure, activation, control, performance... can be said to be all-round.

It is not so much that the Ascendas Group modified the Il-18, it is better to say that they built a brand new aircraft.

More importantly, the "Air Special Vehicle" uses an engine produced by Tengfei Power. Although the performance needs to be further verified, from the performance when it landed just now, the operation of the entire powertrain is still very good. The turboshaft engine produced by the factory emits black smoke during take-off and landing.

This shows that the power used by the "flying car" has a higher fuel utilization rate, and this shows from the other side that this set of power has better fuel economy and more uniform power output.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the technical level of this turboprop engine is not low.

There is a saying in the aviation circle that it is not possible to build airplanes, but those who can build airplanes must be able to repair airplanes.

The reason why Wang Huan had some opinions on Ascendas Aviation Repair Factory before was mainly because the products of Ascendas Group in recent years are small aircrafts ~www.ltnovel.com~ and large aircrafts are essentially different, so Wang Huan never believes that Ascendas Group can repair them. They lie down on the Boeing 767.

But when he saw the special transport aircraft landing at the airport and carrying out unloading operations, his original ideas began to loosen uncontrollably.

The IL-18 has a maximum take-off weight of 63 tons, which belongs to the category of medium-sized aircraft. Ascendas Group can change such a big guy into an "air car", without material, structure, power, and production and processing capabilities. It can't be done at all.

With a little use of these accessories, it can be completely transformed into a strong support for the maintenance of other models. Because of this, Wang Huan, who had a bad attitude, finally put on a somewhat satisfied smile on his face. Waiting for them, some boring Qiao Shiming asked, "Joe, what specific maintenance plan do you have for jt9d?"

"Because the damage of jt9d is not great, our maintenance plan is very simple. The crown of the damaged low-pressure turbine blade has been dealt with..."

"Wait..." As soon as Qiao Shiming introduced the maintenance of jt9d, he was interrupted by Wang Huan with a look of shock: "Gong Qiao, have you repaired the low-pressure turbine blades?"

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