Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 497: More than 40 billion U.S. dollars market

Not only Zhuang Jianye, but Lin Guanghua, Liu Chun, Qian Qiang and others were very surprised.

It is not uncommon for naval aviation units to deal with air conditions, because aircraft, especially civil aviation aircraft, need to adjust their routes urgently. At this time, aviation units are required to properly evade and eliminate interference in the handling of civil aviation passenger aircraft.

However, it is very rare to directly make planes make emergency landings at military airports. That's all. The key is that the forced landings are large wide-body airliners with a take-off weight of more than two hundred tons. This is not uncommon, but rare.

You must know that this naval air force base is a typical military airport. The length of the main runway is 3,200 meters. Normal fighter jets and small and medium-sized military transport aircraft can take off and land without problems, but the take-off weight is hundreds of tons like the dc-10. The big guy, the runway of more than 3,000 meters is still too short, at least about 5,000 meters to achieve the basic safe take-off and landing conditions.

But even so, the McDonnell Douglas dc-10, which I don't know which unit belongs to, fell regardless. It can only explain one problem, that is, the aircraft suffered a very serious failure and had to risk an emergency landing.

"Go, go and take a look!"

Whether it is to see the world or to see the excitement, since encountering such a rare situation, how can there be reason not to see it? So Zhuang Jianye greeted, Lin Guanghua and others hurriedly followed and went straight to the airport.


Hugh Wood held the posture pole in both hands and stared at the grass not far away. The dark gray eyes had lost the focus, as if the soul had been taken away, and the whole person had become a walking dead.

"God, we succeeded..."

At this moment, Beckman, who was in the co-pilot's position, murmured in disbelief. He turned his head and looked at the startled Hugh Wood: "Captain, we succeeded, we survived."

"Success... survived..."

Hugh Wood mechanically repeated even Beckman’s words, and finally reacted, shaking and loosening the hand that was holding the posture bar, he collapsed on the driving chair, and immediately pulled out a pendant from his neck, and opened it. Looking at the photo of his wife and daughter inside, he kissed him affectionately, then sighed deeply, moved his mouth to say something, but he didn't say a word after all.

Beckman on the side understood the captain's mood very well, and it was a blessing to be able to escape from the hands of death. It was a good thing to put it on whom, Hugh Wood, and Beckman even more so.

Even if this incident may have messed up the business exhibition carefully planned by McDonnell Douglas, Beckman still doesn't feel any regrets, after all, no matter how much money is, he has to spend his life.

Unlike Hugh Wood and Beckman, who are glad they can finally live, the 46-year-old Esther Firth, the product sales director of McDonnell Douglas in the luxury business class behind, is not so purely happy.

In the past, he encountered a special life-and-death situation. This senior sales director with an annual salary of two million US dollars was indeed afraid that his life would be buried with this McDonnell Douglas dc-10, which came to China for exhibition, even if he died. The rich inheritance and huge commercial insurance payments are left to his family, but he still wants to live. After all, there are so many beautiful little girls in the world waiting for him to have a romantic encounter. If this is dead, his life will be too much. loss.

However, after Hugh Wood and Beckman used their super-high operational skills and fearless courage to successfully make an emergency landing on the 3,200-meter-long run of a severely malfunctioning aircraft, Fox suddenly took his life. I found that it was not as cost-effective to live as to die.

The reason is simple. The McDonnell Douglas DC-10 China exhibition event is very likely to be completely destroyed because of this accident.

This is definitely not good news for McDonnell Douglas, which has a sharp decline in sales and has seriously affected revenue performance. You must know that McDonnell Douglas DC-10's reputation has declined sharply due to several air crashes in recent years, even if the original defects have been dealt with later. Improvements have been made, but McDonnell Douglas DC-10 is like being cursed by the devil, accidents one after another.

However, at this time, the global aviation industry was in turmoil, with major changes unseen in decades. European Airbus suddenly emerged and began to step up competition with American aviation companies.

At the same time, domestic competition in the United States has also intensified. The first to fall was Lockheed's l1011 "Samsung" airliner. Due to operating costs, purchase prices and other reasons, it was unable to compete with other aviation companies and simply abandoned the civil aircraft business. Focus on the development of military products.

Although McDonnell Douglas attacked Lockheed on the three-engine airliner, in the face of the suppression of the full range of domestic Boeing airliners, and later the European Airbus twin-engine aircraft to catch up, McDonnell Douglas seemed a little powerless, so it was anxious. Expanding into new markets in order to consolidate the current status of international civil passenger aircraft production.

Therefore, McDonnell Douglas chose China. The main reason is that China's economic development has been relatively rapid in recent years, the demand for domestic civil aviation has gradually increased, and China has a large area and is a potential commercial aircraft sales destination.

At this time, the country began to adjust the development strategy of civil aviation aircraft, hoping to introduce advanced foreign technology, and promote the development of domestic large-scale aviation platforms with a model of "market for technology" similar to automobiles.

The two parties met each other as they needed, and they hit it off immediately, so the Yun 10 project was dismantled, and the McDonnell Douglas-82 joint venture project was officially launched, and the first batch of 32 aircraft sales plans were soon completed.

It does not matter how the entire project affects the country, but it is a boost for McDonnell Douglas. Since China can fully open the market to McDonnell Douglas, does it mean that other models of its own can also be sold.

So McDonnell Douglas sent a professional market consulting company to China to conduct a professional market survey, and the conclusion made McDonnell Douglas happy all over the country, because according to the analysis of that professional market consulting company, in the next ten to fifteen years, China The gap of the large wide-body trunk airliner in China is more than two hundred.

More than two hundred large-scale wide-body trunk airliners, calculated at 200 million U.S. dollars each, have a market share of more than 40 billion U.S. dollars.

More than 40 billion U.S. dollars, many times around the world, there is no such big market as China~www.ltnovel.com~ As long as it can be swallowed, what else is McDonnell afraid of Airbus and Boeing? They, in turn, fear that McDonnell is about the same.

So the McDonnell Douglas executives hurriedly sent its latest McDonnell Douglas dc-10-30fg aircraft to show to China Civil Aviation. Although the model is still the McDonnell Douglas dc-10, the overall structure of the aircraft has been greatly improved and applied. Many of the md-11 wide-body airliners under development have technology. In other words, this McDonnell Douglas dc-10 has already surpassed the original model and is a transitional model between the old dd-11. The advanced nature speaks for itself. Metaphor.

McDonnell Douglas' intention to choose this model to come to China is also very simple. It is to pave the way for the md-11 aircraft to enter the Chinese market. There is no way. McDonnell Douglas knows that its dc-10 reputation has collapsed and sales are dismal.

So I just bet on the next-generation wide-body airliner, but the md-11 prototype in hand has not been tested yet and can’t come, so I sent a McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30fg with many md-11 technologies. , Let Chinese customers experience the awesomeness of the next-generation wide-body airliner.

As a result, the awesome place hasn't had time to show it. The McDonnell Douglas dc-10-30fg, which flew over thousands of miles away, has a problem. Foss has all his desire to die, so dc-10 can't stand up? Is the market of more than 40 billion US dollars so gone?

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