Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 498: The situation is serious

Foss was constantly complaining that if this is so disgusted by China Civil Aviation, it will not affect the issue of how much money, but the development strategy of McDonnell Douglas in the next ten years.

Obviously, a sales director of Flowserve can't afford such a big responsibility, so the best result is to roll over.

Foss doesn’t care about the position, but he cares about the two million dollars in annual salary and tens of millions of dollars in equity incentives. Once he is kicked out of McDonnell Douglas, all of this will have to say goodbye to him. This is for him. It is fatal.

It should be known that in addition to having a legal wife, two sons and a daughter in Chicago, he also has a mistress in New York and Los Angeles. Not only did he be like a normal couple, he also gave birth to two children each. In addition to Washington, Seattle, Atlanta, there are a few lovers.

There are always a lot of them, all raised by Foss alone. His annual salary looks a lot, but it's not bad if it can be divided into several households.

So let alone kicking him out of McDonnell Douglas, just a slight reduction in salary, Foss will be as painful as cutting meat.

Because of this, after the successful landing, Foss only took a few long breaths of rejoicing. A freckled face immediately sank like the bottom of a pot. When the cabin was notified that the spiral staircase was close and the cabin could be opened, Slima stood up, and said coldly to the accompanying McDonnell Douglas engineers behind him: "Check the situation now, I want to know what went wrong as soon as possible."

After speaking, he coldly glanced at the other surprised assistants, put on his coat and walked towards the hatch, followed the advice provided by the Naval Air Force to descend from the plane, and Foss immediately asked the translator to find it. The person in charge hopes to provide corresponding facilities so that McDonnell Douglas engineers can find the cause of the aircraft's failure.

The chief of the navy in charge of coordinating and commanding saw the plane successfully landed without causing too much loss of personnel. While he was relieved, there was no difficulty for Flowserve. After all, it was an aircraft for domestic exhibition, so it is understandable to help.

Besides, the large aircraft weighing more than one hundred tons, including the chiefs of the naval forces, was also the first close contact. I also wanted to know what went wrong that caused this behemoth to fall impatiently.

All in all, it is a good habit of Chinese people to watch the excitement and not be afraid of big things, and the navy chiefs and others can't avoid them, that is, they are afraid that the other party is foreign friends, otherwise they want to climb up and quietly what it is like.

Foss didn’t know that the people around him were watching the excitement. He felt that the Chinese were really good and almost responsive to his own needs. This calmed his nervousness a little bit. He thought, even the people in the army are so talkative, China Would civil aviation people do the same?

As a result, Foss was still dreaming about it. A McDonnell Douglas engineer suddenly ran over and swept all the relief he had just poured into the garbage.

"The situation is very serious. The preliminary judgment may be that the right rudder surface of the horizontal tail wing broke off, causing the aircraft to be out of balance. Fortunately, the two pilots, Hugh Wood and Beckman, dealt with it in time and made an emergency landing. Otherwise, we are likely to be destroyed and killed."

"I know this. I want to know if the plane can fly again?" Where is Flowserve still caring about the plane crash and death? He is standing on the ground properly, thinking about how it will affect it. drop to lowest.

The McDonnell Douglas engineer didn’t expect Foss to react like this. He was a little stunned, but he quickly figured out what Foss meant, and immediately shook his head and said embarrassed: “It’s difficult, the right rudder surface of the horizontal tail is broken. The fragments produced by the falling off not only penetrated the tail of the aircraft and damaged the internal apu auxiliary power unit, but also caused the rudder torque imbalance due to the damage of the right rudder surface of the horizontal tail, and obvious fatigue cracks appeared in the above parts. Do replacements and repairs, so..."

"Don't talk so much nonsense, just say how long it will take for the plane to fly into the sky again." Foss was a little impatient.

"If it is in the United States, it is expected to take two to three weeks." McDonnell Douglas engineer frowned and thought about it, and gave an approximate time.

Fox's dark brown eyebrows were raised, and they caught the point of the McDonnell Douglas engineer's words: "In the United States? What about here?"

The McDonnell Douglas engineer looked around the simple to rudimentary facilities and equipment with a wry smile: "It is estimated that it will take at least two months, because we need to install the large rudder, the horizontal tail right rudder surface, the apu auxiliary power unit and the awning at the tail of the fuselage. The leather materials are manufactured in a domestic factory in the United States, and then a special freight charter is arranged to transport these parts and special maintenance tools here. In addition, we need more than a dozen professional engineers and skilled workers to replace and replace parts. service.

Due to the conditions of this airport, ours is already fully loaded. Other charter flights cannot take off and land at all and can only be transported by land. However, China’s road conditions and vehicle equipment do not know whether it is capable of transshipment, even at this time. It’s also very, very long..."

"and many more!"

Before the McDonnell Douglas engineer could finish speaking, Foss stretched out his hand and interrupted. There was no way to hear Foss's brain hurt in a series of words. The time spent on repairing the plane was second. The key was the cost of chartered flights from the United States to China It's not a small number, and all of them are professional aviation parts. It doesn't hurt or itchy to say that it's really going to come together, it's real money and silver.

Who will be responsible for this huge sum of money?

What's more, even if there is no financial trouble, Flowserve is not going to alarm the headquarters. The reason is simple. If the battle is big, it is not marketing but humiliation. He does not believe that Boeing and Airbus can Letting go of this scandal and not rectifying McDonnell Douglas, it will be hard for Foss not to lose his job.

So frowned and asked, "Is there any other way? I mean, can the assembly plant of McDonnell Douglas and Shanghai Stock Exchange be a substitute?"

"This..." The McDonnell Douglas engineer hesitated, and then said with a weird look: "You have said that it is an assembly plant, so it is an assembly plant. All parts, even a rivet, are from the United States. They don't have core technology when they are sent here. They can't make any parts except for splicing airplanes like Lego toys.

Of course, even if they have this ability, I don’t believe that they can meet our requirements. We must know that a large number of composite materials were applied to the exhibition in China this time. The assembly plant in Shanghai stock market I visited in the first half of the year. They only It has certain production and processing capabilities for general aviation aluminum alloys, composite materials..."

Said that McDonnell Douglas engineer shook his head: "Many front-line engineers and skilled workers have never heard of ~www.ltnovel.com~ What can they expect from them?"

When Foss heard this, his face collapsed. Just about to say something, he heard a loud voice with laughter not far away, and Foss, who was in a bad mood, became a little annoyed. Looking at the past, I saw a few people wearing ordinary clothes that looked very obtrusive among the military uniforms, standing at the rear of the plane, pointing at it with the bright lights, looking like a stranger.

Foss frowned and pulled the interpreter over, pointed at the group of people and asked, "Listen, what did those people say?"

Because they were not far apart, those few people felt that Chinese speaking foreigners could not understand and could not lower their voices, so the translator quickly listened to the general idea and quickly relayed: "They said that the apu auxiliary power unit of the aircraft is easy to handle. Change it immediately, but the horizontal tail rudder surface is difficult to handle. I don’t know what material it is. If it is aluminum-lithium alloy, it will take a little effort. If it is a honeycomb structure component, it will take a little effort. Composite materials, this is the most troublesome thing..."

After hearing the words, Foss clouded mountains and fog, but the McDonnell Douglas engineer on the side heard more and more exciting, and finally couldn't help but ask in surprise: "They really said that?"

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