Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 496: McDonnell Douglas DC-Ten

As soon as this was said, the navy chief's eyes narrowed subconsciously, and he continued to ask: "What is the takeoff weight?"

Lin Guanghua responded with a smile: "With a full load, it should be within tons."

The navy chief did not speak when he heard the words, but looked at other naval cadres on the side. The reactions of others were similar to those of the navy chief. They all saw from the depths of each other's eyes a kind of surprise and uncertainty. The meaning.

There is no way that the data given by Lin Guanghua is too terrifying, at least 9 tons of maximum load, but the take-off weight is below 20 tons.

In other words, the loading capacity of the anti-submarine patrol aircraft platform proposed by Ascendas Aviation is almost equal to its own weight. What does this mean? The airplane must be very light, strong, and very powerful, otherwise it will not reach such an abnormal index.

That's right, it's a metamorphosis. If the navy chiefs and others knew the meaning of this word, they would definitely use it without hesitation.

The maximum take-off weight of the transport 8 reaches 60 tons, but the maximum load is no more than 20 tons; the transport 7, not to mention the take-off weight of 16 tons, only has a maximum load of 5 tons.

In contrast, Ascendas Aviation Corporation’s 229 plan is simply going to heaven. Although Ascendas Aviation Corporation is really good in terms of power and materials, the aircraft is the optimal solution for all collections, not a certain ability to highlight the win. A take-all game.

What can't be done by the most professional transport aircraft manufacturer in China, can the Ascendas Aviation Corporation, which has never done a takeoff weight of ten tons, can do it?

The few navy leaders present here have not changed much, but they shook their heads in their hearts. You must know that not to mention domestic, even in the world, there are few such abnormal indicators that can be made. Think about the domestic industry today. In the basic situation, the navy leader shook his head like a rattle.

"We will go back and study the specifics."

After interacting with other navy leaders or their eyes, or whispering, the navy leader finally turned his head again, glanced at the rendering in his hand, smiled at the people of Ascendas Aviation Corporation on the opposite side, and said something. She turned down like a panacea.

Lin Guanghua was stunned, and wanted to say something, but Zhuang Jianye took the lead: "No problem, if the chiefs need it, we will provide specific information on the 229 plan at any time."

This is tantamount to accepting the navy’s refusal, and the navy chief admires Zhuang Jianye’s place most. It’s okay, no, it’s not entangled, but unlike other units, if they have the opportunity to stuff things into the troops, all kinds of requests. Grandpa told grandma, he wanted to sell all the factories to the army.

Although it is not easy to know the person in charge of a company, it is still very offensive to do so.

So the chief of the navy unit smiled in satisfaction, and then talked with Zhuang Jianye and others about some relaxed topics. Seeing that it was almost time for dinner, he proposed to eat at a nearby guest house.

The sky is big and the belly is the biggest. When it comes to the navy, it’s impossible to not eat a little seafood. So everyone left the venue talking and laughing. They were about to take the car to the guest house, and a staff officer hurried over to bring the navy. The head of the army stood at attention in front of him, saluted and reported eagerly: "I just got news from civil aviation that a civil aviation airliner has malfunctioned, and we are asking for assistance."

When the head of the navy forces heard this, his face suddenly became tense. In recent years, civil aviation accidents have occurred frequently, and there are many foreigners flying in civil aviation. It is easy to cause foreign-related incidents. Therefore, when such emergencies are encountered, the troops will follow Like the civil aviation department, it must be done as a major event.

Therefore, the chief of the navy can only look at Zhuang Jianye apologetically: "Zhuang, there is an emergency to deal with here, look..."

"We can just eat something in the cafeteria, and it's more important to deal with it." Zhuang Jianye hurriedly expressed his position. The chief of the navy nodded, and then told a cadre to entertain Zhuang Jianye and others, and then got in the car with the others and went straight. Airport in the distance.


"Hey, it was blocked again."

After dinner in the army’s canteen, Zhuang Jianye and the others walked along the asphalt road while digesting and chatting. As a result, they talked about topics and ended up at the conference this afternoon. Lin Guanghua sighed and said no. Out of the loss.

Others also became silent when they heard this. This is not the first time that Ascendas Aviation has failed to promote an advanced light transport platform.

Before seeking the support of the navy through the professional anti-submarine patrol aircraft, Ascendas Aviation Corporation also sold it to the air force and civil aviation.

The Air Force is okay. It feels that there are too many high-tech advanced light-duty transportation platforms. It is worried that the overall reliability is not high, so it politely declined.

In civil aviation, there is no such good attitude as the troops. When I heard about the regional passenger aircraft derived from the advanced light transportation platform, I gave it up without thinking.

The reason is very simple. The McDonnell Douglas-82 aircraft that the Shanghai stock market is cooperating with McDonnell Douglas in the United States covers the function of the regional airliner. Even if the Ascendas Aviation Corporation is powerful, is there any McDonnell Douglas company?

What's more, the McDonnell Douglas-82 can seat more than 100 people, and the regional airliner of Ascendas Airlines has fewer than 50 people.

Even if this is not to be discussed, civil aviation is now focusing on the mainline airliners that are comparable to the world. That is the mainstream of the world's advanced level. Regional airliners are not a bit worse than mainline airliners. Therefore, the leadership of civil aviation directly let Tengfei Aviation manufacture. Where did the head office come from and where to go~www.ltnovel.com~ As you run into trouble everywhere, Ascendas Aviation’s advanced light-duty transportation platform can be described as difficult, even inferior to the original gas turbine power unit. I love my uncle or not, which makes many people feel depressed. They don't know how far the advanced light transportation platform can go.

"This is a hit? If the plane is like a bicycle, it can be sold out and overwhelmed, where will the excess profits come from?" Zhuang Jian also looked at the silent people, with a bright smile: "I want to think of the Airbus a300 back then. When I first came out, I struggled for more than ten years, and I almost failed to bankrupt Airbus, so I was considered to be a winner. Compared with other Airbus, we are nowhere."

"But there is European endorsement behind Airbus, what about us?" Qian Qiang asked straightforwardly. This caused Zhuang Jianye to be full of black lines, saying that old Qian, you should not be so upright and die.

But he had to answer these words, so Zhuang Jianye smiled awkwardly: "Uh...we...huh? The passenger plane actually came here."

When Zhuang Jianye, who was searching his stomach, was thinking about how to take the money, there was a huge roar of aircraft engines in the sky, and then the silhouette of the huge passenger plane slowly descended. Zhuang Jianye used the airport emergency light to look over, his eyes suddenly narrowed, subconsciously. The murmured a word: "McDonnell Douglas...?"

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