Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 495: Project No. 229

In fact, it was not only the chief of the naval forces on the opposite side that was shocked, but also the people of the other Ascendas Aviation Corporation who sat in the same row as Zhuang Jianye.

what's the situation?

Professional anti-submarine patrol aircraft?

Have it?

I do not know how?


Lin Guanghua, Liu Chun, Qian Qiang and others don’t have three questions in their hearts, but mmp’s mad questions. Fortunately, those who come here are all veterans who have been fighting with Zhuang Jianye. What kind of urination is their boss? More clearly, I really want to fool around, let alone others, even Zhuang Jianye can believe it.

Because of this, although several people were surprised in their hearts, their faces didn't show much, but they were all muttering in their hearts, Zhuang Zhuang deserved to be Zhuang Zhuang, and at this time, he was able to rush up.

"Ah~~ For the specific situation, please comrade Lin Guanghua, deputy secretary of the party committee and chief engineer of our head office, introduce our No. 229 plan that is on the right track."

Zhuang Jianye bit the last word 229 very hard. Lin Guanghua, who just took a sip of tea, almost didn't choke on the spot. If he said this nm flicker, you just flicked, why did you ask me?

If this is another occasion, Lin Guanghua said, "You go to Lao Zhuang alone" and ignore it.

But where is this, the meeting place of the Navy Equipment Procurement Conference, Lin Guanghua, even if he wants to talk to Zhuang Jianye, has to wait until the meeting is over.

No way, I can only bite the bullet.

"It's such a situation. We found that although the Type 02 anti-submarine boxed component can provide certain anti-submarine means, it does not allow the aircraft with this set of components to have true independent anti-submarine combat capabilities."

The chief of the navy sitting opposite was not surprised when he heard the professional anti-submarine patrol aircraft, but was a little surprised, but it was really hard to say how much he was interested. For one thing, Zhuang Jianye's words were too abrupt and made people unprepared; It's not stupid to be the head of the army of the People's Navy. Why do you believe Zhuang Jianye?

So at most, I'm just a little curious and want to listen, anyway, this meeting is about to end, there is still some time before dinner in the evening.

As a result, Zhuang Jianye handed the conversation to Lin Guanghua. As soon as he spoke, the heavy eyebrows of the navy commander who hadn't been very cared about him could not help but raise his back, and then he could not help but straighten his back slightly against the seat, making a serious expression. The look of listening.

Not only the chiefs of the navy's troops became serious, but Chen Fang, Song Changzheng, Zhou Jiwei and other naval cadres also put away a relaxed attitude and began to concentrate on listening.

The reason for this is that there is no him, because Lin Guanghua got the point when he spoke.

A few days ago, the navy leadership team held a summary meeting of the East United Fleet's long-sea cruise exercise not only to determine the development direction of several equipment, but also to put forward many problems exposed in the exercise.

Among them is the improved An-26 with anti-submarine boxed components, which is the lack of independent combat capability as Lin Guanghua said.

The anti-submarine patrol aircraft is considered harmless to humans and animals regardless of the patrol aircraft in its name. In fact, this type of aircraft is a proper combat aircraft.

Because the anti-submarine patrol aircraft will carry a certain number of depth-water bombs and anti-submarine torpedoes in addition to submarine search equipment, and even some models will be equipped with anti-ship missiles to perform certain anti-ship missions.

Definitely called the all-rounder in Shanghai.

However, there is no shortage of anti-submarine search equipment for the improved AN-26 equipped with anti-submarine boxed components, but there are no weapons for submarine attacks. Except for the discovery of submarines, if there is no other anti-submarine force to cooperate, it will How can you treat other people's submarines.

In the emergency mission performed some time ago, the shortcomings in this aspect were exposed. The Soviet Foxtrot-class conventional submarine was all normal. It was discovered by the sky's An-26, and then the coordinates were transmitted to the cruising ship 5506. The two cooperated. Soon, the Soviet submarine was forced out.

But it is the turn of the USS Sheshuiyu nuclear submarine. The improved An-26 is a bit weak, because it can only find that it has no attack capability and its deterrence is instantly reduced by half, although in the end it still uses active sonar buoys to simulate attack sonar. The signal forced the US nuclear submarine out, but it took more than two hours to build two An-26s and almost ran out of fuel.

Because of this, the navy leadership team proposed at the exercise summary meeting that the anti-submarine patrol aircraft should also run in small steps. Now based on the An-26 platform, the engine is replaced, and the boxed components under the belly are added to make it have a certain degree of detection. Test the ability of the submarine to solve problems.

Then we will advance the development of domestically-made anti-submarine patrol aircraft, and strive to be equipped with world-leading domestically-made anti-submarine patrol aircraft in the mid to late 1990s.

As a result, they just got an eye on whether there is any problem here, and the next thing hasn’t started yet. The Ascendas Aviation Corporation on the opposite side has already helped them plan the mid to late 1990s. That’s all, the key The idea is still planned, and this has to be taken seriously.

Lin Guanghua is not a piece of wood. How could he not see the reactions of the navy leaders facing him? I couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. The transportation of freight and accessories is really not aimless.

Isn't this? The advanced light transport platform is used by the anti-submarine patrol aircraft.

What's more, just serve the hard dishes and you're done.

Without saying anything, Lin Guanghua took out from the briefcase behind him several renderings of the advanced light transport platform currently being promoted by Ascendas Aviation Corporation, and then handed them along the table to the navy chief on the opposite side.

The chief took it in his hand, and he couldn't pull it out after only one glance.

The whole body of the aircraft is blue and white on the picture~www.ltnovel.com~ The upper single wing, the trapezoidal vertical tail, the fuselage is integrated, smooth and smooth. There is a streamlined bulge at the connection between the middle of the fuselage and the wing. Let the smooth body is full of muscle-like strength beauty.

The two sets of engines are not embedded in the wing structure like the Yun-7 or An-26, but adopts a hanging design similar to a civil airliner. The advantage of this is that the wing can also be like a civil airliner. The body has a certain sweep angle.

Coupled with the streamlined fuselage, the aerodynamic shape of the entire aircraft looks very beautiful, making people know that it is a good aircraft with good performance.

"I did not bring the renderings of the hurried No. 229 plan that came here today, but this 115th rendering is very similar in appearance to 229. The main difference is that two magazines are installed under the belly of the aircraft, which can carry torpedoes. With depth charges, there are four external attachment points on both sides of the wings, which can carry bombs or missiles, and all weapons can carry up to 4 tons."

"4 tons of weapon load?" The chief of the navy was not calm at this moment, and quickly turned his gaze back to Lin Guanghua: "What is the total load?"

Lin Guanghua smiled slightly: "At least 9 tons."

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