Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 489: Air force in need

On the way back from the voyage, Song Changzheng told Zhou Jiwei's preacher that the soldiers are very fast, but Xue Weiguo, who has just been promoted to the captain of the Air Force Surveying and Mapping Brigade, took these four words to the extreme.

He first ran to the headquarters of Ascendas Aviation Corporation in Huancheng, only to find that Zhuang Jianye took his family and his children to Daihe Sanatorium, not far from the capital, for a vacation. He simply went around the Ascendas Aviation Corporation and the next day. I took Yun 6 to Beijing, and then drove to Daihe Sanatorium.

The reason why it is so popular is that there is no other reason, because their Air Force Surveying and Mapping Brigade has also become interested in the An-26 modified by the Navy, especially the An-26 equipped with the No. 01 integrated electronic belly box. The Air Force believes that the current stage Air force operations are extremely helpful.

The main reason for the conclusion is that when the Navy was refitting the An-26, although the Air Force did not intervene or watch it, it has been watching with cold eyes.

As a result, I suddenly noticed that it was replaced with a d-46ml turboprop engine and the An-26 of the 01 integrated electronic belly box. Not only was the range 40% longer than the previous An-26, the key was based on The advanced electronic equipment of Non-Detective-8a UAV system gives An-26 electronic information capabilities.

Especially after removing the heavy remote control system, the No. 01 integrated electronic belly box assembly adds more electronic countermeasures equipment, and it also allows the modified An-26 to have extremely strong electronic warfare functions, and a comprehensive electronic Support aircraft.

If this is all it takes, the main thing is that the rapid modification capability based on the An-26 makes the Air Force even more unstoppable.

Because the Air Force does not need to make additional investment, let alone send the An-26 to the aviation manufacturing plant for large-scale cosmetic surgery. Only in the repair shop under the Air Force, the electronic support aircraft can be completed quickly without touching the main structure of the An-26. Modification.

This is critical to the rapid generation of the Air Force’s electronic support capabilities, communications support capabilities, and electronic countermeasure capabilities.

We must know that the Air Force has 45 An-26 aircraft, which is three times that of the Navy. At present, special support aircraft such as electronic reconnaissance aircraft modified with the H-5 are gradually aging, and new aircraft are urgently needed to be supplemented.

However, suitable large platforms such as Yun-8 and H-6 have just been finalized, low output, and unstable performance. Further improvements are needed. This has led to similar special support aircraft of the Air Force, even if they have ideas, they don’t. The embarrassing situation of a suitable platform.

So when the navy suddenly began to modify their An-26, the air force began to pay close attention to it. If the effect of the navy modification is average, the problem is that the navy has not only succeeded, but the effect is unexpectedly good, and the air force cannot sit still. Now, immediately arrange for Xue Weidong, an expert in this field, to contact the Ascendas Aviation Corporation. It is best to finalize a preliminary plan.

Xue Weidong was naturally obliged to do this. After receiving the order from his superiors, he immediately found a few capable men and rushed to Huancheng, but he was completely empty.

If it’s another unit and the general manager is not there, and when someone from the Air Force comes to find out the situation, the secretary will come out and put it on top. If it’s not half a month ago, Huang Feng guarantees that the reception is clear. The problem is Lao Huang has now been transferred to Chenggong Factory as acting general manager.

Zhuang Jianye is now the general manager and secretary of Ascendas Aviation Corporation.

As for Lin Guanghua, Peng Chuan, Qian Qiang, Liu Chun, Wei Guangping, Song Yanan and other powerful leaders, either were sent to a certain naval station and base to participate in the conversion of An-26 and the boarding of gas turbines; that is, in addition to production and technical research. Besides, he has no interest at all.

So let alone Xue Weidong understand the situation, even ordinary communication is difficult to start, because Song Yanan who received him is more impatient than him. Before he could finish asking a sentence, the other party had looked at his watch several times before he finally finished asking. Then, the other party gave him a straightforward and domineering reply: "I'm making materials, and I don't understand airplanes."

Xue Weidong almost scratched the wall frantically on the spot. He had no choice but to ask the whereabouts of Zhuang Jianye. Let's talk to the head of the Ascendas Aviation Corporation by himself.

Although Zhuang Jianye is as slippery as a loach, and people are like Western capitalists, they don't care about money and interests, but at least Zhuang Jianye can communicate normally.

So I went to Daihe Sanatorium without even thinking about it. I found out about the place where Zhuang Jianye's family lived through the air force's internal relations, and went up and down. When I entered the small yard, I was shocked by the sight in front of me.

I saw an old man with small eyes, deep bags under his eyes, a bald head, but a very military temperament. He was rolling up his arms and holding a chess piece and shouting: "I just made a mistake, no, take a step."

"What's the matter with you? You have regretted a few steps? No, I will be a general soon. I will either admit defeat or make a move, but I can't regret it." The tall man on the opposite side is wearing a cloth. Jacket, the old man with a strong Sichuan-Chongqing accent didn't show any face.

The bald old man didn't follow: "That's because I didn't notice it for a while. I was fooled by you. No, you return the cannon."

"Why let me retire? According to you, if you just let me eat the old man, everything will be fine." Chuan Yu's accent went back directly.

The bald-headed old man was short-tempered and didn't know what to say. His small eyes were wide, and he ignored the opponent with a cold snort. The chess in his hand was raised to observe the situation on the board.

Seeing this scene, Xue Weidong was first surprised, then shocked, and finally quietly exited this small courtyard in a cold sweat. The reason why a fearless Xue Weidong is like this, without him, is only because the unsure bald old man is not someone else, it is him. The superior, the head of the headquarters.

Where does the head of the headquarters actually live in Zhuang Jianye? Oh my god, who is the old man playing chess with the head of the headquarters?

It is said that Zhuang Jianye can go from a small factory on the verge of bankruptcy to where it is today, with the support of capable people.

Xue Weidong recalled the scene he saw just now, and he unknowingly raised a level with Zhuang Jianye in his heart.

"Captain Xue!"

Just when Xue Weidong was shocked and didn't know what to do, a familiar voice came from behind him. Xue Weidong turned his head and saw that it was Zhuang Jianye, but unlike usual, today's Zhuang Jianye not only wears very hard to imagine~www. ltnovel.com~ There is a three or four year old child on his neck.

The whole look of a dad at home.

"Dudu, called Uncle!"

"Hello, uncle!" The little beep on top of Zhuang Jianye's head is clear and well-behaved. Xue Weidong obviously has no skills in dealing with children. He didn't know how to answer for a while, so he could only praise this kid for being smart and looking good. The magic panacea to deal with.

Zhuang Jianye didn't care too much, and hugged Dudu from his neck: "Dad wants to talk to this uncle about something, you can go to the two grandpas in the yard."

When I heard that I could play with the two grandfathers in the yard, he muttered: "Picking out the bird's nest, digging out the bird's nest, digging out the bird's nest..." It rushed into the yard like the wind.

Zhuang Jianye was full of black lines and rushed to Xue Weidong beside him embarrassedly, explaining: "The children at home are all spoiled by the elderly..."

Xue Weidong’s face is nothing, but his heart is shocked. The old man in the family and the head of nm headquarters are in your yard. Okay, he’s still spoiled. If you Zhuang Jianye think it’s not good to be so accustomed, my son is not big. Can't wrap line?

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