Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 490: Play pig eat tiger

Of course, Xue Weidong's words were just thinking about it in his heart. He said that he didn't dare to say it, but he asked in no different way: "Who is the other? Looks like he is familiar with the head of the headquarters."

"Ah~~ That's my father-in-law. The two elders only need to play chess. That's okay...Let's leave them alone. I heard from the company that you have come here. Is there any maintenance of 8a? Remember that we just provided two spare machines last month, won't it cause problems so quickly?"

Zhuang Jianye laughed, waved his hand, and then naturally pulled the topic over, but when he heard Xue Weidong's ears, it was a different interpretation. What kind of person is the head of the headquarters? Xue Weidong rescued the disaster in Daxinganling. During the period, I have a profound experience.

Zhuang Jianye’s father-in-law was familiar with the head of the headquarters. Obviously, the retired cadre of the state-owned enterprise named Ning Zhishan was not an ordinary person. Maybe he was the main leader of a certain unit before liberation. Otherwise, it would be impossible to play chess with the head of the headquarters. Down to this level.

Xue Weidong’s speculation is not without precedents. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, the War of Liberation, and the period after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, many outstanding people emerged, and many unknown heroes were also buried.

Although these people are unknown in ordinary positions, they can scare a vote to death once they start their resumes.

Xue Weidong had met several such people, and even a few of his army leaders had to call the old squad leader respectfully.

Obviously Zhuang Jianye's father-in-law should also be this kind of person, and now Xue Weidong finally understands how Zhuang Jianye flew so fast, it turned out to be this way.

Xue Weidong consciously grasped the focus of the matter, and he was not so circumspect to Zhuang Jianye. He said straightforwardly: "It is not a matter of No Detection-8a, but for the improvement of AN-26. We feel that the Navy’s improved AN-26 is in To a certain extent, the Air Force’s needs for special platforms have been met, so come over and discuss with you how to formulate specific plans."

Zhuang Jianye was stunned when he heard the words, and then he suddenly said, "Oh, it turned out to be an improved An-26. Quick, quick, come in and say..."

When the two talked, they had already arrived at the room where Zhuang Jianye's family lived, opened the door and Zhuang Jianye shouted inside: "Xiaohui, a guest is here, make some good tea."

Then he led Xue Weidong to sit down on the sofa, waited for Ning Xiaohui to come out with tea, greeted him, and talked a few words about the usual excuses to take care of the children, and left the huge house to Zhuang Jianye and Xue Weidong.

As for what they were talking about, no one knows. Anyway, in the evening, when Xue Weidong left, he looked very tired.

However, a week later, the Air Force Headquarters issued a modification mission statement for eight An-26 electronic information support aircraft to Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation, and signed 22 D-46ml turboprop engines and ten sets of 01 integrated electronic Purchase agreement for information support components.

The unit price of the d-46ml turboprop engine is RMB 2.24 million, and the unit price of the 01 type integrated electronic information support component is RMB 1.2 million. Including a series of post-modification, training, spare parts and other additional parts, the total contract value reaches RMB 66.37 million .

The contract was signed at the Air Force headquarters in Beijing. It is planned to complete all modifications and testing within two years.

Zhuang Jianye, who had signed the contract, looked fine. He chatted with the leaders of the Air Force and filled two drinks on the wine table. But when he returned to the Daihe recuperation facility, he walked in with a tired face and greeted Ning. Xiaohui said: "My wife, I'm tired, let me rest for a while."

After speaking, he pushed aside the bedroom and fell on the bed.

Seeing Zhuang Jianye's disappearing back in his hobble, Ning Xiaohui's big eyes were filled with tears for an instant, and he wiped two quickly, and then he was about to go in to take care of Xia Zhuang Jianye, but before he could move, Ning Zhishan reached out and stopped: "Don't bother him, let him rest alone, and just sleep."


Ning Xiaohui looked at Ning Zhishan full of resentment, and Ning Zhishan didn't care, his eyes widened, and he reprimanded in a low voice: "What do you know about a woman? It's easy to see Xiaozhuang laughing and laughing all day. , Do you know how much ties he bears behind?"


Hearing what Ning Zhishan said, Ning Xiaohui almost exclaimed, and hurriedly covered her mouth so that she did not disturb Zhuang Jianye in the bedroom, and then looked at Ning Zhishan in surprise: "I know that Jianye has done it for the past few years. The development of Ascendas Factory has offended many people, it will not be..."

"Not as serious as you thought." Ning Zhishan waved his hand, then looked back at the room behind him, and found that the child was sleeping soundly, he waved to Ning Xiaohui and motioned to sit on the sofa: " However, the Tengfei factory now has several branch factories, and they are all sophisticated. Even if there is nothing serious, eating and drinking Lazar is enough to make people headache, and these days, I can also feel the thoughts of Xiao Zhuang It’s very important. It seems that Tengfei Factory has encountered a development bottleneck."

This time Ning Xiaohui did not speak, but frowned and nodded. She also felt that Zhuang Jianye had always looked exhausted in the past two months, and even the frequency of two people's favorite double exercises had dropped significantly.

Ning Xiaohui knew that this was something Zhuang Jianye had psychologically, and wanted to ask, but was afraid that if she asked, she wouldn't be able to help.

So when I learned that Zhuang Jianye was rewarded by the head of the headquarters for successfully selling products to the navy and aerospace departments, he could go to the Daihe Sanatorium for a vacation, and I couldn’t wait to bring the family over, so that Zhuang Jianye could ease his mood. As a result... …The effect does not seem to be very good.

Seeing his daughter's brows frowning deeper and deeper, Ning Zhishan felt soft and his tone eased: "But you don't have to worry, Xiao Zhuang's kid is very thoughtful. You think I'm willing to play chess with the big-eyed bald old man. Yeah, let’s not talk about the big smelly chess basket, but his temper is not good~www.ltnovel.com~ not as good as the old Liu in the Yonghong factory compound. It is also a smelly chess basket, but people don’t regret chess."

If this was heard by others, he would definitely be scared to death. The big-eyed bald old man, or the stinky chess basket, is how big a cadre the head of the headquarters is.

Ning Xiaohui gave her father a blank glance: "People are the head of the headquarters..."

"What can the head of the headquarters do? Playing chess is not as good as me. That's also true. If it weren't for Xiaozhuang and killing me, I wouldn't play with such a stinky chess basket. To put it hard, Dudu is better than him. "

After hearing this, Ning Xiaohui screamed for joy. I really want to say that the nervous look when you first met the head of the headquarters was no better than the others. Now I have been with people for more than half a month and are familiar. , I began to arrange people behind it, which is really not authentic.

I didn't even think about it, but I held it back, there is no way, it is always bad to expose my father's shortcomings.

Of course, with this, Ning Xiaohui’s heart is finally let go. Although Ning Xiaohui has focused on family in the past few years, Ning Xiaohui is not stupid. Being a little bit like Ning Zhishan, I don’t understand why her husband is using the headquarters. Chief, outsiders play a trick of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

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