Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 488: Binggui speed

It's no wonder that Mitchell was like this. When the improved An-26 that he became a monster of Joan Island appeared in front of him, Mitchell's heart shook.

Unexpectedly, China deployed two improved An-26s in this airspace, and flying over this one, looking at the dense blade antennas under the belly of the aircraft, you know that it has definitely been strengthened in terms of electronic information.

But because of this, Mitchell was as shocked as petrochemical, because he did not expect China to have such electronic support aircraft.

However, before he could figure out how to deal with it, the Ann-26 that was whizzing past completely suppressed the "Thinker" that was wantonly implementing electronic interference.

This made Mitchell finally unable to stretch himself, and his scout ship was dizzy after a single encounter. What is it if it is not a monster?

However, the Joan Island monster that Mitchell inadvertently yelled was heard word by word by Edwards who followed behind, and he immediately remembered this extremely explosive name in the interview book in his hand. Down, but before Edwards finished writing the characters, a watchman next to him suddenly exclaimed: "Captain, look at it, the Soviet Union's'Golden Wheat Wave' is back."

Hearing this, Mitchell quickly withdrew his thoughts, picked up the binoculars and looked in the direction of the watchman's fingers, and saw that the "Golden Wheat Wave", which had left quickly, turned around again at some unknown time. Mitchell's heart suddenly surged. With an indescribable sense of crisis, as soon as I was about to order the entire ship to guard, there was a "bang" in the cabin, and immediately I heard an officer cursing: "Damn, the interference power is so high, is it to roast a turkey?"

Mitchell hurriedly opened the hatch and saw smoke from a communications station. Apparently the circuit board inside was burned out due to high-power interference.

Fortunately, the Chief of Staff ordered the other equipment to be shut down in time to avoid further losses.

Suppressed by China’s electronic support aircraft, and immediately after being compensated by a Soviet reconnaissance ship, Mitchell knew that it was still impossible to continue to support the "Shooting Fish", so he cast an angrily at the "Golden Mailang". , Mitchell finally gave a sullen order: "Go back!"


"Haha I thought the Americans could hold on for a while, but I didn't expect it to be so fast."

On the "Golden Mailang", Major Chatonov put down the telescope in his hand and smiled very proudly. Although the B-79 submarine was forced to float up by China's anti-potential volume, it was a bit embarrassing, but he successfully pushed back the American "Thinker". The reconnaissance ship is enough to make up for all previous failures.

After all, the biggest enemy of the Soviet Union is the United States. As for China... to be honest, it is a bit complicated.

Just like the two An-26 transport aircraft hovering in the sky at this moment, they are very familiar to Major Chatonov, because they are of Soviet origin, and even he himself has taken them more than once.

But for some reason, it made Major Chatonov very strange. The black belly component structure was something he had never seen before, but the Chinese Navy An-26 with this set of things showed a different appearance. General task execution ability.

Obviously there are very advanced airborne equipment inside.

Of course, none of this is the key. What surprised Major Chatonov most was the time left for the two An-26s. The previous three-party battle between you and me seemed to be fast, but it actually took almost three hours. The original Soviet An-26 has long been unable to support returning home.

But China's An-26 didn't seem to have the slightest impact, and it still circulated like a happy child in the sky, until it forced the American "Shooting Fish" nuclear submarine out of the sea.

Witnessing the whole process, Major Chatonov said that he was not shocked. It was a fake. Apart from lamenting that the US nuclear submarines were also fate, the last thing was to be surprised by the performance of the two An-26s.

It seems that except for the Soviet An-26 skin, the soul inside seems to no longer belong to the Soviet Union, but has been injected into the real Chinese soul.

This is the case for the little Ann-26, so why not the big China!

"I really miss the days when my father lived in China."

Major Chatonov sighed in his heart, and his thoughts returned to his teenage years more than twenty years ago, with some feelings, but more sighs.

So he picked up the binoculars again, and took another look at the two An-26s that "escorted" the Sheshuiyu nuclear submarine away from the sea area where the Chinese fleet was located, and formally turned to the north, and began to return.

Suddenly he ordered the communications officer next to him: "Use the international or communications frequency band to generate electricity..."


"Your performance is brave and professional. Admire your Soviet Davaris."

Zhou Jiwei looked at the text in his hand and was puzzled, and then asked Song Changzheng in the cockpit: "Lao Song, what do you mean by Lao Maozi?"

"Praise us." Song Changzheng answered without hesitation.

"I know, why?" Zhou Jiwei's head was almost broken, and he didn't understand what the Soviets were making. It stands to reason that they forced others' submarines out. The Soviets should call their mothers right. As a result, this message was sent.

Could it be that the Soviet Union has frequently changed its leaders in recent years, and has lost its head?

"I want to know why, do I still need to fly a plane? You have been the head of your old Zhou a long time ago." Of course Song Changzheng didn't understand why the Soviets did this.

Those who have been fighting for life over the years, who could have imagined that a certain captain suddenly sent such an unidentified telegram with a temporary intention from his childhood.

However, Song Changzheng is not like Zhou Jiwei who has to come up with a way out. Anyway, the Soviets have already sent it out, what else can they do? Then that's it, it's not a bomb again, what's the fear!

Zhou Jiwei listened to Song Changzheng’s heartless words, and had the urge to throw the neckband carrying the goods out of the plane, but before he could go back, he heard Song Changzheng continue to say: "Instead of rectifying those useless, I advise you to think about how to do the No. 02 anti-submarine component~www.ltnovel.com~ I heard that before the mission, Ascendas Aviation Corporation didn't bother to do this, and wanted to transfer it to the Navy's professional supporting factory. "

"What?" As soon as he heard these words, what was the Soviet Union's abnormality, all the tricks in the message were all left behind by Zhou Jiwei: "Is there anything else?"

"Your special flight brigade is clamoring about anti-submarine aircraft all day long, and you don't even inquire about it? If it weren't for Ascendas Aviation Corporation to show such great sincerity to seek cooperation with naval supporting factories, how could the navy headquarters agree to test the No. 02 anti-submarine component. "Song Changzheng explained, and immediately continued a little suddenly: "Oh, I almost forgot, you Lao Zhou simply can't see the No. 02 anti-passback component, and it’s normal if you didn’t understand the inside story, but Lao Zhou, don’t say anything. I didn’t remind you that you should just put your face down when you go back. In any case, move fast, otherwise it might be...huh..."

Song Changzheng didn't say the following words, but Zhou Jiwei, who was listening carefully, was taken aback for a moment, and then said angrily: "If you have something to say, don't go around!"

"In that case, I will send you four words."

"The four words?"

Song Changzheng squinted his eyes and smiled: "The soldiers are very fast!"

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