Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 487: Monster from Joan Island

Electronic interference.

This is the only way that Lieutenant Colonel Mitchell, captain of the Thinker can think of, to get rid of the Sheshuiyu nuclear submarine. After all, once the submarine is locked by the anti-submarine patrol aircraft, it is the same as the Seahawks staring at the fish. It's not a question of running or not, but a matter of when to die.

Of course, if the "Thinker" is a combat ship, it is not difficult to use fire control radar to scare China's anti-submarine patrol planes to avoid them.

The key point is that the "Thinker" is just a reconnaissance ship, facing the sky's improved An-26, it is worse than the underwater "Shoofish" nuclear submarine.

It is even more unrealistic to want the support of other naval vessels in Subic Bay. It is almost more than a thousand nautical miles, not to mention the ships, even the planes will take two or three hours to arrive.

Two or three hours, enough anti-submarine patrol aircraft to toss out the underwater submarine.

So Mitchell had no choice but to use the best tactics of the "Thinker". Even if he couldn't confuse the Ann-26 in the sky, he would have to hold on for a while.

After all, the An-26 is just a light transport aircraft, not to mention its small load, and its range is very limited. It is good if the energy consumption is enough to be forced to return. Even if it can’t, the P-3a anti-submarine patrol aircraft that has taken off from the Subic Bay base will have another It will take more than an hour to reach this sea area. By then, the larger P-3A anti-submarine patrol aircraft will either drive away or interfere. In short, it will have a lot more means than it is now.

Because of this, Lieutenant Colonel Mitchell's order is resolute and decisive: "Turn on all interference devices that can be turned on, and block all signals that can be blocked."

As soon as this command was issued, powerful interference waves radiated instantly, centered on the Thinker. If someone had superpowers, they would see signals of different wavelengths like roaring ocean waves, surgingly covering the entire space. .

Although Edwards is a senior reporter, it is the first time he has experienced such a high-intensity electronic jamming operation. Although the whole process is silent, he is still very excited, because he found that the "Thinker" is stronger than he thought. Much.

Not to mention anything else, I originally wanted to chase my own submarine. The Soviet "Golden Mailang" reconnaissance ship, which was driven away from the Chinese ship 5506, made a strong interference on the "Thinker" for less than a minute, and then immediately turned towards "Thinking". "Zhe" accelerated the evacuation in the opposite direction.

Obviously, even the Soviets can't bear such intensity of electronic interference.

As for the modified An-26 that descended from high altitude to low altitude, it raised its nose for the first time and rushed into the clouds. It was obviously unable to withstand the strong electromagnetic bombardment of the Thinker. Choose to circumvent.

"This is the most incredible way of getting rid of that I have ever seen. Really, I can't describe it in words!"

Edwards was so excited that he felt very sci-fi and even thought it was magical. Without using any substantive weapons, he could let the confrontation party escape like a bird and beast. Hollywood blockbusters seem to dare not do this. Shoot.

Seeing the Chinese anti-submarine aircraft penetrated into the clouds and disappeared, Mitchell, who was originally dignified, was finally relieved. Hearing Edwards’ words, he nodded and responded: “This is the magic of electronic warfare. Of course, we can Achieving this effect can only show that the level of electronic equipment of Soviet surveillance ships and Chinese anti-submarine aircraft is still too low. After all, our Thinker equipment is not the most advanced equipment of the US military."

After speaking for a while, he continued: "If it is in Europe, the United States and the Soviet Union will do similar things every day. That is the most intense part of electronic warfare. After all, Asia is a secondary direction, and the Soviet Union does not invest much. The same is true for the United States, but China seems to want to invest more, but unfortunately the capability is still a level worse. From their An-26 anti-submarine patrol aircraft, it can be seen that they are not doing well."

Edwards took the interview book and quickly recorded Mitchell’s words in shorthand with a pen. Electronic warfare, what a vigorous name, seems that the United States has taken the form of war to another level. The "Thinker" can only record some boring topics of sea tracking, anti-tracking, re-tracking, and then anti-tracking.

Unexpectedly, he unearthed an in-depth news point in the theory of warfare. For Edwards, who pays attention to connotation and prides himself on being a senior journalist in military journalism, he has found a treasure, and naturally needs to be recorded.

So when Mitchell stopped speaking suddenly, Edwards was still a bit uncomfortable, because Mitchell obviously didn’t finish talking about electronic warfare. It stopped at this time, just like an unscrupulous author suddenly stopped at a critical juncture. Let Edwards scratch his head.

So while recording, he raised his head and just prepared to ask about electronic warfare. Suddenly, there was a roar in his ears. Edwards raised his head subconsciously, and his pale blue eyes suddenly showed an unconcealable shock.

I saw a cloud of white An-26 with dense antennas inserted like blades under the belly of the plane, whizzing and flying towards the "Thinker" where he was. The two turboprop engines roared like waves, making him on the ship. Edwards on the bridge subconsciously got goose bumps.

Not only Edwards, but most of the officers and soldiers on the Thinker, including Mitchell, are like this. There is no way that this An-26 antenna under the belly is too terrifying. , People have a kind of intensive phobia-like discomfort.

So much so that Mitchell was collectively petrified the moment he saw it rushing down from the clouds, that is, Edwards, who was stunned, did not notice, but now he also joined the petrochemical team.

"Weng~ Rumble~"

Accompanied by the roar from the top of the head ~www.ltnovel.com~ The harsh scream suddenly erupted like a bomb in the "Thinker" bridge, and several communications officers immediately took off the headsets from their heads. , It is usually thrown to the ground when it is hot.

At the same time, several monitors began to blur and distorted, and soon began to jump around on the screen. Even the navigation equipment was not affected to a great extent, and the readings continued to change like a wind.

From the time the plane appeared in the field of vision of Mitchell and others to skipping over the head with a roar, the whole process took only two or three minutes, but the "Thinker", which was releasing strong electronic interference, seemed to have been roared just now. The vocal cords went to another world.

The communication equipment is out of order, the reconnaissance equipment is down, and the interference equipment is completely messed up.

"No no~"

Lieutenant Colonel Mitchell was stunned for a long time, and finally reacted and quickly checked the equipment. The results became more and more chilled as he watched. Finally, he rushed out of the bridge and ran to the deck, watching the weird one going away. An-26: "It's not an airplane, but a monster...it's a monster...a monster from Qiongdao!"

:. :

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