Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 484: An-26 Special Platform

"Why do I hear these words so familiar?" Lao Zhou in the cabin frowned and asked, and immediately reacted enough. Song Changzheng in the cockpit was sullenly white, and said: "If Renjiazhuang, you I am embarrassed to use it."

"It's called Renjiazhuang at this time? I don't know who scolded Ascendas Aviation Corporation for nonsense half a month ago?"

"You and I……"

Lao Zhou didn't expect Song Changzheng to expose his old bottom at this time. For a time, his old face was flushed, not to mention embarrassing, so that the other officers and soldiers manipulating the equipment next to him smiled, making him want to rush to Song Changzheng The talkative man threw the plane along the porthole.

Zhou Jiwei's name was Zhou Jiwei, the deputy commander of the Naval Aviation Special Flight Group. Song Changzheng was responsible for the replacement of the two An-26 platforms with Ascendas Aerodynamic D-46ML turboprop engines from Zhou Jiwei's Special Flight Group.

In line with the principle of making the best use of everything, now that more efficient engines have been installed, the navy will simply go to the end and make further improvements to the two An-26s to make them more efficient special support platforms. Used for early warning, communication, anti-submarine, patrol, anti-ship missile relay guidance and other tasks.

It’s just that the navy’s ideas are good, but there are some hesitations about how to change it. This is mainly because navy experts have proposed two plans for major changes and reforms.

The big change is to do a deep and major operation inside and outside under the inconvenience of the basic structure of the An-26, and install the necessary support equipment to make it a professional special support aircraft.

As for the modification, it is to increase the pod and install some external equipment to make the An-26 have some special support capabilities.

The two types of modification have their own advantages and disadvantages. The major modifications are more professional and the mission capability is stronger. However, the complicated modification brings a long development time and unpredictable bottlenecks and risks.

The reform is simple and efficient, but it also faces the problems of insufficient mission support and low combat capabilities.

In addition, there are options for aircraft types, such as early warning and communication support categories, which are welcomed by Zhou Jiwei and others; anti-submarine and patrol categories are very interesting to people like Chen Fang.

All in all, the navy has debated for a long time about how to modify the two aircraft and what they should look like.

As a result, when the navy was indecisive, Ascendas Aviation Corporation, in the name of D-46ML turboprop engine supporting equipment, provided two sets of underbelly boxed component structures to the An-26, which was undergoing test flight.

Its prototype comes from the artificial rainfall component of the Yun-6, which has performed well in the fire rescue of Daxinganling.

It is a kind of cargo storage expansion module that is close to the belly of the aircraft. It is divided into three compartments, which can be imitated cargo or can be used to carry liquid in a pull-out storage tank.

The material is T700 carbon fiber composite material. It has been trimmed by wind tunnel tests and integrated into it. With the connection holes and control cable joints reserved under the belly of the Yun-6 machine, it can be quickly installed and disassembled without damaging the body.

Of course, the boxed components provided under the belly of the An-26 are much more complicated than those of the transport 6, after all, the components of the transport 6 are only pure freight components with relatively single function.

But what Ascendas Aviation Corporation provides to An-26 is an upgraded version of the multi-task assembly, because it is not the cargo that is placed in the assembly, but the advanced special detection equipment.

Take the No. 01 component, which is quite satisfactory to the navy. It integrates all the reconnaissance, detection and communication equipment on the 8A "Plas" UAV equipped by the Air Force Surveying and Mapping Brigade.

With the improved version of the ground control station and communication system installed in the engine room, the An-26 can be equipped with some performances of the non-detection-8A in a very short period of time except for remote control.

This is simply a surprise to the Navy. You must know that their eyes have long been envious of the Air Force's non-detection--8A "Plase" drone.

However, the coverage of domestic communications satellites is too large to be used on the vast ocean, making the Navy jealous but unable to equip them.

But if it is integrated into the An-26 in the form of components, it will be different. The drone becomes a manned aircraft. The problem of remote control can be solved instantly. No reconnaissance-8A super reconnaissance ability, anti-interference ability and strong The powerful confidential relay communication capability makes the An-26 immediately an integrated communication reconnaissance support platform with excellent performance.

Even in some respects, it is superior to the Y-8 maritime patrol aircraft currently equipped by the Navy, becoming the most advanced support aircraft in the Navy.

It is precisely because this set of components has excellent performance and meets the current mission needs of the navy. Ascendas Aviation Corporation uses the D-46ML turboprop engine supporting equipment to make this set of Mingxiu plank road dark storage sales behavior, and the chiefs of the navy also Just open one eye and close one eye, acquiescing to Ascendas Aviation Corporation to use an old An-26 to try first. If the effect is good, it will be integrated into the modified An-26 with D-46ML turboprop engine. .

The results of the test were not good. The No. 8A Pearl and Jade have participated in several border reconnaissance operations. Based on this, the optimized equipment has excellent natural performance. The navy readily approved the use of the 01 component to integrate into the improved An-26 decision.

However, how smooth the 01 module is, and how bumpy the 02 module from Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation is, nothing else, because this set of anti-submarine reconnaissance modules simply cannot be recognized by the navy.

There are many reasons, but there is only one, and that is, has Ascendas Aviation Corporation set foot in the field of anti-submarine reconnaissance?

The answer is obvious. Stop anti-submarine. Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation doesn't even know what fish is under the sea.

No. 01 module is directly used without detection—the technology on 8A is naturally not available to the Navy; but what is the No. 02 module used?

There are many voices of opposition, and Zhou Jiwei is the one with the most determined attitude. In his original words, he should let the mao surnamed Zhuang sit down and do what he is good at. Don’t be nonsense when it’s okay. The anti-passback thing is Can ordinary people play? If I don’t have that spare time, I might as well produce more module 01. I still have seven or eight flying An-26s, all of which have comprehensive reconnaissance and communication capabilities.

There are many similar words, almost completely killing the 02 component.

But at this moment, a notice from the Naval Headquarters stunned people like Zhou Jiwei who opposed the No. 02 module~www.ltnovel.com~ that is, agreeing to join the No. 02 anti-submarine module into the comprehensive upgrade plan of the improved AN-26.

Although stunned, Zhou Jiwei and others did not take it too seriously, because the notice from the navy headquarters was obviously experimental. After all, anti-submarine is an important task of the navy. Since the Ascendas Aviation Corporation has produced an anti-submarine component to test it, it is understandable.

What's more, the size and background of the Ascendas Aviation Corporation are all there. If it really takes the upper-level route, the Navy will have to give some face.

It's just a pity that there is an improved An-26. How good would it be to change it to the 01 component?

As a result, it didn't take long for the Eastern United Fleet to happen, and the improved An-26 equipped with the 02 anti-submarine component was ordered to perform the aviation anti-submarine mission.

After successfully pushing out the Soviet submarine, Zhou Jiwei, who was in charge of the investigation and command, objected and resisted, all turned into a sentence that actually came to his grandmother's house, oh my god, really fragrant!

Take off my aviation era

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