Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 483: Anti-submarine, I'm serious

As soon as these words came out, Edwards was also full of disbelief, and immediately looked at Mitchell: "Lieutenant Colonel, are there our submarines in this sea?"

Mitchell was stunned for a moment when he heard the words. He did not expect that the focus of the reporter in front of him was actually on the submarine of the U.S. military. He reluctantly slammed his shoulders: "The Sturgeon-class nuclear submarine that monitors the movements of the Soviet Navy in Cam Ranh Bay, shoots water fish. number."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the sonar buoy floating not far away: "But it doesn’t matter whether we have submarines or not. The crux of the problem is that China has dispatched anti-submarine patrol planes and has already discovered the Sheshui Yu. Damn, our reconnaissance The ship is equipped with simple air detection equipment, but who would have thought that China would dispatch an anti-submarine patrol plane in such bad weather?"

While speaking, Mitchell began to complain nervously. Because of the estimation of the Chinese Navy, the US Navy stationed in Subic did not use the most advanced large-scale reconnaissance ship when dispatching the reconnaissance ship.

After all, the old Chinese naval vessels are obvious to all. Coupled with the weak aviation force, the dispatch of super reconnaissance ships dedicated to tracking the Soviet large-scale maritime formations is really a bit of overkill. The ordinary small and medium-sized reconnaissance ships of more than 1,000 tons are completely sufficient, even in certain areas. At the level of some electronic equipment, this type of medium reconnaissance ship is stronger than the entire Chinese fleet.

However, the electronic equipment of small and medium-sized reconnaissance ships is good, but it has been castrated in the air detection. There is no way that the ship platform of more than 1,000 tons is as large as it can. Monitoring, signal interception, electronic countermeasure equipment.

It is easy to cause mutual interference. If super-powerful air-to-air detection equipment is added, the entire reconnaissance ship will have to be messed up. Therefore, the Thinker is actually equipped with an ordinary sea-to-air radar. Its main function is It is to check the surrounding sea conditions to avoid collisions between ships.

Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible to effectively detect and identify aerial targets.

Of course, no one took this shortcoming seriously before departure, because the Chinese navy’s aviation force is not only insufficient in quantity, but also terrible in quality. Therefore, the U.S. Navy in Subic, including Mitchell, It is believed that the Chinese fleet, which lacks the support of aviation power, is just a piece of fat floating on the sea.

The facts are as they expected. Apart from the insignificant communication support provided by the Yun-8 maritime patrol aircraft that frequently appear over the Chinese fleet, there is not even a decent combat aircraft.

Even so, the Y-8 maritime patrol aircraft do not often accompany the Chinese fleet, and the support is not strong. This shows that the Y-8 maritime patrol aircraft in the hands of the Chinese Navy are either insufficient in number or poorly maintained, resulting in low attendance.

But in any case, it shows that the Chinese fleet tracked by the Thinker is not a concern.

Therefore, when monitoring the Sturgeon-class nuclear submarine Archerfish in Jinlan Bay, it was discovered that the b-79 "Foxtrot" class conventional submarine had left the port and quietly bit the Chinese fleet, conducted a series of underwater training, and followed the archerfish. He simply played the trick of the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole.

One is to continue its tracking and surveillance mission, hoping to catch the Soviet ballistic missile nuclear submarine by biting the b-79 "Foxtrot" class conventional submarine; the second is to further examine the Soviet Union and China through its own hidden tracking. Its anti-submarine reconnaissance and combat capabilities; the last is to cooperate with the "Thinker" to collect underwater voiceprints and communication intelligence.

All in all, the silent Sheshuiyu is like a ghost, watching the various performances of the Soviets and the Chinese quietly, until it is hit by the acoustic signal from an active sonar buoy into a dark pressure hull, hiding one underwater It took many weeks for the Sheshui Yuhao to realize in disbelief that he had been discovered.

The Sheshuiyu nuclear submarine was unbelievable, and Lieutenant Colonel Mitchell didn't understand it even more. He was considered to be a steady faction in the U.S. Navy, and he belonged to the kind that would never take action without being fully prepared.

The reason why I looked down on the Chinese fleet in front of Edwards before was really not intentional, but a real conclusion after a lot of research, so Mitchell is not afraid, so Mitchell is not afraid.

Until he found China's anti-submarine patrol plane hovering over his head.

When did China have anti-submarine patrol aircraft? Their anti-submarine use-6 is not ready to retire? Isn't the newly developed Water Bomb 5 unstable in performance? More importantly, aren't these two aircraft deployed in the north?

One question after another made Mitchell’s head wrinkled, but he still couldn’t think of one reason. Edwards on the side also turned his attention from the nuclear submarine to the Chinese anti-submarine aircraft at this time, but he also didn’t know how the Chinese side was. Suddenly there was an anti-submarine aircraft.

At this moment, there was a roar in the sky, and a twin-engine plane dived down from a high altitude covered with clouds. Edwards quickly picked up the telescope and looked at the plane that broke through the clouds. He immediately exclaimed, "Yes. 26!"

"No, it's the modified An-26!" Lieutenant Colonel Mitchell, who also held the telescope, corrected: "Look at its belly."

Edwards heard this and discovered that a streamlined module was installed under the belly of the An-26. The front section was a semicircular bulge, the middle section had an obvious embedded semi-cylindrical bulge, and the last section contained several honeycomb components. .

"this is……"

What Edwards wanted to say, but he didn't know how to describe it. There was no way. The streamlined structure under the belly of An-26 was so peculiar and weird that Edwards, who was a reporter, did not Know what language to describe.


"I didn't expect ~www.ltnovel.com~ there is still a big fish hidden underwater."

Above the sky, on the improved An-26 that was lowered from 1,500 meters to 600 meters, Song Changzheng held the joystick in his hand and said with a look of rejoicing, and then he turned his head and shouted into the cockpit behind him: "Lao Zhou, do you know what model it is?"

"If you know it, you don't need to lower the height. It can be distinguished by the voiceprint recognition system." Four or five display devices were placed in the rudimentary cabin, and a middle-aged bald man was sitting on a temporarily erected chair. , Looking at the stuck monitor in front of him, he said helplessly: "There is no way we don't have a corresponding submarine voiceprint database at all. Even if we find it, we don't know which country and model it is."

Speaking of the original helpless face, there was an excitement that could not be concealed: "But this is not the most important thing. The submarine's voiceprint database cannot be slowly established. As long as we have such aviation anti-submarine equipment, it will not be difficult at all. … By the way, after this mission is over, leave your plane to us. Anyway, if you fly the plane, it will be the same if you change it."

Song Changzheng refused with the slightest politeness: "That's not okay, what kind of plane can have an anti-submarine plane that can catch fish? Tell you Lao Zhou, catch fish, ah no, it's anti-submarine, I'm serious."

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