Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 485: Anti-submarine technology from Europe

If it was Zhuang Jianye who heard the truth in Zhou Jiwei's heart, he would definitely laugh. If this is not good, it will only be in vain for Europe to fight for so many years with Soviet submarines on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

Yes, the source of the anti-submarine equipment loaded in the No. 02 anti-submarine aircraft belly box assembly of Ascendas Aviation Corporation is Europe.

Originally Ascendas Aviation Corporation did not have a similar business, and it was even more unwilling to make a name in this regard. After all, now Ascendas Aviation Corporation has made Zhuang Jianye and the others overwhelmed, and then develop a submarine acoustics that has nothing to do with aviation. With the detection equipment, Zhuang Jianye screamed from the heart, his concubines couldn't do it.

But Ascendas Aviation does not want to do it, it does not mean that others do not want to try this. Evans and Owen in the Federal Republic of Germany are ready to jump into this pit to see if they can be drowned.

The reason for this is simple. Actor Aviation Systems, which swept Europe in Zeus-3 and quickly established a foothold in the European aviation industry, which was surrounded by powerful enemies with the pulsating production line of type aircraft, immediately struck the iron and produced several An improved model of the Zeus-3 UAV.

Among them, the reconnaissance type and relay communication type are favored by the Bundeswehr, the French Army and the Italian Air Force, and 46 sets of orders were received when they were still in the development stage.

This made Evans and Owen ecstatic, while preparing to make persistent efforts to make a bolder project, that is, anti-submarine drones full of science fiction.

The reason for choosing this type of aircraft is that Europe, as the forefront of the Cold War, has been harassed by a large number of submarine forces from the Soviet Union. Therefore, from the moment the curtain of the Cold War was opened, the main tasks of the major European navies of Britain, France, Germany and Italy were Anti-submarine.

Not only that, with the gradual improvement in the quality of Soviet submarines, European anti-submarine equipment is also being upgraded at a particularly rapid rate, which has caused European countries to pay huge financial contributions.

Evans and Irving saw this and wanted to take advantage of the cost-effective characteristics of the UAV platform to replace part of the aviation anti-potential, and earn a wave of benefits without expense, so they began to push the project aggressively.

Relying on the success of several previous drones, coupled with the status of the core technology controller of Mingdong Europe's pulsating production line of aircraft, this concept has been enthusiastically sought after by major European media once it was proposed.

What anti-submarine warfare will enter a new era.

What subverts the traditional anti-submarine warfare model.

What the terminator of the Soviet submarine.

What unmanned anti-submarine aircraft VS manned submarine, science fiction movies will become a reality.

Even a proud American media commented sourly that the anti-submarine drones of the Actor Company will be the biggest threat to Soviet submarines in the next 15 years, and the United States seems to have fallen behind Europe in this regard.

After World War II, the sense of superiority was overwhelming. The United States, which claims to be the number one, actually admitted that it lags behind Europe in unmanned anti-submarine aircraft. Now, the European media holding the glory of the former colonial empire are reporting wildly, and they will be the actors Aviation systems companies are almost blowing into outer space.

Under the various agitation and momentum of the media, European governments and military finally could not sit still. After understanding the basic concepts and technical routes of Actor Aviation Systems on anti-submarine drones, the German Navy and the Italian Navy respectively Signed a project research contract worth 30 million U.S. dollars with Actor Aviation Systems, requiring that a test and verification machine be built within one and a half years to evaluate the feasibility of anti-submarine drones.

With research funding and the endorsements of the German and Italian navies, European defense suppliers opened their doors to Actor Aviation Systems.

The sonar of the French Thomson Company, the magnetic detection system of the British Aerospace Corporation, the computer of Germany's Siemens, the communication equipment of the Italian Defense Group, etc., all piled on the head of the actor aviation system.

If it was the American H Company back then, it might be bored and try to integrate the things of these different suppliers. However, whether it is Evans or Owen, don’t compare with the deceased Lindemann, it is Liszt that both It’s still a long way off. It’s already an improvement to come up with a concept and hype. It’s better to hope for integration than for the sow to climb the tree.

What should I do if I can’t make it myself? Of course, it was a brainstorming thrown to the boss behind it. Ascendas Aviation Corporation resolved it. The Raytheon-3's reconnaissance and relay communication types are all done this way, and they have received good results. If so, what about the unmanned anti-submarine aircraft? Possible exceptions?

The younger brother pretended to be forced in the front, and the older brother was in the back.

Zhuang Jianye doesn’t have any opinion. Anyway, he doesn’t suffer as a big brother. He makes money and possesses the skills. It doesn’t matter whether Zhuang Jianye has the opportunity to pretend to be forced. The "Lass" drone flew two times around the southwest border, and then guided the artillery to blow up monkeys all over the mountains. Isn't it more realistic than the usual pretence to slap your face?

The problem is that there is a limit to being a big brother. As a result, Evans and Owen smashed a mountain down with a crash, and Zhuang Jianye couldn't help it.

Unmanned anti-submarine aircraft!

A thing that was not fully realized by the end of the 10s of the 21st century, if you want to solve it by the end of the 1980s, unless Zhuang Jianye fell into the world as an alien, there would be no way to do it.

If this is normal, Evans and Owen can say nothing about Zhuang Jianye. Unmanned early warning aircraft may be more reliable than unmanned anti-submarine aircraft.

As a result, the two wanting money and wanting to talk about the goods first cut and then played, and they both signed a pre-research contract with the navy and the Italian navies, and 30 million US dollars have been paid.

At this time, it is a breach of contract if it is dropped. You must know that Western countries are not domestic. Such pre-research funds are still negotiated. It is sufficient if the full amount is not refunded. In Western countries, everything is done according to the contract. The 30 million principal amount has to be compensated for huge liquidated damages exceeding 10 million US dollars.

So apart from calling Evans and Irving, Zhuang Jianye has no choice but to bite the bullet and engage in the equipment integration of the so-called unmanned anti-submarine aircraft.

However, after all, the platform of the UAV is too much. It is impossible to load the control equipment, reconnaissance equipment, radar device, acoustic detection system, sonar float, magnetic detection system and UAV communication system at one time~www.ltnovel.com ~ But this is not clear, otherwise the actor company will face huge compensation, what to do? Naturally, the culprit is thrown out. The actor company is really working **** research and development, all kinds of brainstorming researches, but the supporting suppliers can not meet my needs, what should I do?

The European supplier knows that this is the basis for the actor company to dump the pot, and it really changes its products over and over again in accordance with the actor company's requirements.

Therefore, Zhuang Jianye's anti-submarine equipment iterates very fast. Not only is it made very light and dexterous, but its performance is not inferior to that of similar large-scale products, but even so, it is far from being integrated into UAVs.

But at this time, the Navy’s improved AN-26 has been on track, and discussions on special support platforms have begun within the Navy. Zhuang Jianye sees it this way, he can’t waste so much European anti-submarine equipment. Aircraft, it’s always okay to be an anti-submarine system component, so if you can do it, you can get a set of No. 02 anti-submarine aircraft belly box components.

Take off my aviation era

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