Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 482: China actually has an anti-submarine patrol plane

"How can it be?"

Chatonov roared like a bear. If he could believe the American "Thinker" reconnaissance ship, after all, Americans often make their reconnaissance ships look like a kaleidoscope, and as long as they can install the equipment they can’t wait. It's all stuffed in, so it's normal operation to install a sonar or something.

If this is the case, Chatonov has a way to toss the "Thinker". What if our ship is ordered to hit your ship once? In addition to the advanced equipment of the American reconnaissance ships, the hulls are basically built in accordance with civil ship standards, and even directly modified with civil ships, thereby reducing construction costs.

Absolutely with thin skin, plenty of stuffing, and enough material, it is not at all an opponent of Soviet surveillance ships built strictly in accordance with military standards.

Chatonov believed that once he commanded the "Golden Wheat Wave" to go crazy, the "Thinker" had no second way to go except to escape, and then b-79 could take the opportunity to get out.

As a result, he never expected that it was not the US "Thinker" that used the sonar to lock the b-79, but the Chinese ship 5506. The subversion of thought and the collapse of the three views are no less than what happened a few years later. The Soviet Union collapsed.

However, before Chatonov recovered from the shock, the first officer who was manipulating the "Golden Wheat Wave" suddenly screamed in horror: "Ship 5506, rush towards my starboard side!"

Chatonov was taken aback, and he didn't care about protecting him. He quickly picked up the binoculars and looked at the sea. When the ship 5506, which was sailing smoothly, suddenly turned a corner, then suddenly accelerated, towards the "Golden Mailang". The starboard side rushed over like crazy.

If this is normal, Chatonov is worried, but he is not afraid, mainly because he knows the basic performance of the Type 037 submarine hunter. After all, it is made by imitating the same type of Soviet ship, and its performance is inseparable. .

Therefore, even in the posture of collision, Chatonov is confident that he can deal with it calmly. The reason is simple, the acceleration of the medium-speed diesel engine equipped on the Type 037 submarine hunter is not good.

Perhaps it can be improved by reloading French goods, but the characteristics of the diesel engine itself prevent this improvement from producing a qualitative leap. Because of this, Chatonov can not only command the "Golden Mailang" equipped with high-power medium-speed diesel engines. Avoid it calmly, and if it goes well, you can use the plan to completely entangle the 5506 ship that is overwhelming and let the b-79 leave calmly.

However, all of this was shattered by the unimaginable acceleration of the 5506 ship. It was too fast. Soon Chatonov didn’t think it was a submarine hunter of several hundred tons, but a motorcycle of ten tons. Boat.

How long did it take from turning to rubbing the top of the wave?

15 seconds or 20 seconds?

In short, it is definitely not more than half a minute, but its speed has reached at least 35 knots!

At this speed, it takes only ten minutes to rush over, and what can the "Golden Wheat Wave" do in ten minutes? It is estimated that only a few bursts of medium-speed diesel engines can be heard, and before reaching the side of the highest speed, the ship will be hit by the ship 5506 to the starboard side at high speed, which will completely tear the "Golden Mailang".

No way, the acceleration of the Type 037 submarine hunter equipped with diesel engines is not good; can the "Golden Mailang" equipped with similar power be an exception?

So at this moment, looking at the hurricane 5506 ship, Chatonov finally panicked, and hurriedly shouted at the first officer: "Full rudder, turn around; full rudder, turn around...Quick!"

The first officer was stunned for a moment, and immediately slammed the steering gear. The "Golden Mailang" swerved backwards on the sea, and at the fastest speed it turned the stern towards the 5506 ship that was rushing over.

With a top speed of less than 25 knots, the "Golden Mailang" could not run the 5506 at all. In that case, show the strongest place on the ship and prepare to take it hard. Where is the "Golden Mailang" strongest? It's naturally his own boat butt.

But when Chatonov and others pushed the **** of the "Golden Mailang" ship and waited for the tremor caused by the 5506 to break through the chrysanthemum, they felt nothing for a long time.

Such a fast speed, such a crazy move, did not even feel it, is it possible that the 5506 ship is weak at the approaching juncture? How can it be?

"Could it be..."

Without feeling the impact, Chatonov suddenly remembered seeing the scene of the 5506 ship turning suddenly, and suddenly realized something, and shouted: "No!"

Quickly rushed out of the bridge and ran to the deck, even ignoring the rain from Simi, and raised the binoculars to look behind. Sure enough, the 5506 did not chase, but turned here and rushed towards b at a higher speed. -79 on the route to get away.

Judging from the wakes left on the ocean surface, the 5506 is not only fast, but also has a very small turning radius. With the acceleration and high speed demonstrated by the 5506 just now, the "Golden Mailang" that has turned around is too late to chase. .

Don’t mention Chatonov’s upset feelings. He punched his fist on the hatch and said angrily: "I dare to swear to the Soviets that China’s 5506 is definitely not a Type 037 submarine hunter, absolutely not..."

"Captain...b-79 is locked by sonar again, and...cannot get rid of...what should we... do?"

In the dense rain curtain, the intelligence staff immediately rushed out after getting the latest news of b-79, but when he saw Chatonov, who was soaked in rain and frustrated, his voice became cautious.

Hearing the words, Chatonov raised his head, and was beaten up with the falling rain, and at the same time made his confused head sober.

"Do our best"

After a full minute, Chatonov left a word, and slumped in with the telescope open the hatch and walked in.


"Sure enough, the Soviet'Foxtrot' class submarine was forced to float."

Two hours later, following the "Thinker" not far behind the "Golden Wheat Wave", Edwards held up his binoculars and looked at the b-79 "Foxtrot" class conventional submarine that was forced to float up by the ship 5506 not far away. Nodded profoundly: "It seems that the Chinese have invested a lot of experience in the Model 037. I dare to assert that they replaced the old diesel power with a gas turbine, because only a gas turbine can achieve such good acceleration. The speed of the block and the smooth power output."

He said, looking to the side Mitchell: "Lieutenant Colonel Mitchell, what do you think?"

"It can do this kind of antique equipment." As Mitchell put down the binoculars, the corners of his beard mouth turned up, revealing a mocking smile: "I have to say that this is from the Chinese Navy. Progress, but the room for progress is ultimately limited. After all, the Soviet "Foxtrot" class is too old and generally exists as a Soviet training boat.

If the Chinese Navy can't even deal with such old-fashioned submarines~www.ltnovel.com~, the seabed under their vast sea borders is equivalent to undefended. Fortunately, they are not useless. At least it proves that their navy is still a navy. "

Mitchell’s remark is no longer an evaluation. It’s simply an unabashed contempt. Edwards wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth and wondered when to say it. It was at this time that the rain for two days finally stopped. Edwards picked up the binoculars and looked at the vast ocean again, and suddenly found a strange floating object on the ocean, and asked Mitchell: "Captain, look, what is that?"

Mitchell looked at it and frowned immediately: "Is that... a sonar buoy?"

As soon as this statement came out, even Mitchell himself was taken aback, but before he could make further confirmation, an officer quickly reported: "Sir, I just received a message from the Archerfish, saying that they have been taken from unknown sources. The anti-potential quantity has been discovered and is preparing to evacuate."

When Mitchell heard the words, his stodgy expression immediately became very exciting. He picked up the binoculars and looked at the sonar buoy in the distance, and then looked at the 5506 ship leaving the sea with the Soviet b-79 "Foxtrot" conventional submarine. , Immediately raised his head to look at the still clouded sky, and said in shock: "China actually has an anti-submarine patrol plane!"

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