Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 473: Modified An-26

It is no wonder that the Song Changzheng will be like this. The fuel consumption of the turboprop engines on the An-26 and Yun-8 currently equipped by the Navy is on average above 0.453 kilowatts per hour.

This is still the normal level of the two aircraft at economic speeds. If it is a special mission to run at the maximum throttle without considering fuel consumption, the fuel consumption rate will be higher.

However, none of the turboprop engines of Ascendas Aerodynamics has a fuel consumption rate of more than 0.308 kilowatts per hour. The fuel consumption rate of the turboprop engines equipped on Bian-26 and Yun-8 has decreased by 0.14 kilowatts per hour.

It's reduced by more than 30%.

It is important to know that the fuel consumption rate of the engine is an important indicator of fuel saving. The lower the value, the smaller the unit fuel consumption. A 30% reduction in fuel consumption is not a big deal, which means that when the fuel is equal, the use of Tengfei Aero-powered turboprop flight platforms will have more than 30% more range.

And this is only the level of a single machine, if two-shot, four-shot, this data will be doubled.

Take the An-26 in the hands of the Navy as an example. The average range is about 1,600 kilometers. If the fuel consumption rate of each engine is reduced by 30%, two engines will be 60%. In the case of inconvenient fuel tanks, replace them with aero-powered ones. After the turboprop engine, the range of the An-26 increased from 1,600 kilometers to 2,560 kilometers.

2,560 kilometers, or 1,200 kilometers in half, it is enough to take off from the East China coastal airport to carry out a range of reconnaissance and patrol missions in the Yellow Sea or the East China Sea.

Even in the vast South China Sea, it is equally promising. It is necessary to know that the data calculated by the tool is the average voyage, in other words, the voyage data that the An-26 fuel load reaches a certain level. If the voyage is properly configured according to the mission, the voyage will be further improved.

If you cooperate with the field airport to be built on Yongxing Island, using the twin-engine light-weight An-26 to cruise the South China Sea is really not something you can only think about in your dreams.

For the navy, this is not like a peerless master who has been hit by a weak underbelly. It really hasn’t even resisted at all. I can’t wait for the next second to go back with its aero-powered turboprop engine and give its own An-26. on.

There is no way, the navy is very short of special offshore platforms. If it weren’t, it would be impossible for the ship to be finalized, and the navy would rush to convert it into a maritime patrol aircraft.

However, the overall performance of the Y-8 maritime patrol aircraft has nothing to say. It basically meets the needs of the navy, but the number is too small, and the operating cost is too high. After all, it is a medium-sized transport aircraft platform modification with a four-engine structure. Big numbers.

Therefore, the Navy urgently needs a cheap, efficient, and relatively low-cost light aviation platform as a supplement to the Yun-8 maritime patrol aircraft, which can perform more frequent maritime patrols, ship formation relay communications, anti-ship missile relay guidance and even preliminary Support operations such as early warning at sea.

It stands to reason that the naval-equipped Ann-26 or the Y-7 that has just been finalized every two years is an excellent choice in this regard. Unfortunately, both models have good carrying capacity and space. However, the range is a short board, which is more than 1,000. The maximum voyage of kilometer, just after flying from the airport to the sea, I haven't seen what's going on on the sea, and found that the fuel tank is almost not enough for the return journey, so I can only turn around in a hurry.

Of course, the Navy did not think of other methods, such as the non-reconnaissance-8 "Plus" UAV system equipped by the Air Force Surveying and Mapping Brigade.

The problem is that there is no detection-8 "Plas" unmanned aerial vehicle system can be turned on land, a bit like a headless fly at sea, various failures.

The reason is very simple. The core of the non-reconnaissance-8 "Plus" UAV system is based on the remote control and information transmission of communication satellites. If it is in the United States, all of this is not a problem, because the United States only uses military communication satellites. Dozens of them, plus a series of commercial communication satellites with hundreds of them, completely cover the world, so their bullet head a is the only UAV that can fly around the world despite the average platform performance.

The gap in this aspect in China is not generally large. Only a few Dongfanghong series communication satellites, coupled with a few leased international communication satellites, will be able to cover land on land. As for the sea, it will be too weak.

Therefore, Wudi-8 is living on land, and when it comes to the sea, it will not be satisfied with all kinds of water and soil. In addition, the limitations of maritime combat drones are still too large, so the Navy still prefers a light long-range multi-purpose flying platform.

It's a pity that similar domestic platforms cannot meet the requirements of the navy, and the foreign ones are too expensive. So this matter was dragged down by the navy helplessly.

I thought that this matter would have to enter the 1990s to make a difference. Unexpectedly, I saw hope when I visited Tengfei Aerodynamics. The turboprop engine that can reduce fuel consumption by 30% is simply a pie from the sky.

The fifteen An-26 in the navy’s hand is not easy to use. It can be directly replaced with the d-series turboprop engine of Ascendas Aerodynamics, and the range can be increased by more than 50%. Song Changzheng and Li Fang feel that they will be 500 in the future. Like a million lottery, the more you look at the information in your hand, the happier.

It doesn’t matter what advanced materials or advanced light-duty transportation platforms with a distance of 5,000 kilometers. It is the most urgent thing that can solve the current navy’s dilemma. So before finishing reading it, Li Fang looked up at Qian Qiang excitedly with a look of hope Question: "Qiangong, can you give me a copy of the specific information about the three turboprop engines you made above~www.ltnovel.com~ I'm going to Beijing right away, and I want to make a special report with the leader of the navy headquarters."

Then he turned his head to look at Zhuang Jianye: "Zhuang, since you can produce the Yun-6, the aircraft manufacturing technology should be very good. If you can, I hope you can send some experts to the navy to check the Xia'an-26 model. If possible, the Navy is very willing to replace your D-series engines."

This is to allow Ascendas Aviation Corporation to modify the Navy An-26?

This sentence flashed across Zhuang Jianye's head, but before he could answer, Song Changzheng added: "Yes, you have quoted prices for several turboprop engines, oh, yes, and d -50, also report it together so that the higher-level leaders can also make overall plans."

"Um..." Zhuang Jianye hesitated, but Director Zhao next to him once again took the first step: "Carbon fiber reinforced aluminum matrix composite materials form a detailed report on your side. Oh, you can also make a copy of the other materials. Try to report it next week."

After finishing speaking, I felt wrong again, and finally frowned and added: "Forget it, just come to the capital next week and report with the head of the headquarters with me."

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