Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 474: Central Wing Box

Zhuang Jianye suddenly felt that the style of painting seemed to be wrong. Didn't it mean advanced light transport aircraft? Why is it torn, and to the engine and materials?

If it doesn't, the rhythm has to be broken back, otherwise, what about the birth permit of the new model?

However, before Zhuang Jianye could speak, Song Changzheng smiled and approached Director Zhao and asked about the special snacks in the cotton market. Li Fang added a few words, saying what he said to the yellow stew here. Lamb, spicy chicken, smoked rabbits have long admired.

Director Zhao is not a local, so he knows so much, so he naturally brought Zhuang Jianye over and let him introduce him.

Zhuang Jianye saw that this is the rhythm of the three inspections satisfied and ready to end quickly. If they talk about advanced light transport aircraft on the pole, maybe the three will listen patiently, but the effect is estimated to be not very good. The caliber and attitude of the three reporting is very important.

The Yun 7 and the advanced light transport aircraft are almost the same as the Yun 7 and the advanced light transport aircraft. A word difference can determine the fate of a model. It is not like Zhuang Jianye messed up things because of his eagerness. Anyway, new models The development cycle is not short, there is a chance, not bad this time.

So Zhuang Jianye decisively changed from a professional aviation blogger to an excellent food blogger. He wanted to eat the characteristics of the cotton market. No problem, the arrangement was over.

A table of authentic cotton specialties, everyone ate heartily. After Director Zhao and the three were sent away satisfactorily, Zhuang Jianye hiccuped and prepared to leave by car, but before getting on the car, he was silent during the meal. Qian Qiang suddenly gritted his teeth and asked, "Ms. Zhuang, did I mess up this time?"

Director Zhao, Song Changzheng, and Li Fang suddenly shifted their focus, and then ended the inspection without any cues. Not only did Zhuang Jianye surprise Zhuang Jianye, it also caught Qian Qiang by surprise.

As mentioned earlier, the low fuel consumption rate of the d-series turboprop is mainly to confirm that the advanced light transport aircraft can fly to a range of 5,000 kilometers.

As a result, Li Fang and Song Changzheng were indeed surprised by the low fuel consumption rate of the d-series turboprops, but that was all, and then...there was no more.

You should know that Qian Qiang still has many introductions of advanced light transport aircraft, but the three of them confuse him, but he didn't say a word.

Qian Qiang was so deliberate when he was eating, but after being filled with three big glasses of white wine from Song Changzheng, Qian Qiang was full of little stars in front of him. It would be nice to be able to stay awake. What about advanced light transport aircraft?

Qian Qiang felt that his head was his own again until he was full of food and drink and everyone left. But everything was too late, so he regretted it. It would be fine if we first talked about advanced light transport aircraft. Why should we talk about engines first? What?

Zhuang Jianye drank some wine, his head was not bright, he froze for a moment, frowned and thought about it before he understood the meaning of Qian Qiang's words, and immediately smiled: "The three chiefs probably think we are bragging."

"But we are not bragging. Our engines are of course not capable of disruptive voyages on traditional models such as Yun-7 and An-26, because these two models have limited fuel capacity. Research on the technology of the central wing box, like our D-40 and D-50, has been three years, and many results have been produced. At least doubling the fuel load is not a problem."

If Qian Qiang's words are heard by the three who have left, his chin will definitely fall. The D-40 and D-50 were actually activated three years ago. What happened to the core machine?

In fact, it is not difficult to understand that the preliminary research on d-40 and d-50 started immediately after the initial results of d-20 and d-30 were achieved in the original take-off factory.

It's just that the indicators of the two models at that time did not reach such a perverted level due to material and accumulation. With the step-by-step upgrade of the later Ascendas plant, it became Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation, and the original jet power office became Ascendas Aviation Power Plant.

In order to reduce R&D costs and expand application models while mastering the core technology, Ascendas Aviation Power Plant, with the support and promotion of Zhuang Jianye, began to shift from specific models to key aircraft.

However, this is not to say that it is so lightweight. Without years of model development and experience accumulation, it is impossible to build a core machine.

The reason why the hx-4-1 core machine can advance smoothly is based on the two mature models d-20 and d-30, and the foundation established by the two pre-research models d-40 and d-50 Above.

Using a method similar to the common divisor of mathematics, selecting four types of general technology, mature experience, and combining with the new aviation materials developed by Ascendas Aviation Corporation, this has allowed the hx-4-1 core aircraft to undergo two iterations. , With what it looks like today.

Of course, when developing the hx-4-1 core machine, the two pre-researched d-40 and d-50 models did not stop, and continued to absorb the research results of the hx-4-1 core machine, and carried out a series of Test experiments, there is frustration of failure, but also the joy of a certain data reaching the target.

Until now, some indicators are still unstable, and they are constantly being tested and continuously improved. This process is very long.

Compared to Qian Qiang’s engine, Lin Guanghua’s central wing box is going to be much smoother. Originally, Ascendas Aviation Corporation did not involve in this field, but one day suddenly discovered the design of the training staff of a pilot institute in the training center. Riga added a central wing box with an upper single wing, which brought about a gratifying change in the parameters of the aircraft, which attracted Lin Guanghua's attention.

Then the trainee shamelessly dug the trainee to the Tengfei factory at the time and conducted research on the central wing box with him.

The initial idea was very simple ~www.ltnovel.com~ I wanted to use it on a drone, because the central wing box can not only strengthen the strength of the wings on both sides, but the wing box can also be used as a storage device for the fuel tank to increase the drone. The fuel capacity of the UAV will increase the range of the drone.

However, when the drone starts to be replaced, the fuel economy improves, and the voyage naturally rises. Although the central wing box increases the fuel capacity, it also increases the total structure, which is a bit of a taste for the drone. That's it.

After that, Ascendas Aviation Corporation was preparing to march into manned aircraft, and was ready to make a breakthrough from Yun 5, and then Yun 6, which gave Lin Guanghua more and more room to play, so in a certain Yun 6 plan, he added one Go up the center wing box.

However, the manufacturing process of Yi Lai Yun 6 is to solidify the fuselage as a whole with a honeycomb structure. With the ability of Ascendas Aviation Corporation, the central wing box cannot be left with a preparatory mounting position. The second is that Yun 6 is a small aircraft. Adding two support beams can play the role of strengthening the wing. It is simple, effective, and cost-effective. It is much more convenient than using a central wing box, so it can only be given up again.

Until the advanced light transport aircraft program was launched inside the Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation, after the ultra-long voyage made the ordinary structure unable to meet the target requirements, Lin Guanghua once again sent the central wing box that had been studied for many years.

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