Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 472: 5000 kilometers

Director Zhao and Li Fang couldn't help but froze there. What advanced light tactical transport aircraft plan? Why haven't you heard of it?

"I remember that apart from Yun-6 and the Plateau Eagle series derived from it, you don't have other models of projects, right?" Song Changzheng suddenly asked.

Zhuang Jianye smiled brilliantly: "The advanced light tactical transport aircraft program is just a new model built by our Ascendas Aviation Corporation. It is slightly larger than the current Yun-6 equipped with the Air Force, and its maximum take-off weight is between 16 and 20 tons. , The load capacity is about 6 to 9 tons..."

"Wait!" Zhuang Jianye was about to continue, but was interrupted by Li Fang: "Your parameters are basically equivalent to Yun 7 and An-26, and the homogeneity is very serious."

Song Changzheng also frowned and nodded: "The Navy and Air Force were equipped with a batch of An-26 in the 1970s, and the overall aircraft age is pretty good now. Because of this, the Yun-7 at the Northwest Plant is very embarrassing. Here is another similar model..."

Song Changzheng didn’t say the following, but a helpless shaking of his head was worth a thousand words. Director Zhao didn’t say anything, but his dark face was full of worries. He just thought that the head of the headquarters’ inaction was very good and difficult. Can't they turn their heads, Xiaozhuang, they just mess around in other ways?

"Several chiefs, don't worry, listen to me and finish." Zhuang Jianye quickly explained with a smile: "Our positioning of our advanced light tactical transport aircraft is not in take-off weight and load, but in range and consumption. Compared with the above, because our designed maximum range is no less than 5000 kilometers, even with full fuel and full load, it has a range close to 3000 kilometers..."

"The maximum range is 5000 kilometers?"

Li Fang interrupted Zhuang Jianye's words just halfway, but this time Li Fang was not expressionless, but an unconcealable disbelief appeared from his narrowed eyes.

Song Changzheng also wrinkled his brows deeply, and shook his head for a moment after pondering: "The maximum range of five thousand kilometers..." Then he raised his eyes to Zhuang Jianye: "Is it too exaggerated?"

This is what I just saw about the excellent performance of the d-50. Otherwise, Li Fang and Song Changzheng would never be so cautious, they would turn around and leave without hesitation without hesitation.

The reason is simple. A light transport aircraft with a take-off weight of less than 20 tons and a range of more than 3,000 kilometers is world-class. If you want to reach 5,000 kilometers, it is the level of a medium transport aircraft with a take-off weight of 45 tons or more.

Needless to say, the maximum range of the Yun-7 that has just been tested every two years is less than 2,000 kilometers; the An-26 introduced from the Soviet Union in the 1970s will only be able to reach the range of 2,000 kilometers under the light load condition.

Five thousand kilometers, that is the height that can only be reached by Yun 8. Zhuang Jianye said that his advanced light tactical transport aircraft can fly up to 5000 kilometers. If it is a Yun 8 class, there are still people who believe it, but a 20-ton light transport aircraft, even if it is flickering. I want to find a layman to fool, who are all senior technical experts in the army, tell them about this...

Li Fang and Song Changzheng felt that Zhuang Jianye had been dazzled by his d-50 score and started to brag about not paying taxes.

Not only the two naval experts, Director Zhao also feels that the data exposed by Zhuang Jianye is a bit outrageous. Although Director Zhao is not cold about aviation, many things in aerospace and aviation are interoperable, but he also knows the doorways inside the aircraft. Zhuang Jianye's cowhide is a bit big this time.

It's just that unlike Li Fang and Song Changzheng who simply feel that Zhuang Jianye is a little bit overwhelmed, Director Zhao has a little bit of hatred for the students by the teacher, and he can't even brag about it, right? Just say three thousand kilometers, five thousand kilometers is a bit too far from reality.

"Several chiefs, please don't judge our advanced light tactical transport aircraft with old-fashioned concepts."

As a result, before Zhuang Jianye spoke to explain, Qian Qiang on the side suddenly spoke, with a hard tone. This made Director Zhao and the others stunned and asked what happened to Qiangong.

Only behind the wry smile on the surface of Zhuang Jianye are all kinds of awkwardness.

what's happenin? Of course it's for small money.

To know that the plateau eagle is exported to Nepal, the Lin Guanghua team in charge of aircraft design, the Peng Chuan team in charge of production, the Wei Guangping team in charge of equipment improvement, and the Song Yanan team in charge of materials all made a lot of money.

Only the Qian Qiang team in charge of the engine got a big deal, because the Plateau Eagle in Nepal uses a turboprop engine from the United States instead of the d series of Ascendas Aerodynamics.

Fortunately, Pan Xu and Nepal reached eight sets of cold/heat and power combined power plants, which finally gave Qian Qiang’s gas turbine power plant team a share.

But Qian Qiang still feels uncomfortable. The reason is very simple. Aircraft is a high-end industry. Ascenda Aviation’s main business is the top-most existence; cold and heat and power generation equipment is only one of Ascendas Aviation’s main business. Incidental business, no matter how much it earns, can't match the dominance of airplanes.

In other words, there is an invisible and intangible chain of contempt between the various businesses of Ascendas Aviation. The aircraft is naturally the top of the chain of contempt. Not to mention the most valued, the proportion of sales is also the most, which is appropriate. Crush other businesses.

Qian Qiang's appearance is calm and calm, but in fact he is envious in his heart, especially Song Yanan's stubborn woman actually surpassed herself in this aspect. This makes Qian Qiang a little bit jealous in addition to his envy. He was comparable to Song Yanan when he was in Xihang University. Higher, how come to the Ascendas Aviation Corporation?

Isn't this possible, what if the old superiors, old colleagues, old classmates know where to put your face? So some time ago, Qian Qiang suddenly let go of the scholar's restraint, wrapped Zhuang Jianye sternly, and patted his chest to make sure that they used their turboprop engines to ensure that they were safe.

Whether it is Yun 6 or Plateau Eagle, it is a face-saving product of Ascendas Aviation Corporation. Even if he has confidence in his own products, Zhuang Jianye still feels cautious, not to mention the Yun 6 and Plateau Eagle series are single-engine turboprops. The aircraft ~www.ltnovel.com~ has a lot of limitations, so before the reliability of its own products is fully recognized, Zhuang Jianye will never apply it to Yun-6 and Plateau Eagle.

However, it is not a problem for Ascendas Aviation to do so. Under the leadership of Zhuang Jianye, a twin-engine turboprop light transport aircraft program was officially released.

Because it is a dual-engine, safety is guaranteed, so even if the d series of Ascendas Aerodynamics does not have the overhaul interval and service life of the United States or so, it can barely be upgraded to most of the mission requirements, and more importantly, the d series. Finally had its own platform for display.

The happiest thing about this is that the money is strong. Not only is he stepping up the development of the supporting turboprop engine here, he will call Lin Guanghua when he is fine, urging him to hurry up on the design. That style is more than the chief teacher.

As a result, the baby he valued so much was questioned. Qian Qiang might be able to sit still. Without a word, he walked directly to another filing cabinet, flipped twice and took out a notebook, and handed it to Li Fang and others: "This is us The fuel consumption data of several turboprop engines, none of them exceed 0.308 kg\kWh."

"So low!" Song Changzheng's eyes widened, just looking at Qian Qiang.

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